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Show THE HELPER JOURNA t -- HELPER. UTAH, A DECREASE SHOWN IN Open Letter From PAGE TWO THE HELPER JOURNAL . Issued Evert Thursday By THE JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY Helper. Utah Subscription . . One Year . . Two Dollars In Advance CLIFTON N. MEMMOTT. Manager COUNTY nounce the arrival articles on SOON Continuing a series of START 'S I TO bow. born ... baby chairman VoU. COUNTY BY ASSESSOR Highway Safety, FredAmerican Legion 8.tt City. nistriet So 5. J' I , . the administration, and th ho. Hi. contributing national youth The committee, Safety A decrease in the tax value of Car- tMovias article: according to John Hardin, county " to bon county for 1939 as compared ""sole X V A. supervisor, will undertake "widen and improve the Miller Creek with last year as shown in the re- - First, 1 musi ten juu 1 t,v fount- - As-- ' vnll I waS the Oilier eeUlI16. ror.f rannH Amnil and to renovate the caretaker's Was I . ... ..v il, .... a. h.,.u.rnn must seem a wet canal anuj ouu-jiaCarbon county airsessor Lnaries h. ,.semKen es apartment at the man. modern young a to tov tn tha hinket Qta in the near future. f nurt nv.!o,.iaii.. nhpn she happens to be his port head-gate- s j .,!...! The canal is to be widened, p1 in ifiM la j.t Tri 7.Ti9. .is compared mother. But you were most tactful 1.00 p. wilinstalled and and culverts 'and the way yo;i opened the ear door with $5,784; 867 last year. banks. the from along removed lows land took my arm maae me ieet m., Assessed on a 50 for the project, is not doomed to Sponsoring agency all. Kentility after 20 jrfflSfti. cent ratb boys for about basis, per which will employ decoration pvrinrtion. I felt this all the more on River Water Price the is months, two er than on a 60 per 1 llJr..inB. Vour courteous attitude Conservation district. cent basis, a declinej toward Kosemary, who, iy the way, 4KV WF Carbon county is sponsoring the in iha inaliintinn et & a iau. iuu. is very sweei gin. t& uu work at the airport, this to include .nvucin raterson, couruy wnen sup-- . V merchandise, i scarcely more dances. to me complete renovation of he caretaker's college 'escorting fcv fix-- j and trade one-ca- r plies nut and please don't think I'm apartment and construction of a " '' tures Is shown. A The work will provide garage. decrease of about naeiner there is one place where about one month's for for 20 boys. -' 177.000 is also shown your conduct would bear improveBefore the project to make over the ment. That place is behind a steering in real esiaie a81l for use as an sessed as wheel. It is sad. but true, that a old tavern building grazing can v proceed, it will N.Y.A. ::;.. no dormitory i il 1 a bror on wheels. A shot of gasoline j ueius laua, 7 a contract to let to caused by the class-- ' ' 'can convert the flower of knighthood be necessary if'eation r grazing into poison ivy. H EIPEE knows best," you would laugh at me lands and their asBut before you feel secure, or even as an old fussy-duddcan UTAH woman Xo Charles Se.nken sessment on a difdo who a man answer with jerks this Why question: laugh, comfortable, ferent scale than before. ;her out of her seat every time he the records show that nearly "The Sign of Quality Mt: .1 J..! iMraiiy, uui not quue, of ail fatal automobile accidents screeches up to a stop light. 0r Picture Entertainment these were slight gains in assessed 't3Sseg i,er on her side every time he are caused by diivers under 24 years valuations of improvements on real NOV S H O W I N 0 a corner, or scares of age? .; around estate assessed as acreage, in valua-- j,.;uven time he f,r half to death every Vou have the manners of a gentle TWO ACE HITS tion of motor vehicles and other per-- m,-,(.another car. No woman thinks man. Son. Please don't let the auto sonal property classifications and a ier hair looks well standing on end. mobile rob you of this heritage. large increase in valuation on real I)in-- t believe that a girl's hea-- t is YOUR MOTHER. estate assessed as city or town lots. ,;P,. n rfarh because it's in her The report does not include prop-- . month. The automobile. Son, is one erty assessed by the state tax where a girl doesn't like to be mission, such as public utilities. It',, iho nil nf pull:intrv not mines; railroads and other shipping the gallons of oil, that smoothes out agencies. Mr. Semken said. tnP highroad of romance. "Beauty for the Askio? ' A etc a cam I 1. : .. j . If , e, e to tell you that "Mother .c..ia lu lUf vauuus aivis-With ions are shown as follows: Lucille Ball . Donald Woodi Real estate assessed as city and horses or mules on Livestock town lots, $808,157; assessed as im- - range, 137 for $2,050; horises or mules HELPER, UTAH - Saturday proved, irrigated farm land, 11,049 otherwise assessed, 472 for $12,560; AIK CONDITIONED FOR YOUR acres for $370,8G0; assessed' as un cattle on range, 1,223 for $20,797; cat Continuous 8at from 8:30 M COMFORT improved farm land, 4,4(S5.5 acres for tie otherwise assessed. 933 for Another Double Feature Hit assessed as fruit land, 47.75 109; sheep, 16,908 for $50,877; goats, Friday Mav 12 acres for $6,400; assessed as grazing 1,788 for $3,901 ; swine. 270 for $1709; No. 1 land, 198,792.08 acres for $612,291; poultry, $644; total, $113,737. all other real estate, 75,448.7 acres Personal property merchandise. or ?ibb,&S4; total, 289,802.32 acres supplies and trade, fixtures. $370,518: IT'S i knH THERE ARE MANY ior i,vvi,ist. IT'S a riot!, implements, tools, machinery, $73.- REASONS IT'S tM...T t Improvements - on real, estate as- - 059; motor vehicles, 3,837 for $G74c WHY YOU SHOULD essect as city or town lots, $1,785.- - 3C6; household furnishings. $312,573: BE AT THIS SHOW .79; on real estate assessed as acre- - personal property not otherwise en- age, $239,147; total, $2,024,626. emerated, $179,243: total $1,609,809 ' to artifioaTat7f, 1 ,r NEED FOR CIVIC ORGANIZATION Several months ago a handful of young men engaged in business pursuits in the city .held two meetings to discuss the possibilities of organizing a Junior Chamber of Commerce in our community. -- So thoroughly and conscientiously did they consider the much needed organization, that several state and national officers weie invited to attend the second meeting. These young ambitious and energetic business men from Cedar City and Salt Lake, bore their testimonies to ihe importance of the junior chamber functions and accomplishments throughout the entire nation. The messages of the state president, secretary, and a national representative, were drunk in by the very small handful of young .Helper business men who were present at the meeting. " But there is a sad ending to this hoped-fo- r dream, before it hardly took the most minute root, nothing has been accomplished as far as an active organization in Helper is concerned, it is not the fault of the few interested young men who made the start - - quite the contrary. They are still ready and willing; to go the limit in organizing a Junior Chamber of Commerce in Helper. All that is needed is about five times more just such fellows, which banded together would make approximately 25 to 30, who are interested in assisting the businessman, professional man and the industries in our community get the consideration they are rightfully entitled to. Maybe we all don't own the business we are representing, maybe we will never own a business in Helper, maybe we don't have any tsuch aspirations, but right now It means your bread and butter; your gasoline; your necktie and your very existence. Therefore, we should be just as concerned as the owner of the business, our bosa. Observing the activities of similar organizations throughout the state, during the past twenty days, one of the finest, most wholesome and beneficial projects ha3 been undertaken, promoted and in some cities brought to a glorious conclusion. While in other communities they are deep in the perpetuation of the project. From Cedar City on the south; Price on the east and Brigham City on the north. Junior Chamber of Commerce organizations have cooperated with their city officials by taking the initiative in a "clean-uand paint-ucampaign for their city. Ciities where this youthful group have taken hold of such a project, today fairly gleams with cleanliness. Property owners and their tenants, home owners and merchants alike have taken a renewed interest in their community. The greatest asset, however, is not the clean city, but the actlve-ne- ss of the young man, who only a few months ago was utilizing his leisure time in gambling, getting drunk or in some cases comitting a felony, is now engaged in becoming a useful and respacted citizen of his community, making hiniself ready for that day, not too far tience, when he will be listed among the older men of his city, whose judgment and experience will be sought by others. You, young men of Helper, are the ones who will realize the greatest benefits in the long run, if an organization of this type is eventually organized here. p STYLE SUCt ,' 5 f, STRAND j one-thir- com-;niac- CO-HI- ' "Secrets of a Nurse" - It situation which has been brought about by the direct primary every citizen of the state should give more thorough consideration cf governmental affairs, should study in order that he or she may thor-oughl- y understand the qualities of all candidates for public office. Ma a. HumfiiiuiiirTiii mi II fj I1 3 yin uiih nwrtiwnntl Saturday "MYSTERY OF THE WHITE ROOM" This imr - ""ri si rn i1 ; ;1 !. j I M j Hm 11 ft I Hf. fm T" If t nfliTim QUART-CO- DE 179 No. n Copyright 1939. National Distill. Pxoducu corp.. n. y. c. 90 Picof Tf 'Vi 'J ... . HOTS nunu IIK NAll Competitive 5 Acts in Our Search of tr w. wndkh iW I Sunday, May 14 is Mothers9 Day I DANIELLE DOUGLAS IRBANKS. JE. in a Kzw 1 i Universal Picture I THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BE AT THIS John HOWARD Heather ANGEl H.B.WARNER "Lone Chapter SHOW "DICK THURSDAY, May 13 Also Chapter Ranger Rid TRACY 18 Wednesday 2 , A9ai 15 RETURN Only Thrifty THURSDAY TWO ADULTS ADMITTED FOR ONE ADULT TICKET A telephone visit with one of "FIRST OFFENDER" roar family, relatives or friends in other cities is a pleasure for you to as well as those you call. enjoy 27m And "GAMBLING SHIP" operator u iU be glad to tell you the rales to any towns I , iHjil .ttJ' THE SCREEN "Ride 'em Cowgirl" And Say "hello" by telephone if you can't be with her ! ; ISLAND 17 May . ZTj'i II .Why 1 1MS'. ImMtof f BANK MtHUAH . vktm STAGE WEDNESDAY ONLY, Wf 75 f CAtOT Com ON iWV 178 . fin rm' f ONLY THE ON ""xIjMm CODE No. : Jf sViP If j j i TUESDAY II j 1 ENGAGEMENT LIMITED TREASURE &b&J v v. K MONDAY Sunday from Matinee at 3:30 p.m. hh inn . miny If f p.m. Continuous A IUCI j'j As you'd expect from its name, Old Log Cabin is typically American. Its hearty flavor and smooth mel- lowness are something to cheer about You're sure to like itl Till whiskiy it tbrtt yttrt eli. SUNDAY 1 The Last STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY IfJHJ I 16 15, Continuous Sunday from a BRAND fi 14, May W 1 " ; Show ft ill Mn Try This Great Year Old Whiskey mm- - fTSjl pjffiSpy Also3 Musketeers In "Night Riders' Sun. - Mon. - Tues. ' if 13 There Are Many Reasons Why You Should Be At That ia a question which voters of the state should be turning over very seriously in their minds, it is a matter of first importance to all of us. The future belongs to the people and they wiil collect in accordance with what they put into it. Through the "splendid direct primary election law which is now on the statute books,' the people have an opportunity to build upon a iound foundation, in fact have a chance of improving the status ot that same foundation. It is very necessary that this foundation structure activity be carried on as the past reflects what may be expected from a setup intended to defeat the will of the people, to ignore their welfare. The direct primary places directly in the hands of tb people the opiortunity to participate in government to a degree that the old convention system would make practically impossible. Because of the "ri'T d e UTAH AND THE FUTURE r 'ag'entfi ayscr HosicJ , - AUnriATlAU some agency to funigaT 'ses.'Bids. i the for 0, to be addressed to the supervisor's office. ""' Every Thursday MEMBER.. 1ITAU TATC DiSi- - , NYA PROJECTS IN MAY La. , Entereo As Second Class Matter At The Postoffice At Helper. Utah Published Mother To Her Son TAX VALUE OF THURSDAY, The Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co m pany THURS., FEAST of FUN! FRI., Ma lH RjOTot Friday, May 19 'SOCIETY Smugglers' THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BE AT THIS SHOW P. m. y WfVT'.py'MMii .u m. iimiiiiniMii 'A |