Show WHAT ci 17 MRS BAME HAVE DONE the growt kand and development of any community Is perhaps no more clearly reflected than in the statements of its tanking institutions they are the financial barometers which indicate which way the wind ot of prosperity blows and in looking over the statements ot of the three local banks recently published some very interesting statistics are discovered for instance at the outset the banks show a com combined billed capitalization of with a surplus s and un profits fund of 0 the total InSi individual vidual deposits subject to check including demand certificates shows a total of the time deposits including the savings accounts show a grand tot total al ot of this item represents the real financial condition ot of tile the depositors of the three banks for the amount is tho the savings that have been put away as surplus by the depositors to await such EL a time as as the money may bo be needed either for personal uso use or investment the three banks show total re resources ot of which item depre tents t the splendid growth which these institutions havo have made and the stability of the foundation upon which they rest the banks have all mado made a most healthy gain every year since thele organization and the original in investor veston in their capital stock havo have received their dividends at regular intervals while the great list of depositors represented in the three banks have had the splendid service which the banks nave always been seen in ip a give through tile the experienced men who have presided over them the natural conclusion is and the facts acts warrant the conclusion that this community Is prospering there to Is no boom on but a steady healthy growth and the prosperity maint maintaining tin Is participated in by everybody to a greater or less extent |