Show ACROSS THE PLAINS TO UTAH ADd Early Plonitr Work In Til Territory stew lie r eho Yu II aa le all 1100 lIp nliK tp she rent 1rf I = NAIi CF Ilckinlam Co Norm Caroline Sept St 1801 l JWor Htunt Aims ii Your vulueble sheet li ever a wet vfF come vliliorlo all who liar kern u v foilunalu at to nuke III itiutluUncr and that too wltlnut retrJ l I to their 1 I teat in but viptclally U li those of tie broed I 10 labor Ir this epreal l of liutb Jta In truilnit the oilumni of the s 7itKa outlining roollali ol Incident Is oouteeled with the rally ttlUtniint off of-f fV r our now eicnful taltt my mluJ ra 110 many cape an oletet Thor 4t V within wliloi I took anaclivapirt lu p JI la i Ihailajiof my youth and eerly luau i i hoed My iiilnj recall YlYldly 1 many + bl lhot ictntivf violence and l m > U < y craoy which resulted lu the npultloi ut our Nople rout Illluult My af Onto hired 1 the I common lot of inn f Hllilt uiwn that uituKirahle ocotiloli and thence look III Choir wilnr Journey under clrcuiiKlnuoet that lu i fully unJirittwI mutt undi liar > lieu rllcllIti l lu UnewaKon did 1 outy fur Iwulamlllxof ui nibraclnn llilitMiiiiirmteri a < far ai Ibo IM Maine lllrr whet w > wvnt Into wlntr q ierler Katntruiel then Utrly in the spring wit tel0ule1 our Journey In Council lllutli thong nor no-r iuHlt lk > Oily Where weerrlvJlu the Milum1 ul 1W V Allh ugh but r Hflr uear > lltlc walked ana drove lnoeilock I for the ei0npaly Uaplalii lildrir Bnov will whom I boar ltd tied ohras of fllly wanout and Uncle Joiv n Youoii at 1 rtuieniber wai lu Lur lOll In the NIIIC of 1851 we moved to HI I rlumllla where I baa lee honor of assisting lu Jill lu the Oral iron Ib hobble Crook mid alto In plwliu the Hut ditch thai lapped thai ttirant 1 lilt the roof on the flltl liouin built rulilde Ihe old furl tuiollJ In Ilia Hill revelry coruptny that woe organ Led then mid l elwe7 toil my luiii la guerdlog ihs < oplv Irtin the aitaokt if the treacherous red risen 1 would hey boon III the IIIIOIuoIiI kbon III the battle ol lilltl I Silt Urt u kfouxbl i ulier lioihrn now tl lame but was orjrivd bock with eevereluhler on an iwunluf our teuJur year end l were luctintly lave up our Olin 10 older lulUltn 1 1 HM present wllli the V X cmupuy when In 1857 II t pitched verily at lb upper CMMIIII uf Sweet water till 1 rmilnr thorn uulil Hit I lice KM Yactlrdlt IfcJoliutou hate hat-e beg nt the > coiui > uy but wm color petted by Hltpbiii MkbOlIl 1 havpeut much limn on gimJ at Ibu mouth of our nyuui lo proliot the hives cud l ptoinljr cf Iba people rom Ioillbila I rryl < > our wily 10dlu edvrreerlee While puiiului a tied uf Oct I rodallbll e ir j o e up llobb fin clot ceroae II mountain north we ubllo role 1ift view I Otto hU llful Provo Valley Ionic Ixlur the ilouitihluii ttlriii > uti luw occuplug r II wero thought or InlBQOl weut se one ef a ooruptuy of 0111011010 the nJ of Htupit y Vally and 1 guarded trio guild people of North iiJuuw 1a rTl > wwnllulb y liulll their tort and put In their croj i Wbll upon the cirupalicu we wade 1 the cllm cud dllchee nut spread the water Or fhlitl Valley and sub iU nly praouood the Iainou4 uitoJowi fur which the valley Looted And now Mr JJIlor I nut In tbu nuuny biiinii > borliiL l In the muter > raoh t the bumau 100ullyuyloK l tj Inch IhloO t I toe true plan of ili o llou 1Vo nut torn vary kind filruJi I alit a tow 1 who ccept the loiiel us It loan beuneoeled l I lu Ibli dletOeelluu I lvr prying fur the w laro uf ZIu and lh priad ut truth 1 rrmilu fiur brother lu the Jotpl MCIIIUNI MlMEIk |