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Show vf V THE PAYSON CHRONICLE, PAYSON, UTAH Investing Money In Poultry Equipment Sanitary Runway Goes Hand in Hand With Wire Floor. G T. KUHN, Kansas Extension State Poultry-me- Agrl-cultui- al College.) Considerable Investment In brooding equipment Is necessary to make poultry work profitable. In Wisconsin a survey shows that the poultry and The TIN SOLDIER'S CH RISTMAS dairy farms returning the highest rate of interest on tlie investment are those having $4,000 to $7,000 invested iu poultry and tlairy equipment. Tlie sanitary runway goes hand in hand with tlie wire floor for the broodR A E T O O K E er house. It is a wire runway to be - J placed in front of the house. Chicks T WAS the day before thri.xt-mas- . er," he said, as his hand touched Dolare being brooded very successfully In Santa Claus work ly Dimple and the soldier. What am on tlie runway for 8 to 12 weeks. I to do now? He looked at the note shop all was noise and husA suitable range bouse gives a shelwas Tin Soldier tle. The again. weeks 10 or 8 ter for the chicks after There was a rustling In the sack standing very straight, lie of age. Tliis roosting shed Is easy to looked towards Doily Dimand the Tin Soldier stood up. Then move, economical to build, requires no ple and a look of lonesome-nes-s he straightened his shoulders and cleaning, and Is an ideal summer shel258 came Into his face. threw back his head. ter. It is usually 10x10 feet, giving You dont happen to know 1 Ill go, Santa. I'm ready." ronnd table conference tn London, with Prime Minister MacDonald In Panoramic view of the Anglo-Indiaroosting space for 100 to 125 pullets. the chair. 2 Teuui from the Oklahoma A. and M. college which won the live stock judging contest at the InterIt has a tow A" shaped roof of metal of a place where they want a doll and Thanks, captain, youre a brave or boards, wire sides, and low 1x4 a tin soldier, too, do you, Santa?" he man," said Santa as he stooped to national Live Stock exposition In Chicago. 3 Speaker Nicholas Longwortli wielding the gavel at the opening of tlie short session of congress. roosts buildfngs for an entire season asked anxiously. lift him up. llm-m-let me see," Santa without being necessary to clean the Gently he was placed away down In house. The houses are open and well stroked his long white whiskers the toe of the stocking while candles He recommended laws. an increase in tliis event went to Miss Eva Buel of ventilated and cause no trouble from thoughtfully. Ills eye traveled slowly and nuts came thundering down betown the list of names before him. GF of more than three mllllou dollars in Nebraska university. roup and colds that come from crowdside him. but funds Ill the allotted to tlie prohibition I havent come to any yet, ed, poorly ventilated brooder houses. For a few moments there was dead and industiiul alcohol bureaus. The list of brooding equipment see what I can do. You two have silence all about him, then came the haven't been This was highly pleasing to tlie dry on strike against tlie application of should also contain the feeder and always great friends, creaking of the floor and a soft closini inhere of congress, hut it only tlie "spread-overhours arrangement, watering devices. you? You were made by the same lit- ing of the outside door. The one recomStraining his stirred tlie wets to iiuir" energetic hut tlie English miners voted 27X1,000 mended for range use is an outdoor tle brownie, perhaps that is the reaears he caught the last faint tinkle plane fur attack on prohibition. TIipsp to 2Kt,000 to reject a proposal for a feeder that Is waste and with son." of the sleigh bells as Santa and Dolly Hoover Asks Congress for latter decided to try to knock out tin general strike. Tiie vote represented a considerable capacityproof for feed. Dolly Dimple skipped over and Dimple sped away into the night. bureau 'd prohibition increase, which a triumph for Prime .Minister Macthrew her arms about the bright, red IIow very still It was then and oh, $150,000,000 to Provide Director Woodcock intends to nee m Donald and members of the cabinet, shoulders of the soldier. how dark. The Tin Soldier shivered Task of Daily Carting conwlm live had new about hundred sat with the delegates Work for Unemployed. employing Lets hope for the best, captain. I In spite of himself. Somewhere in the foreme for hours, urging all efforts agents, 'the wet leaders Loads Keeps Bull Tame think we can trust Santa." house a clock was ticking: tick, tock, also resolved to make a fight on alfor settlement of tlie ditticulties with Christmas eve came, dear and tick, tock. IIow slow and tired it A bull pays for his board and lodgBy EDWARD W. PICKARD cohol poisoning and tor a vote on a tlie mine operators, including, if necesfrosty. At last all was ready; the Bounded. If only It would go a liting, and at the same time keeps physii sary, indorsement of the spreadover. C1 INGRESS, in its short session, was Iseer modification bill. Senator ox an fit the at cart toys In the sack were tucked away tle faster. Maybe In the daylight he by pulling cally askod by President Hoover on and liepresectativ e (loss, both of In the back of the sleigh, and with a wouldnt be so of States Enited AgricuDepartment lonely. Where was from Tuesday to appropriate Connect ieut, already Imd introduced agents in Portugal lture's dairy experiment farm at Belts-vlllGOVERNMENT mighty leap Into the air, the reinWould he ever, ever Dolly Dimple. to SiriO.uoo.Ono for the accelerami cent beer medicinal per liquor big conspiracy to deer started, Mel see her again? ation of public works const ruction in bills. bring on a revolution, part of the plan a Oxford Int. bull, Owl, Jersey Cheerily rang the bells as the Mays order to provide employment for men Pretty soon he could make out the In to blow being tip public buildings was broken to harness as a youngster sleigh bounded over the ice. In the Shapes of the nuts and candles around out of work. It was asked also to CK.VVTOR TASKER L. DDIE of Tlie police arrested a numLisbon. and now Is used dally for general sack the toys were chattering gaily. him. Then suddenly he heard the make t Ids emergency fund distrihut .dil" Nevada lias introduced a hill tlinl ber of alleged conspirators and found I hope I will go to some one who creak, creak of hauling about the farm. By working upon recommendation of a cabinet footsteps somewhere will have considerable support in eon more than CXxi bombs in the homes of off his surplus energy, Ox" is kept will keep my pink silk dress clean," In the house. committee approved by the President. Tlie plotters already gress, even if it does not mss. It is some of them. the proud, unbreakable gentle, not only when between the said With that amount available, the PresiNearer and nearer they came. The were distributing bombs to extremists shafts but also when handled at breed- doll. Beauty, designed to bar the entrance of proddent said it would be possible to exchair moved, then a little hand came ucts from Soviet Russia into the in taxicabs and motor trucks. PolitiThe chief advantage of ing time. Well, nobody can hurt me very creeping down Into the pend a total of SCmO.'VXI.ihX) upon con and Cnited States, espetially lumber, pulp cians of the Republican-Democratiaristocrat, much," piped Peter, the rabbit, pat- then quick as a flash tliestocking, struction of ail kinds in thp nexi 12 wood, wood pulp, mulches, glup, coal, party and several army officers are working this Tin Soldier mainIs the exercise that however. ting his stuffed sides. months. was whisked up Into the light. involved. manganese ore, etc., which have altains his virility and makes him a The Tin Soldier snld nothing. He "Our immediate problem, said the legedly been dumped into tills country "Oh! Oh! a Tin Soldier!" gasped round. the breeder certain year could feel Dolly Dimples little hand a little boy, and the Tin Soldier message is the inerea.se or employat prices liolovv tlie cost of production made was announcement Ox earned his nickname, not only In his and he was OFFICIAL ment for the next six months, and here. hoping for the best knew It must be Jimmie. of tiie arrest hv the from the name appearing on his regisnew dans which do not produce such crack, crack! went crack, Suddenly "Look, Mamma, look what Santa (Jvra, tlie Fascist secret police, of tration papers but because of his pa- the Ice beneath them. Then immediate results, or which extend hump! brought!" Jimmie whispered loudly ''vVEEPEODECTION is the chief about thirty men accused of conspirof task his at tient dally performance bounced the while he and out of the sleigh '-commitmi nts beyond this period, are z threat agaiii't American agricul gently shook his mother's ing against the Fascist regime, and carting loads. He obeys orders, recogBack of toys. not warranted." arm. "A soldier! I'm going to take tore today, anil if tlie farmers would the prisoners are said to have conback "whoa and haw, gee," nizing Tlie President also urged that an apWere In the. water!" sheuted him with me to Aunties today." tivoid ruin they must all unite to curl) fessed their guilt. Some of the cuas well as any ox. sailor. Jack Tar, the propriation lie made to tlie Depar'-men- t it. So declared Secretary of Agricul And that Is how It happened. lprits are intellectuals and others are of Agriculture to tie loaned to And suiPoSSibViiere they were, ture Hyde in bis yearly report. He just Communists. Eagerly he ran on ahead of his parfarmers for tlie purpose of buying said : Cane Fruit Growing Is floating pViDrlcin;Vd water ents that night and was first at the seed and feed for animals. He said nerKinSje glei h w str door of his auntie's house. "I want to emphasize tlie need for Business Gherkins aDJf firm ice. Just Important cot gross should complete legislation, and by a protest throughout Europe "Jessie, Jessie, see .what Santa equitable, intelligent, systematic The growing of cane fruits, while In the gene' already started. In respect to Mils, le to tlie League of Nations over the aloliective action to bring sut plv into me, he called breathlessly the gave no the con of the growing Qot, way approaching Shoals, bus regulation re'ief licttei relationship with demand." leged terrorism against German minor he was inside the door. minute tree fruits in importance, is still n. gestion in tlie courts, reorganization ities in Polish Silesia. The accusaIlls little cousin came running to Citing tlie particular overabundance i business with mnny-aof tlie border patrol in prevention f Important tions made by Foreign Minister Curmeet him. Oh, Jimmie, just what yr. of wheat, the agriculture secretary growers. Blackberries and raspbersmuggling, and law enforcement in tlie tins are is serious it the and evident said exof that wanted, a Tin Soldier! But wait Jrfil could producers grain ITe said there ries are, of course, the fruits chiefly District of Columbia. German government intends o force see what he left me!" you pect federal help only if they made a was need of revision of the hnmigia grown. an examination of the matter by the hurried out of the room and She to tiie com of task practical approach After a good, rich, well drained tion laws and that the deportation League's council during the inee'lng came running back .with something lining to adjust output to needs. selected for the been land has of laws should lie strengthened piece which opens Janunry 19. Tlie situaheld tightly In her aums. The Tin Lower farm incomes from tlie propatch the question of planting disSurveying tlie finances of the counis made tion more Frances by grave Soldiers heart almost stopped beat duction 19..0 of as tlie with Old more Hoover compared Mr. tance conies up. than intimated experienced try. ! attitude. Inasmuch as the Paris govwere ing. tlie previous rows year are have where by noticed he predicted could not the income tax reduction growers into ernment is defend tlie pledged officer. He was cabinet There sue estimated tlie Dolly Dimple, too close together, that the outside continued on Plot) incomes. The esti tegrity of Poland wdth tlie same deenough, smiling her dimpled smiley At rows far outhear the inside rows. For mated treasury deficit for tlie present aggregate gross Income from infill termination as the Rhine, and military him from little Jessies arms. crops at about ?9,97)0,(XX).rx)0. or about this reason they give every row the fiscal year is about S180.xxvxi. and action between Germany and Poland 10 per cent less than in 192!. He ar Santa found out that Jessbf and of an outside row by plantlie declared that most rigid economy advantage ipso facto would draw French armed tributed the current slump in agriculrows far apart. Seven or Jlmnde were cousins, thats yby he the is necessary to avoid increase In ing intervention against Germany. tural prices to continued overproducleft me here," Dolly Dimple whispered feet is a good distance. Not taxes." Learning (hat the German Fascists eight does this tion and tlie worldwide business deIn the ear of the Tin Soldier some distance Inplanting only were to a frontier force organizing pression," resulting in lessened do but It also makes time later. crease lTeeidont Hoover sent production day resist Polish aggression." tiie police N1IXThis annual niand. 1930, Western Newspaper Union ) care of the canes easier. budget message, m raided tiie castle of a baron near the the About Her Arms the Threw Dolly which lie warned congress not to tin 37X) Polish border, arrested Fascists Shoulders of Tin Soldier. dertnke any expansion of govern-.menta- l rj ESTIMATES put out by the Ameri all fully armed and in uniform and set of Labor the Ills head Soldier Tin stuck expenditures other than those then the seized loads three of and arms truck number of American laboring men out out of the top of the sack. "Swing Red 1$ Most Cheerful tysyiired ,v.nder tlie proposed unemmunitions. On neighboring estates of wmk in November 4..Si0 0'H) at and relief drought programs ployment found your whip this way, Santa," he called. were caches of 0000000000000000000000-000ain rides, large Christmas-Tim- e President William Green predicted Color and said lie regretted he could not I'll catch it and you can pull us over barbed and wire otiier mate munition, more will than pay the Phosphate often most cheerthe Is as Red re nmmend a continuance of tlie in- that at tlie present rate of increase rials of war. regarded edge. for itself in clover growth. tiip jobless would number 7.01X1,000 b Tlie budget he come tax reduction. Santa swung his long whip and the ful of all colors. It is said to react Neither figure covered February. submitted provides for total expend! soldier stood up very straight to catch the most quickly on the optic nerve. DREMIER TARDIER of France, who office workers or farm laborers out of Alsike will make a very favorable 1.7.1 9.2(H) tlie for Decorations available at the winter tures nf SiD It. Once, twice, three times he tried if his ophad resisted tlie attacks employ inent. growth in low, sour spots, where other and missed, hut next as the solstice Include holly, the berries of year I0.!2. exclusive of postal expendi Just time, defor was months, finally ponents well. not as do will clovers It was announced in New York flint tures pai-- from postal revenues, water was seeping through the sack, which are red. It grew to he the cusJohn D. Rockefeller and John D feated Thursday when tlie senate with estimated expendi tom to use holly and berries of a he caught 1L 147 passed a vote of A cleaned garden will offer an easier Rockefeller, Jr., had made a joint contures of 1 1.01 1.911.990 in tlie fiscal similar nature In preparing for the I be ever to want more than "Oh, Of lfiti. to course his and Tardieu multiin which to perform the year Klfil and actual expenditures of tribution of $1,iMX),(XX) to tlie local cabinet resigned, and tlie result was garden left wilh you, captain, whispered festival of Christmas. By virtue of tudinous tasks that confront us in committee's emergency employment $".991.172, I'm in the fiscal year 19!!( as she snuggled close the association of ideas red came to Dimple, us most Doily described the serious governtlie early spring. fund for the unemployed. This was To tlie senate tlie President stlh he connected with the Christinas seato the Tin Soldier. mental crisis in many years. One of milled the World court protocols, as a handsome gift, hut not anywhere tlie chief factors In tlie downfall of son. on On went. At and times it they Where soil is plowed and left rough near so large, proportionately, as the he had promised, to"eilier with a nies must seemed he was the fact that several flying through Tardieu they contribution of any one of many thou during tlie winter tlie preparation of tlie sage urging Amrilenn ratification. air, hut all at once they stopped. members of his cabinet were involved tiie spring seedbed Is usually easily sands of citizens to the same cause. There were indications that the quesThe coaster with the shiny runin a huge financial scandal, tlie failure done. and quickly tion woii'd not roach final sott'ement ners! called Santa. A little hoy of Alfred On:, trie. He also was aclanta Brought a little black Aberdeen this winter. In this farm house and he espelives JIMMY, cused of trying to make himself a sumto It is wise provide before tlie Nominations sent to tlie senate in Angus bred by .1. F. McKenny of dictator. cially wants a sit'd." mer spraying w'ork begins, an addieluded the name of William N. Doak King City. Mo., was de lured tlie grand There was more room after the of and the tional equipparks supply of Virginia to tie secretary of labor champion steer at tlie International coaster had gone and tlie stops came for and several days ment likely to break or wear out Live Sim k show in Chicago. He was In place of .Tames .1 Davis: George more and more often ns they drew for lost after slip up I?. rapidly. McNinch sold at auction, bringing only $2.7)0 a Otis Smith and Frank near to a big city. One by one the started a flight from Havana to Miami. Herman Trelle. bringing a Mrs. J. M. as members of tlie power commission pound. r of Australia toys were going and still Dolly DimAmong tiie insects that might by deand a long list of recess nominations sample of hard red spring wheat which turned o safe and sound on one of ple clung to the arm of the Tin Solcorn are ear the stroyed by plowing lie grew at Wembley. Alberta. 1.2(H) made during tie summer. tlie Andros islands of the Bahama worm, white grubs, wire worms, cut dier. miles north of Chicago, was crowned Senator Nye. clmirinan of tlie cam They were in the city now and sudgroup. She had been driven far out of worms and to some extent grasshopcommittee, wheat champion; and Herbert C. Wat paigm fund Invesiigntlon her course hv a gale and made a the sleigh stopped before a denly per eg as. son of Tipton, Ind., won tiie national believed he had uncovered large un forced landing on the Islet when tier house. frump plain in es beliail of tlie corn championship. Purdue the reported expend tin no chimney big enough for out. A fishing boat took tier There's gave gas be trees should protected Apple ti Lot In Pennsylvania of Illinois and Iowa State colDavis-1'- , rowr. me to Nassau. She planned to return for said Santa as he shoulagainst sunseaid and mice injury by deredhero, lege took most of tlie blue ribbons for so lie as. id the Semite tn defer the her plane and fly It to Miami. the sack of toys and started or them with newspaper wrapping sv. carng in of Jim Davis as senator. sheep and swine. Cnll.vnie Clipper for tlie door. binding corristulks about them or by Star, a Shorthorn bull owned hv F. This would have meant that .Top Gran On the hack of a worn tapestry NE definite decision has been made building paper. using lit die! W. of Des Moines which Inis dv would continue io occupy the scar, was one thin little blocking. chair by tlie Indian round table confer been winning first prizes all his life, ein-niid mniiv senators don't like hitn. so in London. It is that Burma Is Santa put his hand inside, pulled out makare When cups used, drinking 7 to Davis. -seat On V look tlie senior and grand champion t" ttiev voted a note and began to read. The Tin to be separated from India and set up ing it possible for the animal to take ribbons in its class. Fourteen hunWednesday both Davis and Duilit as a dominion of the British empire at a small quantity of water at frequent Soldier could hear the words though dred boys anti girls of ttie club the earliest W Morrow took the oath, and tlie sen possible elate Burma has intervals, there Is little reason for they fell In whispers from Santas were guests nf tlie exposition and speate was then complete, vvi'li 7,fi Rep.ih a of about 1fi,270,()00. Its warming the water, and It would not lips, and his heart almost stopped population 1 Farmer cial awards were given 4.", 2 of them limns, 12 Democrats and Is Rangoon. capital heating. pay. A tor their agricultural achievements. Laborin' "Dear Santo Claus: team from Oklahoma A. and M. colRS. MARY JONES, known as Please can I have a soldier with a best way to grow rye is to sow The on of tlie won for stale the tlie the best live lege HIS nc ss;ige trophy Mother Jones, win, Imd been the it early In tlie season, on land prered coat? I can play fort with him. 1 stock judging, mitseoririg twenty two Enic'ii tiie President said nothing militant friend and advocate of tlie pared about as you would prepare it That's all, Santa, and thank'), Santa, other college teams. Tlie intercol ati'Hit pr 'lihition. hut in the budget tailoring man, died near Washington, for outs. Or you may even sow the dear. Youc friend, Jimmie!" tlie admin In' nc.de it clear iegiate moat Judging contest was won alter an Illness of more than a nii'ss:i- -' Santa stopped and felt nraund in his it in, as Is sometimes yeat rye and hv a te;rn of students from tiie 1st rat cm intended tn continue hs policy She was lfx) years old last May. tlie oats crop. with done only one soldier left, hag; of of the Missouri, individual honors dry of vigorous enforcement t(c hv U GNiero Union.) "I wanted to leave jou tlw by NEWS REVIEW s CURRENT EVENTS " Ring-li.iu- v 1 e, c blue-bloode- d ,g " G (, Agricultural Hints 0 fi.-c-al These Koith-Mille- 1 1 I ili-- r r |