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Show UAB ALL TBE NEWS OF EAST JUAB COUNTY. -- COUNTY VOUK IMES VOL. 2 i RAISE ON MISSIONARY LETTER FROM NEPHI PLASTER 18, I8KEAH IN THE HOMES OK NEPHI, LEV AN, MONA, JUAB and MILlf - NEPHI CITY, UTAH, AUG. AD i 1911 BECOMING , NO. INTERESTING UNA HAP QUARTERLY 47- - CON- SANCES. CUTTLE. Frank Russell Writes of 1,000 Tons Goes To PortHis Labors Are You a Violator? Bail Accident Occurs. FERENCE HELD. land Hotel. tu The following provisions of Friday Aug. 11, Mr. Frank the Revised City Ordinances reIS PER CENT is ms- and Master John Win. Evans should nuisances he gulating Once more Utah products, in Juab County Times, Houghton met with a serious read by every one. CUSSED. E IS TAKEN Off- accident. competition with all the western Nephi, Utah. NUISANCES comes with out states, The hay rack that they were Dear Sir: victory Sea. 310, It shall be unlawful was old and had no PRES. PAXMAN I feel as though I would perched upon its banner. This for using COMMENDS CITY ADMIN any person, firm or corpsra-tio- n ladder on quite COMMISCOUNTY CLERK VICKERS AND it. were ISTRATION FOR STAND ON like to write a few words to the week Will L. EHerbcck, managAfter they to have or suffer, upQUESTION. permit SIONER NEILSON WIN OUT BEFORE STATE loadttd up Frank climed on the "Times," my old town paper in ing director of the Nephi Plaster on their premises, whether BOARD. which I look forward to its com- Manufacturing company, re- owned or agon and was going to drive to occupied by them, One of the most profitable and ing. As it is brief, yet covers a turned from Portland, Ore., either one or more of the follow- the stack when the front part oi where well he succeeded in bagging attended conferences ever his load off throwing him and gives County Clerk T. W. Vickers great deal of ground ing unsanitary, fly producing, down slipped in Juab Stake, convened held the contract Portfor the behind horses. news. ab deal a furnishing of My just and county commissioner John great disease to conditions, causing here last land's mammoth new hotel, the The horses becoming frightened, Saturday and Sunday. S. Nielson scored a distinct sence from home while in the wit: All of the stake presidency, of with tons Multnomha, Mr. 1,000 me Evans Mission and makes California began running ap First. Manure which is not was victory last Saturday in their( old high-clas- s thrown under the wagon several of the high council, bishfinishing of news the plasters. my preciate of Board the with State Hies. from meeting protected securely Two and both wheels ran over his ops from the Levan, Mona, and sample cars were on hand ces- Second. Equalization regarding the re- town Nephi. vault, Any privy, and the quality shown there, toback. It is also thought that the first and second wards of I have labored in San Francisco cent raise of 15 per cent in valuapool, sink, pit or like place, with the fact this one that horse kicked him after he Nephi were present. Pres. Pax-ma- n made gether a nine and months for tion on all cattle in Juab county. which is not securely protected fell from the load. Frank is in company furnished the Hotel from flies. presided and opened the Immediately after the proposed great many very good friends. Utah, helped win conference a by reading a section serious is but at little a Altho climate the cold, condition, against Third. Garbage which is not pretty raise, Mr. Vickers set to figurfrom Doctrine and Coven- the Nevada, seem no while Kansas, to tr.ere there. California, be I still it tnis enjoyed writing flies. from ing, and ascertained that the securely protected arts. Pres. I. H. Grace Greeted Montana and Washington. The State would only receive about August 1st. I was called to San new Fourth. Vegetable waste, vidence of any internal injury. the will hotel people and spoke on the over Master I so ot field new a require labor; apparently $114.37, and the county $100, as Diego, trash, litter, rags or refuse of had been Houghton comes through the carloads. is eleven strength It from and the to thirty decided the beat take doing loading a result of the raise. Mr. Vickany kind, nature or description was on the rear observance GOO of will storiss and have rooms. of the religious duties. end I Los to board7 wag Angeles. in which flies may breed or muers pointed out that it would Frisco He referred to the faith and Herald the when horses to started and made Republican. the on, take about three weeks to change ed the "Harvard" ltiply. of the church lead early and he I either run, jumped oi enjoyand the rolls. There are trip in eighteen hours. 317- .- It shall be the Section and who ers of hold posi those ell on in his feet such lighting about 5,000 head of cattle assess- ed it very much, it was a quiet officer to the of health in city duty tions church the one I that his were today. Elder of legs way ed in the county, and it would night and the water calm. and cause ascertain WORTH OF all nuisances, 525,000 Rooth John who above ankle. broken the recently returnlanded in Los Angeles and there just require from a thousand to be in to section declared such ed from mission to Germany was a Dr. Bennett summoned. SEED. twelve hundred notices to be met the elders of that city, and 310 of this ordinance, to be a- - and set the boy's was is the re It next leg. speaker and exsent out to the owners. The spent two days sight seeing. author-i- t, he and shall have baled; both Evans Mr. his that and pressed ported appreciation in being committee pointed out to the Then Elder Perkins joined me Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Henriod his or himself either by home Jiihn im Master are William again. He related some of State Board that horses in this and we took the train to San and Abe Gibson went down in agents or deputies in the day slowhis is it very proving although missionary experiences and Mr. Henriod's aut to the big enter county are assessed higher Diego. to stable, house, time, any a tribute to the German Vaid than any other county in the There are four of us Elders farm of the Juab Development store W any building in order to Edgar Lunt told of now and a nice little branch Co. Saturday and remained over Webb of Mesa Ariz. people. Margrelt state, averaging about $67.50, here make examination a thorough of his some labors in the church. Mr. Henriod states while many other countries aver of about one hundred and four- Sunday. of de- was delightfully entertained at Bp. Parkes was the last speaker for the thereof, purpose that if no frost comes within the the Relief hall last Friday even lne aver teen saints. Itisabeautiful age only about an with next two weeks manager Geo. termining whether or not any of ng by the Mona Relief Society. of the forenoon session and little excellent place in this on cattle assessment such unsanitary conditions, age spoke of man's many weak climate. While in San Diego I McCune exacts to harvest at 34C of this M s. Welb is a sister of Edward nesses. in county is sixteen and two-thirmentioned section have had the pleasure of meet- least $25,000 worth of lucerne dollars, while other counties Kay br. blie has teeii spenu- some of my Nephi friends. seed. Some of the pieces of ordinance, exist. ing At the afternoon session Pres. was It about $17.50. ng the summer here with her average is engaged in land that are being plowed are REFUSE. ACCUMULATION. Norton Thomas J. W. Ord was the first speaker She and Board brother that the admitted by State relatives. Section. 351.- -It shall be un- and a business tailor the so can doing the that extensive, and Mona plow about to in Ariz, moved from was spoke of some of the requirelittle a real estate higher awful for any person to permit also the make two work, rounds a helping good only day. ments has of the gospel, and that made bi.t counties. this county than other vegetable waste, litter, garbage, thirty tars sgo, efders considerably along his Mona will should be done Lord's of to the visit? tn'iiiber The committee pointed out that !;r.ce filth or refuse of any nature. Merle I also line met work. of ' lit!!-ir and first was affairs should Tli" temioral the raise on cattle hit the very ion. party t kind or description, detrimental learned and Brown and wife , cond a a: "We consideration. te & sue r win ori leave MUCH LOVED WOMAN DIES. persons whose real estate and that Senator to health to accumulate within cr town in is but Hyde the liniv.e. li ihin are after r In leaving passive or. seeking hones were assessed high, and or upon any private alley, yard. or I him. am seen as haven't yet Bullife and soon of The Mrs. how t death of know Electa asked that the proposed raise on entertaining things or area except the same is tcm- - time he doesii in work the well anl feeling sub and more solid Utah. Mrs. the he will net back to lock, grandmother of eaving cattle be taken off. The Board deposited for removal. lorarily ex with a many great meeting the effects of stantial Jacob Coleman, occurred Tues ACCUMULATION considered that the arguments regardless Prof. R. F. Homer and Mr. OF MAN have had on us, said that were good, and granted the re- periences. Hoping if any of the dav momincr at Provo. The they memk'rs two ol Stewart lay URE IN STABLE PROcome to San Diego, Nephi people "The saints should Ord. deceased was 77 years of age. the Nephi High School faculv res. quest of the committee. HIBITED. thov ttrill rail nn mp tnv mli nmi! and was a well known and much on an mings mat, be uniien At the meeting of the Board is 1730 G Street P. O. Box 715. Section 352. It shall be un- - were in Mona Monday Aug. 14, stand In speaking of for one loved woman. She was purity." an held of county commissioners awful for any person having for the purpose of extending all success and the Wishing you he of on the of Utah the question prohibition lady managers all to decided to last Saturday, it was prosjtective high of any stable, stall, shed, nvitation I remain. charge happiness God building at the Worlds Fair at to enter the said: "It is the greatest postpone the consideration of apartment or yard in which any school htut'ents yours, Respectfully send that ever came to the from was a Chicago: delegate disestablishing two high school animal shall be kept, or in any Nephi High itchool. This is the FRANK RUSSELL. woman suf to the national Utah Mma oung men of Nephi." Bp. tricts in the county until Aug. .lace within the limits of this first urgent invitation Wash Tavlor followed and confined held convention at frage 25th, when all the trustees oi city in which manure or liquid students have received from his remarks to missionary work. C. few a I). ago, ington, years the various school districts ol discharges of any animal shall them owing to the fact that 'res. Paxman was the last speak FOR and for many COMMITTEE years was presi accumulate or collect, to ermit fieretofoi1 they havent had ro-the county, together with State dis er and delivered a dent of the Sixth Ward Relief such superintendent A. C. Nelson, stable, stall, sdied, apart or us. We appreciate their in- - course on the lack ofstrong to HDMBOMINC GETTING The funeral Provo. at loyalty society and county superintendent Ivan CnUnuvl on fMurl ) ment or yard to be kept in any the priesthood and the laxity in will be held Sunday at Provo, BUSY. C. Dalby will meet with the unclean or unsanitary condition. Mrs". Cole the hme government. "The Mr. and Jacob and county board to discuss the proREIL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tuesday evening the commit man will go to Provo tomorrow DIRT, WASTE, RAGS, CASKS. saints arc on dangerous ground position. Section 353. Whenever there tee having in charge the raisin;? to attend the services. Lucius Swasey of Mona ha when they cannot stand good shall be found in or about any of funds to pnmote the Homi and t together with wholesome discipline," lot or piece of ground any dirt sold his farm Coming Celebration and exhibit for the fear letter Day Saints conwater right to F. A. NEPHI 1 BANNER FRUIT DIS- which will probably le held here gathered in cleaning yards, sideration feel that they can do when they being alut S3. 01. n4 or of Septem the waste mills cr lactones, or latter during part they please." said Pres. Pax- TRICTMr. Swascy will move hisfamily merchandise. damaged any ber, met in the commercial club rags, Supt. of city schools Roy F. to the Uintah reservation, where man; and he called upon the or barrel?. rooms and discussed various Homer wet, broken, leaking around the priestThe Times editor was invited reports that the recent he has a Urge tract of land people to rally materials or follow. Chairman A. school census of or to tasks boxes, any a pica for the plans made and hood, Nepni school which he will farm. recently to visit and sample fruit R. Paxman divided the town tend t or offensive which are church various organization to district is as follows: First ward from the orchard of J. M. Pette or to A to Senator become of to deed home two mem- 221 the and districts decay, control putrid, the 'differand organize boys and 222 girls; Secon grew. Mr. Pettegrew will have bers of the committee were apor record for A. waa filed the render J. Hydp impure atmosphere the ent socities for young people. ward,256 boys, and 243 girl. a big peach and apple crop this each districts, who to unwholesome, the same fchall be the other day in the recorder be little should pointed a We o stronger district the for total a is located will making year. His orchard leemed a nuisance, and it shal office by Mrs. Lizzie Shimrnm in controlling our children, and visit all the families and (912 the schoolchildren between right in the canyon draught, and solicit financial aid to what is j be unlawful for any person oc Witbetk. The deed shows thai the father and mother should be ages of 6 and 18 years, a gain o bears practically every year, re considered be the to by many cupying or owning such pre the transfer was. made in lfXC, the wise rulers in the home." gardless of frost. Mr. Pette biggest celebration ever held in 23 over last year. mipes to fail to abate the same but was not filed for record unti He commended the City admin- grew keeps his 'orchard without Nephi. The committee expects LIVERY STABLE. LAUNDRY recently. Consideration i? stration by saying that they a weed in it, and with plenty of to raise several hundred dollars 12.(W. had cleaned up the town. Ad- BARN. ' cultivation, he can show fruit within the next few days. All ARE THEY? Sec. 357. It ha11 be unlaw fu fowl that shall die or be killed vined the people to be more loyal that will compare with that members of the committee are for the owner vr occupant of within the limit of this city t to the government of the land. raised anywhere. On some of to Dame rumor has it that two the results of their lareport The first session Sunday mornhis apple trees are from 20 to 30 bors at the end of the week. more of Nephi'a tiopular peda any tannery, livery stable, bar, fail to rtinove or bury the car kind or of any factory bushels of good clean wormlef s caps of such animai. within ter ing was given over to the Sunday gogues will launch their noat on laundry the to or permit premises, hours after its death: provided schools. Supt. Nielson f residfruit. People who are contem the matrimonial sea some time place foul become ot same to that no horse, cow, ox orotic ing. The follow ing i ke on nrj.me. As they wish the Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bowers and next week. plating going into the fruit busi lart'f animal shall le buried various phases of Sabbath school sess ought to visit Mr. Pette- - family returned to their home in matter keot strictly quiet, the offensive. within the closely inhat-itetr work: Supt. Nielson. John DEAD ANIMALS. grew's orchard, and see what Spanish Fork after several days' Times reporter refrains frm Loah, C. H. Grace, Alonzo the great possibilities lire for visit with relatives and friends mentioning any names unti It shall be unlawful tions of this city. Sec. after the event has happened. fruit raising in Nephi.' for the ow mi tf r,y tr.inal tr (Continued next week.) here. upon tht ity re-tot- al ds li-r- mm rp. SCHOOL-EIIIORE- , |