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Show TIIE SUNDAY STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH SUNDAY MORNING AUGUST 18 U011 szzccazEBctvTzzar s Internet which a new aeaeoa'a excite la every community aeema ta haet reached a high tension la these latter days of mldsamhie Every woman, at all Intereatad la fashion, and who la aotl Is asking tba question ''What are (ba flail fashions to 1F' aad revolrlng la bar mind whether thnaa smart leone coat aulta with natty abort aklria or separata coat a aad walking "draaaaa" ara ta ba tha most tashluaabi straat costume For, of coura It la tba street toilette which alwaya els I ms flrat attention, whether the season ba apring ar fail. Wltb anrh a position as tba tallonnada haa made for Itself during the summer it I bat natural tbat It aboald prove ta ba tba accepted type of street toilette for tba ensuing fall and winter. . t Tb JXIISO S'JZZZZ- - J&ZZIDOPT g The Fashionable Fabrics for Fall ebun ku nm tat skirts aeually joined with a medium belt alwaya lather simple la style. Tba mmi, la that certain aad that woaiea have worn tbla walata h heretofore plala la coloring art sofbrtmuch erason them Quito radical Aram fabric this For lunacy brought oat la atrip wh a year or two aao would bin tkangbt of aark a thing aa atrlped lad yet today atrlped broadcloth la a dtatlnrt (Tatars la tailored suit and la oftca Indeed the distinctive feature of the ault Foaalbly It la tbo retora of the Plain UHermado walking anit that haa lad ap to till rogue of faary fabric lnatead at plata weareai The plainer the auklng of the garment tha belter the ebanraa for aalng a faary doth. The faary atrlped benadrlotba ar drat la tb rank of faahloa fararltaa tbla fall. ,Tbra la a aoft bland ta tha atrlpea la tbla doth, and tha color la whlrh they ara bronabt out arc aU la tha dark aad aoft feme Tn toned greya and brawna, aad green wltb browa. and bln arlth brown ara farorlta ronililaatlona. Flala d btosdcloths are act by any amn by Imam Faahloa, but fur point aardly (be atrlped eaea lead. A aotber aordty of tbo aeaaoa la tb Tbeaa are aerge wee ref la fancy aerge rberraa pattern a, bat wltb Intarllnaa tBht tor cherka or plaids, tha whole woraa la melange effects that accoaat for their, same of aklbo aerga. They ara dlatladly catch la dimeter aad ara canatrd smart. Tbrer ara abowa la the dark abadra of Iraf green, the Burgundy rede and tha new blare, aa well aa the ami roaeeetloaal graya aad browaa, the touch of black mixed la with tba eirtor tnalog down what might athenriaa be too glaring shad Ths plain eergea ara alaa la for a arm aa of high favor. Tba novelty la thla ta tba wide we lee. The flee and regnlatloa wravea of serges art alaa aeon, but thoee with tba dim ar walee aa eighth ar a quarter at an Inch wide are flrat la favor. Tba very wide walea- are intended foe tonrlat and auto enete ratbar tbaa suits. fltlll another aevrlty ronrists of aerge er broadcloth ar even thin arc a bowing a velvet flgnra or atrlptL Tbeaa clothe ara all Imported aad erll at 16.00 aad $8.00 a yard, heart theta la little likelihood of tbdr earning Into general er. It haa been long and many a year fine tbeaa velvet flgured fabrics have been In feroc and It aeema like a return la the high qaallij had standard of ear I randmother's times ta And them berk tn tha high darn abepa and tha Imported model garmebt Of roarer, they ara for' ceremonious cnotame Bather heavy and wlrey voiles and a of goad weight will lie eitendvrly need for the little dmeea that will bt aucb a feature of the fall and winter ashIon. Three are lust drraaes" pure aad aiRipla. Tbey are not costumes and but walata aad .they ara not Jumper broad-doth- sver-laoki- 1 - e pena-me- ? aiakee la the winter Ilka g vary light wool fabric when Ibry aee a wool far tba walat at all. Broad-dotwalata ara toe heavy for ear overheated dty boners, henna a llrfat wdgbt fabric, abort mentioned, will bars flrat plaea la tba llttla dmeea (bat will be worn a uder tha coats of clolh ar fur or aa tba aeaana advance Bilk aad wool wravea of medium weight ara alia elated for tbo coming aeaaoa. A ailk and wool eoleea poplla haa a lustre of silk aud tha wear of wad. It In united for the little dreenee above mentioned and la tha light abadra fur more eerruMiuloua eoutumra for dinner Bedo allk la another aud evening atr silk and wool weave of the corded variety which la exceedingly nerrlceable nod attractive. Lanadoane, still another of tba ailk and wool fabrics, la Barr, but will ba mird la tbeaa little d crane ad ala la mot elaburala arealug aad dlaaer costumes. Marquisette baa berom a staple among the fuubloa fabrics. It eomeu la etlk and wool and even la cutloa, although, of coura tha rolloa weaves will ant lie featured this winter. The aiarquluuttea run In Ba and quit heavy ureh, aoui of them being almost aa coarse aa flirt aria. Tbey arc need only la costume. Iieubl cliiffo or chiffon doth aa It la often Incorrectly railed, la another favorite, though by no means a novelty. Thla arisen for the flrat time we aee rather simple dream-- s mail of tbla fabric, that I little rouud skins showing wlda turk or bamla and pirated thickly lute tbo high art bell. Tha waist also runs Int thla belt, tba wbola having tba BMidlfled empire effect. And the ailk where aball we begin ar end when we eome to talk of tha new Ilka. Just a word tn hint of tbdr beauty In tbla letter, anue other day wa will devote a whole page to their beauties. The silk novelties arc ta the heavy corded or bengallue weave tbo rough or antique effect printed In curious Irregular (Eastern figures and the glossy taffeta provided wltb fancy border embroidered la Bomaa or Japanese colorBalia surface ailka are greatly ings. liked and It ta to be noted that heavier stint arc mure la ua tbaa la previous h The fleparate Coat. arlf-aaai- a dn-au- year A Dial I uetla On cttraetlT Bvwadeloth Model. model In tb calm fnr early fall b tbla cross between n pony and aa etna. It la a little shorter than tba oafe fashionable pony and a little It eererlty of lunger than the eta style end mart Dev of cut stamp It aa a runnhont salt for general wear, practical la color It la a dark blue and tha braid and velvet trimmings ar In tha same shod IM front of tbo coat la double , aeparate coat of elster and per nasi oa fur gcaoral wear will nd marb uae later la tha aeaaoa whan treme weather aeta I but for tb none the tsUormada, or tailor made for there re ever many vartetlaS of tbla mod Tb mar-Chira- -- h ('oata Arc Lesgrr. fnr-etol- ' faea-loo- flrat and moat Important feature I tb root. Ite length and Bt, whether It la tight flttlng or looae, and abort op lung. It la both abort aad long aad tight flttlng and leone, though tbo looaa model which ara a trifla anugger tbaa thnae of tba eommerttme, are marb In tb majority. la these loose models the length I considered the must correct la the tb fronts ere single er donbl breasted and the half flttlng bark show tha aide pressings wblrb distinguish the masculine cost of the day. Lika It, the fronts' Tb of the feminine garment ere cut away sharply from the lower button, but tbla aa auly la tba alngla brequted model breasted and fastened wltb three large fancy metal button. The bottom la eat ad atltcbed la walls af trey design and tba open spare flllrd la wltb medallions of velvet braided wltb blue herrule The tllheon pleatu set In tb shoulder and extending to the bastllne are a i cent noted wltb trimming of braid aad tasaal ornaboth lack aud front. Ihrrt Is a ment shawl collar Inert with blue velret and trimmed with hralil. The sleeves are full and rem-- a linnet to the wrist, bring finished la I lie same manner aa th bottom of th coat. The walking length skirt la a gored model with a flounce effect of pleats oa rich alternate narrow gore, la which the top of the skirt extend ever th pleats la a deep ' point. The fashionable hat 1s of blue felt turned up sharply at the left aide and trimmed with blue ribbon aud a tree ornament af feather Bw Length af Coat With Maa-dar- la Araksle, Th features of thla aeial-dreastailored ult of fopenhagea blue cloth are the new length of root ;& lurhr and th mandarin armbnl or rather the' mandarin effect, bevanse tbe armboln la la reality of natural ala and the Jnpaaes effect In created wltb a wide baud af th doth set n the coat a little above th arm lie. aad extend out over tbe elreve and down on the body of tb Jarket almost to tha walatllu The back aa well aa tb front of tbe coat la a trill loom flttlng and elaborately braided wltb aoutarh la scroll design. The codarias seek flta ap dress closely errand tlw cottar af tk waist and there I a fancy Test of patty uhlls doth embroidered wltb silver and three shades of bln allk. I.lke all lb draesy tailored aulta tha aleavaa at such treatment would not bo poaalbla wltb double breast ad front About leave of roars are long and never-lla tbeaa maanlub coat salt though tbla la tba aoly type of ault la which tba abort aleova la not used. Designers both her and abroad have looked anxiously fur the poaalbla retora of tbo long a leave, bat aa yet tbat of three quarter and aerea alghtba length flnda ns rival except la tailored garment which. Interpreted, mean the nun tallorad ault, tbu practical separata coat and walata and dresses belonging ta tba tallorad family. la all of tboaa tbo sleeva la fall length, moderate la alia and quit plain, sleeva elaboration being confined solely to tb dreaoler garment wltb tha ahortanad arm covering. Bleeve plain y . hart Foots Ara Few. la tba abort coat and tbeaa ara la the minority, thee ara aoma very pretty nmd-el- s of peraaaaloa wblrb ara a cross between tba etoa anil last year pray. Then, theta la tha blouaa wltb deep boned girdle and anmetlmea an attached skirt of novel furtuition. Buck coats ara aad for only becoming to slender figure this reason. If no other, will not be overly aeml-dma- y popular. Tbo Dlrertolre coat which leada aa air dignified gram to Its wearer and ao demands tb Imperatively largo pletar-.- n chapeau wltb long sweeping plumes will, ao doubt, ha vtora for dreary waar much to tba by ultra fashlraablr of oilier style for It more nearly at approaches the swagger eat of tb tailored walking aalt rarer-l- y Materials That Are t'sed. Tba vogoa of check aad atrlpea and tbica-qaartar- a length aad medium la ala These, tn art elaborately braided, aad Instead of cuffs tb fulness M pleated la t tbe elliow to tbo shape of tbo arm and tbo braiding take the form of a high cuff. The skirt Is of walking length and ennslsta of pleated and plain gun tb pleated gores lielug la tbe front and tbo bark and at the aide Braided deelgni extend from the frout panel around to the hack width aud point ap high oa th Idea almost to tb edge of the coat. A bat of blue clipped beaver wltb trimming of ostrich plume and taffeta rib-br- a la th same shade Is worn with this ult. Dr say Form at Tailored Coal a me. Even In this aeaana of tha severely plain tallonuade dressy type of tbla garment are to ba see ta tbe very early buwlnga of fall nM Many of these dressy effects ara built aa blonsa lines and so elaborata ara tbey tbat the effect ta often that of a eestam lnatead of a suit, la the arrompaaylng model tb skirt la pleated from a deep yoke cat la pointed tabs aad trimmed with velvet aad velvet bnttra Tbeaa tabs overlap tha clnatera of fln pleat wblrb alternate wltb the wide box pleat ruanlag tram the waistband to tba bem end atltcbed down flatly ever tbe hip Tbe coat Is a combtaxtloa of tb etna aad blimae. tbe bloaae being created with Irish crochet lace awunted ever a foundation at brawn taffela and aver thla la adjusted the etn slashed In the front aad berk aad held down to the girdle with velvet buttons Ilk those wblrb trim tb skirt. The slashings are counseled wltb Barrow brown velvet ribbon aad the revere of the coat, these af lace, are d with more at the ribboa aad but trim-aie- other novelty fibrlca which eharaetariaad tbo aammar bid fair to bo oveiabadowod thla fall, for fully two thlrda of tbo nattiest aulta ara developed In thee novel-ti- e The whole color tendency la downward, rouSnlag tba favorites ta blue brown gray green aad dark red aad, at conn black aad aaigtnraa of thaoa colon with Mach la Scotch melange affects and checks and atrlpea which and tailors aunlpnlat la all aorta of clever way Tb aklbo aerge Ip tw tons affect mixture sad charm stripe at particularly racommeadad far tba amount at practical Servian which they represent, coupled wltb tbetr high etylo value. TVT are light la weight and coma la variety of planning patterns aad color ao that an may prora their good qualities la a natty runabout ault and a tourist or automobile ulster without feeling conscious of the fart that they pc sac so two garmeata made of the came material, not the lame la coloring, at coura but tbo atm la weave and quality. ' Mach bee liece mid about tha reture of the gored skirt, and wa do sea eome very smart model along these line but Judging from the preponderance at pleated models la every form of tailored aalt. It la pretty ante to predict that the gored skirt will hava rather tough Bailing durTha vary ing the next slxj month !' It klltad the af skirt youthfulneaa chief charm aad alar women tha world over are only too happy to wear anything that ta going to make them look younger, tha reign of the planted skirt, loom flttlng coat and picturesque headwear la quite evident for oomo llttla tlmo to com ' ton The aerea eighths sleeves ara likewise slashed and laced with th rlbboa ever a foundation af laca aad allk. Th featberboaad gird a la of browa velvet overset with th doth cut la points which extend about aa Inch aver both edges at the girdle. Tba bat la at brown velvet trimmed with browa aad while goeraa White kid 'gloves and golden plume brown gin er kid above complete this d resoy street toilette, I Tha Dlreetqt ra Coal Balt la High Btyla. . Tha highest style garments la atraet Hits for fall la this direct ol re coat accompanied by a smart pleated skirt or oa of tbo gored model It la slightly tighter tbaa tbs Iooh fitting coat of tha aammer and some forty Inches la length, as It ex tends to tb knee Like th pictured model there la an Inside vest er waist-coa- t, aa It la rightfully called, mad of light colored doth or eerie aad etabnrately embroidered or bra bird. For dressy wear thla type at nit Is asually attractive la nm light colored material, ouch a bread-clotla a fashtcaalilo ahada of tan or gray." A very light ahada of tan chiffon broadcloth M used a thla Instance. Tha aklrt la a rlnrular model triipmed with clusters of applied tacks and a deep hem beaded with brsld applied In ndlltary design. Th coat b open oa tb under am seam to within about oar Inches of tb walatllae, and tha braid which trim th bottom extend ap aa then slashings and border th points of braid maublng those an skirt .nd coat front Tbe waistcoat la of whlto ntla eiuhmli!erd la various shade of lavender la m flmal design, aad tha tell collar M of semi-fittin- h button-trimme- d Timely Hints for the Housewife. th weakly to carpets and ruga much annoyance with a rising dust would be saved If wat tea leaves were throera pvqr tba floor a few mlaatas before beginning work. Bom beaaekeepera ua damp corn mil,, which la very good, bat th tea toavda answar the earn purpose and eoat nothing; aad they Inva a taint, delicate odae hoars sfter It has la th room tor several ' been pat to right aw that th fruit nsasn Is M tta height aad thrifty housewives ara sloping ap sweetmeats tar the coming winter, hoosataraishlag departments la all tha bl( shops ara making apactal offers la tha way of osrtbea wan preserving kettles la which arid fralta an bast eaoked, ladle fru't fruit Jar Jelly glaaae At this nm enater aad psren, at finds tba whits paraffins which affords tha moat effect! vs means of sealing fruit aad preventing mould. A very saw and aaeful article ta bona furnishings la th caks and toast scraper. . It la aud of nwtal and wood and designed for amplng tha bant porla the tions from toast, bind aad eak absence at sorb a convenience we have make to on af th long been accustomed half for aack a iprpoa but sow that this new Invention baa been brought out It will doabtleaa find a very ready Hi at tb vary small pric which la asked for It, Yoaag hon a wives might proflt mark If (hey would bat follow assy at tb ways of the old taahioaed housewife. If tbey would wrap laces For lastaac qot In nss la bln paper Instead of white (them adaslalatwHag waeplng black satis embroidered la white. Tha fall length stoevn ara banded with this nam nuterial aad else trimmed arlth braid. Tb arid pleat which extra da aat over tb aleavaa and down to tha bottom of tha Jacket U front sis glvaa a smart lias to th back at tha cost. Tb kst with Ita taring at black ntla velvet and trimmings of plasma ai seems quit tha moot correct form at hndgear for such a toilet all-bla- A Clever Maalpolntten at Strip, Perhaps the smartest taUormadea at th aew ecaaoa la both plain aad dream affects are Ikon. of striped material la which tba fabric la cleverly manipulated1 aa to auk it th moat prominent festal of tha sulk Far lastaac ta tbs Illustrated model tbs material la aa arto glv th effect at ta overranged skirt, th very Barrow front pa oat aad tb band which finishes tha ham aad tha that bem Itself being eat oa tha bias, the stripes coarsrga Upward la tha center front aeam. ,Tb aids aad bach at that tha matha aklrt ara eat circular, terial la aa entirely different bias from tba rut of th aklrt aad over tbla hasps th coat aklrt wklek ar still another bin Tba atrlpea eoaverg downward towards tha center frout and ap la the crater back. la tha body at tb eoat tba stripes ara almost oa tha eras while the sleeve ar of triple folds at th fabric, Theta sack fold cat os a different bla ar asmaraas small allk button brawn, matching ass of the abadra la tb axle rill, trlmatlng the front of tba coat, sad the llttla vest revet and tin are la q light ahada at ta several toaea lighter' tbaa n u n n n whn tba wiapyisH M paowd tha fln tabrie wsaM first they waald find that warn kS at. aa para whiten aaa aa whn It th ator Again, If nmamr wash tlsttos wars pat away rough dry tad ffltbost torch they would not tan yallaw sst would waar twlc as long. Starch tris a 'fabric whra It lays long and mm aapadally after It has ban IraaaA A Heoeehald hlat to b apprsdrisi by honatsrlfo or lanndraas Is tbs stints Ths Mi of cooked starch with a candl way af nuking starch calls for a ptos d lard aboat tba sis of hickory sut, ffkkh to grad lent makra the starch aawath sad prsveats ths liras from sticking whss Tb esaHs garment la ander tha too aad Is anfiwara th nm pnrpea much lam trrabi raring several atas time an baay washday, anoyance Oa Imlngday. the moth mlBm I bow about and making all aorta sf tonkis la tbalr small tray, awasra af ftotkw boa ostrich aad maraboat, thora sltrae A tlv neck draralqgs- - which hava mot sack fashionable aeceaaoriea to th F rat day toilrtt aboald have tts then small destroyers gst late finfflaara at tba feathers aad attsriyisM them. Feather bon aud scuta era never be left hanging aroand Hks rasa garments of tba feminine ward ra braid be carefully boxed wbaa aamphsr haw Tb often! us ttra sra" qalta Imposalbi as a prevents them Pttls pent but cedar chips eoe any purchase at any ebatawsrara ra may bt ased without any dlssgtrasMi suit ; " n Jut whn " th lightest atrip la tb ra1. 2 . aklrt and eoat body ar Jolnsdby . belt futeolaff la. tba trout wHl button aad a tench at go id button together with th k rails gulmp which edges tba a Tbsra k glecvc tha rasbatW small shape turning the left aide aad trimmed with q fra8 ribbon and tang sweeping l Haaohaat w three-quart- Wk Aa Attractive Every woman rob a practical salt fw "man" made at soma material which jsfitrarj far all klada of weather. I t rf pictured nit of a gray too at herringbone mixture grey. The Skirt of wattle gored modal very tall btsbI and flalsbed about tba bem wltk band which extendi ap ra tha frout panel to tb knees an The coat. wltk pointed end SB to aad what la kaowa m tbs Is alngla biraated. taatenls tb Urge buttoaa covered wltb a tha neck la flalsbed vrlU bota collar. Brea of pocket shew deep flapff buttoned outside and tbar ara deep Fcn fell ra the hip them lira Tb alaevea ar tbe flap wblcb length cent mod - rfl of th raverely tallorad B flatohM with a Miffed taroto" T'.rafi aid m a batten aa tb upper , h a gt start at tha buraMn boulder and to about three the walMHae la tba back, yai o gafl |