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Show THE Pace Six SUN-ADVOCAT- Thursday, March TRICE. UTAH E, Kelief Sex icties ents who have thiltlicn attending Dan Sunte Dane Ing ( lub ( eli brate Anniversary hun-,j- ,( the meet- - Announces Party Date fjunioi high. Blaus I,, uii.cmtioii of the i'iie ''n '' k The next Ban Sante A. ofli- of the ing weie made by the. t1 nd arniveis.ery j ,,'id who met Tuesday evening at paity will be belli at the (om.rv Relief society the id ,1.' oig.iinatioii the home of Mis. Chester Thomas, elub Satuiday t ' , Rue Hit will Second ward 7 3U The change at will land begin esldent. ther pi j eon. Harold Bithel, Mis. Frank King, ji;, lef smaaes Sally Ann Olson Camp in the time has been made in that Announces rtainment ml t nL few a Mrs. B. L. Dait and Mrs. Fun Leo- - 'Bar Meets Wednesday idiaru c with the midnight cm Affair For Banquet night March 16 in Er.dav laid he to due government fleet t The Sally Ann Olson camp of nurd and Mrs. John Menotti who,1- PatrickPatrick in 'now Mathl Seaman be will hall oi St. A banquet r'. The annoumeinent is thi- rtni"dtl-the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers weie special guests. Puzos were Mrs. Jut Wilde was hostess at neasuus on will church Dame Notre ll the The y nac t 'ld diet pally e t. will meet at the home of Mrs. won by Mrs. Bernard., Mrs. Bithel home Monday evening at a made tins week so that all a splendid program which Sunday, March 18, from 4 00 until Sea- - bets may arrange their plans to Mary Burgess on Wednesday eve- ana Mrs Dart which complimented announcement The oclock. 700 An man 1c Jayne Mathis. A dessert meet this new regulation ning, March 14. Mrs. Effte AnS made this week by the Altar su- u The les- 500 Club Feted derson will be luncheon and games provided the ti i taming evening is being planri S Mrs. Lloyd llairison was hostess ,('ty wfU) V'1 1 h,iV5 U10. ,a dirnl entei tainment for the follown g by the committee in change son Indian Wars In Deseret will hal t.e. Mrs. Glen S. Nelson is be given by Mrs. Della Gibson. The to the 500 club at her home Fi the theme ef 1'' of the ar.ange-wcr- c gioup of friends who enjoyed the Pa it k will be chairman b'ene.al and cards Luncheon a will with social day night. conclude session Mis. Harry Pleasants, piogiain and will also be featum p occasion: assisted by Mrs. Mary hour and refreshments. enjoyed by the following merits Mrs. Harold Nelson, Mis. Bob Kel- - m the dt i orations. of guests: Mis. Harold Nel- - Bm, banquet; Mrs. George Gibson, and Mrs. James Warren, ley, Miss Huth Hansen, Miss Olive Club Twelve Ison, Mrs. Louis Fijucko, Mrs. Wul- - tickets Stewait, Miss Louise Coh and Mrs I'jniily Dinner decorations. and tables The members of Club Twelve lace Mclntue, Mrs. Ted Clements, A family dinner at the home oi Boyd Knight. y Mrs. Joe Wilde, Mrs. Boyd Knight, will be guests of Mis. laul Mr and Mis James L. Alley e.e.v the who is Seaman Mathis, at her home Friday evening 'Mrs. William Fulton, Mis. llarrv Price Junior High n m daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gemge V. dnesday afternoon was gn i an Pleasants, Mis. Eugene Hills, Mu Schedules Meeting of It T 1c Joe Holman or hoi last M. tne Mathis, of joined spais The date for the first meeting Loins Brackett, Mi.s Fosea Frugni Is Tuesday Night Hostess October and has spent the past included as guists Mr. ami Mis the Puce junior high school Entertaining Tuesday night Mrs land Mrs. Arthur Iaungston. Balm Eiu Biaiu h, Mas Bei nn e ram A., has been set for Thuisday ree- five months training at It. T. Mitchell was hostess to the a Follown lew Mis Vu gnua Gun leison and Mis Florida. g 'rung. March 15, and will convene Beaih, following membois of her i lub and ls Sewing Club Hostess Holman hit Edith Blaiitun. It and with her visit g parents DO K An days k. mteiesting Membeis id the Busy Bee Sew- at oi lo( a guests who enjoyed luncheon ,uid San foi Iiamisio lids she heie left lilt Wednesday Thursday dull were the guests of Mrs giam is being airanged by the bridge: Mis. L. It. Eldndgc, Mis o a tw follow mg th.er alignment night for Iamg Heath, California, fui Williams at her home tei s of the oi gani.ation and an ltuth Ilernarrii, Mis. Ace Huberts, - w et ks visit heie with las tm tin t advantfor sin will when repot Mrs. Iiyron Ch..ppelle, Mis Vesday rugl t l.unehion, ;ewing vitatmn to attend the session is MiA. B Johi.son t f Spiu.g Ghn and visiting were the evenings ch- - extended to the leathers of the ed training. ronica llemlein, Mrs. Fred W. Ki the home of Mr and lie at aid Mrs. Blame Thompson, Mis versions for the following guests junior high school and to all par Ei.i Biantli He armed tie it Tuesday Night em Tuesday night Mi s Boh Kel- - untlyaltei a year of sei vne m 'h Biivious to tl at at South P.u if c It y entei t. lined at a gt her home for SiainaM Mathis tune he s iw aition m the Med.lt' ll t's, ments and lalltan tl.eatle of wai Winie hr Gut 'ts enjoying a sot i.d evening of games and vis- - spent two veals. Mrs. Grare Waterman, Mis. Vera King, Mrs. Marie Migliaccio, Mrs. Nt 11 Kelley, Mrs. Nora Axelgard, Mis la-aWorld, Mis. Nola Chns-t- ei sen arid Miss Ruth Iulli. fr P.-- will he followed with d.mcir good oi chest i a has btn seer for the occasion. T, c j -- 1 c - 1 m-do- dt he-- g mem-pait- r Amere Club The members of the Amere c . gatheied at the home of en Hastings Thuisday fr a evening. Refi sh.nu nts W( IW v ed and the membtis (jrew Miti for secret pals. ,!! ss. -1 1 1 , Stcf-grou- Hold-awa- 1 P.-- T. l 1 BRILLIANT AND MISTED TONE- S9 1 pio-m- I offi-Manl- m-T- ue i - I 1 it.ng mi lulled Mis. James Milt-- , Miss Bulb Hansen, ( Mis. William Fulton,) Dait, Miss Shu ley Nib (lub Meets Friday DUn Empey, Miss The mt mbeis id the Nile t lub ot Mis. Joe Wilde and Ca bon tounty will hold their ,ular nutting at the home ot Mi- latsey Andeison. j. Hi at ken I.te Enday t veiling, itc-Mi- i -s Mai eh 9, hegmnmg at 7 HO. The Sego Lilly Camp n s will liitlude an husint Meets Today This Thuisday afternoon the ( h etioi, of oil u s Mis Lee will Mi- - A H Kellough. Sego Lilly camp of the Daughteis lie assistetl by of the Utah 1ioiioeis will meet at as the home of Mis. Thuia Buell Indian Wais In Deseiet will be,Tuesdav Night Hostess given by Mis My mil Harmon. Eel- Entertaining the Bin 'tide t lub lowing the piogiam a social hour mtmheis was the pleasing of Mis and lelieshmtnts will be enjoyed Benin e Nayloi who was ho-t- t s to the group at her home Tue-da- v by the rm mbits melt The gue-t- s t njoy ing kin. h- Fetes Sewing Club ton and raids mthidul Mis. Helm The Knit Wit elub membeis en- - Bench. Mis LaHae Alexandt i joyed last Thuisday night at the Mis. Allie Chi istei.sen. Mis K.dk-hoin- e of Mis. C. W. Cieamer iyn IYn, Mis 'ngim,i Gaillaid, Luncheon, sewing and visiting Mm El one Jensen, Mi s Lula the evitnng's div et sums. gt i and Mi- - Eianei- - Blown who 'was a sptcnl guest Women Of The Moose All members of the Women of Party Honors New lv w edx the Moose aie uiged to attend the The teuihiis and the ilakhen of meetii g that will be hi Id Fiuiay the Sunday school thisses ol the night, March 8 The auditorium Sunday school depaitment of the elub loom will be the place of the Community t lunch entei tamed at the (.hurt'll on Thuisday of list meeting. wttk at a paity which honoied Mr New Century Club and Mis A C. Jmgensen who-- e The New Centuiy club member- - maniago took place m Febuia y. will meet at the club loom Wed- - Mis Joi gensen was fmmeily Mi- -, nesday night, Match 14. A mu- - Grace A. Let lor and is the supei-siepiogiam in thaige of Mis. mtendmt ot the Sunday sthool Marcel Jeanselnic, will be present-- , An entei taming progiam was en as each class piesented a lium- her lot the party. Me II S Bib- mett gave a toast to tne gucs'.s t Sewing Club Hostess Sewing and luncheon weie thei honor who weie also piesented evening's diversions for the mem-- j with a wedding gilt Relushments bers of the Fidelas club who were concluded the atlair wl.uh was at the home of Mis. Henty ranged by the Sunday hool teaeheis Mills, Wednesday night. 1 TRY THE NEW METHOD 6 PACKETS BETTY CROCKER OF BURPEE SEEDS for only 10 FRESH ORANGE LAYER CAKE! 60$ value -- and top of package of KD2Ll S0FTASILK 27c IECIPI OISUAY AT OUR , Al-we- ie SEE OUR DISPLAY DRIFTED SNOW Dictory Produce LEMONS 2 FANCY, LG. SIZE UKHIVUCO SUNKIST ! 10 Wests Most Popular Brand Since 1852 25c lbs. LBS. ENRICHED FLOUR sack 5-l- b. 8QC , CASE 33c sack 10-l- b. 63c Spring outfits in excit- and of dreamed colors Flattering lines in ing new styles ! wool crepes, monotone weaves, and softest suede cloths. Tailored or dressmaker stjles. Sizes from 9 to 20. al gi-e- Juniper Camp To Meet Literary League In the spotlight at the Lilt ai v The Juniper camp of the Daughteis of the Utah Pionms will meet League meeting Munch i.v night at the home of Mis. Ada Pace on 'March 12, will be the sons and Wednesday afternoon, March 14. daughters of the club membei The lesson will be given by Mrs w ho will paitiupute in A social hour and progiam on education. The eve-i- n H B. Goetzman. refreshments will conclude the Ring's ai i alignments aie dial go Cardigan Necklines Hand picked Edges Selfbraid Scrolling i -a Duality Meats TET KRAUT 10c "rEoLuscDUEED . rwrr go,, imc of Mrs. Blain Thompson, Mis. E.u McAlpine, Mrs. Frank Hamson and Miss Emma Cannon. session. Get your vitamins & minerals c. War Wives On Wednesday of last week the War Wives gatheied at the home of Medical Auxiliary Meets Mrs. William Fulton for a social The membeis of the Medical Auxiliary met at the Country club evening and refreshments. Saturday afternoon for a meeting Womans Club and piogram which was followed On Thursday evening, March 15, with a des-eluncheon. The piothe members of the Womans elub gram included a on will hold their legular meeting in medical eaie by Mrs. J the dub room. The program is in C. Hubbard Mis Roy Robm-o- n of Ket llwoith pi as hostess charge of Mrs. Arthur Baker. for the group Entertains Thursday Afternoon Mrs. George W. Leatham was Legion Auxiliary hostess at her home Thursday afCommunity Service is the proternoon when she entertained the gram topic that will be discussed membeis ot her club and guests at at the Legion Auxiliary meeting a delightful bridge paity and this Thuisday evening The luncheon. Guests of the hostess ib m chaige of Mis Thomas included Mis. L. R Fulmer, Mrs Lamph and the meeting will be Frank ILcks. Mrs. Fred W. Keller, held in the auditonum club loom Mrs. R. Appel, Mrs. C. A. Larsen, Mis. Ethel Tasker and Mis Geui-gi- a Mrs. Mina Brooks, Mrs. W. N. WetCox will be the social hour zel, Mis. Regan Ratliff, Mrs. Hazel hostesses following the progiam. Mad-e- n and Mrs. A. J. Stafford R. C. Mis. and Fahiing of Helper. Quaker Club Entertained The Quaker club membeis were Celebrates the guests of Mrs. Chailes Wolte "5th Birthday lor luniheen at her hume on Wed- -' The 75th birthday of Alfred nesday evening of last week. FoRichens was celebrated by his sons llowing refieshmcnts the guests and daughters at the Richens home participated in cards and sewing Sunday afternoon. The delightful Mrs LcGrund Puchaid was a spe-- , occasion was also a family reunion cial guest. for the thirty-thre- e guests who gathered at the family home for New Organization the birthday dinner and a social Holds Meeting The The South Price Neighborhood guests evening. included Mis. Richens brother and group met at the home of Mis. Ira his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Burrell last Thursday afternoon Duke of Heber. Utah, and four of This newly organized group of woher sisters and their husbands, Mr. men. sponsored by the extension and Mr'. J. J. Sellers of Heber, service of Carbon meet Mr. nd Mis A E. Dayton, Mr. twice a month on county, afThursday and Mis. Nels Anderson, Mr. and ternoons. At this Mrs meeting Mis. J. W. Hoover and children. William Marsing gave an intei stVenire and Stanley, all of Provo. ing d on Making the Most The miinbu- tf the Richens fam- of hat Me Have The member-- , ily with them children included uttt nan g the session included Mrs Mr and Mis. Reed Rich , Mr E E, Pierce, Mrs K. A. W Bun. and Mrs. Clyde Oman. Mi. and Mis. Huny Kelley. Mis Mis Arthur I, Wateiman. Mi and Ik s, Mis M. Mill-- , Mr ,. GBaity ge Mis Paul Parkinson, Mr. and Mr-- . H. in' a, Mrs Joe Pollock, Mis p, Vtin Shocr nd Mis David. Wai-- I C Perce Mrs n Mi-rt nt Its wonderful PIPING HOT! CHEF BOY-AR-DE- E MINCE MEAT 39c SAUSAGE 29c VEAL CHOPS 35c VEAL ROASTS 29c DINNERS per PKGE CHEF BOY-AR-DE- E MUSHRM SAUCE CHILI BRICKS 2 T HENS 25c CANS I QUALITY BUTTER POUND TURKEYS QUICK or REGULAR 49c CRM OF WHEAT . DEL MONTE DICED BEATS 29c EACH 13c JAR large size RINSO PACKAGE 25c PKG 23c . pro-gia- ra out-of-to- RED SEAL SUNBRITE 4 CLEANSER cans 19c LUX or 3 LIFEBUOY FOR 21c LYE SWflH CANS 3-f- 19c 19c or 3-f- or 33c , c scu-sio- WEEK OF FRI to THUR PLEASE bring your OPEN 9:00 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEEK DAYS FOOD MARKET 9:00 SATURDAYS A. M. TO 7:00 P. M. jh a.J 59 North Carbon Ave. 'il I- - own PAPER BAGS n in.-.- -- f Or-o- i e who Di Mis T ' wee G- M n i. IB i I) J it . 1 aie - t f 1 : Th mas Bmrcl land M s , r - j -, liter d wen Wht tier. P. t o ,ltd M's C i S ut Fi iincib i m i i i : t r- - - V- i M-- s Rm G- - ; 2 All radons in a variety of style needs! Straight front, with backs, so good sheert jumpers! Frilly oB the for the suit wth dressmaker lines. T1 lored blouses for practical wear with shirk White, Colors! button-dovvB't- h 32-3- |