Show The Grantsville GAZETTE Wednesday page 5 has Michelle Brinkerhoff resigned after serving for five years as Grantsville Chairman Neighborhood for Girl Scouts dedicated has Michelle hours to the Girl many helping program Scouting leaders- - and girls with trainAll of ing and activities worked who leaders the Michelle want her with to know of their appreciation A recommendation has been made to the Tooele County School Board that school be hour earlier at 8:00 am each day and dismiss one-ha- lf started one-ha- lf hour earlier each day (at 2:30 pm for elementary school and at 3:00 for high school) The school board is considering this recommendation and desires public input to aid them in making their decision Your opinion is important Please mark your opinion below and return the form to: Tooele County School District Tooele Utah 1985 Girl Scouts elect new leader SCHOOL SURVEY 66 W Vine July 31 Street 84074 for her loving care in this program Incoming chairman Margaret Walters has served as a leader and senior junior She hopes to see many new faces joining the veterans as registration for Girl Scouts takes place in September 's Our 10th Annual Parking Lot Sale Featuring Whirlpool Appliances Fisher Audio Arkla Grills Famous Serta Mattresses- - Plus Our Full Line Of Quality Home Furnishings Some Items Are Slightly Damaged - Some Are Floor Samples - Others Discontinued Styles - BUT HURRY THE SALE WILL ONLY BE FOR 2 DAYS COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS EASY CREDIT TERMS UP TO 36 MONTHS FINANCING OR 90 DAYS INTEREST FREE M and LID D NATIONAL D D TECH-CARE- ® SERVICE PROGRAM Every Whirlpool sale will becked by our Ipcal TECH-CAR- E Furniture-Applianc- e Fine be Quality-Fas- - 882-096- 4 service ‘ I t Service-Term- s 54 So Main hr Sinn- Thai Srrvirr - Mm ” JS |