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Show Sister Harriet' B.Hark pr'whn i n iripmhrr. r IjjuipOW her dwti'os nt organist. and Sister of the General Board. Par vprv lifet tu.'inrtt'int'-"J7&- & in that i . , structions; ana- expressed. her 'pleasure "to nosition.. meet with utters of San Juan Stake. She A dainty lunch was served, between meettold the .young mothers that the Society ings, and a very happy and profitable time needed their support. and they in turn all who attended our. conferwas spent-bof the Society. - "Every ence. "" is LrcY M. H. Green, member responsible for the condition of the Societys and the ward in general. Our Secretary of the Stake Board. efforts are the source of our benefits. Y - - , " y need-edthe-beiie- fit " . ... . Of-cer- a Meetings are a necessity." Sister Harker also related a very practical method of enlarging the Belief Society enrollment," which we hope to profit by. The, Emery Stake Belief Society conference was. held at Ferron, May 13, and although the weather was unfavorable and the roads very muddy, the attendance exceeded the average of our former" conferences. Espe' .dally was there a good attendance of young people. The hall was artistically prepared and the floral decorations were profuse. The Belief Society stake officers. were all present. .'The morning session began at 10 o'clock. President Mary A. Sorensen gave a welcome address and also reported the general condition of the Relief Society of the - Eva L. Baylks, ' Secretary pro.1 tern.- - GliAXITE STAKE. The quarterly conference of the Granite Stake Belief Society was held at the Stake Tabernacle, June 1(J, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sister Julina L. Smith of the General Board was with us, and a number of the Stake Officers. The atterdance was fairly good at both sessions though hardly up to our usual average. The morning speaker was Elder B. S. Hinckley, who gave an.excellent talk on the Book' of Esther, showing up the beauties of thelife"andlifework of the lovely Jewish woman who wag raised up to become the means of liberating her people from Persian rule and oppression. Elder Hinckley paid an eloquent tribute to all noble, and ' heroic women. Sister Armeda S. Young added a few comments on the same subject. The afternoon speakers were Sister Julina L. Smith who spoke of the faithful life of the mother of the Prophet Joseph and read several extracts from her autobiography. Sister Louisa Morris Decker gave a number of personal recollections of the Prophet Joseph, and days in "old Xajuvoo" before and after the martyrdom and bore a convincing testimony to the divinity of the mission of the great Latter-daProphet. Sister Alice Pitt read some letters of. Brigham Young written to various members of his family, and commented thereof. The musical exercises consisted of solos stake. Miss. Gertrude King rendered a beautiful ' instrumental selection. .. Other speakers were Stake Counselor . roline M. VOO. bySistef3Beatrr Green, and a duet by Sisters Thompson and Ballard.. The stake Relief Society choir rendered several selections. Sister Armeda S- Young, who has been our Stake Secretary for so many years was honorably released and her able assistant r jprudence Brown was chosen as her SUcbfr -a'jpr. oieier Ida NiMe was also re- - wu , U Koberts4lH iempleton Lake City, Phone 2002 HdgSalt T)j, -- ' JJ Salt ;.-- ' . . Treena-Caldwel- .. ;' Annie Maria Allen, - . . . R. K,THOMAS DRORY GOODS CO. , .070971 Main Street, t) Sak Lake City. -- OUR SPECIALT Y ladies' ready-to-we- ai OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; WEAR garments TRY US , .Col-to- n: Ben-nio- n v ture from Naples Relief Society given by Harriet Goodrich, entitled "Temperance." Address by Mrs. Annie K. Bartlett on the lecture which had been given under the name "Temperance." A song from Glines Relief Society by Mrs. Eddis Hair assisted by Miss Hazel Johnson. Bishop's Counselor George W. Parry spoke of the evils of intemperance, referred in particular to the misery that was brought into the home because of liquor. He advised-thmothers to urge their children togo to the temple to get married for time and eternity. President SarabM. Colton endorsed what had been said, she also spoke on the subin woman jectnr of temperance, she believes I .1. we women snoumll euurage, mat to shoulder with our husbands. She did not feel able to spak longer,she having been sick for some length of time. She blessed the sisters in their efforts to do.right. Closed with sieging and benediction until 1 p. m. Afternoon session, opened with ringing and prayer and business matters. President Phebe Hislop reported Maeser Relief Society; Mary J. Hardy reported Glines: Emma Roberts reported Naples; each president reported her society in good condition, although a great many families had moved to the reservation. Recitation from Jensen Society given by Miss Florence Billings, "Teacher's Diadem." Lecture from Vernal Relief Society, by. Mrs. Annie Black entitled "The life of Emmelme B. Wells." Song from Maeser Relief Society by Clara C. Hacking, assisted by Miss Grace Stringham and Mrs. Nellie Colton. Program for the year read by the secretary. Mrs. Phebe A. Merkley. .Mrs. Nancy A. Colton gave advice on the program; she spoke of a little book entitled "Bathsheba Smith's Blessing.'' She had been enthused by the. lecture given this morning on Temperance. She spoke at some length on the same. Mrs; Mary Stringham had been well pleased to be here with the sisters, but felt like she had been out of school for some time for she had not had the privilege of visiting the sisters much since she left here, spoke of moth- r .- . , Secretary. Minutes of 45th Relief Society Confer ence of Uintah Stake of Zion held at Glines, ward, May 9, "J908-- President Sarah M. presiding; with. Counselor Agnes in charge. . " ,After usual opening exercises First Counselor Nancy A. Colton said, her heart went out toward the sisters to see so many at bemeeting on such a bleak day, She,-ihalf of the Stake Board welcomed the sisShe was pleas'ed to see ters to conference. so many young sisters present, spoke of the call that had come from headquarters for some lady to attend the nurses' class, but at present we had found none to go.. .She reported the stake, all the branches had been visited except one, found part of th'em in good condition. ' 111 r l - worK-.snoui-de- and a report of the Emery Relief Society was read. Sister Olive Olsen gave a recitation entitled, "Shall We Know Each Other There?" and Ruth May Fox rendered an instrumental selection. - A sketch of President Bathsheba W.Smith, prepared by Sister Ada Petty, was read. A poem entitled to "To Aunt Em" was read by the secretary. Choir sang "God Be With You Till We Meet Again?' Benediction by Sister Annie Swensen. Roberl,s CIas? in wuuuuuuiwoit wuti jliy iyi. and Seelyane-IwrGo- x IN OBSTETRICS. furthcvr " Hyrum Zwahlen. About twenty little kindergarten children sweetly sang "The Child and the River." Reports were given by President Mary J. - on i) President Myra Hansen gave a good report of the Ferron Belief Society. After the choir .sang "Redeemer of Israel" and the benediction had been pronounced the curtain which divides the stage from the hall, was raised, displaying tables spread with the bounties of life and all wtre invited to remain and partake of the same. This was a pleasant surprise which the; Ferron Relief Society sisters, under the direction of President Myra Hansen had prepared. The tables were beautifully decorated and the young ladies, who waited on tables, were cheerful and attentive. After two hours spent in dining, chatting and shaking hands the afternoon session began. The speakers were President Mary-ASorensen, Counselor Mary JKing and Elder . obsietnes will commence on October J2thf 1908. For "Bishop Newel K. Beal sang Lead Me, O, My Savior." Sister ' Lottie Duncan recited "The Way to Heaven" and Sister Cheshire sang "Nau- - y Dr;MargaretC'Rob Ca- and. Elder Seth Allen: Sisters Nettie Crawford and Fannie Fox -- IN-- G? G uvmon, UINTAH STAKE President Hannah Oldikirk reported Vernal Relief Society. America M. Orser reported Jensen. Lec . - CLASS EMKHY STAKE. . ' 1 ere inevTuoum uuv have time to teach their children the Gospel. Mrs. Mary O' Neil bore her testimony and c uciu. uau tuiu i disvsjxv ui tuc ivoouuo also spoke of the lessons given in Sabbath School, Mrs. Agnes Bennion made a few closing remarks and thanked all for their nVfiRfincft. CnnfArpnPA nrlirmmprl fnr three r months with singing and benediction. njeYer-JiXet-so-nusy- inai "--j , ' 7.y ' Phebe A. Merkley, Sec. ; |