Show I To Till Y To the members of oC the Church ot of JUI Christ of Inc Ing the rhe of r and anxIety the th prevalence of DC smallpox In thu cU has hail U Uto us to advise that the college be closed for tor n short tima un untIl III tho Ie 1 allayed concerning that Institution or of learning and onil where people arc In danger of to thIs dread dIsease We take this opportunity of to the people le that they employ every pre precautIon cautIon to prevent the spread of the contagion by to It that those thOle who are or have been exclude themselves from public with others lest they be the means or of the disease To the question of vaccination we have havo glen given careful thought and consideration and our conclusIon Is III that where eare Is taken lIS as to and purity of the mutter the treatment I Is In that It If It does deco not prove II a It at least acts act a as 1 a pallia is II It the plague of mUM much ot 1111 lt terror by causing It to assume In the tho ease cue of a vaccinated a aUchter farm torm We are aware that there theN Is II a of oC opinion In the corn com as to the merits of oC this QUes queston ton and while we hare bave It cr largely as 8 a mutter of individual choice we ft have felt r to express our Ies publicly upon It Now howeler stIs N eel to publish the as al our and we e therefore suggest recommend that the gener generally all ally avail all themselves of the opportunity to become vaccinated using Ising the utmost F care to procure the services of who lire are competent and will be con In supplying only the purest virus Irus that can be We feel In III our own mInds In making this lids and trust that It Will Willbe Willbe be generally adopted LOn SNOW OO OEO Q CANNON CANNONS S Salt Lake City November li 17 iNt |