Show reader did you ever take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR the KING OP LIVER MEDICINES everybody needs take a liver remedy it Is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system that dull heavy feeling ia due to a torpid liver biliousness headache malaria and indigestion are all liver diseases keep the liver active by an occasional dose of liver regulator and get rid of these troubles and give tone to the whole system for a laxative simmons levei ia BETTER THAN PILLS it does not gripe nor weaken but greatly refreshes and strengthens every package hag the ased Z on the wrapper L H co philadelphia Buckl cus salve in the world for cats brailes Brai aes gores alcera salt fedei sores tetter chapped hands Chi llaina corns and all eruptions and positively cares ailee or no pay required it Is teed to give perfect or money refunded palca 25 cents par box for sale by excelsior drug paint co A flure cure for pile itching piles are known by mo latar causing intense itching when warm form 68 vu u blind bleeding or yield t ae to dr Boian koi pile aota direct lr on piti tamora itching and effect a 60 ato 09 beail free dr pa bold by excelsior drug paint co deafness cannot be cured by local applications as they cannot reach tha diseased portion of the ear abere ia only one war to cars deafness and that ia by constitutional remedies is caneel by an inflamed con of the mucous lining of the eua tuba when this tube ia in named you have rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it ia entirely closed is there aalt and the can be taken oat and this tube restored to ditc itc normal condition dearine will be destroyed dea troyed forever nine cases out of ton are caused by catarrh which is nothing bat an condition of the lucona surfaced we will give one hundred dollars for ony case ol 01 deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by malls catarrh cure send for circulars free F J co toledo 0 by druggists children pitchers cantora DR PILLS ONE PILL FOR A DOSE A of the bowel ach dy M for halte thena mijla cupply what th bighem to aake it reci ilar they anra brighten aba feea md clear the complexion better arry caither ampa nor mckea to contino oon Tino TOB are will mail rree or a anu box or sola benr where MED sold by excelsior droe paint co cw both the method and results when barup of figs is taken it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acta gently yet promptly on tho kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colda headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figg is for bale in and 1 bottles by all leading drug agista any reliable druggist who nay not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute farup CO I 1 SAN oan KV W YORK K easily quickly Rea fored aad all th amla vot otla arwa early erfort or uie results of iver wor L worry ct an fn 1 I strength dertl vy V y y i riven to la portion wy body simple nat alf A VT ni ethoda immell ij I 1 i 1 l ie been ili idoo book alij na dalal lal sealed tea CO buffalo HY 5 as 5 rth as it ellb in the latest wears and patterns ladled flannelette Flan wrapper bilboe of choicest goods G in the marker COATS JACKETS mid CAPES BEST FITTERS BEST QUALITIES and the Beste Liue of SHOES ever brought to provo will be here monday or tuesday call and see me ANDREW EGGERTSEN mgr successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dealema IN lumber doors windows blinds and rustic siding T and 6 flooring agless laio ts baad lumber sawed and dressed to order scroll solving and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office aud ard opposite P 0 box telephone no 20 f v u X v we have selected the following lines for sacrifice on this day the 8 and we will only sell the quantities we offer and for spot cash LOTH 01 y 60 ars Lading fine Shoes Patent tip and one ol 01 the best abellera in the house it comes in these styles paris vienna and ideal toe ja and F width 0 ur price on them is and 3 a pr for this day r r 60 children heavy grain leather school shoes size 12 to 2 one of our best we sell them at and a pr for this dy only 80 acta 60 pair same as above only sizes 8 to 11 they sell at and a pair far thia day only 60 pair misses fine mongolia Don golia kid shoes patent tip aize 12 to 2 thia is our finest 2 shoo chev go for this day only at LOT HO 2 5 white shirts allinen and our regular price of thega is they go on thia day AKI 41 4 1 i yo ajr tf 30 AND SS ST THAT IS WHAT THEY ALL SAY OF THE ura worth of merchandise to be sold regardless of cost our shoe department our clothing department our dry goods department 30 yards diagonal suiting 15 cents retail 25 cents t f pair of A J donella shoes for 2 and sizes 2 2 3 6 yards provo woolen mills all wool and cloaking 50 acts batail 1 and G D E E regular price 3 and 4 76 child suite 4 to 8 years sell tor aad conr yards veiling at 5 cents worth 20 cents zypher 10 cents retail 16 canta A linn ot tl ooola button shoes sizes 2 2 3 aud 5 at a great redaction choice for 2 75 and skeins of black at 5 cents zypher 8 cents retail 15 cents all cloth shoei and slippers bailing below cost sizes 5 to 8 ESS A line of mens worsted sacks and cutaway anias cizes 31 to 39 price 50 yards fancy novelty 10 cents retail 17 cents 40 yards california plaid fian nol 25 cents retail 35 cents aso a line of misael do ngola 12 to 1 at a vry v ry low price 2200 and 2300 for 1400 92 yards worsted suiting new colors 20 cents retail 40 cents 39 yards tricot double width 64 in wide 60 cents retail all ladief clipperd clip in the ahouee at coat A lire of mens suits regular price 1300 and for 40 yards worsted suiting 30 cents retail 60 centak yards french sa teens fancy figured make excellent quilt I 1 MI bhola hud pera polling at a reduced price A line of mens suits regular pris 18 1860 for 1060 61 yards strips mohair 35 cents retail 75 centa 16 cents retail 35 cents 4 pair of cueua button ditc itc and congress shoes at A line of mens edits sizes 34 to 42 regular price and for 20 yards batise 16 cents retail 30 cents 2 dozen ladies waists regular price to 2 now 25 ceata ia A line of mens suits SI 34 to 36 regular price 1060 and 12 for 7 60 yards figured sm 25 cents retail 40 cents 2 dozen ladies french flannel waists regular prica 2 to 4 now 60 centi our grocery department A line of mens sizes 36 to 42 regular price for 60 cents 16 yards plaid sailing 15 cents retail 30 cents dozen buttons regular ance 16 to 75 cants now 6 cents I 1 complete in every particular to bait the tastes odthe moat dainty mens negligee shirts sizes 14 to 17 regardless of cost 12 yards plaid suiting 25 cents retail 45 cents ladies cloaks at a sacrifice wi A i fc a EAST EA ST STOSE L 0 TAFT manager s L free pills Sen dour adrasto oo 00 chicago and pet a free sample box ol 01 lr kinga kew life pills A trial will convince you of their merits feese pilla are easy in action and aro effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache for malaria and liver troubled lea abey have been proved invaluable they are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable they do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system regular size per box sold by excelsior dm anil paint oo 00 mr J K booler secretary and trea acre of the gorinne mill canal and esock corinne lutat in eveking of chamberlains cough remedy 1 I consider it the best in the market I 1 have ased many kinds but find chain most prompt and effectual in giving beliel and now keep no other in my hoube when troubled with a boneh or cold civi this remedy a trail and we assure you that yon will be more than pleased with the result for dale by smoot drug co highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report Q baking PURE v denver and n 2000 the union pacific will sell round trip mcketa to denver oct at 2000 final limit oab when baby was sick we save her castoria when sh 6 child sh cried for cantoria Ca atoria when aha becala miss ehe clan to when bhe bud abe gaT ethem cantoria Ca atoria |