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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER- HYRUM, UTAH - UAL SAIIITS URGED TO AMERICANS SPANISH SHIPS IN HIDING, HUN FEAR-IN- IF THEY MOVE. PRESIDENT ADVOCATES WAR TQ FINISH IN ANNIVERSARY ADDRESS AT BALTIMORE. TO LIBERTY LOAN Appeal to All True Citizens to Help Eliminate the Diseased Tree Lying Across tho Path of True Democracy. (By WINSTON CHURCHILL, Who Recently Returned From the War Zone.) Germany may be likened to a great tree that has fallen across the path of democracy. The trunk Is being chopped through by two axes, the military ax and the propagandist ax. If the trunk Is to be severed and the obstruction removed, neither ax must be spared. Americans must contribute willingly to help their allies, to support their army and navy, which will be the deciding military factor In the struggle. Our American president was the first world statesman to make clear that while a military victory is essential, It Is not In Itself adequate. The great significance of this war lies not on the battle lines, but behind them. It Is a war for human liberty, and that which restricts human liberty, not only In the German empire, but also In America and England and France and Italy and Russia must be abolished. We are beginning to perceive that the future progress of democracy depends on national and International scientifically conceived. Issued World Proclamation. In a series of masterly state papers Mr. Wilson has announced to the world that America enters the war unselfishly, and has defined the true Issue for all the peoples of the earth--ev- en for those deluded portions of the German population which, because of a false system of education, have hitherto upheld the hands of the worst enemies of liberty, the Junkers. Until quite recently, one of the most disquieting symptoms from the point of view of the allies was a discontent with, If not an actual opposition to, the war of large elements among the working classes of the allied peoples. In Russia, where democracy was most cruelly suppressed, where conditions for the peasant and the workingman were hardest, a revolution actually took place a revolution that has sounded the keynote of our times. The world service which our president is doing is that of enlisting the allegiance of those masses for the war. He is convincing them that it is their war. And these are they upon whom the evils of an outword economic system have pressed hardest," andwho hitherto have seen little hope that victory over the Germans meant their Mr. Wilson has isown deliverance. sued a world proclamation of emancipation from economic slavery. Make Their Own Treaties. He not only declares that powerful nations shall cease to exploit little nations, but that powerful individuals shall cease to exploit their fellow men. He declares that henceforth no wnrs shall be fought for domination, amd that to this end secret treaties shall be abolished. The peoples through their representatives shall make their own treaties. And Just as national democracy insures to the individual the greatest amount of world democof to racy shall Insure fhe Individual nations of the earth, in order that each may be free to make its own contribution to world democ . n, racy. Fighting for Oppressed. lsthe spirit in which America hasjmterfld" the war. We are fighting foiv the oppressed everywhere. And we are equally determined that the injustice and inequalities that exist In our own government, the false standards of worth, the materialism, the luxury and waste shall be purged from our midst. We shall seize this opportunity to finish up the cleaning of our own household. To sustain our army and navy in the struggle for such a cause, to uphold our president, to aid our allies who have fought so long and so bravely, these are worthy of our sacrifices. I am confident that the response of the American people to the third Liberty loan will be generous. i Thbs ' Supplies Purchased in Spain by General Pershing for American Expeditionary Forces in France Being Held Up by Teutons. But Response to Germany-Right- eous Force Which Shall Make Law of World and Cast the Right Selfish Dominion in the Dust. One They lead to catarrh anil They weak the entire system and leave pneumonia. CHURCHMEN ASKED TO GIVE OF SUPPLIES TO NATION AND HELP DEFEAT HUN. ! res!st. th sudden changes. They interfere with your digestion and lessen your ad tivity NegJected they soon become that dread disease known as temic catarrh. Dont neglect them. It 8 costly as well as dangerous. Pledges Loyalty of People in Opening Address at Annual Conference of Church . of Saints. Jesus Christ of Latter-da- President RESPOND Arc the Worst SAVE AND SERVE MUST CONTRIBUTE CRUSHING OF GERMANY CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED ONLY BY OUR FINANCIAL AID. Spring Colds Snriith y Salt Luke City. The eighty-eightannual conference of the Church of Saints was Jesus Christ of Latter-daheld in this city April 5, 6 and 7, President Joseph F. Smith, who had just returned from California, where he had spent tlie greater part of the winter because of ills health, delivering the opening address. Apostle Reed Smoot, Brigham II. Roberts, one of the seven presidents of seventies, and Richard W. Young, president of the Ensign stake of Zion, were unable to attend the conference, because of their duties, Apostle Smoot being busy at Washington, and the last two named wearing the uniform of the government. Those who attended the conference were well repaid, the various speakers bringing out different points of interest and instruction in matters o$ vital interest to all Saints, there being a spirit of optimism evident that was good to behold. In his opening address, President Smith pledged the loyalty of his people to the government in this time of need, and urged upon all Saints the necessity of increased production and conservation of foodstuffs. That the promised 'support of the government was no empty one was evidenced by the fact that at the Saturday session the congregation by unanimous vote authorized the church authorities to purchase $250,000 of the third Liberty loan issue. Just six months ago a like sum was invested by the church. At the Saturday morning session, Richard R. Lyman, son of the late Apostle Francis M. Lyman, was appointed by unanimous vote of the Saints as a member of the quorum of twelve apostles, to fill the vacancy caused by the recent death of Elder Ilyrum M. Smith. Also by unanimous vote of the congregation, Joseph F. Smith, Jc., son of the venerable president of the church,' was appointed a member of the general board of education of the church, to fill the office held by the late Apostle Lyman. All executive authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints were sustained in office by unanimous vote Saturday at the afternoon session. The entire personnel of church executives, from Joseph F. Smith as president and trustee in trust down to the clerk of the conference, were sustained without a dissenting vote. At the closing session on Sunday Richard R. Lyman, the new member of the council of twelve, occupied his official seat in the second tier of the rostrum and delivered his first address as an apostle at the afternoon session. President Joeph F. Smith conducted both meetings in the tabernacle and delivered a brief closing address, in which he admonished the people not to hold God responsible for the war, telling them tnat it was the result of the wickedness of earthly rulers. The Financial Report. Expenditures made from the tithing funds of the L. D. S. church during the year 1917 were briefly given in a general summary by President Joseph F. Smith in his opening address, as follows : Expended in the stakes and wards for local purposes, $751,978.66; maintenance and upkeep of temples, including repairs of the St. George and Logan temples, $111,036.56; construction of the Cardston, Canada, and Hawaiian temples, $126,745.36; maintenance and operation of church schools, purposes, in$368,028.75; charitable mission cluding hospitals, $320,963.75; ' purposes, including the erection of mission houses and chapels, ; completion of the new church office building, $154,868.40. Total, h Washington. Supplies purchased in Spain by General Pershing for American expeditionary forces in France have not been released. The financial credit for France promised by Spain in return for the privilege of Importing American cotton has not been granted. The United States has not been permitted to benefit by the agreement between Washington and Madrid signed by representatives of the two governments on March 7. Threats to sink Spanish ships and German political propaganda in Madrid are held to be responsible. Huns Threaten Spain. reports received here Monday revealed that Spanish ships, such as at one time represented the proudest merchant fleet on the high seas, are now hiding in the sheltered harbors of Vigo, Cadiz and Barcelona. Their owners will not permit them to sail through fear that the threat of the German submarine commanders will be executed. It is doubted in official circles that the Madrid government will prove sufficiently strong to make a serious defense for its rights as a neutral. With full expectation that the trade agreement concluded here a month ago would be promptly ratified in Madrid, the war board immediately provided the Spanish ships detained in port with bunker coal. U. S. Had Aided Spain. Exports which Spain wanted and badly needed were also released under the license system, and even more generously than the terms of the agreement required. During March 10 per cent more cotton was allowed to go out than had been contemplated under the reciprocal arrangements. Large of railway shipments equipment and great quantities of machine oils were also released. There was both surprise and indignation at the state department and the war trade board when the French government reported that the section of the agreement under which France was to be given financial credit in Spain had not become effective. The French had not asked for a loan, but Spanish money was to be made available for the purchase of army supplies in Spain upon securities furnished by the French government. The United States had agreed to let Spain obtain our supplies only upon agreement that the credit be made available. Semi-offici- al APPROVES WILSONS SPEECH. British Ambassador Says That Only by Force Can Huns Be Met. President Wilsons Washington. pronouncement at Baltimore, on April 6, that Germanys challenge can be met only with force, was emphasized here Monday by Earl Reading, British ambassador and high commissioner, in an address before the national conference of American lecturers. Only by force can Germany be met, and with that force she will be met, declared Lord Reading. At another point he said: America stepped into this war, and with it a whole new plane of thought was raised. America has fought, and will fight only for ideals of world democracy. Opening Eyes of Germans. Washington. Word that American reinforcements are moving to the support of the allies In Picardy has revived argument in Germany over the efficiency of the submarine and drawn from Captain Persius, military critic of the Berliner Tageblatt, the comment that, after being persuaded to underestimate America, German opinion is undergoing a change. Baltimore. President Wilson, at a great Liberty loan celebration here Saturday night, April 6, gave Amricas answer to the renewed propaganda for a German-mad- e peace, to all proposals to end the war before Germany is wakened from her dream of world dominion. The presidents answer was: Force, force to the utmost, force without stint or lmit, the righteous and trumphant force which shall make right the law of the world and cast every selfish dominion down In the dust. A few hours before the president spoke, he had reviewed a division of citizen soldiers, call' id only a few months ago from the pursuits of peace ; now transformed Into fighting men to carry the Ideals of America to the battlefields of Europe. At the moment a million more of their kind all over the land were celebrating the opening of the third Liberty loan ; and the orders for mobilizing the first of the great army of a second million were going but to the country. Challenge of Huns Accepted. Those were some of the physical facts which backed his words, when, after reviewing briefly the evidence that Germany seeks a peace for her world dominion, the president declared : I accept the challenge. I know that you accept It. All the world shall know you accept it. It shall appear in the utter sacrifice and with which we shall give all that we love and all that we have to redeem the world and make it fit for free men lke ourselves to live In. This now Is the meaning of what we do. Let everything that we say, my fellow countrythat we henceforth men, everyth! plan and accomplish, ring true to this response till the majesty and might of our concerted power shall fill the thought and utterly defeat the force of those who flout and misprize what we honor and hold dear. Germany has once more said that force and force alone shall decide whether Justice and peace shall reign in the affairs of men ; whether right, as America conceives it, or dominion, as she conceives it, shall determine the destinies of mankind. There Is, therefore, but one response possible from us; force, force to the utmost; force without stint or limit; the righteous force which shall make right the law of the world and cast every selfish dominion in the dust. Hun Success Means Our Ruin. Warning anew that a triumph of arms for Germany means ruin for all the ideals America has won and lived for, the president reiterated he was willing to discuss at any time a fair, just and howst peace sincerely pros 'peace In which the strong posed and weak shall fare alike. But the answer," he said, when I proposed such a peace came from the German commanders in Russia, and I cannot mistake the meaning of the answer. v They are enjoying in Russia, the president declared, "a cheap triumph in which no brave or gallant nation can ong take pride. A great people, helpless by their own act, for the time at heir mercy. Their fair professions are orgotten. They nowhere set up jusd tice, but everywhere Impose their exploit everything for their own nse and aggrandizement; and the peoples of conquered provinces are invited to be free under their dominion. Are we not Justified in believing that they would do the same things at their western front if they were not there face to face with armies whom their countless divisions cannot overcome? v President Wilson was given a great demonstration on his arrival at the hall, which was packed with about 15,000 persons. Thousands were at the doors unable to gain entrance. Long lines formed In front of the armory as early as 6 oclock. ss pow-er.an- Lake 8teamers Commandeered. Five large passenger Chicago. steamers plying on Lake Michigan have been commandeered by the navy department for war uses, according to word received Monday from WashingBonds Feed the Boys. ton. The steamers taken are: TheoFind Glass In 8oldiers Food. Every farmer knows how his boys dore Roosevelt, City of South Haven, San Antonio, Texas. Proof of the like to eat. Mothers fried chicken Manltou, Virginia and Puritan. presence of ground glass in nine differand apple dumplings and pumpkin pies ent articles of food shipped to the havent a chance In the world when Verbal Battle In Senate. Nineteenth division commissary at of table. Lots at down sit the boys Washington. Senator Hardwick of farmers boys are in France and the Georgia hurled the lie clear across the Gamp Travis was announced Sunday farmer doesnt want them to go hun- senate chamber at Senator Poindexter by Major Joel Gaines, In charge of the gry over there. Liberty Bonds buy of Washington Monday afternoon dur- military police, Ninetieth division, food for them. Fifty members of officers families and ing a debate on the spy amendments. enlisted men are, he said, 111. y y $335,-861.3- $2,169,482.85. 7 Other statistics included were : Number of tithe payers, 87,661 number who paid fast offerings, 47,820; numand ber of wards independent branches, 839; number of stakes, 75; number of missions, 22; bifth rate, 37 per 1000; marriage rate, 17 per 1000; death rate, 8.1 per 1000; widows, 33 per 1000; widowers, 7 per 1000; divorced after temple marriage, 80 persons in 1917 ; divorced after civil marriage, 101 persons in 1917; families who own their homes, 80 per cent. In addition to the six general sessions of the conference, two each day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, there were also the usual conferences of The last auxiliary organizations. meeting in the tabernacle was held Sunday night. This was the conference of the Deseret Sunday School union. associations Mutual Improvement confined their conferences to meetings of the general and stake and ward authorities. The conjoint meeting of officers was held in the Assembly hall at 8 oclock Sunday , PERUNA Vill Safeguard You Have a box of Peruna Tablets with you for the sudden cold or exposure. Tone your sya. tem up with a regular course of the liquid Peruna, fortify it against colds, get your digestion up to normal, take care of yourself, and avoid danger. If you are suffering now begin the treatment at once. Give Nature the help she needs to throw off the catarrhal inflammation, and again become well. Peruna has been helping people for 44 years. Thousands of homes rely on it for coughs, colds and indigestion. Its a good tonic for the weak, as well. The Peruna Company Columbus, W. N. U., Ohio Salt Lake City, No. 15-19- 18. German Bouncing Bomb. The elastic properties of rubber are being used by the Germans in their latest missile, the bouncing bomb. This curious device has a base of rubber so weighted that the bomb when thrown through the air strikes upon it. The impact causes it to leap into the air and also releases the time fuse. This fuse is so arranged that the bomb bursts when at the highest six feet from the ground, its destructive power is then much greater than if it exploded while on the point-so- me ground. Milestones. Burden Lifted. Monkey Now the scientists said that we are descended from man. First Second Monkey Thank heaven need not feel responsible for him we any longer. The Remedy. I have so much on my hands at present that I dont know what to do. Why not try some soap and water?" London Tit-Bit- s. After a man gets about so fall he can make himself believe that other men think he is sober. Building-ufor the Spring Attack at the Front is a good deal like putting the body in condition for an isvaslon of the germs of grip, pneumonia or Spring fever here at home. At this time of the year most people p suffer from a condition often called Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn out, before the day is half thru. They may have frequent headaches and sometimes pimply or pale skin and white lips. The reason for this is that during the wintertime, shut up within doors, eating too much meat and too little green vegetables, one heaps fuel into the system which is not burned up and the clinkers remain to poison the system a clogging up of the circulation with inactive liver and kidneys. Time to put your house in orde. For an invigorating tonic which will In the clarify the blood, put new life and to the eyes, body, sparkle wholesome skin, nothing does so well as a glyceric herb extract made from Golden Seal root, Blood and Stone root, Oregon grape root and Wild coCherry bark. This can be had inat ai e form tablet nvenient, been drug stores, sixty cents, and hasas sold for the past fifty years Golden Medical Discovery. W reason of the nerves feeding on the the blood, when the blood Is pure neuralgia and nerves feel the effect, other nerve pains disappear because such pain is the cry of the starveo nerves for food. When suffering fr backache, frequent or scanty orB" in rheumatic pains here or there, constant tired feeling, the simplemerj. j to overcome these disorders is r to obtain Dr. Pierces'5 Amirlc your druggist. In tablets, sixty ready-to-us- typhoid sasss tec ,lmost roirtealoa of Antityphoid VaceiMW Bo vaccinated NOW by" yoaj phyilclan, yoo It to more vital than homo JTOUI family. Aak your phyilclan, dmgglrt, or endfor vaecmw . iroo had Typhoid? telling of Typhoid rerultj from tue, and dinger from Typhoid cau caey, ud barmleaineai, tan" the arms labobatoby, bebkcley, 1. UN0I4 VACCINIi MOiVCIM 1U1 M. COUGHING thro arrooyi other and hurt yon. Relieveeon irritation and tickling .and get rid of oo cold and ho&raenea by taking at |