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Show laas. May 11. INDUSTRY. OF UEWTORK. subject of investiascertain the different kinds gation t of indastrj-which papulation are enz2ecLThe variety of toll oc- caDittons. and the creDonderanco of certain special ones, are illustrative of national character and a standard of civilization. JnParia,, Xql.. exam pie, which la estimated to have two million Inhabitants, about seventy thousand persons are concerned in feeding and one hundred thousand In clothing this enormous population. About eighty five thousand workmen are engaged inHill nr hrmsea to lodce them: fortyUVe lUUUSauu 1U luiuismug luo inuic, and a vast number In supplying luxuries, including twenty thousand who manufacture jewelry alone. Thus, at of the working class least three-fifth-s are engaged in supplying the necessities s furof life, while lesa than nish these luxuries, and this, too, in Paris, the emporium of articles of beauvertu. ty andNew Yor,k, and probably In" every In other city in the world, the same prothough In this Paris of portion exists, the New World there is also a great demand for the luxuries and vanities of - - our-ras- Jn-18C- 0, -- there-were T - -- . a a a T A. . ta .! - iff tn t If ,xil i iv. t f 1 ! - 4 f.- j -- S" - . -t i : PiHI: . j ..; t... V r:a C VOO 3j q A ra -. ' dl29clr i Country. . KDfBS OF THI JL C3r 3r2. JSL it Will nod It to tbelr advantage to stre ns a call. Etc., EtcM ax Baa eldhedgeis clausoii. Extensive and Increafiing Circulation T'EIiTY- - EIGHT SIZES 4 AVDAS A Or THE CELEBRATED PLOWK, NEWSPAPER AND ADVERTISING coLinissioii, HHOY1ZLS, MEDIUM Has already rained great popularity. I - ! hi, AND FltEUQIlT THE BAUC TO THM CITY ARE UOU ifAbE BY TtlC ON THE MOST Excelsior Manufacturing Comp'y., KT. t. i! TERDS! REASONABLE X-OXJ- ERK WEllrKKOWN AND rtttlLAU CUOKINO HTOVES SPADES ' : :r p And all kinds of nous, Full Telestapb Beporta, . Sellable Local Items, - FarmiiJg Implements. IS. wa ve.JVMvsw VERY rOPtJ-- X - 1 Twel re Apostles, far cor- Oals EIcct Cliartcr with tre could r last year greater Si. an a ply FOR ALL. WHO WILL. FAVOR THEM WITH the ataes tben oadf anticipating etlu greater demand daring tbe nreoent year, we baTe made tires, and are patterns ORDERS. THEIR prepared to manufacture ISO to 120W - THE CLAWSOrJ C H A RTER OAK STOVES We guarantee tbeoperatlon of every atove w tgU Th long experience they have had manufacture, and offer ax reference any one of thousands that hare been aold, wber-evin thU business cannot ail to secure tbe many they may be found. , Neither labor or NEW ben spsrfsd lo jcjaUe? pr .... the to them a liberal portion of CHAHTLIt OAK a aawMaw shiw a VI vl '" ' -- Uban . And Educational, Agrienltnral. . Railway and Domestic New. d And,' osee a week:. Discourses of the First Presidency and of tii bave been before the puUlo ftiuce lgu2. Each sncceedlDg year has added to tbelr popularity, until the name haa beeotn farnlUar lu every booaebold- ln the Wet SEdHoutb. jibe demand IPonfect the trade an the TtKST and we offer It to CoolcingrxStovo, public patronage. , of our Train from California ha arrived ConnUtlna in part ol A 1 : 1 DESERET NEWS, CON-STItUCTE- ; " "I f. f CALX. AND REE TIIEX AT EXCHANGE PRINTS,. IEIi.lINS, BUILDINGS, C3r J&. 'JBL DRY GOODS cr & ELDREDGE CLAW SOU THE DESERET NEWS, CIlMlvMI : - , ; m which commend It to all who desire to get tbe news oftener than odcc a week. r ' " advsu-Ure- s 1 ZOUISt JHtMtH. BOLD by iBtdTS'Jeleri ttJueraUy. slS-S- widely elreolated throatrnont the atv an IS all parts of ths Territory, and has ABD WEEKLY, HAP1E I t - Established June 13th, 1830, DUCK & WRIGHT AHEAD. r NAILS AND GLASS, GARDEN TOOLS! oil 1 J.-- . ,j V ! ,li:'J!i H.T S3' w H vI T VrD'f track 'just 23 inches In length; his finger nails are about six Inches lotjftho hair on his headwhich is still" and wiry sweeps the ground as he walks and Is parted in Clerk of the CnlteU States 3d District the rear and brought down in front on Court, each side of his slagularly formed chest, to atten1 MININO and which is not round or flat, but Is angu yy other KEr.drawing PliWKKStipof ATTORNEY ' lar llke ihatofafowl Tb4ialr on the etc. LEO Alt VAl'KHS acknowledged. of this la body singular being very stiff, Aliens ax Invited t Der'arettaelr IntoUon and grows .to therear, xtlps,at to become CI Uxecs of the U u led istatee before the me. and uniting with a long, stiff growth Offle'at James Haaus's Gttnemlth fihon on his 8pJne, which extends back about one foot like the spinal fin of a fish, or the brUtlea oa the Lick 6f a boar the rATJST dt HOTOS, . hair on his arms Is parted, and grows Ln thBcatite TaTonlhicfc Second Soath8t.H.Li:citr. brush on thewar,i backmaking of th arms, Tihonhlerf thm point of W thf tmmodate the Pnbita bis middle f2ngi:v ThVUamV l ecul laxity Is obsenrable on his legf . s i H A 1) AJnr pajpeb nr the bocky ' v MousrrAXjr begiox. "is,.. :: ' -- .MOI-ASSES, , V f y I ; ii e --i. aJL A.. i2 4t IMPIiEKI i -, " 1 ( -- dll8Aal7-l- m V '.. . TERMS FOR THE DAILY One copy, one I .. - : . ,V 1 V t'red 7P7F'TtrV ' ;z- Hats and Caps, 4 Xl:lCI! TAR! andTbrrMjsiin at b a4 Un. If.lV?"1? "".twsI, nlson.Eanpete County, .bend on your orders. dC-a amadsen U ", TERMS FOR THE - . s so SEMI-WEEK- $S -- 5 00 00 ...,-: TERM FOR THE WEEKLY! Oae copy, MVf0. UiHU;:",j":' six months three months,; 55 to 3 2 On Clothing ANGUS U. CANNON, General Business Agent. ;....,. I, . III ft V : - f: v . i S if ,iij d 122--1 m t f- tt..-. - - ' HEl'S JOB PRIIITIIIG OFFICE additions reoenUy reoelred larsw HAVING prerloaaly extenslre Hvoek, to uw In tbe West, and v is-pla- dsstr '..'VT six months. three months,. ' r.,.....,T , One copy.' one t 'A 1 y', six months three montna. I" , Ja. A S JOURNAL" Combined Clrealsitlon of tbe three I'apera esveh week, 11,000. ..." .. i. .t TAR f A STAND AE0 HOUSEHOLD Good Samaritan, bread, ilffitbcsl -- ,v ELDREDGE BamarlUntjadand laUy Back'a RrllTlsaMn grand result of tbe trial was as foUowa: E- - Wood bread p,riT. or; burned fuel VA lbs. Charter A Co., bread welshed 7 liros. Oak, lllee, lbs 4 oz; burned fuel be. Peerless, Campmsn A Co., bread weighed 7 lbs 4 lbs. ojc burned fuel u.mcr; burned fuel, VA pounds. Cotton Plant, Levl&Mavra, bread wc!Ebed71bs loc: burned fuel. 1VA lbs. Buck's Brilliant, Hwejt A bright, bread 7 lbs 4 or; burned f o4, reigned At the conclusion of the trial, the Awarding Commlii" ,aV.nJr!lisur bran lhe lue PlraUon of uoJxr f?r 'k? W,1 H was alteten by them, ln the gold medal accordanoa wimbetrcaty,aa best wood stoves to Ruck a Wright, o KlSota" honorable mention being mado o Uha Peerless Campman A Co -- New Orleans Sfmes, 13' a - v-- E WTS; PtxflZ?? AT -- contains a Summary of tbe News of tl.e IT Week TelerrapbJc, Ixeal, MlscellsnXiui. Vorebrn News, liomestle and and Editorial Articles upon transpXrlns; e Tents, and is ln erery particular lw Boots and Shoes, - 1 , 1 - .- GnOOEniES. FAHOY fa-'- :i 1.5, - At twenty minutes oneCotton riant" threw open its throttlepast valves. and announced no more that It wanled -shut up" and "keeping dai c. AaJLa tlml for tbe bread lo be baked arroax:tied7:jtcite-men- t bad Increased to a UAki 4mU boUi within and without the arixa. Atlast leas turned out its bread ln2 minutes: Norton. Furnace followed suit. In Cotton Plant next. In then Cbarrtf Oak.42:15; In iFAt-mCKEYNC- H, j.B.no'nri aXAB THE LA&GEST CDtCTLATIOX O .. s :BR0'S. Sw Is published every Wednesday, and en-jgtne- ers PROUltlG SHEARS! ti fv As may - be seen by the following article, which we copy from the New Orleans Times of l5Uilaw-EttcJCiWrlfUlJaaTe borne otr the hUeat premium la the stove line at tbe New Orleans Fair, j 6lx en tries were made with Baca's "Brilliant, away ahead of the heap. store trial wmsTestrcied yesterday r opines, befoiw at"Thegrea erowd oyer tbe day preceding. Tne utmost good hn mor seemed to prevail, both among tbe exhibit, ois and spectators, all of whom.eemed thor lmhued wita tne good old I', it. principle ouguiy of -- may tbe beat stove stln." promptly to the time tbe committee arnHjarbd'om-vbe- lndjrM' Baunders, particularly, glowing with ex. stand, cltement and responsibility. Tbe were same as at the previous trial,entries the and the not been had charged. - .1. At ten minute to one all lisbted up. Norton'sIbetdruaviappedjand Furnsce, run by Mr. K. Wood .reTTTredr e4I tn oioke, amid tbe cheers of the crowd aha loud trtts of MOo it, old one." Charter Oak: followed, and the rest gave vapor immediately afUr.. In four minutes. Just as tbey were (as we mlsbt av ronndinv th qnsrter stretch. rCotton Plant"popped in bread J luuu.ou luitM tutvjki jr n livyga JUS Ue Issue, butiekV bad pendedontbe started fire with bread already iiriiltam, la tbe stove. Then came the tug; the cookV countenance glwwed like the stoves, a perpetual snapping of aud doors ver the opening were patt4?d rcceonried arena. Btdveshotting coaxed fchd petted as though they were human beings. All seemed confident of winning, and tho erowd enlivened the scene with numerous and - rncouraclns-nramentfronrntsnw trlma. Mr. IerVv 'i eUbrts seming to tietfivreateat favored & Golifbrzim Bacon t or STAPLE AND FANCY (Published errery Tuesday and Saturday Lit COFFEE, li ij o oi;; STOCK OF Ixcclslor Jlannfactrxrinff Co. T. I - Where they will be pleased to answer any enquiries about purchases. A PRIME LOT OF HI t D, DUHABLUand UNIFORM TOVK In the marker. operating COOKING In nddll ion ; to , ocr lCXTEN'Sl VJ3 8TOVJ: BUSlNiXS we nro prejmred" to offer to Htove and others la tbe trade, the Dealers, Tlnamltbs moat com pleteataortmentof Metal largestand n era" atoclc ln the Weat. Oar arrangeand Tin ment with. the Ht, Stamping Company as to Rive liberal discounts to laree enables BTAMrD IlNHKD bnyere IRONWARE and TlnBcrsMuppilea.-llSTl- ng recently redneed the prices of all articles of our OWN MANUFACTURK. we believe dealers and housekeepers will find it to their Interest to send for Catalogue and Price L4st, and examine our prices before purcUaAjng, elsewhere. 4 fc Address TEA CDL1PL MOST SHEETINGS, . Pioneer Paper of the Rocky Mountain WANTED BY . t h.j.pacst. - GEORGE Q. CANNON, Editor. i : BEOS dl3t-S- t BESERET NEWS I! STOCK. f m ( . - - per day, of ickshni;IcdUonmrcii Jst extend-laTfro- mODCCEiand lit .'It as- and . iVEXTTricnlr DirrifitEvr Nirrs. little ni!i? etc., etc Shoes,Snu-Tivrsays: About 2a miles from this city is 031 nnn a small stream, known as Bear Creek, which empties Into the Big Black river. Which mc oCer oar Catoiuer uil th People For somnjimje past stranseatorics have been-tel- d r' extra-negrots-oPargenerally, at i bythe seen near animal this creek. ordinary These stories were' laughed at and derided by the citizen, n.o one believing LOWER RATES THAN HERETOFORE! in any 8Uch;8taUmanta&ThIs extraor-dinar- y creature had often suddenly presented himself among the negroes in the; efrrly.WUSUltCcausWg ftfeAt con sternation among them. He Is de-- ! Tito more Trains cx- 4 scribed by the. negroes as being about I t 7 1 fT I r l 'J CI f ft T ieet nign, eacn eye, in their . egnj laneuage, as larsro as a Len'a eeor. it 'witu no nose and no upper lip, Lis two man' a thumb, eje teeUx aa JaxgayasjkLUcbin WALKER extendlDg-dow- n about 8 foot his Inches; right points directly to of at I AJLTj , 1868 THE roc IB . CASH, -- 1 1850; . f . I the .left tberontnU tho measurement theta4be?rear( Is , i next Txcelc. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES .) AN EXTRAORDINARY CItEA TUKB "DISCOVERED TN THE FORESTS OF MISSISSIPPI. Crti .. I.'- - hoop-skirt- s, 1 f V .It - Xcw ' er - . fbrnia will arrive Halted to UU Market AT STANDARD ...... - - Goods. N ew; All tbe Varieties of S . . - ! 1 i One. . Staples rHerchahdisei GOODS! IIEl'l GOODS! "" ' A waa - ! WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Our First Train' from Call- - c - . . ... g - Ilffl ! taOS 4 - busy an& prosperoue aummer. I it the-howlin- - T EP . Keep Constantly for 8AUE e 7.575 estab- ft' - - ' . an Wlcg-ppiieDtljrJia-m- lishments, employing upward of 40,000 persons- in making clothing for our population, which was then 800,000. There were also 7,715 establishments, with about 33,000 hands, employed in supplying foodf; and 50O others, 1th about 0,000 hands, engaged In building and furnishing houses. Next In importance are the caterers for the public mind, aboutS.OOO persons being engaged in supplying books, newspapers, and other mental nutriment ' The luxuries of life,. including laces, silks, cigars, perfumery, confectionery, &c, occupy over 6,000 persons; There were l,60o establishments, employing about 12,000 persons, in different mechanical trades, exclusive of those already mentioned; 4,300 dealers in or manufacturers of liquors, employing 20,000 person; 1,803 lawyers; 2,000 agents, bankers or brokers of various kinds; 460 establish-lnent- s connected with shipping, 4S1 druggists, 01 nurses, 1,140 physicians, 600i clergy men andiOo undertakers. There '.were 300 j firms connected with the manufacture of wagons and harness, 222 with leather. 315 with hardware, 25S with coal, and 1G4 with oil for illu-- ruination.' These figures do not include the large number employed as cart men, drivers, laborers, servants, and venders, comprising many thousand in all. Each kind of industry has Its own locality for doing business. The suppliers of food are to be found about the markets, and Broad, Water and Front streets. Clothing is sold in the great thoroughfares like Broadway and the Bowery, but Is mainly manufactured out or the city. .The builders have no single locality, and the house furnishers are mostly with the clothiers. Leather Is to fotlnd Id "the' 8warap;law i about roe . couru;- literature ne&ti Printing iiouso square. mine touacco mart 18 water street; lrcn aud btet'l are sold in John and uold strffU, und silver-war- e in Maiden lane. The l Mm that com petition is. injurious Jreplaeed by the modern one that persons .iuC the- same trade are benefitted by associating to- seiuer. xience exenanges ror all com modities, grain.flour, provisions, tobac co, petroleum, stocks and gold, are to be found throughout the city, and are imitated by the early markets of the hucksters and the trade sales of the publishers. During the war the num ber or women engaged in industrial increased very largely from the fmrsuits men in the market, nnd they ave since quite monopolized some branches of Industry. In making fe male clothing, cloaks, dresses, corsets, millinery, hats, "and trimmings they especially fringes, excel. They cannot compete with men either in maKing cigars. Jewelry, confectionery, or heavy manufactures, like boots . and shoes; butjn other occupations they hold their own very creditably. BlncelSGO a great change has taken our Industry. New kinds of Elace In have sprung up, others have fallen away, and with the Increase of our population has resulted an increase In the number and variety of occuna tions. The introduction of the sowing xnacuine, in$ increase or manufactures during the war, and the Impetus given by the return of peace, have stimulated .all kinds, and that too Jn enterprise.of of our financial and pouueal dJS. spite orders. , with the present spring busi ness appears to oe maKing a iresn start. and the prospect Is very promising of a . j- DODBDADS amlnatlon it was discovered that the track was being constantly reversea. In an Instant the stork Of; thfl Wgroea occurred to the party, wss determined to pursue the creature this track. The dogs whlch.badjntde were instantly called and encouraged to follow the track, which they, did promptly; The gentlemenmotinted upon good horses, found but little diffi well up with the culty J B keeping, hounds. In a few minutes an object was presented to. their vie'w which: sent a chill to the heart of every member of thfe furtv: Ther. had" unearthed Hhe nonOLe3tript., fcA suddenly arose from his lair, turned and for a moment stood in silent Inspection of his pursuers, and then with a yell truly terrific, wheeled, and with a speed of the fastest horse,-rushed dogs. away before the was This rwlld and- - continued-chascontinued for a distance of nearly- - ten mlle9, when atlast the terrible monster, foaming with rage, was brought to bay of the Big Black: aand UDon . . the bank . sa a with lurv nnparaiieiea, it turning seized tho foremost dog with, both bands, and by the exercise of super human ; muscular 6tren2th,tarled . its loner talous'in the bodv of brute, and literally tore the dog asunder. this, it Instantly seized the Dropping sent its two immense tusks next and. hrough thai nk nil of. the doomed dog. One of tho hunters, becoming alarmed for the eaietv of the ran v. drew his re volver and fired twice at the" monster? efiect other than but evidentlyt without . 4lta favAf ' when eI turnintr with a hideous veil. It blunged into the river, diving and remaining under water. i live minutes, when it would suddenly sprlng'hlgh Into the air, screaming with the voice of a regi ment or soJdiersr: x( nnaiiy swam to tho opposite side and disappeared in the neighboring; forest, since which time it has only been seen twice by white persons.5 Several' at tempta have been made to capture it, but up to the time without success. .;, present w nac tnis strange creature is, no one can conjecture, ,'lhe genuemen witn whom we have conversed represent It as a black man about six feet high,. but in other respects resembling, to a great degree 'the given by tne description ..t ......... negroes; u It has broken the negroes from at tending Ixyal Leagues at night In that section of country.. What-th- e atory was designed for.j and-atonce- two-fifth- life. If i . It la an Interesting to n . No white person has ever seen him until recently f when.- he was. discovered by a hunting party- Several gentlemen met on Isst Thursday week with a view of boar hunting In this swamp. They were accompanied by about fifteen wea- ui tralneu hear dogs.i a ney t prepay v and lix th the! Jiaht 'early mcrningj when about commencing, tneiraiveu-tio- n was attracted to an unusually large DESEBET.EVEEIHG, NEWS.' Monday, r- . i . . ... onaortbemostooropiete tidUXSr for tbe execution of sll aarrlor with Neafnes of lXXiI 3C3 rlI-'Tl- sad Dc-rit-cn, asd saliuuoa O and lor Promptness aoa .lri will be sirwitfed. ' J |