Show MONTICELLO News Items By fly Cornelia Cornella Perkins Sunday evening young people and their leaders met in inthe inthe inthe the Monticello chapel for a special special spec spec- ial lal stake fireside There they heard through closed-circuit closed radio radio radio ra ra- ra- ra dio an address to youth by President President Pres ident David O. O McKay of the church on the subject Courtship and Marriage The I San Juan Stake gathering was but one of the hundreds that were also assembled for the same purpose through the US U.S. There will be a series of 15 fireside to follow each with a special message from the general authority authority authority au au- au- au of the church The New Year was ushered in with numerous house parties and two community dances one dances one a Mutual Stake dinner dance at atthe atthe atthe the ward recreation hall an ant H the other a high school dance Inthe in inthe inthe the school auditorium Among those holding holdIng open house New Years Year's day were Mr and Mrs W. W R. R Bronson and Mr and Mrs G. G J K Coates Mr and Mrs Joseph Adams had as the dinner guests New Years Year's day the family of Mr and Mrs Donald Adams and Mr Delbert Delbert Del Del- bert Whitney Thompson has gained an enviable reputation as a chef among young His home has a popular gathering gathering gathering gath gath- ering place before he returned returnee to the Agricultural College at atI atT T Logan ogan Hosts for a New Years Year's party I for the younger were Mr and Mrs Clem Washburn and snit Mr and Mrs Jack Redd Traveling to Blanding Sunday afternoon for a dinner of the John Adams descendants were Mr and Mrs 1 Joseph Adams Mr and Mrs Ernest tr or ur and their children motored o 0 Salt Lake LaIc City Thursday re- re Sunday night Clyn Young drove from Col Col- I ran nan Coo Colo Sunday morning to toire ire ue fet hi his wife and daughter at Crescent Junc ion From there he went on to Provo stopping long enough to leave HI l Et Etta ta Barton BYU stu- stu its lis and then on to Salt Lake City He will remain there five I davs while his wife Is receiving medical atten attention io I Mr and Mrs Phillip Himmel- Himmel burger were the guests on honor honorat at an open house at the Warren Jones residence Mrs Jones one of the hostesses is an aunt of Phillip The other hostesses were Mrs 1 Maxine Lyman and Mrs Fay Gage Mr and Mrs A. A J J. J Redd were visiting thelt married daughter Alone of Phoenix Ariz during the holidays Mrs Loya Soltau's daughter Christine left Sunday morning for Salt Lake City where she will wll be employed Leaving Wednesday morning for or Nebraska was Mrs Ralph Coonce Sconce She Intends to remain there here for a month as the guest of her daughter To Attend attend the funeral of ot Mrs Helen Hazelwood in Albuquerque NM Mr and Mrs Steve Hazelwood Ha- Ha zelwood left S Saturday The deceased deceased deceased de de- ceased is the mother of Steve Mr and Mrs Karl Barton Mr and nd Mrs II H. tJ U U Butt Mr and Mrs Frank Halls Mr and Mrs D. D B. B Perkins and Mr and Mrs Frank Trank Fullmer were the guests of Mr and Mrs George Park Saturday evening |