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Show THE WEEKLY KEFLEX, KaYSVILLE. UTAH Beginning Monday, June 21st. Hundreds of Special Bargains kind far ihe field. have event of By its greatest we Many lines cut 50 per cent. ever This remarkable sale continues TEN DAYS. Remarkable Shoe Event that should take Kaysviile by Storm Mens Shoes and Oxfords Sturdy Footwear for the Childrens. Shoes at Big Ladies Footwear $3.50 values, white canvas pumps, high $2.49 $4.00 values, black lace Reductions heel, rubber sole Boy $2.25 $5.00 values, button $3.49 A I $6.00 values, button or lace $7.00 values, bronze, English style $8.00 values, black, English style $4.49 $5.00 $3.98 $7.50 v$8.00 $8.00 $5.00 values, black, button or lace, sizes 2Vss to 6 $3.98 $6.50 values, black English style, sizes 2 Vt to 6 ; $4.98 $7.50 values, bronze, English style, sizes 212 to 6 ..... .v:.:.. $5.50 : $8.50 values, bronzY oxfords $6.00 $10.00 $4.00 values, fine lace, sizes 7V to 11 $5.50 valhes. Heavy work shoes, sizes 2 to 52 $3.98 $5.00 values, heavy work shoes, sizes $10.00 values, bronze, Army last $10.50 values, bronze, English style $12.00 values, bronze English style $13.50 values, bronze, English style ....$10.00 $13.50 values, bronze of black, Banker's" 2 s T last $15.00 values, bronze, English style ....$10.00 $15.00 values, oxfords $10.00 $7,50 values, oxfords ...,.$5.49 oxfords canvas white $5.00 values, $2.98 $6.50 values, white canvas oxfords $4.49 $4.00 values, heavy work shoes $2.65 shoes work $6.00 values, heavy $4.50 $7.00 values, heavy work shoes $5.25 $9.00 values, heavy work shoes $6.00 Infants. Shoes 8 E5 I S I Infants' Soft Sole Shoes Infants' Hand Sole Shoes . 25c to $1.10 98c to $2.98 .75 1 II!!!! 3 75c values. Mens Neckwear $1.00 values, Mens Neckwear $1.25 values, Mens Neckwear $2.00 values. Mens Neckwear $2.50 values, Mens Neckwear 75c values, Mens Caps $1.75 values, Mens Caps $2.50 values, Mens Caps 25c values, Mens Random Sox S5c values, Mens Suspenders 50c values, Mens Suspenders C5c 4 t ,!"W ""hi I j I i : t i a N Qa Now Possible 19c Infants Hose, black Infants Hose, black or white 35c Infants' Hose, black or white 49c Infants Hose, black or white 59c Infants Hose, Cashmere 39c Misses Hose, sizes 5 to 10, black and white..39c toj75c Heavy and Fine Ribbed Hose, per : 45c to 60c pair $9.00 values, black kid, light kid tops, 12 y to 2 ; $5.85 ALL LEATHER OXFORDS AND PUMPS 25 to 50 per cent Discount $5 Remarkable Shirt Value s tlf li S 1 5: ' II 30c Westmoreland Maple Syrup, 4 pounds net 40c $1.25 30c Westmoreland Maple Syrup, 8 pounds net $2.35 39c Pearl White Soap 25c White Naptha Soap M. J. B. Coffee, per pound M. J. B. Coffee, 5 pound can 60c Bulk Tea, per pound Tree Tea, j3er packet s. Royal Garden Tea,, per packet 15c cans, McDonalds Cocoa 35c cans McDonalds Pure Cocoa 60c cans, Pure Cocoa Velva Syrup, small size Velva Syrup, large size $1.10 $2.15 $3.20 43c GOc $2.73 43c 25c 25c 10c 23c 43c 15c 23c fa : 7c Cudoma Soap fa Duck Soap "7 for 23c Rose Bath Soap ... 4 for 25c Goblin Soap 4 for 25c Goldenrod Washing Powder, small size 2 for 15c Goldenrod Washing Powder, large size 23c Parrot Silver Polish, per can 15c Mab Cleaner., medium can 35c E. C. Corn Flakes 3 for 23c Krinkle Corn Flakes lOc Mothers Rolled Oats, large package....35e $1.30 Brooms fcffo real saving, on lour summer's supply new Iot? f Si!ks' fibers and ?htS.T,yrepresent great savings. $1.50 Mens Work Shirts on $2.00 Mens Work Shirts si fin $.25 Mens Work Shirts 71 $2.50 lien's Work Shirts f .'I::::'; fj-jj- j Dress Shirts ?en,s ?o 5?99 Men 8 Press Shirts 1 $2.50 Mens Dress Shirts 7? I $4.9 Mens Dress Shirts .. ; ?k5LM,ens Dress swrts I$10.00 Mens Dress Shirts ..Z"$L00 cot-to- n ...ZZZZ: ..ZZZ till Seasonable' Underwear for Men and Boys $2.00 values, Mens Union Athletics $3.50 values, Mens Unions $1.25 values. Mens Unions, small sizes $1.50 values, Mens Unions $2.00 values. Mens Unions . 75c values, Boys Unions, small sizes $1.25 values, Boys Rib Unions $1.50 values, Fine Mesh $2.00 values. Boys Elastic Ribbed $1.60 $2.49 89c 98c .....$1.49 ....... 49c ' 98c $1.19 $1.49 Underwear forWomenand Children Discounted from 30 to 50 per cent. I Ladies Muslin Mus in Mus in to 50 Discount on Ladies Corsets, Ladies Silk ' Gloves, Ladies Neckwear, Ladies" Waists, Childrens Hats, Laces, Embroideries, Trimmings, Boudoir Caps and Combing Sets. Knit Unions Knit Vests .. Gowns ' ZUL" Underskirts Corset Covers Children's Knit Vests and Pants .. Infants Cotton Vests 49c to 15c to 45c 9Sc to $3.98 9Sc to $3.19 23c to $2.98 to $1.49 25c ?5c $3.50 values, FrQits; NO TELEPHONE ORDERS NO- - APPROVALS NO EXCHANGES - -- Mens Hats ... values. Mens Hats values Mens Hats .... $10.00 values. Mens Hats $6.00 values, Panama Hats J2.Q0 values. Straw Hats iS? It'S 2 49 S IrU 2 2 98 ren,s White Dresses s White Childrens-Whitr?-1iirenS White Dresses S White Dresses s 98c ci 7 DreSes ZZZZZ$L98 e "$2.75 ::.........;...$3.98 JpIoreti Presses 73c II 75 Children s3 f.loref Presses 2-5- 0 Childrens Colored. DrSsZZZZjl Dresses loo r?1Mren,SIored s Colored Dresses mME? Spmns3 a!d Ww 2 g 2 $2.98 - Dresses $2.50 Children J3.00 25c Z Ready-to-We- ar 25 75 $2.73 $3 79 AprQR3 -- S1.49to $4.73 DPrsi,and Dresses $3.00 Ladies Dresses $4.00 Ladies Dresses -- $1.65 $1.98 .$2.65 $5.00 Ladies Dresses Many Bargains that are not quoted. Prices cut on everything " 25 Per cent discount on all Gilt and 5 5 2 Mens Furnishings $1.00 Heavy 9 oz. Canvas Gloves .... Heavy Khaki Overalls . 23 Platters, Nappies, etc. low heel an. 35c Ladies Hose, black 23c 50c Ladies Ilose, black ,.33c 60c Ladies' Hose, black 49c : $1.00 I ,adics' Hose, black lisle :..73c C5e Ladies Hose, boot silk, black or.white 49c 90c Ladies Ilose, grey lisle 69c 60c Ladies' Hose, bronze 45c 90c Ladies' Hose, bronze 69c $1.00 Ladies Hose, bronze 75c GOc Ladies Hose, white 45c 90c Indies Hose, white 63c $1.25 Ladies Silk Hose blues, gold, grey, Palm Beach 75c $1.75 Ladies Silk Hose black, white and bronze $1.19 $2.50 Ladies Silk Hose, black $1.75 $XGO Ladies Silk-- 1 loses, white $1.98 $4.00 Iiadies Silk Hose, black or white $3.00 Mens Black Sox 2lrtn75r Mens Bronze Sox 21c to 75c Mens Fancy Sox Z. $1.00 to $2.49 T. Mens Grey Sox ... 45c and 65c Mens Palm Beach Sox 35c and 65c Mens White Sox 35c to 65c White Gups and SaucersrPlatef $5 qq $8.00 values, vici kid, low heel ..ZZ"$5.98 $12.50 values, black or bronze kid, medium heel $12,66 VaUTeVblack kid,' iight kid tops,' $90 medium heels $7.49 vaIues grey kid, medium heels ..$6.98 $12.50 values, black or bronze kid, high heels $7.98 $13.50 values, black or bronke, medium heels $9.00 $15.00 values, black kid, button. high heels .$10.00 $5.00 values, same as above, 1 to 3 $3.89 $3.00 values, black gun metal, 5 to 8 ....$1.98 $3.50 values, black gun metal, $y2 to 11. .$2.49 im Best Hams, per pound Sugar, per pound Crisco, 3 pound can Crisco, 6 pound can Crisco, 9 pound can 60c Grand Coffee, per pound Hosiery 25c 50c 60c 75c 60c 50c 65c high heeL $7.00 values, gun metab lace or button, as Pure Lard, per pound Z. Breakfast Bacon, per pound Salt Bacon, per pound Savings In t $2.00 $1.98 $3.50 values, white canvas oxfords $2.3S $2.75 values, white pumps ... ."$2.25 Childrenswhite canvas oxfords,, 12 values, white pumps to 2 $2.19 $3.00 $49 $4.00 values, white pumps sqo Children s white canvas shoes, 5 to 8 ....$1.98 $4.25 values, canvas shoes $3 49 Black patent leather shoes, smaii sizes, kid or cloth topV high heel $1:30 Black patent leather or vici kid, medium and high heel, small sizes $2 49 $6.50 values, black kid, medium heei, small sizes $4 qq $8.00 values, light color kid, cloth tops, Look Over These Prices I 4 ber sole - I 4 ii 12 II nil 45c 79c 98c $1.35 $1.79 49c $1.19 $1.79 19c 23c 37c 49c Effective 1 , values, Mens Suspenders J. ..$3.73 $4.50 values, heavy work shoes, sizes 9 to 13io .. .,...$3.49 $4.00 values, heavy work shoes, sizes 9 to 1312 $2.98 $4.00 values, patent leather, button, sizes 9 to 13i $1.98 $4.00 values, patent leather, button, sizes 1 to 6 $2.49 $3.50 values, skuffers $2.25 $4.00 values, skuffers $2.49 $4.50 values, skuffers $3.23 $5.00 values, skuffers $3.98 $2.25 values, Boy Scout shoes, 9 to 13V..$1.49 $3.50 values, Boy Scout shoes, 2 V& to ..$2,49 ,f " to 2 $3.00 values, white canvas 4pumps, low' heel, with and without straps, rub Childrens white canvas slippers, 5 to 8..$1.49 Childrens white canvas oxfords, 9 to ...$35 groceries 35c Outing Flannel, yard . 2 5c L. D. S. Garments f. $ .49 1 |