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Show DALY JUDGE PROPERTY DEVELOPING RICHLY Special to The Tribune. I PARK CITY, March 23.-As tho work advances Into tho now Daly-Judgo territory, terri-tory, It Is advancing toward the position of a heavy producer of high-grade ore. Tho large nnd rich deposits opened up give hint of a territory to the south and west of a much more promising nature than tho old Anchor grounds, which aro chiefly noted for lmmcnso deposits of low-grado ore. Ono of tho most recent and promising developments Is In a drift running southward south-ward on tho 1100-foot level. Here nt prca-ont prca-ont as fine. a breast of carbonato oro Is showing up as can bo found in the historic his-toric producers. It la described as bolng exceptionally rich stuff and as filling the entire face of the advancing drift. It 13 the same body of ore that Mr. McSorlcy shot Into Immediately upon assuming charge at the mine. It was followed for a considerable distance when It was suddenly sud-denly replaced by a deposit of Iron pyrites, py-rites, which has since given way to a body the extent and value of which Is truly a marvel. Henry Welsh, chairman of the Republican Republi-can committee of Summit county, is sending send-ing out a large number of printed leaflets today containing the call to the Republican Republi-can county convention to be held nt the city hall, Park City, on Thursday, March 31st. at 2:30 p. m. Tho apportionment of delegates Is as follow: Park City 23. Woodland 1, Knn.ns 2, Oakley 1. Rockport 1. Hoytsvlllo 1, Upton 1. Castle Rock 1. Parley's Park 1, Francis 1, Marlon 1, Pcoa 1. Wanship 1, Coalville C, Echo 1, Henefer .'!; total 4C. The call suggests that the committeemen of tho various precincts will call caucuses at the usual hour and places of meeting on the evening of Tuesda, March 29, 19IM, to choose the delegated. m The Clerks' Easter ball to bo given Monday, Mon-day, April 4th, promises to bo a grat social success. The committee. Jam' a Byrne. F. W. Moigan and Gus Fahrrn-do. Fahrrn-do. f. Is making elaborate preparations for tho event Active preparation? aro going on for the select ball to be given by Park City's prominent society folk Friday evening. March 25th. at Maple hall. The hall will bo decorated and elaborate preparations made to entertain the guests. o "Our Social Club" will give a ball at tho opera-house Thur&dny evening. Mnrch 2th. The floor has been pinned and all who have seen It say It Is In line condition. condi-tion. Slgnor Antona of Indianapolis, Intl., will lead the new orchestra. The storm of today Is the greatest for the amount of snow deposited for tnc year. Tho snowfall began at midnight, and at S o'clock this morning tho fall measured a foot within the city limits and one and one-half feet deep at tho Ontario mine. At least a foot has fallen since. Henry Welsh Is distributing 2500 packages pack-ages of garden seeds to the farmers of Summit county today. Tho seeds aro worth $2.E0 to tho recipients. 0 W. Mont Ferry, connected with the Liberty Lib-erty and Woodslric, Is visiting camp today. C. S. Rolph of tho Pork City Majestic visited camp today. Mlko Fitzgerald was down to the capital last night on mining business. James Ilowells of the Lltllo Bell left for Salt Lake yesterday. George Smith went down to the metropolis metrop-olis last evening. |