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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. years to come may her experiences be only such as shall help to make her wise and helpful in her own home and in her day and ge aeration. "Are we not one ? Are we not joined by heaven Each interwoven with the other's fate ? Are we not mix'd like streams of meeting rivers, Whose blended waters are no more distinguished But roll into the sea one common flood ?" EDITORIAL NOTES. On Saturday afternoon, November 9, Mrs. Jacob Bamberger gave a delightful "At Home" to her dear five hundred friends. Mrs. Bamberger's hospitality is genuine, and her entertainments so enjoyable, that one would never miss going who had ever received her warm welcome and cordial greeting. She is a great favorite in society and knows just how to make the people happy whom she invites to her home. Her rooms were elaborately decorated, though in excellent taste, and the refreshments were choice and daintily served and the music added greatly to the festivities of the afternoon. so The Thanksgiving Proclamation by the President of the United States and by the Governor of our own State were duly issued, and doubtless were happily conformed to by the people in the good old fashioned way of feasting and making merry; and let us hope also that there was real and true thanksgiving to our Father in heaven for the peace and prosperity our land is blest with, and while rejoicing in the abundance vouchsafed on the year that is past, forget not to pray for the future safety and tranquility of our homes, and this fair land of liberty, the asylum for the oppressed of peoples in all lands. There has been some official visits paid to conferences of the Relief Society Stake organizations during the past few weeks, Morgan, Beaver, Tooele, Parowau, Granite, Jordan, Logan, North Sanpete, and also The sisters who have attended Bingham. these conferences are President B. W. Smith, Counselor Annie T. Hyde, President Jane S. Richards, Secretary E. B. Wells, President M. Isabella Home, Sisters Elizabeth J. Stevenson, Lydia D. Alder, Julia C. Howe, Julia P. M. Farnsworth, Harriet Ann Badger, Margaret A. Caine, Ruthinda E. Moench. Sister Lucy B. Young, who has also been absent from Utah for over two years has She spent returned home from her travels. most of the time in Germany in charge of her granddaughter, Miss Emma Lucy Gates, who has been studying music abroad most of the time in Berlin. Mrs. Young while in Germany was appointed to preside over the branches of the Relief Society in that mission and will be able to give us definite information concerning the work of this charitable She has organization in that country. and has abroad her greatly enjoyed sojourn doubtless made good use of her time and land f planted some good seed in that The that will eventually bear fruit. wela bids Sister Exponent Young loving come to the city of the Saints where dwell her loved ones and may she be able to do much more in the cause of truth and righteousness in the future. far-of- The Daughters of the Revolution at their meeting, on November 16, had an New England Thanksgiving old-fashion- ed 53 dinner; roast turkey and cranberry sauce, baked beans and brown bread, doughnuts anc pumpkin pie with all the usual adjuncts, pickles, etc The paper was by Mrs. Lucy Woodruff Smith, and was exceedingly well written and read delightfully. The subject was the geography of the battles of the Revolution from Lexington to Yorktown, with many bright passages, though such a serious matter to be treated upon. The Exponent office, where the banquet was spread, was decorated with flags and the colors of the society, blue and yellow, and blue bowls of yellow chrysanthemums effectually carried out the color design. At table the colors prevailed even in decorating the great bowl of baked beans. The brated of the Wells, Utah Woman's Press Club celeits tenth anniversary at the rooms retiring president, Mrs. C. C. R. in the Constitution Building, with choice musical selections, vocal and instru-meta- l and character representations of the ladies of the White House, commencing with Lady Martha Washington, Abagail Adams and so on, down to Mrs. Wm. A brief outline of the work of McKinley. club the and what had been accomplished in entertaining, etc. , was given by Mrs. Lydia D. Alder and refreshments were served at the close of the entertainment. The new officers for the ensuing year were officially installed. They are Mrs. D. Alder, Lydia president; Mrs. Ella W. Mrs. de Grace and L. Anderson Hj Dr. Ellis R. Shipp, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Emma Jensen, recording secretary; Mrs. Rebecca H. Doolan, treasurer. vice-president- The Annual Convention of the Utah Federation of Women's Clubs was held in Provo, October 27, 28 and 29, of this year, Mrs, C. E. Coulter presiding. The program was a satisfactory one and the addresses and discussions were calculated to stimulate the members and all interested in club work to renewed efforts in the future. The officers chosen for the "ensuing year were Mrs. Chester E. Coulter (Ogden) president for the second term; Mrs. E. E. Corf man, Mrs. E. M. Bishop, (Provo) (Ogden) corresponding secretary; Mrs. Wm. Iglehart (Salt Lake City) recording secretary; Mrs. K. Hilliard, (Ogden) State organizer; Mrs. W. Scott, (Park City) The Executive Committee are treasurer. vice-preside- nt; MesdamesC. E. Coulter, (Ogden); F. D. Bickford, (Salt Lake City); E. E. Corfman, (Provo); E. Bischel, (Ogden); C. D. Moore, (Salt Lake); E. G. Gowans, (Logan); W. Scott, (Park City); K. Hilliard, (Ogden); W.Konald, M. Ellingsford and Miss Dougall, (Springville) ; Mesdames D. E. Hemphill, S. Simon, G. B. Blakely, W. W. Riter, C. S. Kinney, J. Cowan, E. B. Wells, (Salt Lake.) who is always at her best in society, and in a studio there is much to interest and Mr. Taggait's pictures are a entertain. attraction and one could not fail to great rare this enjoy opportunity of seeing in the best light these fine paintings. Of course the tea was delicious and refreshing and the novelty of the affair made it all the more attractive. About one hundred and in and out and paid their fifty guests passed well to the known artist and his respects bride. Tuesday, October 29. we attended by invitation the social reunion of the Relief Society of the Fourteenth Ward in this city. President Maria W. Wilcox presided and her counselors, Margaret Y. Taylor and Elizabeth J. Stevenson, were both present, also Miss Joan Campbell, the very efficient secretary, and Mrs. Ella W. Hyde, the treasurer, with most of the teachers and members of the Society. This society is one of the oldest in Utah and has always On many been a very prosperous one. occisions special meetings have been held and distinguished visitors, both brethren and sisters, have been the honored guests of the Society. On the occasion mentioned Bishop George H. Taylor and President Angus M. Cannon were among the visitors; of the ladies, President B. W. Smith, Counselor Clara C. Cannon and Aid Julia C. Howe, of the Salt Lake Stake, also Sister Elizabeth T. Webb and the writer The speakers bore strong were present. testimonies of the truth of the Gospel, referring to the Relief Society work and the benefits resulting from it towards woman's spiritual cultivation, and urged the younger women to become members and take part in the charitable and philanthropic efforts for the amelioration of sufferThe hall was beautifully ing humanity. decorated and the music both vocal and instrumental was exceptionally good. The President and her committee had prepared light refreshments that were bountifully served to all present after the close of the meeting. Such social gatherings strengthen the union of those whose duties and labors are of a similar nature, and increase confidence in and love for each other which must be uplifting to all who participate in the spirit of fraternity that exists where the motives are pure and the desire is to serve God and keep His commandments. The Relief Society conference of the Granite Stske was held on Tuesday, November 12, in Big Cottonwood Ward meeting house, President Emma S. Woodruff Her counselors, Mary P. presiding. Young and Katharine H. Brockbank were on the platform, the secretary, Armeda S. Young, and treasurer, Maria B. Winder, There was a good were also present. attendance of the sisters from the several wards and excellent reports were given by Mr. and Mrs. George H. Taggart gave a the respective presidents of the Relief studio reception in their handsome and Society. Visitors present were General artistic rooms in the Templeton, on Tues- President Bathsheba W. Smith and her day, November 12, from 3 to 5 p. m. The first counselor, Annie T. Hyde, and decorations were very effective, white Secretary Emmeline B. Wells and Presichrysanthemums in the reception room, dent M. Isabella Home, of the Salt Lake with ivy and fern leaves in contrast, and Stake, also Sisters Mary A. Freeze and two shades of yellow in the tea room, with Helen W. Woodruff, of the General Board the ivy green and fern leaves. It was a of the Young Ladies. Brief addresses were brilliant affair after the manner of studio made by each of these sisters during the . conference on subjects relating to the work receptions in Paris, and was most delight-lulMrs. Taggart who is a bride of only and duties of the society, as well as testiabout a month, (and of course charming) monies borne to the truth of the Gospel was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Sol Siegel The musical exercises were excellent |