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Show mu Miim',rl J AGE THE JdUKNAL. I OUR LDCAmWS FALL Charles H. Tkorestensen and Frank Rose of Ogden, are business visitors in Logan today. SENATOR SMOOT AND BRIDE xrf'CZ Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Marare the parents of a new shall School Officials Here boy, born Tuesday, July baby N. Jensen 15. I Superintendent C. of and Assistant A. C. Mathlsen Salt Lake are in Cache today Attorney E. T. Young and on official school business. family have gone to the Yellowstone National park no a Boy Arrives summer vacation. , I. Smith Harold Mrs. Mr. and arsafe over are rejoicing the 'Mens oxfords from $2.95 to rival of a fine son, born Tues- $4.95. Smith's Clothing. (Advertisement) day. All concerned getting along ' r FOOTWEAR Wednesday, July 16, 1930. CAUlK CUUNlY. UTAH LOGAN, f (p-- - V-f--r ON v 1. - ALL WOMENS FASHION PLATE Light colored footwear, includes light tan, champagne kid, white kid, gireen kid, red kid, combinations. nicely. Painting Church Building Painters are today busy touching up the tithing office of their daughter Ella to Alhern building with a new coat of Allen of Paradise the marriage paint. to take place at their home in Mr. and Mrs. Franz Mendel kow announce the engagement Providence July ' , Mens I Arch-Suppo- rt Shoes and Oxfords Black or Brown I , i TO $3.95 g $5.95 . B i I i i B B $4.45 JESSEffS I SHOE STORE I 1 34 West Center I Lyric Bldg. I I ' eralls i TO $2.40 V-He- el $6l00 $4.50 $U-0- 0 1.65 Thursday July 17th to Wednesday, July 23rd Your opportunityii)jMi$ quality footwear at less than price of cheap shoes. PETERSONS SHOE STORE AR FOR OVER 50 YEARS QUALITY VtfbTWE . Xl-tf- . Tuy. ' G t " e X v . y- - fe j&t&T Logan rT- - tl ne Mens Work Shoes All Leather a Gordon 0 Shoes, how $5.50 $8.50 Shoes, now.. $4.25 Hosiery, Regular $2.00. Special $ $12.00 Shoes, now $9.00 Shoes, now.. s Joseph Blackburn,. Beachnut gum and candy representative, Go to Pocatello- is a business visitor in Logan, Attorney L. E. Nelson and Ed being here on his regular C. Yonk made a business trip to Pocatello today Where they went to present a case in the At Convention-Willi- am district court which is in ses Rex and wife of sion. Randolph, have been in Logan this week having come here to Officials in Ogden be in attendance at the state Clerk C. V. Mohr and the woolgrowers convention. three county commissioners are in Ogden today. They went to LOST Black mare and sorthe Junction City to be present rel horse. Phone D. P. Murray at the opening of the bids for or Orson' Ryan. (Adv.) the construction of the proTakes Idaho Exam.- posed Lgan canyon highway. Dr. LeRoy Wilson is back . Gone to Madisen from, Boise, Idaho where he has - Mechamr ft. 7 - Chief GtibertHatch and Ez Lundahl, have board medical examination. Dr. gone to Montana where they Wilson hasn't as yet selected a are spending a few days at location. fishing on the Madisen river. Messrs Hatch and Lundahl Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses have been ipade a trip to the Madisen and issued to the following: Oliver reported a very fine catch, Fuhriman Smith of Preston and f Providence; Children Found - - Virgil Tibbitts I Lost At midnight last night Sheriff Alfred .James Bywater of Cor-InW. H. Shaw was called to the and Mary Jane Hyde, home of John A. Leatham at Brigham City. Wellsvllle, the report being made that three children, four, Heavy 8 ounce blue and six and ten years of age, had striped ov $1.10 at beetf lost. Prior to the arrival Smiths - Clothing. ' Advertisement of the sheriff the children were found - at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stender Visits Mr. Julius Stender of Ogden Marlon Jessop at Hyrum. was a Logan visitor Tuesday. Bent car bodies and fenders Mr. Stender, who is an official are brought back to their or- of the Ogden Natural Gas con cem reports that a gas line is iginal shape by Shoup. now beingn extended towards Advertisement Tooele. It will not be until next fall that a gas line will be Celebrate Birthday Mrs. Frank Fullmer enter- started toward Cache valley. tained Tuesday in honor of her husbands birthday annivers- Wants Journal Forwarded Mrs. Cecelia W. Green, who ary. Covers were laid for twenty. Lavender and white sweet is visiting at the home of Mr. peas served as centerpieces. and Mrs. Sylvan Olsen In Ida The Those present were: Mrs. R. ho Falls, Idaho writes C. Basset and children of Journal requesting that the paWellsville, Mrs. Eugene Full per be forwarded to her there. mer and sons Melvin and Or Mrs. Green will return to Loval and daughter Georgia, gan after a two weeks visit Clarence Fullmer and Mr. and In the Idaho City. Mrs JL V. Egan. The party Special sale on mens and remained for a part of the Smiths Clothing afternoon, pjaying crochet and boys suits. (Advertisement) engaging In a social chat. Rotarians in Ogden Among -- the Rotarians who spent last night in Ogden at special tending the inter-cit- y luncheon, given in honor of the international president, were Pres. John H. Moser. N. D. Salisbury, Hyrum Arnold, A. H. Palmer, Alfred Lundahl and B. T. Cardon. , 17. Pr PetteffsuMns 12 PERUSE JLE Have Your Feet Associated Ireas Photo Senator Reed Smoot of Utah and his bride, the former Mr. Alice Taylor Sheete of Salt Lake City, leaving the Latter Day Salnte temple. Salt Lake City, following their marriage. WY.V 'i , i- '?! X A X-i- . the testing cf the milk at the Guest of Ora Rose-M- iss Marcella Anderson of Circleville cheese factory. year home manageSalt Lake City is the guest of The first Miss Ora Rose of this city. She ment club of Panguitch-Gar-fiel- d County have just completwill remain in Logan until afed two class organizations: ter July 24. The first year under the lead-- ership of Mrs, Leona Talbot with Circleville-Antimon- y an enrollment of 15 members. name given the club wa Organizations The Emo-4-which when omitting the figure 4, is home spelled (Utah Extension News) backwards. The greatest move ever made The second year Better Home in the dairy business in Piute H club, under the leadership EIGHT-PIEC- E County was started last week of Mrs. Helen Jones has eight V when fifteen dairy herds at members enrolled, both classes Their work. excellent are doing Circleville and three from Anti- next class' will be held June 30 mony were organized into a at the home of Mrs. Dairy Herd Improvement asso- conjointly Jones where final plans ciation. There will be approxi- Helen will be made for the 4th of mately 130 cows signed up with activities. There a from 8 to 20 cows in each herd. July class will be chosen for a proThe following officers were queenfloat. elected:' John Westwood, presi- ject dent; A. R. Thompson, secretary with J. L. Whittaker, Delbert Kitchen Tour Dalton, Walter Pearson and R. O. Warner as directors. Mr. Many Home Makers Biggs, the tester for Sanpete Davis County jThis is Real Bargain and Sevier Counties, will also do the testing for the Piute Shows Miss Ruby Stringham county organization, ., He will DINING SUITE AN EIGHT PIEC EWALNUT Improvements made- - In I spend 8 days here alternately i Seven Homes each two months. The tester 1 Arm Chair,, 5 Dining Chairs, Extension Table, will take his meals with the , (Utah Extension News) various dairymen and will do With one of the' largest 60 inch Buffet, only crowds ever to join a kitchen improvement tour in the state China Cabinet to match Suite Miss Ruby Stringham, home demonstration agent for Davis county conducted a pilgrimage A visit to Edwards Furniture will be of interest to our visitors ,to seven homes Tuesday July 1. You will be pleasantly surprised at the many offerings we have Miss Stringham was fortunate g m having in the compary Miss line. in the Mary Rokahr, home economist. Extension Service, Washington, D C-- , Miss Anne Jordan, subject 9x12 Foot Heavy Seamless Axminster Rugs matter specialist from Mississippi; Mrs- - George M. Bacon, in WASH FROCKS Salt charge of Civic Center Lake, Mrs. Rena B. Maycock, home demonstration leader; diLadies fast color wash Mrs. frocks. Sizes from 14 to rector S. William Peterson. DeLore NichEffie Barrows, 18 and 36 to 50. ols. from the Extension Service Mrs. Irene Wilcox, president of the home and community secUs tion of the State farm bureau David Mabey, key banker and about 70 farm men ana women. The group visited the homes LADIES .V.W.VAY.VV.VAY.V.VW.V.VV.V.WV,VV,V.V.V.V,V.V.V.V.V.V,,.V.V.,. to study the improvements that SILK HOSIERY have been made under the supervision of Miss Stnngham, with Pure silk, very fine grade the dd of the Extension spec-- 1 ialists. It was found that in every instance the home owners had accomplished most of the work by their own efforts. WE SELL NEW GUNS FOR LESS Kitchens were refmished, re-- j? Pure silk, full fashioned arranged, doors were built in here, and conveniences placed . there to assist the farm house- 'wife ln planning her meals ano 'I taking case of the daily duties of the family with minimum effort. ANKLE SOX Following the tour a program 1897 Winchester Shot Gun was held in the First ward 3 $39.95 For Misses. All sues church at Bountiful It was ? We Always Meet or Beat Catalog Prices here the winners were an-- : all colors Buy Your New Gun, tmunced and Mrs. Rena B. Jf Here and Save Maycock presented the. awards to the following contestants: 'Mrs. Carl Green, Clearfield, first, a seven piece enameled cooking service given by the Union tu eompany.4f - BounU-fu- l; L d. s. GARMENTS F'orai Mrs. Amelia Riley, Bouti-- f sum til, second, a complete breakLadies all rayon L. D. S. fast'' service set given by the old new or Garments, Ira C. Holbrook Fprnlture company of Layton; Mrs. David style. S iBctts, North "Salt Lake, $8.50 Single Shot, Automatic Ejector. third; an eight piece stainless . set H. J. cooking Trade The Gun You Have given by the Sheffield & Sons company, 'S srij Kaysville. In addition to the prize win-- 1 ners the following homes were AUTO ROBES wsited on- - the tour:.. Mrs. . Hugh , A fine ITne of auto robes. Atkinson, South Bountiful; Mrs.iC While they last J K. Davis, and Mrs. Watler W. Barlow, Bountiful EVERYBODY -- turn -- OUT for $30.00 ll. Remington Shot Gun the big IN door - BASEBALL JColls 22 Automatic . game between the reCREAtion We Sell Used Guns class and the suftfMer Session Bargain Prices The clash of WITS facULty will take place and .WILLpower SOON if not SOONer . . , And it will be staged OUTSIDE on the East lawn INside the 30 Remington Emh-ci.s- ' - $18.35 Remington 22 IT will be a Rip snor D of KNITTING WO OF WE HAVE THE LARGEST-STO- CK IN door BASEbalL EVEKybODY Effect H 4-- 1 Walnut Suite Attracts ,In a Q and, for for JULY SALE $89.00 $25.7S ! house-furnishin- Corrected ! Had Upside Down According to our informant, Louis Christensen, veteran mail carrier residing in the Third ward, had an upside down while out driving with his family last evening. The accident occured on the Benson cutoff. The car was not badly damaged. Mr. Christensen sustained a . a sprained shoulder. Trucks One-to- n Ford wfth Ruxtle axle, 1927 model $285. Dodge-Grahaton one and $485. overhauled completely North Lundberg Buick, 254 Main. (Adv.) . 1- -2 C3 jj Let us measure your feet before you measure the miles of that vacation tour. Uncomfortable feet spoil any vacation trip or outing. You cant be easy when the feet are uneasy THE COLLEGE BOOT SHOP STANDS -- REA D O SERVE THE VISITORS WHO ARE ATTENDING THE Y-T- ' FARMERS ENCAMPMENT Even w hen you return to your homes, if we have your foot measurements we can send you the shoes you want. flf straps, lies, pnmps in. all the latest modes and colors, ranging in price from ladifS-shogSt- Jn to $1.95 ?5.95 s. Childrens those sturdy ones, at remarkable moneyr saving prices. Men s work and dress shoes a the right price. and boys Oxfords, ranging in price from S2.95'tcr Mens 95' . 49 v -- North Main Style .at a Price jXl lZlsXl iXi Ti Jly 1 aJ X IJIyTyx 'J x iI.'tT. .T. iT. .T - ( Grandchildren Have Party Mrs. Thos. B. Busby entertained in honor of her grandchildren and a few of their friends Monday afternoon at her home on West Center street. Games were played and a tasty lunch was served to the fol and Arthur lowing: . Helen Keeley of Salt Lake City, Max and Douglas Busby of Sacra- Preston, Idaho, James and Leatha Smith Beach Philip Quayle Dies Philip Quayle, born In Logan, June 29. 1861, son of the late James Quayle passed away at his home in Perry, Boxelder county July 16 12:45 a. m. He leaves a widow, a son Douglas and daughter Melba and brothers James W. Sr., and John, Joseph, h, and sister May Q. Painter,.! Logan andWUliam Quayle of Laramie, Wyoming Services will be held at Perry Friday July 18 at 2 p. m. The remains will b brought to Logan for burial. 160 Gallons Tractor Dista. lite, 8c per gallon. Logan Flour and Feed, 590 South Main. Phone 1032. (Adv.) 6t Fire At Cove Nelse Frandsen, residing on Higlr Greek in Cove,rsustalned a loss of upwards of $300 today when a spark from his chimney set fire to a wash house near the house. The county fire department responded and assist- -, ed in doubting the blaze. Neighbors assisted in keeping the flames In check, until the on the department arrived scene. Damage to the house was about $75 and to the wash house and contents about $225. Seventeen minutes after the alarm reached the Logan office of the fire department.- the county equipment was doing its work as the scene f the fire. - JT. Xuill 1 I" PRICES 98c $33.00 Let ?U9 Feather Your Nest im THE GUN STORE 169 K 98 25 $1.45 $1.95 , J At quad-RANGL- E. js Lx 1- tumOUT-- . -A ? |