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Show rJ E TJ, M&R K TRADE rJEWYOR K TRADE CHICAGO TRADE. DESEBET EVENING NEWS . Trldmy, a I, IMA. Am BDaNK-BOO- BINDERY, Henry K, I - Jonathan Jane. filote. FULTON ST.........C....JTCWbRKL Blank Boolrs'tA&e to any pattern? Cnecs-a- , smock ana uonas, jwofea, unni, iiunctu oi General and prmted to- order. lithographed Assortment of Office BtaMnnery. ; tU20:iin 93 Printing Establishment, STEREOTYPE AND ELECTROTYPE- - FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT. a U tV av AaAU , .1. Printing', Engraving- and Idtharraphjr V TrompUv Executed, Pf Cf T R ERENCESi j j 1 : - EAST TEJIPI.E STREET, 116 FULTON STREET, N. Y. x SALT LAKE CITY. CHECKS, DRAFTS, NOTES. Lithographed in ETC., Style. First-Clas-s r ' HULIN s to acocxMoa CORNWELL, Si Cigars, Tobacco, 4 . OPERATION CONSTANT X Short Notice. T. & TV. TlYLOB II AVE on hand an excellent Anortment of BpeclmX mittmHon j DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Wbich will be sold LOW FOR CASH Robert L. Mulford, Corttand, A . Spraaue. Jll'LlOItD llill.D lliVJI ' ' Sco., d: NI'HAGl'E, Wholesale and IVnlers In IMPORTER Nnll lery, Ac. Mo. S roambrs Kirrei, an-- J Reade Street, (near Bniadway.) NEW YORK. - Atwayx on hand. Drown A Sprajzue Miners' Shovels, Wcythes, Axe and tletratHl fclge Tools. Qai, l' E N.TERS W " I UW H. FITCH. W. J, J5. TWITTT. B. J. HERON. Half Bloek Xarth er Eml CratWn Saar, bt IT. ; Orry, CART Imrrtern and KINDINO-?OF 1 THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. C first-clas- - Q. T. MulortU t MULFORD, BLINDS, MOUI.DIN03, Et.,Ktc. LARGEST CARPET Christian's Patent Spring Horses, PERAMBULATORS, CARRIAGES, CABS, WiWam a Orr. OH It X.ItJiI.EY, tarter L-o- n . w dl-3r- w.uiesecke, CASH PAID FOR Rockioj Uorsf8,.l ropfIlcrst Metghs. Ar. SAGS o OZre. - I1W WM, APKAU, Aii. 6m 226 & 22$ Laks Jl. TOBBlS. , 8AMUKL McUAETKEY: & Co v : THOMAS G1HXA1L and IMPORTERS TMIPORTER snd Peater In Pocket Hoe si,- WHOLESALE GROCERS, I XraMsst. ftAsfdtMNasaAMsl.M .VBAksTTUQUOItsand TEAS RITTDKRA I.EATIIRR snd HATERUL8, 415 ft 417 JV'orlA Second Urtet, Saint .Loans, Afo. d77-l-- Corn div7nm V) cortsr, Choice Appleo, &e No. , BARCLAY STREET, L?2f?S daor t"loo Aitor Uoum.) YEW T0RS7. (11206ca JT. Cotdlsa, Manufacturers of ana iWholeaala Dealers In Cnarca BU and Vest Broadway, New 5rn j VESCZSTTIOX, i( iifiay & CO., OT AUi XZBTJ8L FlUBUIS, CaXTJltlf k St. Chlcaro. ' InVportsrs and Dealers . I- tn-lt?- '- PXJLTJS, BIFEET ISO!T, V J diw-en- i 8AX7IT LOUIS. Ji AGISTS TOR TBI t. and n ?? RTTEBHR-GOOD- - ' trzSTERN A0OT3 - : i - f :! JPjLPJEKS i OHIOAGO TERRA COTTA I Office S7 r I u ABTificaAi,''..'; WORKS, J?f . etc Esttablaiarea, UOOK, Springit Tiro Buckets, DruffoUts? Article JP(M Cerv, CusJUotts, 2s'urery Gotkt, Combs, Hoot and- Overt, Uor Covu ora, Cotton trarp, r& , . HALL0CE. N Tf?rTOfA'1ropnetors.' & WHEELEBj - ;143 Lake'St.i Chicago. d218.-C- " f - Arcblteelnrml Tr-- ! Ioor Cpav Brsckstt sad Mdll-llons- v lww Rubber clothing ! J 1 ' : - V-'- . & Co., KEITH, r i rn WOOD t 4? v 7 " " Importers an d Jobbers c f ; Ware, ANATOMICAL PKEPABATiONa.1 ' i tend for Cataloane. dSMm XEATHEE 'eMCraiincMHos8.f " mate Street, CHICAGO; n. "JIT AKTJFACTURERSbf j on.- PAirrirodslii' ;! 4 1 b o m, l?arlan. j !AJTD FZHTCZL CO; aDOUGLAS SLATE CO 1VAH3B: QT.9 .CEXCX1GO. ! .1 UfllH it mass i - FAN C YiDRY tQOODS, M OBwflTQ ? HOSIERY AND WOOLENS. TS&m tIV S I EUBBEB ... FOK -- St mapner S - TINNERS STOCKi.'dt.C.;' dcC.. FRUIT0 'ANDc.VECETADLeB-120 KortSs CXala Ctyak, , rsrtieslar sttsatlott ttrsa to USaf ortfers from the -JeltBlasTrsds. ;;'':.r.r;.V"'.-: it?BITBBEB AHD HEMP PACKIHGr, Olaaa I ihadea feT --Clocks, Figures, iLm l SWISS, CHINESE AJAPANESL GOODS, frTBE, 4 i STATIONER Si ( i i t ifAifrrACTTBDrs i ' aifd Dealers tn Importers ox an ( COMPAST t? BISHABCE LEAD f ' Especial attention paid to MAn. 1TT7V ICOPSELL, tm. ' Micnigan Ave., CHICAGO, ' Wj HrTTi 209 Market EL. St Leutt. St., la New York. ces . - I ; 02 & 91 d 300:3ni CCU : offi- HAEDWAEE.AND. TIN PLATE, 64 cS, C . P. P. Spencer. IlIDBAltD fc SPENCER, Importers of - TflE F1E; ARTS, VOBKS7O; - . : ilanuactarers having iwoaior Km lelun d2is TTovrrr U iro n - terms as by Importers and Lithographers, Printero, Blank Book Maiinfaot'rs. SCALES CHICAGO. .d218r8m 1 TIX dl87:3m , & Salesroom, 297 & 297 J S. Clark i Msnnfactuxers of CROCKERT, cTfijra,- gt.ars ware. BrltaiiBt Ware and Flissed Wsura. Um aene uimp nna rixiaree, LABterna. Ae , 07 ETXRY 107 Randolplx ) IMPORTERS and DEALERS In - Dealers supplied an 6ama CHICAGO, ILL.' Successors y BRIDGE, BEACH GTea.jP.Ara4orCt. GEpllGE GODDAHD. Ftct07 Ttew York. Spruce, LA SALLE STREET. Tower, Millard & Becker, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC! m WILLIAM STREET. 50 O Rice: wii.w.pag. Boflteo,Mssa Xaimfaoturorm and JWfor Salt Lake City. Now ISO i ruirann UniUHUU, i BECICER LAN E, and (Jeueral Commission lKJAUTlL;:iGAltH,nd 'O.V STREET. Meivhaots. 113 Olive Street, St. Louis. M. dlh3-fi- Manufactory: 87. .f9,9. & mt3 .f 4 .v Eeferrnc, Messrs Cronyn A Perrls, ' ' Agents for National and American Watch Co'tf and American and French Clocks.' - & ft wi-- ) COA. A. MC9AIB, . - : A larr stock always on hand and sold at ths lowest market prloe. ot Co of all "Grades CHEWJJCQ MANUKA CTDRKRS and Dealers tn FOKKIGN M A IDEN WAREROOMnj . H. CHAPMAN, 139 South Water St CHICAGO. BUY GOODS AND NOTIONS. No. 221 MAIN JjTKfcET,-Hurt . DANDLES AND SOAPS Importer an&JJeater in I J. VI) Oil II IX, Wholesale Dealers In Y- The old and best known house in Chicago. Dealers in "Watches, Gold Jewelry, silver and Silver Plato Goods, Wholesalo and Retail. ' 142 Lake St., Chicago, Wna. G. Ilibbard. !H ,,UW8 SILVER SMITHS 1 , i BAGS AND BAGGING. n HURT, IIELI. HEllS .1" - C..PAQX. nVltilil I) It. LimMry, A-- GOLD1 & Star,' Solar, Sperm and Tallow PAGE, BROTHER & CO., ORVTLLK PAGE. BOOTHaixh AN1) SHOES, TriKKT, ST. LOUIS. ' shouts, j Iieatlier & Findingo .Ao. 231 Lake Street, a ' 1 . (lAte of St. Louis, 4anufacturerg of WEST. HOUSE IN THE (Iran, prioa list furnished on application, - ST. LOUIS, ItIO. Rticcesnors to J. R. BAnLEY, B. SCHNU1DER & Co., . Goods sold at manufacturers' list price, freight added. Orders solicited and prompt attention with and Top, sold wholesale and . CIIItlHTI AN, -- GILES, BROTHER &C0. MANUFACTURER s.z-- 8. Eicelsiorl Mannfactiiriii Company, d227:Cm ; Office, lUndolph, St., cor. of Prahklln, iill6-l- y CHICAGO: s Dealers to LKATHKR and , ii:lu. RAsruBnAVEUA Corner Hpruce- and WllUam Sla.. New York. Importers and Jobbers of Ucrrenc.- Messrs Cronyn A Ferris. ts CUt.VJt, 17 SS and qUEEJYSWVIItE, ; . lt Lake City. d2)4lra- No. 214 NORTH MAIN HTRKET, j:; Jlehceen Tine end Xire, ( Out J o. 53,) rV. st..x.ouis. ir",:.V?a Manufacturer of TKRAI8 to SUIT CUSTOMERa. dlM:lr !'.KTt.niH',e-retail by Mer-rbsu- W kef p ctiofttanUy ou band and Make to or-d- tf r. at th Shortest Notice, DOORS, 8ASII, AGON vV ALLEN 6 HAOKET, Best IIeaTlct, Dili form andConstructcl,3Io8t linkStove in Qnlckest tiie market. ing 89 South Clarh St., CHICAGO. The Conner OZ is the cheapest s Kht OF PalefltEDli'Iier-LliieiCf- c. d209-3- m PETEB ICIIDTTtEB, Mat, Curtain Hate rials, Bedding,' Ffeatbars, Paper Hangings, A.tc mruL. ' 1'w-my--- SOLE MANUFACTURERS I vthponv bavver . to. Coprriglitod, ISCt LEATHER BELTING PniPOffn UallCdgU. 1 Cor. Wabash Avenue. ii m ; . WHOLESALE and RETAIL, c Like Street. 31 sj. Orders carefully attended " Oil Cloth, Mattings, STREET, dl73-- m C and sal OV JSTEBT DES CXZPTZOIT, tedna 201 BroMd way. New York, Manufacturers of PhotRraphie Msterlals.Ttioto-traphiAlbums, 8ereMcpes snd Views. Importer of rmcA, Englin German Cfiromot. i yj FACTORY AND HAL Ei ROOMS; 29 MACKEY, I. - 1 And keep on lund the Largest 8toclt of Good in their Hoe to be found in the West. - ' 6s si BOOTH AXD HIIOES, NKW YORK. dlly LOWEST Of Superior Q a all ty, T OXE ITONBRED THOr$AND re in um. and we E. A II. T. ANTIIONT A Co., to CVu tract for UUILPINO ami ARE prprfHl the work ronal .to and a cheap as the ch3pwa. flavtnf tb to the Trade at WHICH they offer PRICE. CHIOAGO. . Dr. STILWELL, 8LIEKER RoMt, n Importer aad Jobbers la H?iiK- -i UARANTEKD on the pla- nlaliy I'liRK NO PAY. No Mercury or Arenn s.Ve k wherever It rnsyfrenyVerJ reference, bo- found. Wnet. onr uvw ptUerns were unvlatni'v wo confld.nuy Krfer7n,i'Ttr' MtMle 2eoler UiaTXJLlX Are a Home institution ! 1 1S3 Tlieir A cw Fall Stock, I i rrrp sTArsAi ALLEN ukcaick CONSULTATIO.VJROOXS, ?e ii ih. in u. e 52 Iiake St., ; Custom Made TTTCH. Oraert will recclr Special aad Prompt AUmUoa. l!re. Conic t lollej & Ci Manufacture In Cblcsgo 52 A 54 WABASH ATE., ST., ''- r CHICAGO. Have now received Straw Goods, Umbrellas, Bnchiia Goods, Etc. Charted mii CHICAGO. i to WXSZB. WTT.TJ1 VW Made lor and pfcialiy uiapted to the Wants of Dr. Stil well's Patent Organic Vibrator, They cninbiue crenV weJbClltributed to the wt advantage, witi beauty of design and Der. vhlrti Ot .utotbe ftr. it not perceptible, aqd fectiu f mauu'.Nciare, v. . ; fiunvw riofctn Do,M In the Dead, enabllo Oalc TCooIUtoB" BtoVesj rMi to hear uietiucUy at cbarcb and e Ornt ,utrb uced t HM4m biles. uniteptmii IS52. au-- i at once took t&aleadiatidin tbay'ear vn DeafueRH, Catarrh, Con sum p-- KimKMwn ATwiim; In . tuert ttauAVb i hc-- t and bcrntnla in ail lu forius, then Muft h sod relief care. um"h, numtsER SOLD .DAILY nieantIsredy . han m.y Kive m th ,upii t - .CH.Ieniy ol Medicine, Parts, sent Over" . rtf u HILLS 1 ST. LOUIS TRADE. HUTS, GAPS, FURS w-r- A H An Manufacturers and Jobbers of FTCH,WILLIAMS&CO. &c. Upon xhf enm of th Deaf who did not tuu SMITH BRO'S. d2!5:Gtn 1 IF7iofe FELLbEAD t u.u .1 HENRY WARD BEECHER TOR OUTFITTING. (' HH.TF WASSWOSTS. OXXJ3XRT R. B1CZTS. W. LOCXA THE" nLOQLK.Mi: OF , XI ! XIX BACON, FLOUR, Nails Nos. 80, 82 & 84 Michigan Avenue m Lithographer andf Engraver Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods SM PZABL PTXT, NEW YORK. ' 34 & 36 Iolio St., b EXTBA, QUALITY - in a: &c f Hand Pointed Horse Randolph St., tl ALSO, MAJfUTACrcnERSOF BOOTS AND SHOES; New York. Also, ! S, CHICAGO. hilipWadsworth&Co . ! 170 & i;2 WILLIAM ;S-(0)B3)- ' We make Prices Regular and Cheap on every - I & we aelli article oau XeroKanHPf dZ18-3j ment. S:cM 'r cm " Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Fancy Goods, JPcrfumer', Ac, fccM im Knhs, Spoles. felloes, Bent Stufi 1 JOBBERS OP D R U G S, latll If ; Satisfaction Guaranteed in 'Evtry Depart RAR lit OX 4&STEEJL, ill cr 15 & 17 Ortfera MM (mMv CA D. IiSorters and Jobbers of nun in WHOLESALE " W. H. ScKicfleliri & Co., Isiporters, Jlsaafacf nrers and rioiiW. . HEAVY HARDWARE, , d2uft-l- y 1IATS fc CAPS, ROOTS fc SHOES, 'rte to 'XaJke Refer, by Permlaelon, to Mr. GEORGE Q. CANNON, and Mr. JOSEPH BULL, Salt Lakd City. W. II. MILES, Esq. 117 John St., N. Y. Consisting of "i RE-BOUN- ifMM Cordage, &c, MAQAZINES,MUSIC, ETC. BOUND AND "J ' ir j MAN UFACTURf NJSIT.SXATJONER; Or Mado to any Desired Pattern, at! dllitf RROOJIS, ROPE, XAIES, ON HAND, KS r 11 111 EDHS'Sr Wooden Ware, IK BLANK-BOO- itiiiiii ; UQTJORS, i - j :; ' kinds of NEATLY EXECUTED. i ' dlSiCm jglam and cjjancg $rjntinig :o: i- .,W. ration is a Specimen of our work. :AH e C Staines, Esq. Staple ana Fancy Groceries, The new Usne of 8alt Lake City Oorpo II. B. Clawson, Esq. N.B. OS - ; PZAL LARGELY IX :gJ E? ! CHICAGO. j ; IIALL,l(!MBARI(&C(i: - T'rn'"r' 11L 6 & 8 Hirer Street, i! And every Description and Style of ' Manufa cturing Stationers, 1 TUTinsloCT- - OltDEIX JJLJtJS'K BOOKS MADE TO 4 (S stationers.; printers, lithograph.' ERS, ENGRAVERS AND. BLANK f WAX , D s J. 0. SEYMOUR, KEN N ARD & 11 IfaMan SL,Kcw Tork. A . WHOTi'RR A TiTl - ALL OVTIIE PltEMIStesr w TAYLOR & TJRIGHT AND DINWOODEY'S CHIQACO TRaim.1 fr Ob BOMlolxlffan Avenue. 7 I r Ill " " f "Ur t oy, dtMrea ' i fiTinii V - ' t- - . - 'v.v: JTenry "Wood,-WO ucuc. t STsSCA. W Tork. ossein OKsSw T , Pranfclitt aresl. |