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Show Wait'll Mary Catherine McCabe, daughter of (Dr. and Mrs. R. J. MdCa'be of Boise, Idaho, became the bride of Harold Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Han sen, Brigham City, in a ceremony performed at high noon on June 28, at Our Lady of Lourdes church in Balt Lake City. Father McAnuff officiated. The bride wore a pale blue silk shantung suit with White lace hat and accessories. She carried an old fashioned nosegay. Her only attendant was (Joan Niesses of San Francisco. you see what's cooking at V. Best man was Oscar T. Hanson of Crand Junction, Colorado. Ushers were Jay C. Hansen and Don N. Hansen, brothers of the groom.-Mrs. McCabe wore a pink silk ren s V Just Weds " Honeymoon In Northwest Mory Catherine McCabe Became Bride 01 Harold Hansen On June 28 In Salt Lake City shantung dress with navy blue accessories. Mrs. Hansen's dress was beige nylon with brown accessories. Both wore corsages of rosebuds. A luncheon followed the ceremony in the Gold Hoorn at Hotel Utah. They honeymooned at Lake Tahoe, Nevada and are now at home at 1318 Michigan avenue in Salt Lake City. The bride is a graduate of the University of Washington in Seattle and is affiliated with 'Delta Gamma. For the past year and one half she has been a stewardess for (United Air Lines - Brigham City. Utah Wednesday. July 9. 1952 in Salt Lake City. The groom la a University of Utah graduate and affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. - BIRTHS Wight Household Busy During The Past Week ments July FOR 'A SHOWDOWN DEMONSTRATION OP THE FARMALL and and As part of their summer primary projects Bluebirds of the Sixth ward enjoyed breakfast at Rees Pioneer park on . Monday Karen Hadfield, Irene Jumper, Elaine Rasmussen, Patty John son, Marion Olsen and Ramona ' Winters. ) fo-m- ; " Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burden . . . left for a Pacific Northwest honeymoon following their wedding in the Logan L.D.S. temple and their reception at the War Memorial home on June 27. Mrs. Burden is the former' Janice Hunsaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunsaker. Sharon Jeppenw'n Reeves ind mother, Harriet Westenskow And mother and the following girls: mother, mother, Joan ' breakfast gaiinet Following present for the six I oclock reveille were: Marsha were played until 8:30. Teachers for the group art Mrs. Rasmussen, and mother, Francis Hyer and mother, Kathleen Han- Orville Larsen and Mrs. Maurice . t 5 sen and mother, Pauline Bundy Burtcher. . FREE... 3. A girl was born July 3 to La Vere Vernon and Vera Susan Domingenz Hansen of Bear Rlv er. Gilbert George and Margaret Louise Hedin Rowe of Perry are the parents of a girl born on July 3. A girl was born July 4 to Kenneth De Wayne and Joan Foster Bigler of Collinston. Kazuo and Mary Klshimoto Sayama, Brigham City, Route No. 1 are the parents of girl born July 4. A boy born July 5 to Charles Robert and LueDla Garn Drol-lett- e of Brigham City. Lee Russell and La Verna Rae Richardson Zinok of Bear River are the parents of a boy bom on July 5. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carl Seashore are the. proud parents of their first son born July 6. The two Seashores have young daughters. Mrs. Seashore is the former Constance Cuyler Caldwell. A boy was born July 7 to John Ray and Verna Lucille Lind Firth of Lynn. one-hal- Has Oakland Visitors Sixth Ward Bluebirds Enjoy Park Breakfast morning. Those The following birth announcecome from Cooley Memorial hospital: A boy on July 2 to Wendell Vernon and Carol La Rae Crapo Saunders of Brigham City. Don Lloyd and Marilyn Wilcox Christensen of Brigham City are the parents of a boy born Bishop and Mrs.' Lewis S. Wight have a busy household this past week. New Grandson Arrives News comes from Dayton, Ohio of the birth of a second son to Lt. and Mrs. Nile A. Sorenson. The youngster weighed six pounds and 12 ounces, and will be called Michael Kent according to Nile Jr., the three end f year old brother. Mrs. Sorenson is the former' Charlene Wight. Here From New Mexico Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wight and daughter, Vicki, have arrived in Brigham City from Alamogordo, New Mexico. They plan to stay until July 28 visiting with family members and their many friends. Mrs. Wight is the Donna Jenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Osey Jenson. To Leave For. Camp iDr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Wight and young daughter, Kay Lynne, of Ogden will leave soon for Fort Riley, Kansas, where Dr. Wight will be stationed at an army hospital. He just completed his residency as an obstetrician. C. O. Christensen ASK PAGE THREE BOX ELDER NEWS sample BEACON WAX To the first 75 LADIES coming in our store beginning WEDNESDAY at 8:00 A. M. ... . Carol and Maik Christensen, children of Dr. and Mrs. Clair Christensen of Oakland are vacationing in Brigham City with their grandfather, C. O. Chris, tensen. Her From Manhaiten Beach their with here Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sands They journeyed Unites L.D.S. Janice Temple Ceremony father, who returned to Oak- Logan and youngsters, Carol, Sandra On June 27 Hunsaker And Robert Burden land on July 4. and Michael, of - Manhatten They plan to remain until the Beach, California have been were sung by Fat, (Renee, Helen visiting with friends in Brigham lovely, in a gown of nylon end of July when Mrs. Christensen will arrive with the two net and Imported Chantilly lace and Leah Palmer; Fern Jensen City since July 3. over satin, Miss Janice Hunsa- and Doriil Horsley also sang seyounger Christensen children. ker, daughter bf Mr. and Mrs. lections accompanied by Mrs. Visit With Relatives Walter Hunsaker 'of Brigham Renie Littlewood; Rosanne Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Peirce Hawaiian Visitor At played two violin solos City, became the bride of RobBLOCK & SAVE" 'Mr. and Mrs. followed by a piano number by and family of Salt Lake City of son ert Home Burden, Johnson Ephriam in visited with relatives BrigRhodes. On Sunday evening, following William C. Burden, South Brig- Lucretia ham City during the holidays. Immediately following the re. church services, Mrs. Clinton ham, on June 27 in the Logan weds the L.DJS. young ception just temple. Kanahele, Oahu, Hawaiian Inleft for a honeymoon in the Pa land, guest of Mr, and Mrs. The brides gown was design- cific Northwest. lUpon their re a entertained Ephraim Johnson, ed and sewed 'by the bride and turn will reside in Brigham group with songs and dances of her mother and was fashioned City. they the islands. with a fitted Chantilly lace boMrs. Kanahele was on her first dice over satin, with llow sweettrip to the mainland and visited heart yoke with inset pleated Knud sens Return To in California prior to her Brig- nylon net. The sleeves were San Diego Home July 3 ham City visit She is now with long and tapered with tiny self ft Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Knud two daughters who reside in covered buttons at the wrists. Provo. Before returning to Oahu The Billowy skirt was of nylon sen and children, Richard, Dee she plans to see New York City. net and the peplum lace edged. Anna and Rodney, returned to Those enjoying talk of the Is- Her fingertip length veil of ny- their San Diego home on July lands and the songs and dance lon net was edged with nylon following 10 days in Brigham were: Mr. and Mrs. David O. An- lace and was held in place with City. Mrs. Florence Penrose, who dersen, Mr. and Mrs. Norman orange blossoms sprinkled with Watkins, Bishop and Mrs. Eber-har- t rhinestones. The bridal bouquet had spent five weeks in San Zundel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry was centered with a large de Diego, returned to Brigham City Nielsen, Daisy Madsen, La Priel tachable orchid corsage sur with the Knudsens. They .vacationed at the home Wight and Mr. and Mrs. Chester rounded with Cymbidium or. Nelson of Ogden. Mr. Nelson just chids with background of. lace of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Owen. Mrs. Knudsen is the former We sincerely hope that you were among the 100,000 Intermountahi recently returned from his second petals edged in pearls . Alice Penrose, sister of Mrs. L.D.S. mission to the Hawaiian Maid of honor jvas Marilyn folks who shared $1,264,000 in interest paid by First Security' Banks Islands. During his first mission Burden gowned in ballerina Owen. he was a missionary companion length orchid gown. Bridesmaids last year. But missing the boat last time doesn't stop you from J. Y. Merrell Visits to Ephraim Johnson. were Elaine Burden and Joyce enjoying smooth sailing in die future. Just open your savings artosssst On Monday evening Mrs ..Kana Kimber. 'Both wore ballerina With Mother Here now and save regularly, hele enjoyed the summer must length gowns Of blue net over , Attorney John Yates Merrell cal, Kiss Me Kate" with the taffeta and , carried crescent Johnsons. It was the first out of shaped nosegays of Cymbidium of Washington, D. C. stopped off Actually, more peopfe save with First Security Banks than any other in Brigham City last week for doors production she had seen. orchids. Miss Burden's nosegays a brief visit with his mother, financial institution in the Intermountain West. And here are some of was similar to the bridesmaids. Mrs. J. Francis Merrell and Everyone is Invited to phone Flower girls gowned in green other relatives. the reasons why: First Security Banks are Conveniently located in 46 their society items for the News net over taffeta were Sherrill in been has Merrell communities in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. In addition, First Security Attorney ; and Journal to 77L . . Carol Hunsaker and lee Bur the west for two weeks on busiden. They carried pink puffs combines generous interest rates with insured safety on each account to ness. with Lillies of the Valley. From here he flew to Phoenix, $10,000 plus the combined strength of the Intermountain West's largest With gardenia and pink car Arizona to visit his brother, financial organization with assets in excess of three hundred and thirty nations pinned at their shoul Thomas Y. Merrell, and family, ders the mothers of the young then on to Dallas, Texas, then ' million dollars! couple were gowned in' pale back to D. C. Naturally, were proud of paying the largest blue Venetian blue. Mr. and Mrs. Merrell reside Grant Merriot was best man. at Arlington, Virginia. They amount of interest in the history of Intermoun The couiple was honored at have two small sons, John Y, tain banking . . . but we are more pleased that in the evening at Jr., and Joseph Craig. reception held the War Memorial home. Regal we are meeting the every day savings requireLilies in baskets and a garden Little Evelyn Wight ments of so many people, housewives, career scene decorated the hall. The four tiered wedding cake was Celebrates Sixth girls, farmers, laborers, business men. Your topped with a miniature bride ) account is cordially invited too, Large or small. Birthday Anniversary vases and groom. Bud .containing' pink roses stood on either Evelyn Wight, daughter of Mr. side of the cake. .... ,, and Mrs. Newell H. Wight celeMr. and Mrs. Nello Jensen brated her sixth birthday i anwere in charge Of serving! .as- niversary last Sunday, June 29. sisted by iMarie Jensen, Helen An enjoyable afternoon , was ' Palmer and Myma Kimber. spent at Lagoon after which the Mrs. Ida Hartman and Mrs. family returned to their home Pearl Olsen were in the gift where dainty refreshments were rooms assisted by Gae Nell Ol- served, including a birthday sen, Kent Hunsaker and Pat cake in green and yellow colors. Palmer. ... Miss Evelyn received many j During the evening songs nice birthday gifts. . . SUPER (g ON , mrnvp FARM YOUR IT WILL DO YOUR SPRING PLOWING AND ALL WORK DURING THE YEAR 20 USING 5 LESS GAS CALL US TODAY AT 300 BRIGHAM TRUCK AND "W IMPLEMENT CO. i , . 1172(567 o . PHONE 300 r ffyou wahf bourbon fhzfs hofh . . . 1 ! Start saving regularly buy . Lm?Q savings certificates lowest In Ash' 2tt Highest In Heat HOTand CLEAN ? , PHONE .ONE I BEEHIVE COAL K APPLIANCE PROoi, STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY, JAS, BARCLAY A CO. LTD, PEORIA, ILL 60 ( North Main Street Brigham City ... in five years give you a guaranteed interest rate of 2 VS per annum and are insured like other bank deposits. Available in multiples of $100. Ask about them today. Units LET US FILL YOUR BIN TODAYI SAVINGS CERTIFICATES motor 1 |