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Show Brigham city ONE DAY ONLY Softball Played i MONDAY, JULY 14th f B In North Stake v-- in PALonmo HORSES 'school AMERICA MARIO ROJAS LATIN Fourth Ward Relief 7 Society Holds 7 Summer Session -- - UNICYCLIST The Brigham City Fourth ward PRESENTING ADISTINCTIVE Relief society met at their regusummer session Tuesday. AND IMPRESSIVE ARRAY OF lar t The special quilting ladies met in early forenoon to finish FROM EVERY PARI a lovely quilt during the day. OF THE WORLDI! A noon luncheon was served by a committee. In the afternoon President IN PERSON STAR OF TELEVISION . SCREEN Pearl Hunsaker introduced Hen RADIO AND RECORDING ARTIST ry IDrewes, florist, who gave an interesting talk and instruction on The Message of Flowers and t M RAMBLIN' Their Arrangement." The talks were to toe continHIS OWN TROUPE OF ued by Mr. IDrewes on the first INTERTAINKRl Tuesday of August and Septem ; ber. aqc::ic STAQS TOnr.lY SCOTT CaillAin DRIVE-I- N THEATRE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY $1.00 PER CAR , FAMILY NIGHTS BIG DOUBLE- - BILL Iv "BLUE GRASS of KENTUCKY in color starring Bill Williams and Jane Nigh Also FOURTEEN HOURS , 11 Joan ; Hunsaker Burbank, Calif, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rast Petersen and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ott Wood and children of Phoenix, Arizona visited her sister and family, the Merle Jensens. Coy Gardner of Ogden was a guest of his mother, Mrs. Florence Gardner, Friday evening. The Pixie club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Mary E. Anderson, Thursday afternoon. Proper bed making and how to make dividers for bureau drawers were demonstrated. Carolyn Cox was hostess and dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Lydia H. Cheney of Salt Lake City was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary J. Holmgren, Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Jensen was gracious hostess to her club Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Iversen were Salt Lake City visitors on Friday. , Susan and Jeffery Iversen of Portland, Oregon, are guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner. Roland Scoff ield, Frand Andersen and Farrell Huggins enjoyed a fishing trip to Blacksmith Fork canyon over the other Circus Grounds FOREMOST ar From Rivtr City BEAR RIVER CITY Mr. and Mrs. Don Nebeker and family of The North stake girls held anround of softball last Thursday, July 3, with six games being played. The results In the Junior division were: Honeyville 17, Eighth 9; Corlnne 27, Third 8: Harper 21, Fourth 0. Seventh forfeited to Bear River. In the senior division, Bear River defeated Corinne 33 to 8, and Eighth won a close 8 to 7 game from Fourth ward. In the married ladles division, a single game saw Seventh ward down Fourth 15 to 8. The next round of games are to be played tomorrow evening , July 10. At 6:30 the Junior teams take the field. Third ward and Bear River play on the south field, Seventh and Eighth on the north and Harper and Corinne play on the center field. At 7:30 the Seniors and Mar rieds have their games. On the i south field will toe Bear River r;jZfrzi, and Eighth ward Senior teams. On the north field will be the THE EPITOME IN EQUINE Seniors from Corinne and Fourth BEAVTY AND BRAINS ward. The married ladies from Fourth and Corinne will play in "WALLACE BROS.' PEERLESS the center field. N ARE FACTS 1 AUSPICES OF V.F.W. . AT FIRST TIME ' ( 3P.M'x,8F.M. 4 Plans July 10 Wedding Will Play Delilah Home Ceremonies Unite Couple Round Of Girl with Paul Douglas and Richard Basehart week-end- Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Larsen . were united in home ceremonies performed at the Jenson home in Bear River City on June 25. The bride is the former Merlyn Jenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jenson. The bridegrooms parents are Mr. and Mrs. L. W. . ' . , . . who will become the , bride J. ,of Merrill Stokes in the ogan L.D.S. temple. She is .the daughter of Mfs, Qrville E. Hunsaker of Claramae Turner at U. of U, , Honeyville. - "t family guests of Kellogg, Idaho of his mother, Mr. . are and Mrs. Carlos Jensen. The Holtrys Joan Hunsaker Will Wed are planning on making their J. Merrill Stokes In future home in Salt Lake City, A birthday party in honor of Logan Temple July 10 Mrs. Clyde Larsen was given at Mrs. Orvil E. Hunsaker of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Barker the 23 of June, which HoneyviWe, announced the enwas also the wedding aniversary gagement and forthcoming marof the Larsens. The party was a riage of 'her daughter, Joan to J. Merrill Stokes. Mr. Stokes family affair which included Mr. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. is the son of the late Mr. and Claude R. Barker, Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leslie Stokes of Bothwell. The marriage has been set for Floyd Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hansen of Brigham City; LeRoy July 10 at the Logan L.D.S. and Frank Barker and Miss Lou temple, with a wedding recepAnn Traveia of Richmond, and tion and dance the same eveMiss Renee JMcIntire of Brigham ning. Joan is a graduate of Box ElDelicious refreshments City. were served and an enjoyable der high school and has attended the LSAC in Logan for a was spent, , Mrs. Georgia . Scoffield and evening Primary officers and teachers children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Larsen of Mill- was held at the home off Nola Christensen Thursday evening. ville over the week-end- . Mr. Ciytie Andersen and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. LaVere AnderErma Miller of Elwood are Mr. AnderMrs. sen, Blaine and Larson of Garland. sen and children, Mrs. Frank Spending several days in MonAndersen and two daughters, tana. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holland and Merlyn Jenson Becomes Bride Of Farrell and Mrs. Martha J. Andersen atLarsen In Ceremonies Performed June 25 . , tended the Jorgensen family re- family of East Garland visited . the Emery Huggins Sunday. union which was held at Mr. and Mrs. Vem Barret of e , Lovely auburn haired Merlyn her matron of honor, Mrs. Idaho, Sunday. her cousin, who Mrs. Carrie A. Andersen of Salt Lake City announce the arNelson, Jenson, daughter of Mr. and of a baby 'girl born June Mrs. Merle Jenson, Bear River was gowned in pink organdy this city and Mr. and Mrs. Jay rival 30. (Mrs. Barrett is the former rhinestone with buttons and FarChristensen Mrs. Mr. and of and became bride the City, Colleen and the Johnsen, daughwhite velvet belt. Dallas Mrs. Mr. Mr. of son Christensen and and rell Larsen, and The bridesmaids, In gowns of Mrs. Robert Roberts of Salt Lake ter elf Mr. and Mrs. Melvin JohnL. W. Larsen, Garland, in ceresen. monies performed June 25 at the green fashioned identical with City and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Mormatron of honor, were Janice of Ogden enjoyed a lovehome of her parents. and family and Mr. and gan Lauto Lou and American Fork Jenson, ly Betty outing up of Gay L. Carlos the Jenson, uncle Mrs. Leon Frehner and family were visitRoek. The also canyon, gowns designed Sunday. They bride, officiated,. ,, of Salt Lake City were guests of sewed toy the brides grand- ed Timpanogos cave. Her wedding gown was fash- and Mr. Mrs. Jenson. Esther and Mrs. Laurel Iversen their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ioned with a fitted bodice with mother, Checketts, Sunday. of were guests of his par- Charles Ogden a Each carried of - Mrs. Wanda Johnson attended nosegay tulle yoke edged with Chantilly Mr. Mrs. 1 Glen and ents, Iversen, colors her to lace and accented with tiny complimentary a Polio Planning meeting in , . .i' Sunday. rhinestones. The white satin gown. City one day last week. Brigham Mr. Leon and Mrs. and : Strong Mrs. Jenson chose to wear an skirt with cathedral train had Mrs. Gayle J. Roberts and returned from recently an overskirt of nylon tulile edg- aqua crepe and lace gown for daughter an extended trip, which took children of Boulder City, Nevada ed with Chantilly lace. A tiara her daughters wedding. Mrs. is visiting here this week. She as far as New York. . in - rose them of seed pearls held her should Larsen was gowned Mr. knd ' Mrs. Louis Street' oi came esceeially to7 attend the der length veil. The cascading crepe. Both wore rosebuds and were guests of her sis- wedding of her neice, Miss Merbridal bouquet was of Stephan-oti- s tiny carnations in their corsages. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jensen lyn Jensen and Farrell Larsen, ter, and tiny white carnations Rodney Larsen was best man. which took place on June 25. Host and hostess for the eve- one day last week. a detachable centered with Mr. end Mrs. George Thor nil ey Mr. Mrs. Dean and Hunsaker are the happy parents df a baby white orchid corsage. ning were the brides paternal and children of Honey, ville visit Following the ceremony a re- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs." Osey ed her mother, Mrs. Mary Hoi girl, bom June 30 at a Brigham , Jenson. at honored the City hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Charception couple man, Friday. 'Wedding bells, lovebirds and the Bear River ward hall. More te visit les Checketts are the proud Miss Pamela (Richards than four hundred friends and tiny butterflies decorated the Jng her sister and family, ' Mr. grandparents. (Mr. end Mrs. Stanley Jensen relatives called to extend best four tier wedding cake , 'which and Mrs: Grant Checketts. ' was displayed. The beautiful in wishes during the evening. I 'Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Wankier entertained Friday evening cake was topped with the tradi- announce The receiving line stood bethe arrival of a new tional miniature bride and bride fore double , branch candelabra granddaughter, bon to Mr. and . groom. COMING TO THE with tall white lighted tapers. Arthur Conger on June 21 Vear L. jJenson was master of Mrs. at a Brigham City hospital, Wedding bells ahd white satin ceremonies for the program preMr. and Mrs. Boyd Hawkes are leaves decorated the candelabra. sented. Those participating were very The new Mns. Larsen chose as happy over the arrival of who The sang Rusty Jensoh, Lords Prayer and The Sweet- a sweet baby daughter, born on est Story Ever Told." His solos June 21. Mrs. Hawkes Is the forwere followed by a toe ballet mer Seneth Iversen, and Mr. and FOR ONE WEEK and Charleston tap dance by Mrs. LaMar Iversen are grandDanielle Wood of Phoenix, Ari- parents for the first time. Mr. Mrs. and and Ray Holtry zona. Le Ron Johnson I then STARTING JULY 16 sang Oh Promise Me and .I Matinees Every Day '' Love Thee." Ladies chorus ..of gas and Boulder City, Nevada Garland sang The Sunshine of was planned by the couple. Open At 2:45 p. m. ' L Your Smile. Upon their return they plait to SaL .& Sun. 1 p. m. Gift bearers were Joy Hansen, reside in Tremonton where the is at the Roberts Sheila bridegroom employed Williams, Kay Mountain ' States ' Implement a MATINEE j, PRICES and Joan 6tokes. ' 30c Children in Those charge of the gift company. The bride is a graduate of Adults rooms were Renee Larsen, Wil 60c ma Larsen, 'Francis Petersen, Box Elder high school 'and has EVENING PRICES , Kathryn Wight, Carol ftoundy been a student at the lUtah State and Dorene Andersen. Agricultural college in Logan Children 30c Serving was under the direc for the .past year. Adults JOc J. The bridegroom is a Bear Rivtion of Peggy Christensen,' Car la Iverson, Joyce Andersen, Kar er high school graduate and has en Ramsdell, Gay Andersen, Ja spent three years in the aimed nice Leonard and Judy Jensen. forces. He just recently returned from a year in Korea. . A honeymoon trip to Las Ve , . Rex-bur- Mel-vern- , , year. For the past year she has been employed at the Budge clinic in Logan. Mr. Stokes is a graduate of Bear River high school and this spring graduated from the U.S. AC. with a B. S. degree in commerce. He will return to school this fall to work on his master CAGE fVIUK BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday. July 9, 1952 South Stake Jr. M-M- Tourney Set en The South Stake Round Robin in softball for junior ages from 13 to 19 years will begin Wednesday, July 9. The winner will play in the Ogden Tournament on August 4. This is a one game elimination tournament to be held on the Perry park diamond beginning at 7:30., X'A. I , .Games must start on schedule ' t t 3 y I as follows: 7:30 Willard vs. 6th Ward 8.30 Perry v8. 5th Ward.) 9:30 2nd Ward vs. Mantua. First ward, bye. j ' ; degree. The young couple will make their future home in Logan. honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ott Wood of Phoenix, Arizona. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hansen, (Mr. and Mrs. Shirl Williams and Mrs. Esther Jen- lOJJlHQJ) IT'S COOL INSIDE! LAST TIMES TODAY sen. Mr. and Mrs. Kilpack of Hun- "BELLES ON THEIR TOES" tington visited their daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Andersen. with Jeanne Crain THURS. - FRI. - SAT. 1 TODAY AND THURS. TECHNICOLOR FEATURES TWO BIG 1 i ROBERTSON JOANNE DR DAl mmsmm-- - , f OX U19 - ILbxxon tat WCMMS BOCK OCX RKtf j Uv-Ita- CO-HI- T IT ROCKS THE SCREEN UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SUMMER FESTIVAL presents m i ow Ted is ahead . . . thanks to one of the ' greatest services ever offered the motoring WEAR SERVICE . public eaervice that helps engines last longer, HERES CONOCOS 50,000 MILES-- NO perform better, use less gasoline and oil! At proper intervals. Your Conoco Miooge Merchant will: Its exactly the same service that kept test rCAm neWUl Conoco 6 spectacular- - 60,000 Drain out grit and sludge, preferably while the Miles No Wear road test! is hotl engine e 'In that famous 50,000-miltest, with 1,000- Recondition all air and oil filters! mile drains and proper filter service, test car , engines showed no wear of any consequence: in Fill I ha crankcase with great Conoco Super fact, an average of less than one Motor Oill inch on cylinders and crankshafts. Gasoline mileage for the last 5,000 miles waa actually 99.77 as good as for the first 5,000. Now you can get this same 50,000 Miles No Wear Service, at your Conoco Mileage Merchants today! j - ' YOUR ENGINE LAST LONGER, PERFORM BETTER, USE LESS junnrom-fiWITH. LLOYD 9 THOMAS LEECH CLARAMAE - Jr s GASOLINE AND OILI AND MAIL ORDERS AVAILABLE OIL COMPANY A, INFORMATION rt MN BB man fetal tafetaptall feta I fea.iltatra.kMta'HMilM, fell tjta rt feta Mi fen ll fert (DM fetal tart Wirt . H 52 gavio butler pirc z WESTS! fltaltea iflujil Haul ll)N . STADIUM BOWL 8:45 P. M. MW CO-HI- T TURNER HELPS t motu ar Witt I 'km tiiii, iFlii 1 1" Produced and Directed by Wesley Barry Screenplay by C. K. Kivari Plus SERIAL , . -- SHORTS CARTOONS |