Show ers why Is it that ayars hair vigor does so many remarkable things because it is a hair food it feeds the hair puts new life into it the hair air W lua i y cannot canno t keep from crowing and gradually all the dark rich color of early life comes back to gray hair when I 1 first lite nel I 1 ayers flair 1 my ml I 1 air wn about 11 II bilut now II 11 I 1 mr it 1 li blurb illic it haid n S licit 1 ek I 1 coll co ill I 1 WIMP j ala 13 bli I 1 x to f a titio jt altre Ay 11 tre I 1 all 11 not for gray hair H A MJ TO 1110 too much care cannot be b used with small children during tile hot weather of tile summer months to guard against bowel troubles asa rule it is only necessary to glie gle the chim ilda n dose of castor oil to correct any dia order of the tile bowels do not usa any substitute but rivo givel the old fashioned evator oil and tee tea that it la Is freeh fresh as rancid oil nau nauseates and has haten a ten i dency to gripe 11 thia does net not check the bowels gite give cello celle cholera and diarrhoea and then a dose of e castor oil and the die lis eaga may insy be checked in its incipiency and ull all danger avoided 1 I he castor oil and thia this remedy yhoua be procured at and kept ready tr ter in stant use na as soon as tho first hindlea tion of any bowel bonel trouble ap thia this ie Is the most successful trent mont known and may b tx bi i relied epou with conn decoo even in for sale by ull till patent medi medicine alse uv alerd I 1 r Y ILL TO OUK OUR S the bil bilious lotts and are constant sufferers 9 and appeal to our sympathies there Is not on one of them bowmer who may not be bro tight back baek to health and nud happiness by the tile use of Chamberl alna stomach a nud ud liver tablet Tablets the these a t tablets invigorate the tile liton jac nod and alier and strengthen the tile digestion they ulo also regulate the tilt bov borai als for sale 1 by all patent medicine dendera den flea lera leris th arilo will iasu durine during tle the summer mout months hii tourist round tri t ickens to various 1 resorts and anti the lilies inkes and anti soa shere nt at greatly minted ratte with ample return limit call on bearett at agent or addreal od bassen gr department st bollig wai effi PV r I 1 new now line L efte of 0 f childrens achl edreff S ff loe we this week place on sale a new line of childrens shoes in various styles and shapes the prices run 7 5 1 ff 1 A Z 25 f it and ad th 40 JA we can suit you in price and sizes 1 the most complete stock of mens meris misses and youths footwear in eastern utah U 0 3 W ea J NL JN S T E I 1 N I 1 S LEADER OF LOW PRICES we arc are never undersold Under sold ON 1 I lit 31 0 L TO COLIC FRA chhun this fact Is well welt known to drue drug elata everywhere and nice out teu mill give their customers ahli prepa rattan ration when the badt la Is asked far for mr obe Wi witwer tiner a prominent druggist of joplin I 1 mo moin in it circular to his ills ens ells bomers says there Is nothing on tir tile market in the way of p ident med 1 acine which equals colic cholera still Diar rhonat hem rem edy for bowel we wo sell 11 and recommend this pre 11 for alo sale by all peteet medicine dealers to TV 1 a ie i L v L you must have bave printing print lne that will ac com comp llah just that purpose wo we are careful that the eyo eye catching quality Is in all wo do we want your order for any printing because what we print elves gives profit to tho isern and und you will by it advocate Publia hinz co 1 trie scofield t SCOFIELD UTAH t t 0 aw na t 4 now behic refurnished and thoroughly 4 tier hauled throughout only autti lutti and 4 L sample in iowa t rates 2 7 per day conveyance to and from all trains 4 headquarters for commercial men strictly First class Glass y C L MAXWELL prop t arv WAWA on I 1 A cat r anjo AN jo w e the aithur J leo residence in price north of rio grande western depot will pay 15 per cent on the investment from front atlady lenter will dispose of bay and grain barn sepa bately about first class brick a i quantity of building stone of two grades and broken bricks tho the latter suitable sult ablo for chicken houses hue flues etc frame sheds lot and anti fencing where the building of the emery emerl county company formerly stood the latter pays 20 per cent on the tile in estment cst ment it R W CROCKETT agent WORTH READING the best of Fatis satisfaction faction la Is your if you have bave the right kind hind of print lilL we have bave the printing material materials and use them for your satisfaction like the work e do for you andl andi like our promptness in turning it outtie the advocate alling co |