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Show IIOl.TlUIlUltr. IN UTAH. An I xlrualvei ,Nur-rr of 1 roll, Miaile nnd (IruaniriilollrceMecli. Tho l'loneer Nun-erlea were originally origin-ally ctlabllahtit by Mr. Thoinaa II. WooJburyai far iMckatlSSn, lint In Halt I,aku City and ntlirwardt In Karmeri' wanl. In Ihe Ittler place It consisted of ten acres. Iu 189) the firm of M. II. Callahan Cal-lahan cV Co. lurchatttl the ttock, plants an1 good will of Iho utirserle from Mr. Woodbury, an 1 at onco att about enlarging and extending tho luduttry. 1'lfty acres of land wire irocureJIn wkatwat formerly kuown at tbo Hollltlay burgh, on the south tldnofthe lllg Cottonwood roal.be-twein roal.be-twein Hlthop Jlrlnton's retldenco anil Mr. Nlelfon's store, and almost In front of the now Latter-day Halnlt' meeting house. The location la about nlnu inllea from the Terap'u block. In this city. Tho new l'loneer Nuraerlct now com; rlie about SUacrci all under cultivation. cul-tivation. There aro Inonn block twelve acres of tetdllnga, and adjoining It a block of tight acres In aptteanu itar grafts. Asldo from thrto blocks tht.ro aie70,uuu two year old apile planta, and LS.tWll apple tlocka lo bud this year. There areln all, Itlsistlmated, about l.Oild.OOO applu slocks of all tilts and crades. Thire aie 60,00 two year old pear plants, rrliicl) ally of tho llarllttt vail-tty, vail-tty, of which a rptclilty la made. There are nlso S3,(io) )tar gratia put out title spring, oti.oiM pear atockt to bud this year, and 60,000 jearllog iar planta. There are ll.OflO quince plants, prlnilally of tho Metch, Champion aud tiraugo varletUa. Dura are also 75,1100 pruneslocks to lud this year, of the Krtnch, Italian, Hungarian, Oer-man Oer-man nnd Hilter varletht. lu addition there are 60,000 ono and two j ear prune trcts. Including nil the grades already tuentloutd In cherries there aro 30,09) one and two year treit, comprlilug the Iliac!. Taiurlau, Itojal Anulr, (Jovernor Wood and Ciuleunlal varletlea. There am nlai about 60,004 )eaillng cherry ttockt, Including the variolic! already mentioned There are In all tho Irillt varieties otltlde of apple, about tM,opo treer, grafted aud budded. bud-ded. T hi re Is u Ihrte aciu block of uuo nnd two year peach trees, of tho belt kinds. 1 namall fruits there Is a full Hue In all kinds. Including grniia, goostwr-ms, goostwr-ms, currantt, blacllrrle, ratpber-rlet, ratpber-rlet, ttmwbvrrlea, dewberrlet, plo-plant, plo-plant, nnd so forth. Iu shade tree supplies, the stocks Include nisple, walnut, cstal(, laix i Ider, mulberry, Kugllili aud Scotch elni,ah, Lombard) nnd yellow Kplar, etc. riiere It a'eo full line In on-., nuiital trxa and ahrul. Intruding rotes, climbing tlanlt, etc. Callahau V Co. are now tho brpett wholiralu and retail nurtery ownert and oieratora In this entire Inttr-mountain Inttr-mountain region. They are thorough experts In horticulture, aud aro it-rft rt-ly rt-ly convuMllt with all the details of handling, shipping, packing and trial-lng)oungtretsof trial-lng)oungtretsof alt kinds. Ihe land of the new nurteilti It that which It characterlatlo of the ordinary farm, rendering the stocks well ndai led lor traniplintiug In any toll. Atlde from this, the stocks being all homegrown, home-grown, tin re It far lest danger of failure fail-ure lu trautdanllag thau there would be from Iruimrttd atock. One hall mtle south of the l'loneer Nurtcrcles theru aro IS acres more owntd by the tame firm also laid out In dltlertnt varletlrtnl fruit, thade and ornamental stocks. Further south Is a plotof 4 acretwhlcll la ured In the way of ixperlmentlDg In orchard work. It Is the desire of this firm to extend nnd pirtect their nurtery grounds so that thu entire demands of the homo market can bo ratt with home grown stocks. With this view further lui) rov, mints aro contemplated contem-plated ant tho ri'iulrtnienU of the who't lutvriuountalii region will veutually bo met from this loca lty. |