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Show " i " OTHER MATTEES. ut HI H X Sfi0,000! rs to-morr- mU-i,tuuar- ' rE are now opening at t : ',' I I ..., , Ea W. iJofic-E'drrit- lt A'TJi WHOM iirnl. ""JS'ifcS JLJ ! O tjj" O ' V: j ; 5 d,wn to t&ejiufferers. - t r.r.f.Ki. We had the pleasure of a call I. Johnston, lq., represcn-ofof Byrn, Bowen t Co., iiicaso, iinportera and jobbers of crockery, etc., who In hero attending to ;i.uincH for the linn, lielikosour city au.l h.tH enjoy Oil hi msolf during his brief stay thus far; and he has been enabled to fmbine prolit with pleasure, la furthering LuHiucsn matters. uU-otwai- Lr WrtLsvHCK. By Deseret Telegraph we U'aru tbst I'resident Brigbam Young and Com .ii)Itit Brixtianx City, at 8 o'clock: tbis morn- arrived at Wellsville at 20 minutes and in, jwwt l.. They proceed to Iogan to night. eneral capita in Uaigut': Trais. pasHed Captain Ilalgbt's train yesterday at; tue bead of Echo Cation. They had lost some Ufteen head of mules en the Muddy; and would txftileuined a little hunting them, but as they tnl got word of them tbe detention would be s un t. Tuetralu will, however, probably not tu tilt Monday. , . ' The II!... track On the V. 1. 1C ft., on l!oMiJa th lVb. wan had to. within ninety miles of UrfcTti Rlvrr. ProKpecu are fair tor the rail reaching that point by the 1st of October, a ibf farthest; probubly by tbe middle of .Septem ! 5 , aV Sergcon PURE LEAF LARD Enterp rise OTfliaTilchl UrntiHt. EXTRA LARD OIL THE KLKVEK , IS d2U-S- I PROGRESSirJC ' - Tbe DemaaHl rer TleMeta lnereaaea and be riven till srreater bnpetnswill now of be arrival to tbe "ENTERPRISE" by of Stork a Choice and vrell selected v" IIX. i ! . STOVE STORE alc Ac, Store. Saturday, Tlinrmlay o'clock, F. AUERBACH ! Anetloneers. di81Sm f foryourselA V "HOW IVAGS THE Wn O N the Railrrtad or ofT XXHCC ii?' If yon' want your WATClira KGrAlHbVi mini T f - CHICACO, ! l U s ? i ILLINOIS. V EAST TEMPLE STREET, GROCERIES, !: ' AND I dl2&ly :,r ' ST. LOUIS TRADE vueixi SOUTIfEKN WHITE LEAD AXD COLOR WORKS, Established HUa d22lm Ron! 4f I t 18C5. ' n EX'S, BOYS', CHOPPERS vt stuictit ffLjr- I IiilieK9 Monthly. SB i OrdcrH illlcd and nt IiOwest Mnrkct Promptly Rate. i 5k CliiIdren- - Shoes, tA BLEACHED' SCHOOL. BOOKS, j d222;6m The Products of tiua iuuDilsliment are guaranteed equal in quality to Ihe be t manufactured in the country.; Work-Cor. Main and Jxmbard Office 4' HUHTT, B ARBOUR Lnqulre.of and laborer, 1 J '..v- -' 5vA! . r. - t3 4 TO WORK ON TTber Ksyois. . - t AKii-HQU- , S ALT, &JZi 3,5t7 75, 77 : I. CRONYN & PERRIS - Announce that CHICACO: TRADE. AHD LEATHER, I 1 SIBLEY-i- c ENDICOTT, WHO And will All ' COMMISSION J. ORDERS For Machinery and Family HnppUea to be this Fall. daostw freighted through - les ale; ; ; . 4S A s! ; , ... A-- . R0 CERS, Ti r".Cv 80UTII WATjgfBTUEET, ( d21fcltn'r C- - . RAY'S ARITHMETICS, ; iirrxr. d222:3ni, - Rrnshes, Combs, Snspend- Trlnuningsl ers, violins ana strings, dee. Threads, Ac., itaiionry, d229:6m i ' - l"JJ5f tork. : iixuxxa i DRUGS, (MEDICINES, PERFUMERY. Paints, Oils, Window Glass, fcc.ii Xo. 2XO X. Second St., . . (Bet. Jfine & Oiiye, East Bide.) ; t. aio. Graham H.ProTn ' A' Ir ! -- , At . . t dug J tons, f. JT.. IT. Irfrr I WESTERMAXX BlEIERj'i:r,V Importers of k Dealers in u adaptea thaw teof tbe Territories, naTwgiwr years past aupplled tbem iarmeiyt oeinr lamtuar wtin meir : 4 i7. Wettermann I stock: of aUntnar and to Tools In this Market, otherkntboxi.Y Wa ; . 1 r dfc CHJATIAJH, A Importers Wholesale Dealers in Marclware and Cutlery, GALL: ACID CEE THED i I.OVIS, BBOWST, WEBER & Co.; 51 Lake St,, CHICAGO Main St., Factory at Spencer, Mass,. - 1 i 500 . - f! - J. GBEO d:Co., Manufacturers and Dealers In AND SHOES, jBOOTS o. St. X. Importers and Jobbers of i Man-ea- a elwvfSIW,IfEvTTOBaC. . ; Wholesalers In Direct Importers V E. f. w. iiaeeTj CHICAGO. it. BARBOUR, f.a. niiNTTkEW jr. "V A FULL. Stock of GROOKBIESalways n r ti&nrl anil ORDERS FILLliU. wn idb same eare and at as favorable., prices AS IF lni kcho,Aog. 15,1$. , Xo. 211 XorlU Main.St., St.: LOUIS, Mo- ana - ivr a n TTTiTrar, - X x - j L. !& C. SPEEK A Co.. Pinneo's Gracaars, Importers jod-beens, ana Uiiito uooas anaWoolof American Cottons,Gloves ens, ana flannels, Hosiery, - - any quantity, at very Lsw Rate. A BLE and JngTYDT3uag readrJy find employment on the RAIUlOAb, .Y tr determined ur C11 shall wuh MJLX.EH A PATTERSON, Con tr actors, at E. rRAJfKEjmiAI. & Co., 7 .satisfaction both to PllICE an amt steady WerU'nntll Wares and Manufaettrrera of Choi re Mantblr. Winter. Waarea Paideon Dealers tn all kinds of IEAF. JMPORTERS tract to resDonsinie Soma worat tu be let dv 137, SOUTH N.f A. HXT FREXC1X CALFBOOTRdfcsnOZS werku tbat way, rather WATER STREET,TOBACCO, CUMCJM ta,-Jwho TJreJeto parUea LADIES' rirESUOEA than by ta day.--- ' Goods sold at New York Wholesale Prices. 1dt t Jf esaare. IT. BCTTTJBART A Co No. A G4 d229;6m G? nncAGo, nxixoia. Worls stop lVaanwx oots :SSioes, MONEY IOR WORK! bp'ont oirx make, iu T.u I of DrcH Goods, Iin- - w SUPERIOK ARTICLE !'. 1 Xo. 413 X. FOURTH STREET, (Bet. St. Chiarles and ocust,) Mo. St. X.OUIS, 7 MoxTEiTHr Geographies, 70 Mieuigaii Atciiiic, motions, i FALL STOCK OF GOODS, . Skirts, tc. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, rs IIX again sUrt East about the lith of Au- ' j " r. gust, to purcnase TRIMMINGS, ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, CHICAGO, HiIi. Mr.'FBEDT. FEQBIS Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers j and Dealers in 4V '- Hosiery, Gloves, Tans, French Corset", Elementary Spellers, And SAlVr LAKE.CITY. Wra. SLOAN & CO.. t Impoiter ancl Jobber of , bACES, EMimOIDERIKS STREET, - V AT THE SIGN OF TIIF READEBS AND SPELLERS, ec'y. ' d223;3m Dryfioods Jobbers ; SHARP & Y0DIIG. UUlt Win. II. Orejjs, Pres't. YllSOIi'S 4T" tbe Vfontb s j " r. IV. RocKwell. r DRESS AND CL0A None but Good Men' need apply Apply Immediately ad Street. Comprising Si Gi Sewell. RAILRO AD ! Kats talk of having a town built on Black's trk to take the wind out of Green River City's I and Green River saya It don't care, it will 'CiSht it oat on that line,", if it takes till snow city m formi beuers D ED COOKING, PARLOR HE ATI N G . umWeatthlevenlng. WillTot Promisc A'recent letter In the we are prepared OF rso Stone 9faons gh 4 LARGE STOCK dealers, : Co. Have just received their 3D) HH (Corner of Michigan Avenue.) ALLUNcb. IVZi v I M MEDIATELY! - J. Noa. 1 & 3 RANDOLPH ST., .:. on. atauroiMi aeu, . v., .TV. . vt Workmen, can sena be returned wifely packed. will Express; they, WORK WAltltANTEB. PIONEER JEWELRY SJOKK J. East Temple Street. galtJLake.Clty. tit X nr Au rri Jui AJ ' And gtJass O - DRUG, PAINT, OIL BRO'S, & Opposite WellSj Fargo & Co'sBank and Express Office, aat Temple Street, Bait Lake City. PA Particular attention paid to tbe Wholesale Trade, at the lowest Ago res. Come and see S. W. JOEL & CO., d23 lm ( 11. Thou shalt not btfjgoods of any that imi. tates Auerbacb & Bro's.7 Sale Days, Tuesday, Regular nnd nt II citizens. , Kspectxb Lawrence Barrett and John are expected to arrive by stage from IAi?S,nJsriM"sK to importations, V i PAP ER BAGS, 81ITIXs8, la.--; BOOTS, SHOES : bou mls-lUaeo- us; - - nn. CJeneral Agenis lor i m ::- PURE NEATSFOOT OH.. HIGHEST WAGES PAID! - WALKER BROTHERS, Hflls and Wwlen Mills, or any kln.lof shalt not make bfife at Anerbach are bought unless they goods, DBESS IATTEIIX.S. BrosBtore. shall noVUe gloves, hone handkerMAnufacturers of chiefs and fancy goods, unless h r CI.OTIIS nnd CAh.HIMLKltE.S AuerbachdtBrb'aatorcu, PATENT MACIIIXK 3IAE ahalt not allow thy.wlfe or daughter are nules they to buy dress goods orAdomestics. t bought at Auerbacb Bro'n Store. streets. walls the i.Thou shalt not up4sithy boot and ahoee am bought at Auerbacb Adlm FOK Store. LIXFJS S cV MVeLIXH, 6. Thou shalt aot b aUowed to visit ladles (irororn, Drucsits 1 takers. Acnnless thy clothing come from Auernach A Bro's Stove. for thy head C Thou Hbaltiiave no covering 3tc. in theNRTlt DEXI3IS, A Bro'a ONLY MASUFACTlTRF.IUi Auerbach at are bought hats unless thy WEST ! :j . .v- r .unless store.'-.7 Thou shalt not walk into thy house, TAILORS TRIMMINCiS. thy car pets, rugs and mailings are bought at 131nSaIlc Street, Auerbach A Bro's Store. CHICAGO, g. Thou shalt not allow thy remaie uonseuoiu i2am E. Uniefa uieir riihwu, ciom ut w& XXOTHIXO. parasols, tans.bal cloaks, sacks, basnhe. furs, or trim, moral skirts, embroidery and an sorts & 13ro s Store. mings are purchased arAuerbach 0. Thou shalt not go to bed at night, unless BURMMS & VAN SCHAACK, covered with fine wall thy bedroom walls are thy-becovered with ahd paper and border, Which we are selling at Private and Public Sale fine California blankets, purchased at Auerbach Lower than any other Hoou tn the Territory, A Bro'a Store. Wholesale as tbe entire Nloeti maw be eleseil ont tn 10. Thou shalt rml make tby toilet In the the NEXT THIRTY DAYN. and morn ing; unless thy soap, perlajneryi tooth Auerbach & Bro s. at hair brushes are bought - i i'heyenne Leader, written from Green River Wy, intimates that a flgbt Is looming npbe tw" Q the citizens of that burg and the TJ. P. R. . agents backed by the military. The U. P. B. it. ttents claim the ground oa which the city "tandsi, and demand pay for the lots. The cltl--u claim to have a title to the land from tbe Mall Company; but they are willing vrland . pay a bonus it the company will promise to make Green XUver the Winter terminus. This t ue agents will not promise, and the military Mistain them in their claim. Tbe Company's - Tbou The lack of a regular book j slur tn thi city, has been lamented by many wlii hav liberally onconraged anything it, and have been compelled to pay U4t?r postage on works which t hey desired to 8vfisn ?jr.ttly frm the east or west. This vokl t .Mmt tf be tuted by Mr. O. II. Elliot, who ha arrlvod from the west with a large h'ch Is wf Ixks. sclentlfteC educational, agrlcuU In CaMb, furui. philoscph!cal, historical and with genera! stationary and every-tum- sj needed to complete the stock of a first- u, house, which he will open next week. Quarry-iueThere U little doubt bat the opening of so tlMtrable a bouse in the city will be appreciated Me-t'uiiou- 4en- - I roa EXPRESSLY I at tbe ess- - Insurance effected on Farm Property. Mills. Merchandise, IUsks anu Dwemugs ; Reduced ItateK HUNT. I.. RALRTOK. A.J. ! FOR LUBRICATING, Special attention given to orders from Utah. COM M AN DM ENTH! All Losses nojnsted and paid ; t: ! . , .Flwrtaf Mis, Saw PEOPLE'S EMPORIUW t e ji COMPANY INSURANCE IS mil I has established a General Agency in Salt of Utah. Lake City, for the Territory either In uoid or PniiHpM issued, navable Currency as may be desired. ; "Deseret Evening News." ! . 'lf PAlXr'.j'7 4 Ullllll Hl) I n well-know- EXPBE83LT FOB tl222;2m comprising, Hr&ixKc-rt'Ab- . y our I IVVUIiniVUL. 1! 1 . tI, Grand FIRE ABD HARIBE INSURANCE Packed id Patent Air Tight Caddies of 8 lbs.,' 5 lbs., 7 lbs. nnd 10 lbs. eaclu This iackage hi entirely n4w and found the most convenient ever Introduced, both for dealer and consumer. The trade are Invited to givo it a trial.! Also, Manufacturer of OfOria Ocerttiof CLOTHING, &c, El-iiirt- ;;t I PACIFIC 4 or Va.cU.otc9 Also t.irciriti.. flu. wlihont imln.Elhorial or Chlnforui nd naed. ' Bnt Nprny, T trweteil WITIIOI T a I f a Com mercial rreealns; Proeesa DOLLARS meud Mtrons Oxide sitae mbst Ex- v OF unrnt way or having Teeth miutt a NIXETV if , '. that our paruier8nipwiA J on thebereby. First of January .next. "y"1;"Zwt'-aeiverequest any ?anatoevery us, by-indebted this dab3 irom aetue withli (00J slxt?Idaya save expenses, as at ma tTZwT tor oe given into tne nanas "l .r collection. t N R AlHOPJACO- - sSalt Lake City. July 9. lioS. f i nuws- M. i TEETH CjsiraUrted with afltrona Oxide- - I txu, ,K 412My ' i TEETH luserlet In CJOL.D, fHI.VEn, aad RCBBElt PLATES, nt Prlee from HIOO down to 810, per NET. ut And .. ., Of San Francisco, California. i" imv; Yonn sTonn, - ruRMSii . ... ': ? t TEETH plurgert; CwltJt QQLD, PI BE H1LVEII, awl WJIV It' If. SHARP'S Warranted to a;tve antlsflsctlon. the OLD tH i nrUtlansen also returned yestei i(jer mission to Scandinavia. hi iiy. trn t iKK i ST. Joph. By a telegram topreai-deVuuoj, received this morning from Preal Know, we learn that an express Krastus ,ivnt ,Medtt. George yesterday from fit. Joseph on tbe ()Q t ild jiudJy, beartng Information tbat out In the broken fort, daring a istti tire bad an tbe boor half in aa meeting bouse and sjlf, tanJtrt-most of tbelr with dwelling houses, men were In The were consumed. ..ononis, bouses work"; and tbe at fields being thatch. tu with flits burned so rapidly that they were brethren could arrive. The ,ttr.yed before the are Bio's O. P. Miles, W. sufferers principal Mmr". BMllngaby, Thomas Farmer, Day hanln, GibHoo, Watt, Cahoon, Ferguson and Bros. Weiler, Pratt, Clyde and Bydalch iy-l aa other now north have also! lost their Th tire originated with some children poutoes, near Bro. Htreeper's place ,.uvi will be sent tin. rfuow telegraphs that relief ' T ' "" ' TRADE- - SHARP, BentistF' W.iiH. " the ilrm ' f ....... s. AM-AIMA- pled tisi - Those wishing their Teet h preserved shoutd : B. from S. i 5 : ; I.OOK TO YOUR ' u. t, . ' FAlRBANl(,PEC!C&CO,i No. 14 Xa Sallo St., PI BABGAIlISIl.JrBEuAIlIS!!!! L.j . L' .... ...... 1 ' -- ) "" CHICACO performance of "Ellsa--I ruATKcAX..- -T tn e eery respect a complete uocee. splendidly mounted; tne playing Thrl and tne perwnatlon of Elizabeth fVlloce waaber crowning triumph here. Liailsh fHnrofours. Wbo U sttoag in the - fthttiai royalty I a useless and expenslre declared that all the bitterness of ha- of Elizabeth was Sml iot tne tyrannywatched the perform- inhlheart,asbe He could not see Mlsa Ineejsor a play .but !. ,ma or too vivid reality, with a haughty. 1m- lo tne foreground. Her ,,rtou. ttckle woman moat wa .,., iodeed excellent, and those characters here seen other In her wh0 bare aa her Elizabeth, except waiJ not have known she ever has voice wntch of volume fail by tu Ea McKensle's Mr control. ia complete Bow-riMx waa very good; and Allaa Adams, Mrs. Miss Alexander, Messrs. Lindsay, Gra-nrHardle, Thompson, etc, did full Justice to in character intrusted to taem. llias Ince loudlv called for at the close, and .ap peared, bawluc ber acknowledgements. to aotlca that Hid really line We are Alias luce's great Impersonation of iuy,wttu evening. KUxabetb, win be repeated Hbtl'knbi Missionaries. Among the wbo returned yesterday waa EJder Radd. lie left this city on tbe 301 P. nrDz went to England; labored there l&Si; f April. in jieauing, ueroy and Cher years tw ,ut United conferences, ,.,,4m visited his returned to the friends; nd labored In t tmd udui ne tun uob ttie tot ' ! -- AL ANU " 'i S. N E V E V E N l".N G ). SaaaaaS SaaaSaWSaaaaaaaaaaaa-- i at SEBET ' i,. ( DlLDIuGS 13 Clilna, Gloss & Qaccnsv afe, Table Cutlery, Looklnjir Glasses, Coal Oil v 4229:6m ; i u'i N.- ; Lsnpt.'&e., v r J. 1 :. J J, j -; i v -- tl - . |