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Show LAWYERS STRIKE AND CAMORRIST TRIAL IS DELAYED Sequel of Yesterday's Violent Vio-lent Scenes; Hay Stop Trial Entirely. VITERBO. Italr. July tt The lawyers tor tha defense have atrwk, aad aa a ooneequence the Catsorrlsts' trial waa adloumed todajr until next Wednesday to afford them time In which to decide upon their future lawyers. Unleea some saree- ment la reached with the court and the lawyers before the sessions are resumed. It Is probable that the trial will be definitely defi-nitely stopped and later begun all over again. The trouble began yesterday when Captain Cap-tain Fabronl. one of the crown's bet witnesses. wit-nesses. In defending himself and his associate as-sociate of the Carabineers, denounced Lawyer Uoy aa a suborner of perjury, and Uoy replied In tn, undignified manner man-ner During the exchange all of the other lawyers left the courtroom snd later sent a mesaage to Preaident Blanc hi saying they could not with dignity return to the court If they were not assured of protection. protec-tion. At the same time they aald they wars 'taking steps fo persuade the offending offend-ing lawyers lo withdraw from the case. When court opened today only four of the attorneys were present and they came to ley the case of the defense before the court.. They aaked th president to postpone post-pone the tnaJ till Wednesday, saving they wlahed n tha meantime to con null with their colleague In Naples and Rome regarding re-garding what action they ahould take. They aald they would Insist on protection from what they called the provocations of the carabineers and Intimated that In exchange for this protection they would bring about tb withdrawal of Uoy from th defense. The secured, with the Exception of Bartolossl. who fell In a fit during the hubbub yesterday, were present snd eb-ected eb-ected to the proposed delay. Ctro Vltesxt. the priest, seM: "The protraction of tahis agony 1a killing us" When the postponement csme the prisoners left the cage, protesting thst between be-tween the uncompromising attitude of the lawyers on the one hand and tbe rd tape of the court procedure on the other, they hsd already suffered flvs years' Imprisonment. |