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Show wu -- n r-- - r - J v. THE DESERET NEWS WEDNESDAY 12- - ON DRY TICKET FOR CONGRESS, 9 1926 Mens and Boys DepL,3od Floor Take Elevator , sr Miner ", lit CAMP ON JUNE DRESSES Wires Sent to Congress From Convention; President Telegraphs Greeting to Coast Meeting. Rain Settle Dust and Guardsmen Snappy And Shiny Gun Draw Official. Praise of Mens and Boys Specially Bought for This Great Summer Sale and Very, Very Specially Priced at Reg. to SUITS Reduced! Special SANTA MONICA, CaLL. June Tekram urging the Veteran guardsmen of the 145b ad' pt on of ao appropriation In reyfew field artillery paaeed ct ITvtOoOoo in fedorai aid tor in the United rr aC Wednesday before Got. Gevgfi H in8at-w$re telegraphed to both Pern and other state officials, by fccusa c? cor greee yesterday cluding Atty. Gen Ha ryfy if duff. rh Lrt ed St&Te good road State Auditor John IX Holden, and hera eeesion in cre:tion :r enbodied a resou-- . Te State Treasurer Jrhn Walker t J I le da of Ken-ftt r, Kari,, Jordan It was a dajyit the tuwe- the signatures of a ros s camp when the veteran art.l- governor mhoare at- to were ter.dsrg the convent lerymen oLthe Utah guard of Gieeling from President Cool-- i dlaplay their skill In the school jdge were contained in a telegram j the artilleryman before the itate's' the convention. chtef executive as well aj a nuro-- j Interested officers og regular army 1 , In the training of this peace time war unit. In Full Brgalia vr The regiment was formed on the flats couth of the narrows camp in full regalia under command of Colonel E. LeRoy Bourne. Head quarters battery under Capt. W foi--F. CREDIT MEN TO FIGHT COM- Wetler led the parade and was MERCIAL CRIME IS lowed by headquarters battery of the first battalion under Capt. J. B. CTAH. ,4 B. A. and and Batteries by McCarty tjLeS C undar the respective commands of Captains Irwin Clawson. W. C. John B Shanahan of Omaha, McCone. hay and Arvel Morrison. William Hamilton Neb former aaelstant chief of theMrs com- - j T. Clawson Yet Uri-eMajor Curtis State department of juslent cf The sec- - hove, and'former pres, Fedenti' mended the battalion. n of t!ce. win arrive In Salt Lake June Count, city ond battalion under qpmmsnd K to take charge of and organ.xe San Fr,ce-o- . WomMJ , clu, -L.irn un.t of the Imermountain Aseo- nll: oppose Mrs Julius i in the order or the hcd-- , of Credit Men for protec-oI r:aton Incumbent 'or e.ec or tr quarter battery of this battalion fall re against commercial crime and J a y r' under Capt. Glenn C. Jensen. fraudulent bankruptcy proceedings tery D under Lieutenant Harry hiinountea Thomaa O. Sheckell, Hatch. E under, Capt. E S Durmanager of the association ham and F under Cart. Fred unit is a part of Th protective nation-widThomas cam- e Men s the Credit excelan The artillerymen made .gfi against commercial crime.lent showing and one which hjrh m the past has cost aaeocta- j brought forth high praise from ion members over three million army officers reviewing the parade. dolar m merchandise. explained Equipment had been shined up for Mr ShetkeJ the affair and both the guardsman Mr Shanahan, who obtained a and the material showed the efmeritorious reputation handling fects of good discipline The showwhile in bankruptcy proceeding ers of Tueeday night aided somewas obof the justice department what in settling the dust at the tained by the credit mens a o camp grounds. KAMAS Juns 9 Two cia;jon !c 0rk under the dlrvc- To battery A under Capt. Irwin residenta of th s section are tn the tion of a local case committee l Clawson fell the honors of conunder the care of Dr pored o? the fo'ow!ng merchants ducting the firing practice at the A. T hospital L C. N Y Schofield of 2 end three eth-- j I, VALUABLE TREASURES Pannnbrg FOUND ARE governors day exercises. The bat- ers were of the not eo seriously Injured chairman, G M Nitholla tery of Jour guns took up position In Kait Hardware an auto on accident company, near the camp-anthe Provo after the gen(By Central Rre ) eral ravtew began pumping shrap- river road at what is known aa the Hohert Peal of the Smms-l'liHa an accident caused another nel and Steel Into targets In the old double header or Carpenter irocr cominy; O P Meckes ofepochal discovery in the field of ,,h John Sco croft A Son. comThe targets were f.l! setting on th. dugway nearby hills. fleece? fccheckel! Mr and Ogden pany. riddled. generously In Birmingham a riant March AIM Murphy. hU w,. end three Brigadier General W. Q. Wil- cb.ldren were gilng up the txn- - Hup temtorv wtu coer the light atop a tall fonlldtng was castof and Montana, evad. liams, adjutant general of the Utah ing its beam over the city. Fallmet anoh-- r car at yon when guard. Colonel Fitch, artillery of- a narrow they ing on the radio antenna of a set placa Murphy pu.l.d out M eW Oxford Dirtionnrv ficer of the Hlnth corps asea. mile distant, person listenthree Chaplain C. Clarence Neale n &hd and Inaead of pre.e.rg the hra. ing in the loud speaker were surscore of other officers and innutopped on th. accelerat-- r th. ma-- , Make Horte a Mytery prised to hear voices of men, unmerable friends snd relatives of chine Jumping of the dugaay and mistakably those who were operatP the guardsmen were at the camp. roiling down the UO foot enbank-mea- t rV" ,r rv,v h'at MNS LONDON ing the light. Strangely enough Those who the word audible to them faded would describe the horse ss SEW MAYOR AT TOOELE. Mrs Murphy suffered a com- beaM should turn to the mammotha,j when the rays of the light left the fracture of th left arm ar r TOOELE, June S (Special) The pound vicinity of the antenna. now proach-- j the ejbow and a nlr oid Oxford dictionary, wm ,h city council hae named Henry D daughter Comparison of time with memimportant hoped" that'Vf" the' eftrr i Terrs rf un- - j ln Jaw was Ir.ken tw.ee ing ccm-luSmith aa mayor to fill the d bers Power comUrch.okg.cl event In modern Egd The ar in phafTsm," pany of the Alabama ceasing re,esroh term of Dr. F M Davla who on the right P Mr searchlight crew showed that The d.rtior.ary dlscues the horse hospital Murphy sprained his be- he a as dramatic climax reaigned opened the words audible to the radio Dr G org A Reisner director fo mld.ummer hip and sustaired a wrer, had Lac to a of five page and comes A sixteen (Copyright 1111 listeners were the same as those ear oid daughter suf- to thelength conclusion that it is a solid i' nf the expedition, is not et Pt'liar- News Com- - spoken by the man at the Chicago Dally fered a cut on th freb-a- d PAROLE REVOKED, and a ed to he be IT.' hen aUi to say light. ready , neck while a daughter of M wbo The phenomenon has attracted open Ih tomb On account of Jumped from th car had the rcn YOUTH MUST GO wide attention and the General exreme ax of the remain he is her ba. k from me frm scraped Electric Co., by whom the giant rot sure whether the actual mum- - f f htr head to her hips TO REFORMATORY crown nru of the queen will b found FRIUE light was built was called into conJune Three were injured er.e Ipv.a, sultation The company sent a repTne importance of the tomb lies Vincent E. Galewlck. 16. must when a big tour.rg car enouy and is now making resentative hr in th not DOFMS BY ArSIiANDjER. picturesque fact; n Sunnrsde Tax ard rua-- that iton') IXS epetjd two ye&ra in a reformatory, John H jntr 21 ws BERLIN further It Is underis experiments, the a of resting place on a bridge at a sharp great CTCII S EYE. by Joseph Aus-- a stood. of the German Reuh ladv who was revenues rr probably the Washington state in- wrecked a kings daughter, gh m'lea east ff for the fisil vear of 1525 exeedd stitution a the result of an or- cure about To tbs situation comprehend wife and a kings mother, Tueslar der of Judge Tillman Johnson price some description of the searchlight the estimate by about 55 m'!1 on h atkings Hunter suffered a banal eku Is the only impact royal tomb of the federal court revoking a fracture end iw Is to a el repor his condition Wedawarding j ark necessary. It has S.OCfcOOO ean-M- r so ancient as 3000 yeas T' at fur fvr.d parole formerly granted the boy. nesday morr'rg is cons dred A'islandere poetic ability is dlepower and under favorable fhe mln.Mrv cf finance Treasures Found. At the last term of court k Hpb Turner 25. susa.red a of revenue :o some Deseret News read-- 1 weather conditions is capable of is by 4T6 ruiHoknosn L Egvp o.nges do tKt know pleaded guilty to stealing might skuU fracture and the nhrr h a n : n 1524 references on this page, casting its beam 40 mllea It Is letters from mill boxes and taking occupant of21 th ma.vilr.e mummified m inns to through bnK,.fs former volume. "Sunrise army type with specially ground also Thompson o' and hence members of Sunny the money and checks from them. He is a poet of abihtyj parabolic mirror Trumpets a broken nos y expedition are not sure whether- The court sentenced him to two about th bodr and head ana cjis A Possible Explanation. work has appeared In some! ars(j r. he was who of years in a reformatory, but immethe Fody queen, Th thft The laboratory foremost car, cf magax.nes of the toward representative 0f rheope. builder of th country diately placed him on probation struck the s d rf a his ow Ideas gave pre- speaking with instructions to attend school th approach when .Vj w,i! be preserved or, Pyramid limlnary do that the explanation ftIto. Th.s nn guthor da, macnin ws cp the oppo r sM r and forego further crimes id Inginehabie from the aur- rcs produce violet t.h the etherlal period He,'montr The boy was brought before the of th tv.brids lving o e s of the ether. r55 stress r modern ionizing with life Its knows n td T,e .h-pacog men were judge Saturday with the poMc re- nous Val importance of th and atra.n and through his poetic thus transmitting the voice througn V up pired port that he had been Implicated Bert BjrnMi . lh in a definite channel fT gift he can make one see vividly: recently in the robbery of a num- to the Prre a. Another explanation, offered by nd feel dep.y the dramatic phases. ber of Salt Lake homes. E. Hughes e or most incident the complex ' IE rf the q jeen and by the episode Yet he can be lyric too. wireless expert and Jong a student 15 ADMITTED TO decoraornaments and is ofradio as follows. operation, ARTISTS CHOICE MThe phenomenon might seem ,.,rs n.ovly of gold already un- -, TVTERESnNG SHORTT SjTORrEX LAW PRACTICE AS 15TH BEAUTY! f. hed These are th first actual' THAT FOOL uncanny at firet. but to anyone un- A AND WOMAN Op fhe Eg ptologis have of. FOUR OTHER SOMBRE TALES help Individuals, r lirTn the fourth dvnaty Fifteen graduate student of fhs parents snd teachMilUcent Sutherland. G P ers ln the promotion by a Th tnrrb lie at th bottom of of better eehool of law of the Inivershr of Putnams Sons, New York. 314 health. It Is presented ln simple Utah were admitted to prartlc rsr w shaft In th sha-- J pages, 1 2 00 w language so that any reader may f tne great pxrarr.id where; before the ate courts by th suAt th s wa n tr a v understand it. Hlxad ln with tha Pr Re nr has ben working off preme court Wednesday ," garrf.rg vi.b ove The author is correct when she dissertations on hygiene, physiolt Mid on a.nr Those admiTed were 1903 convinced that) bv ,.ced Ralph as to jr these sombre tales refers ogy are bits of inspirational com.c n A Bemateln. " Walde-maas the Call. and hOUe i. JCS i JW rh burvlrg - ment intended to William A. Dawson C. help toward menU Sr.vK iMr-- "a n d 'the (Tyrami d s m u s t have Cerlnlnly the frlvoloue flv- not pree,Merr'11 ln tal as well as bodily health. th nFon I o , Faux. George A Ooate m, as ep Robert ft rrma.oa under the earth well! form v V A. Henderson. OUwer Kinnev John they are not only readatvlo but r" 0 BOOK OF POEMS. R Morgen, Richard O . cidedly interesting. Fearre and bow ' Work One at a Time. Golden W. Robbin. Stafford F Th is six fet by four. The; While not war stories three of the A STRING OF PEARLB hap AND Robertson, Joseph Rrnb,att. Cais for fet square and the bot.i five- - have ther incentve as a re- OTHER POEMS, by Kate Downmille Stohl. Preston Thatcher ard World the of feet ivrt is War, It perhaps very PublishGhent; ing Christopher dep ' ftto A. Wleslev'. ar.d has a bend in It. work; that it Ihe reason for the note of 4 2 ing House, Boston, Mass., rg T.ar possible men low- - sadness, r.ay tragedy, which runs $1 0. when the pages, rnly TWIN FAUA-- Pr F F r on He them. and at themslrs through pulleys Ate and Dr R G of Twin Mrs. Ghent presents iri this little That full length in the sizzling heat onj When one ha finished Falla have been eler-- i cln-- l a the floor of sand hardly big enough! Fool of a Woman he is ln doubt volume about three score of her elans to represent Tdaho thj is to poems. den-chief the to around ln. turn of the whether There character They have tha mark of program Pacfe eoest they stay! i tal corferenre at Portland Jun sis of seven hour at a stretch, be more pitied than Mamed; for sincerity and are rich ln uplift ?t to J6 This cnferert-th without rocm being avaiable for only one certainly her three voyages on the being didactio. Tha folfirst triennial ronerees rf the matrimonial sea were ot condu- - lowing bit, chosen at random, will at a time dental assn attune Idaho. - etve to Indicate the freshness of her work conto has Dr dc!ded Risrter happiness, Ttah. Montana Oregon Washingi Mrs. Leonid ie the story or a ton British POISED. tlnue th eperation through the Nevada ard summer He le doing most of the heartleee woman without one risilfornl. I hers built for myself nest. himself becauso the end la deeming trait that the reader can High ln the tree of Gods love. interesting Where I dwell among pleasant nearly In sight The last work discover. It makes in m for ar two good disclosed a number of pattern con-- 1 reading because of tne mystery Temple Notice thoughts And watoh the world go by. slating of piece of blue amt black' which surrounds the story, andF new Man in 8aw a Who ln inlaid The So faience gold, etory high la this nest of mins The 8ta.lt' Leke Temple will cjos Above lifes ocean roil. of an artist ln nearly everything unexpected design en Friday evening July . end of noted also No The human wag sound or cars disturb. feelings, presence except Mondev momlrg Anr id Inscribed solid gold helrogtyphi In Lee Legionnaries the eoene My perfect peace of eouL GEORGE F. RICHARDS In ebony which wae originally the is laid in Africa. The author tells Pres1 dent A ROLLICKING STORY. back of a chair. These fragments of the hatred of a man for women The lagan Temple will close for Mre. De-- when reconstructed, proved conelu-m- d yet ends with a great act of COLONEL TORKET 6HABB, hy - shall he come to (be nnntul renovation and vacala on of torch that the chief rot that the the heroism of dlgped lively part James Tandy Ellis: Christopher be veek-ention period, on Friday evening Aug Or I regret that gnefiru as at first thought. character. I b unable to cotnei on the. Publishing House, Boeton, Mass; on Monday morn-- ! II, nnd 47 pages. 1 E4, ing Sept. 24. w?li vrive of hla on, Here, Hetnpet Mi.ca.rmral JOSEPH R. SHEPHERD, ejkme and loved lost, whom he had a son Cheops who la something whimsical b as I nsTB mom shonnip to President ror those who, at least eocaa-- andThan of the great pyr" wii1 be fine to ee the Has-- f M th yat ha f lmpress.v In tha dedliko to reed of tho darker ication The Mantl temrle will close Frt-- 1 olonally, of fin ExTPt to mid this book. little reads: a- th. xrly J, Dr kin, sr.4 Rowamrnd.r your commonly known. Hetepot Herws sides of life this book win prove "Dedicated to my friendsIt among dky evening, July 21 nnd reopen hospitable roof. W'ith thanks, .and Tuesday morning, Aug. 1. Interaating entertaining. colonelsnias the dsughter of Hunt, predoeos, tha Kentucky It le a fcincerely ours, LEWIS ANDERSON, eor of Bnefni and thus sh, was th. roilleking story of tha south, with LEILA WALTON, HEALTH PRACTICAL President CHAT, colorful characters and refreshing a j Readers Sho ild note that, aith dsuglrier of a kin as well aa the Th Et George temple will close !! PRACTICAL HEALTH TALKS, by humor. rourteous phrasing of each wife and the mother of kins. is for ordinance work Friday eveEinost L! nessmp . s a'l Hr old Mx. Ellis Is a newspaper man Stratford as H. tha E. a member dethe of Thus tim Gehman; of the and on finished paJntlrg of ning June 2S. UK, and 7S and hla dally column ln southern crc, Iarfjre are inl.caedarruai most ' al family of tha third dynasty she in Company. Boeton, Maes. ; Tue-ds- y New York s morning Aug. It. lr.st cnoi-- e hus.ness. 40. ke nann er. Neither invi-o- f transmitted the hereditary rUtht newspapers as well as his "The pages, II G. F. WHITEHEAD, h.s ,i,iee-- i tnr n heautlfal , tetlon tinr the kings of the fourth dyTang of the South stories, teem be should whereby arr.planre Ameri'-ma women, Acting President. This little volume is designed to with humor and pathos, ,n iniieltnite nasty c.me to that early throne. , bl s $14.95 austo-ctsi'- $30.00 at $25.00 $29.50 $35.00 Charge ON FREE CREDIT - , With You Coupon Thi Bring It Good for Dollars & , of $25 or Mote. on Any Purchase CO. WESTERN 246 South State 1 outfit I K41 . B -- S K ML d ' fet-- bat-ig- i ; Five Injured in i CHILDRENS DRESSES j h PRICE , Kamas Auto Crash; Three at Price t5 Explorers Ignore Head to Reach Tomb con-loca- .4 Great New Discovery Hited As Searchlight Mystetionsly Carries Voice To Radio Receiver been spoken by C. A. Brews rd for tr.e building superintendent AiaLama Power company, who was In charge of th. searchOgh Others reported It from a distance of three miles to the west, one report came from the northern section of tha city snd two from the southern sectlosx. The weather condition, on th. ooeurrwl night th, phenomenon were given hy th U. ft wwather bureau as clear, moonllght-mgr.t- . humidity C4 " i , rrr er rw" THE OPTIMIST. I have cast out Fear snd Wintry; I have banished th, Ghoat ot Hate. And all day long, with a smi.a and a song I live in a Happy State! And all the world seema better And every gift is min And where the skie, were dark to my eyes A million suns now shine n unex-pire- - ; ; i i f 1rn For my life is vrhab I make it I build It for weal or woe, And the dwarfing fears of years, I have crushed them long age And the things that fret and trou- i t ble - Gale-wte- put them under my feet. I shall grow, every day. I know Till myself eh all be complete Pv And My tasks no more dismay me. No longer do fears enthrall: For the god within gives me er.t strength to win I am master over all. The path Is clear and open. Its easy to work and to wait For the gifts Divine that are truly mine Are coming, sure as fate VANE L, BATES, Bait Laka City, Utah. f m I rsf old-tim- -- I J , J 1 j sr lr-'s- fe-- 1 Iet em-bnd Colu-ob- 1 -- Lr or d S'-'- ro-op- i I ! re-op-en ;, n h- . r derstandlng the elementary principle of the telephone. It may be expiated The open arc ln the was th, telephone searchlight transmitter It Is really a better transmitter than the one you have FIRST PHONE BILL TRACED. orf your telephone. James Emery. Jv. a wholesale The sound waves, beatlnr on ln the fish dealer who lived ln Charlesf be are cause atnvariation Mass was probably th firs' town, circuit the current strength sup plfltig 'the are. Just as the carbon man to pay a telephone bit!. About IE. 1S77, he connected hie May grains in our domestic type of house by telephone with that of a phones very the current strength in the telephone receiver when oer-- j brothers across the street, and on be paid tha son epea Into the tranemltter. (May 20 tha Sams th whleh, w Hut how did tha current get in- ,ar aver known, This to have been to the listeners antenna a telephone It A week later paid for an might be harder to xeplaln ha additional paid could easily be done by running a wire direct to the antenna from 110 and obtained three more which he placed ln other the searchlight, thus competing houses nearby He connected all the circuit, for the circuit would five on the original private line. return through th ground ms the Then he signed the first telephone radio receiver is grounded The lease. searchl'ght power supply wire was .grounded. Differ. Explanations Tha Housewife's Idea Box "This was Impossible, however, because ther, wae no wire between the glsnt searchlight and tha listener's antenna and besides, the voice could be heard only when the beam struck the antenna. The circuit must have been completed along tha beam. But, can current flow along a beam of light? "It can if it la the right kind of light the violet ray, for example and there are always a few stray ones of this variety ln any searchlight Under the action of this ray; !r ts lontred and" becomes s good conductor of electricity! just ss a place of copper wire. Telegraph algrals have been sent for E4 miles along a specially prepared violet ray, just as successfully as along a wire of this length, returning through ths A Few Hints for That Fish Dinner ground.' from scienEvery platter or plats used ln Opinions obtained tists differ greetlv and no single serving fish should be hot. Serve d the fish with a conclusion has been reached. One of ths men who reported the contrasting sauce, such as tomao VTK cr sauce tartar was lemon. of or Jamedsounds ths audibility Parka electrician at tha municipal Lsh la the main course serve a auditorium here. He said that the green salad, a vegetable wih a disvoices of the men could be heard tinctive taste, and a light fruit desTHE HOUSEWIFE on his radio set and, comparing sert. the words found that they had (Copyright by Public Ledger.) ! highly-flavore- 1 |