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Show . . , , - .. .,. ' '' ' , 1940 August 31, , , ill,' , Ti',,tr-Saturda- of .,. 1 1 '' -- -, ' N ' , , .:, ' : ; ., .., , , ,,. - '.,,:, HOWARD P. DRIGGS (President ,Americap Pioneer , Trails Association) Stirring history halepeated itself in an unusual way, in the memorialization of the Pony Stage route, all but achieved across western' Utah. Eighty-onyears ago three frontiersmen.of this state, Major Howard Egan, Enos Stookey and George W. Boyd, acting for the great frefghting firm of Russell,: Majors and Waddell, selected sta.,' lion sites for the Pony Express line over the desort. One main , reason Egan, 'Stookey and Boyd were chosen was that they had the confidence of the Indians. Today through the earnest, directive work of a son of one of those frontiersmen, acting,t,-for the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association, all hut two of the fading station sites from Faust to lhapah have been reclaimed and marked with impressive monuments of stone and At the two remaining bronze. "story spots," (Boyd and ,Oyer-lanCanyon), the work of restoring the actual stations will soon he under way. This challenging achleYement in the conservation of our historical resources is the result of of fine various cooperation , - P - , is S e re-ru- ' - , I p oi , - , - ,- , , , " " ... .,:... :,..,:,,... ' ,:,::: ........ .'...,:,,,,,,,;,.:: .. , ,. 7:, ,,:, ::, ::::: , ,.......::: ..:,... z,, ,,,.... ...; w,::',,..,.,i ..,;,,,,, ..: ' ......,, 4 ,,,, ,., ... .iv it, ':'' ....:.- .,,,..,...,. ,:., , , :.: :ctk,'- ......,, , ,i.....1...,;:.f: ;:: :;";'' ;....4.,,,i. 4.,,,i ,,iir. :,,, r.,3;'..., ,..,. , - ::.,,..,..,. :. K.,,,,,,, - ' ': :',.:::,;c...:.,,,.t,:::,, -- - - ' , n: , , !t'' ": '. , , . .., . , , ---- 4..!::;:" ' -- '' ,.. .......... - , ,,'1,---- :', :4 .7.....,:';': - t, :, ''. ::.::: .,. :,..' ..::: - .:: ' L - i ti,,,,,' , :: , 1:44.11 .4- PHILO -'' l' ''' ' t , ' ' L., FARNSWORTH. - ,i - .' '''''' ,!,;,,.: ''''l'''.4: , 444 Amt., .:' .. r..': x.i t !,. ': 1 ?!.' :.. -- ; ... ..: ei4iL. 1 - ''' ' ..' " - ' k C.. ''::',...:.'.. .. A. . " .' '. ' ' fit L,,,- ''''.. 1 . ;,:: 4 ..' i:.: :.:' ,7'"-it';'441- ,4:,',...i.4. (: , th,..4.4t1,.."11 - , ,;.!:, A4.'''' ....,,,:- ' .,. N',...?,. , ... ,, :,4 '' 4' --- .: , .. Al, .., , ' ; . atOlta,tillPtIskitALINAL,t, 1 ''''')i I A li ., ic . mirme ' rt.- -, ',," ,,s,,x , '' ; , 4 ,"4,1,:-.- .. - '' 17' 3 I ... ;'1,,..',, . i,. , 4,-- ' 'I ' 'I LI 1. , ) , '' 1 , 4' :P' ,. ,.. 4 '' ,z ,, .- x s- - ' ,- ' sosairoosasissmaliosaa, keepers. Boy Scouts of America on each Decoration Day for three years have carried through these ceremonies in widely separated cities and towns cemeteries-i- n where these heroic scouts of the yesteryears now lie at rest. It is a fitting. appreciated tribute to a valiant group of men who performed a splendid service in the helping to bring the endof ,".'. ,natibn into closer comtiTunication just at the time the i4rength West help save our Union. : : 11 In Utah - Of SCVen - d in , ''','''''''';',' ' ii.....:' ..,,.....: iot 7 - IL 411P '4., - ' ici,d pohtical Advorti5omont by lk,,bert . t. Judd) ' ' ; '' :7 . - : 1 .1.. . r ::..:. A ' . : ,.:.,..,...:::...... ... .,,a.m.A.m.1,. .0,7CICUICEL I. tte3 tabriotionlda ' - , ' I ' Ancor. sown( EAST 3RD , 4' - - 6.0.10 ......--.........-..........- . MUST UnlITED DE , ; . , , 0A Aa -- U P5 L - bl I 1 '51 Z,14.)- - , , " - ' , ''' . I. ' ,:::-:i- I: , "i . , , For a Clean Whole- ' ' ,... , , Ad- some, Impartial , , ministration...for a .. ' ;' ' - - .. , , t i , , ,, it., , , , . ' ' - 1 1 ,,, X - .;,. 't, r ;. , , 4; I t 0 . '"OUR UNAIIIIVIOUS' CIMICE" - . ' ; For Governor of Utah . ' FOR HIM! Business end Labor agree that not once has Senator Huggins cast a vote for personal or factional reasons during his ten years of service i n the State Senate. SENATOR Will Make a LIBERAL 1GOVERNORI A BROAD-MINDEAs senators who have served with him and chosen ' him cis our leader, we know his d support for the ability and sterling qualities. We pledge him our state's highest,office. For harmony, leadership and victory at the polls, we urge the voters of ,Utah 'lo join with us in electing Ire A.- Huggins Governer., SENATOR MRS. FRANK STEWART SENATOR SiANLEY N. CHILD WHO THOSE ' , . HIMWORK WITH WORKED HAVE The way to judge what a man will do is by whet he t has done. , Both - - , , , , D , for those who joined In the dedication of these monuments along the Pony Express Trail on Aug. 23 and 24. Among those in the group were George Albert Smith, George Q. 'Morris, J. 'C. Alter, M. Stoo- IJohn D, Giles, Dr. Walter - , whole-hearte- .a. - . - Salt Laho County - ' ' SENA.TalLaGi.tonENcouEn.ty MSNOW SENATOR - ' MRg salt take Count- y-SENATOR ALONZO F. HOPKIN' ' ' ------ ,,, Pitch County SENATOR,DANIEL ' licers,gathered with the leaders W. ANDERSON - .. . . SENATOR PATRICK FENNELL 7!"" . , , , ' - STEVENS , SENATOR . i. . , Nab County CONRAD CouRISCHKNECHT f' Banpoto SENATOR SILAS TANNER Warta County , ,. . - , ; ;' , . t t ... . ' 'roosts County (Paid Political Adv. by Ned Warnock) . , - Salt Lake COUntr SENATOR JOHN . ' ...- ,.'. AT. tvDn. hatige improvements, also were 'interested and helpful partici, pants in the ceremonies. After a good luncheon served et the Simpson Springs .Camp. about 200 CCC boys and their of- - ...... ) , ,tit . -.- , t ' 1 :, ,.',,,,, ',., of 4 , . . , , , , 0" , , i'::: for the Best Inter.' est of Utah . . ElectIRA IL HUGGINS GOVEHNO11 I). , ' ,, United Democracy ., - - ' , gfirealz-- D.' Molohon, chief'. ttrAisH, .A.Alime , d Hfroowmarvvri,aRs.hDinrigtoggns., membership Inyonoctoonitss MUSIC CO.. -. ' station commemorated. Thest monuments are among the finesi ever erected along our historit trails. EXPRESSES GRATITUDE Our gratitude for this expres sion of real interest in the cause of saving the,American epic, goes to those who have sponsored and directed this memorialization, Besides the credit to Dr. W. Stookey and other leaders of the Utah Pioneer Trails, and Oregon Trail Association, who have given encouragement and assistance; our special thanks are extended to the officials of the Grazing Service who have taken active interest in seeing the fine work offyicaianicis oat:tilt distotinalitanLedted. ' I poti of till Associd eleRya,drceigifithine,a1 ITha sancodurss , - xcollent Come '. the ond of thlk coursol - of a actionthe gift 1 , WITH . 4 plaquesone intrudesand an rPalictord:nliorillE . ,...-- UTAI1 , a wook you reviles tont. '''7 "''..., America biiy, savul,Atimg .tnhensthories of mart au. v"..n",. rf Axt, pio the ..,.,..,11 .., f , program, to save efenttheiredmemonorlahleizipatlinogn .A:aniCto()ApT:TD:h.E1.011,:N171: 1,,,,01,1:NOFIV0,..7.Sany . 1 of the inner meaning DEMOCRATIC ,- . tg, ( , . : ,,,,,,:.: - , , ,,I. Enos Stookey aided in pony express work. station to listen to the stories that link with that spot, and to catch n , , j.... 1:oomething etrbenTeararilAse soelinastioont, r', :: ; I George W. Boyd had red men friends. 4:;)1 ' ,. Knew Indians I ..,,,,,, ,,, ,:i 1.,:13 ..,',,,,,, w CCC boyulso are appreciated for their,line part. It was an enriching experience 11 --- Robert L, Judd, Chairman ' , ,, agent; F. J. Baker and F. E. Mc- Carty, camp superintendents; Claude Fleming, H. K. Lehme, engineers, and S. W. Madsen. The , Nomination FOR,SENATOR' CLVB 1 Oregon Trail Memorial Hon; the other, given by the Utat Pioneer Trails Association, ree ords the essential story of th; .., for Republican FARtiswoRTII ...0. '' : , .., ;::.r.:::. - , ' , 11." '. 1 rider in , . ..:: , , ' 1. 4 :, . ,,,,,,:,: ' ,,,,, T, ''''''''''.3..'i- brOnze , eeim LI N SI" - with the story of Amelca's making. The years imrnellately ahead will see a steadir increasing number of such tou. ists following this historic higi way. Monuments ten to fifteen fee high mark the old Station site along the way. These have beet built of carefully selected stone gathered by the CCC boys fron the desert. Each hears twt ': , v c:......1,.,... - " brates , SENATE UNITED STATES ,, There You :t .. n , the ' With the hearty approval the federal autorities the wor it ;as been carried forward. As Jesuit we now have an improcd highway paralleling most of he Pony Express Trail across wet-erUtah. Built primarily to seve ranchers and miners, and othes who must travel that region,it also affords opportunity for the ' ;, . - .. N4a,:1,..;: se led re- gions, is the same as t 't in Utah, To achieve this h .orical conservation the state and ederal cooperation is essential. It is most graifying t t this cooperation is being glad and efficiently given. CCC GIVES AID . An outstanding piece has been accomplished of)pork CCC boys on the Utah Iert. aeo - ;: -:- 1 14 .1 , : run through sparsely ) 01,100s--- , 1, .......: lein and that of Wyomi along t, certain stretches of the tr. which ' ' ' - CONTINUES JOURNEY ' - ' Maj. Howard Ega made many trips for Chi 'h. t, vs ,, :''''...' '' ,,, ,,, ir. 4 ,,,,,1 . ..4 ..'1 - ', 4.,,, Marker established at Simpson Springs, one recently dedicated at station 'sites. oe , ,:, ..,.....,., i ...,t: Pioneer Churehn, ..4z , , , ' Z,....: 4:4.4 1 . , . 1,,,z,'Y'' ' , eit'',,' lo'l 004:. ' "' ' i , .:......,..i: ',,,,.:-: ' - -, is ' ; , , , ,, e '4'.'',-- ' e i. ii.?...: .1 . I , , , s . ..'7,;,,, , !.s ., ' , .,,, .,f 1 .1n t ' -::,::,, 1 , New Pony'Express Monument ' ' .:',. ! 4' ii,',';.j:',e,'z-- . 1 ( It':,,,, m t :. - ...4.,,:.:..:,1,,c:.1. ' 1.,:a,:,r.,...i::,.',:.-..- :.. tr '1: ' ' ::,i,,; .,, .t:t.'t ,, r 1, P,;.," e, et'40,-A.-",a, "de-- e ,,,;,,, i se ,s's,,,,0!, .,:-.:",- 4, . ' . f :, . ."..,,- t ,, ,,, ,,,, , : 1. .,..,,,, N.J...., . , f, . '',. 1 . ...... .:' : '' 4, "' '' "... ' , . press and pioneer America was broutilit to lift. At the conchision the memorial., was dedicated as a symbol of the heroic pioneering of our coun- try. i ... t - j ... :. ,..Z.''.....',.i ' ,..f......' 1,,,,,-- kl...i!,..-- - ,: ; , ',:-:- ,,,,:,,,,:.?' ti t i i 14 ' ,, asnbongve 2. ..,.., ,, t, 1 er ' .:........s'r,:,:li f- .04 i s - k, T. ::: - ,., i ' ... '.:.- - ,...'.''-.'.'i; -' '- '? .0,, .;,,,, i.....:;!:,;2.'::....;:..il.'- :. :::: ? t:,: . , 4 .. , xd. Stripes ip:tial.d:vibrant story of the Pony illitte ' '::.,'.::::::::,...... ,::: ',',,, fmm,,,,t i ,,,I ' ' :ii.,:l.; .: ':...;: .:,' .. '''.' ' A.'' ,. , )4L!.. 1,,1kk ',,. .. ,,,.., .1,44 ,s'''" - ' '.41' '',..,!". t ' s' ."'.1 U.:. 4,4144064 Y, A! .''' ':' .1: ''''''',,'''', . .:,,,,,'..., the ...:.;:.:..::- .,...,..0.1:,..:,,,:,,:::.,.:.,,,...,,...,.,,;:::.,:.t:::,...,.,.......,....,.........,....?..,,...,..,,,,,!.. ..,.. .::. '2i , Asvi.,.40.11,4nsor r' ' '',. .:;;;.,.. '. . i , co'fnuArnmenetricangwitil , ,',:.', - le'. ',' I- ' tI i4 ik, l't-!- ';.,.-..:- . ''''.:':'::,..',.1''''''' .):';:74:::::::::1; "". 4 '' ,. 4.1.00,7'ir.7.' ,,,. , - ,,,,T- .'.. .'''' ,,,,,a ,.','' ,,,,,,, ' ;A:4', '..t.,. :'...;:.. i , ,. -- j, .: f ::,,:. jilt,..-::- ir..11..,:....,,'''''''!11.,jr.i.,..,..,,.,,.....,.:.,,:.: 11 ',,,,,' ,A , et ......L. :::"::: ,:. ' ' : ...77.1.:::-..,7- :..o., 4 ii,..,,,, ,. several hundreds young stalished Temporary Monument At Center Station, ' .'.;.11..js..;". 4CO3...''". .:, ' .,;"::.:,' :::;..,,.., , t,lk-- ,' I , ,..,. r ..;,.!...... ' ',: ::'::::...::::--:- .' :1::;::.!,:::,':'.:,....,'z'.. - ,: , ;,, ' ' 11' jurieRwilie o t I 1 .,,..., ,...,,, ? ; i .4, , - Next morning the caravan made up of federal officials,.lead- ers of the National and State Pioand neer Trails Association, John IT. Hicks, Dr. )V. M. Stookey and the l ate Dan Greenburg placed marker at his. folks living in western Utah, foltonic site ten miles west of Camp Floyd. lowed the Pony Express Trail Overland Canyon. The through na, our in of the neered ' , -building story Of this defile which was the ,..,,,f.,:.-,.::,,:,tion. ',,,- -:1 scene of tragedies on that trail. :I', '..'' : '.'!.4t, MONUMENT PROTECTION,OP was told by Wally Tripp, a pin-ve.....,"- -' ,..,, .,, , :.;'..'i ,414 i,...';',:. ..'' deeply of the old Willow Springs. Opportunity one point came when a speaker Because of Indian troubles, in' 1. to a Pony Excited by reckless whites. the sta :.:,1,:,:t.,7...:,,,,,,,..,; ''"': ..........,..J- .- directing attention 4.e.:...:::':,.i..;. press plaque, which thoughtless tion at this canyon was twice re'... ";.ki ones had shot full of holes, said: moved. An old fortress with Its t...:.:,:;...:?, ' .'. :...:,.: "Whoever shoots at any still stands on a hill portholes ' 4, t'.:.. erected to help save the above the gorge as silent wit...:.::::.:,........,,.':14::.::.........;..,::'," t; .' '.:;'::,.......f.;:l v..,,-,':. t' :....';..: story of our country, shoots at ness to those difficult days. ..',....i.im, :,:.: j ::, America?: At Burnt Station site. the last KA..,i. t., '''.. .i ..,.....-T.,.- ... In the hearts of the listeners a of the series of monuments built .II ., 4.4: ,'.'.' '''', ' ' ..; by the CCC boys and their leadpledge of protection of these .:..'.. ''.1',,:.:,:,.. :,... shrines was taken Boys from the ers, the final ceremonies ended. ....i.., CCC camp asked for the privilege Pres. George Albert Smith offerI .,........, .,.... ......,.:...... of replacing the battered plaque ing an impressive prayer of dedi.N.,'' 1 :?' cation and plea for the protection with a new one, The request was of these shrines of the desert- -granted. , .., c ,t.. ..............,,,....,2... erected through the devoted laAt Callao. or old , Willow of patriotic Americans. bors a barbecue after dinner, Springs, to,,. ,, ..,., ' ..1 ',..' :::. :,:.::..,',;:..:.4,.::.,.. ,.. - .1. Nue :owl', v - ''',' a, i. ,, ,.,,,i i! .J ltospital. ofitlint, ,, was San Francisco. June 15.1907. anti, had lived th Utah for 29 years: , , i ,., 4. - ?4,:,;:::;;:,e'.: ...t: '''''' r ' ,': :.- ,11, ,,:.,..,..L-- ,.,7 :' ',. ' t, 4 Wile was fatally !nu. ed Thursday when a conersta wall collapsed on him at , the rear of 158 North State Street. He was working on a swimming pool construCtiOn was struck .. by a itgjobw.' alill.e concrete from a retain He died three hours later in a Salt La 1.(a i ,;, it- :iii, i-k- r4P ':;.k.4i;,.:..k::!:', .f,....i','.;,' :... ..4,,iii.' , s.e ' '. '''.'''' i ut 4 ': "A y::,' 't' ' ; .....,, k: I , '4,11, - , .:: ' , ..! 2'..1.,:t.e.i ,..i,z-4', s::,:,,,:i:.::--... .., .. -. .,,i Ps. ,,., .,,,,e,47 - - k : ..,,i,...,s - ',,,..' '. " .. - s"..'''''' ., ,...',1.,,,:'. ...... :..' 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Last year a caravan starting from Salt La0', attempted to follow the old trail across the desert; but its members, discouraged by reports of impassable roads ' from Simpsun Springs to Black Rock, made a wide detour and missed a most interesting part of the historic route. After participating in the dedication of Nineteen thirty-eigh- t brought the splendid monument at Camp to of the plan mark every mile under the fine Floyderected PROMOTERS HONORED the historic trail. Artistic plaques leadership of James Gardner of ExAnother phase of the memordesigned by It Perry Driggs, Lehi reinforced by Joseph. which has toahed ecutive Secretary of the Oregon ialization, Wirthlin Sr., and Other members the American heart and brought were Trail MemoriaLAssoclation, of the Utah Trails Association, the Pony Express as a human provided by that national organthe' caravan went on, pausing at is the over decoras closer, ization for state every other Pony Express station sites insljtution tion of the graves of the proline which the pioneer mail to erect temporary markers made alSonte riders and station runs. of states the have moters, pony of the official plaques set on iron . . standards.- the gift of the Utah Construction CoMpany through Its president. D. H. Christensen. Among the other fine results coming from this caravan , trip was the winning of Neyada's MAIL THIS COUPON OR CALL AT OUR loyal support to the cause. The governor, state engineer, and OFFICE FOR DETAILS ABOUT state superintendent of 14chools. with 'other leaders from the Sil..Iiiesten7 Elecit;''k I ver State, joined eagerly in the Gentlemen: Ortho-Techncause, with the result that four Audiphone Please send details on the WEST- monuments bearing the national ERN ELECTRIC ORTHO.TECHNIC hronze plaque provided by the AUDIPHONE. AUDIPHONE This entails no obligation whatever . Oregon Trail Memorial AssociaDISTRIBUTORS on my part. tion were formally dedicated last 409 Medical Arts Bldg. NAME ' year. Others have been dedicatSalt Lake City, Ilicdt ADRESS t. Dial ed this year. STATE CITY B. Clarence Place, Mar. Nevada's memorialisation prob- , re-ru- , . - . , ;.!:.: - ,,,., re-ru- ' , 1 ,..,,,,,: .- .- forceslocal, slate and national. Responding actively to the call of the Oregon Trail Memorial Association, some years ago to save our highways of history, the Utah Pioneer Trails Association, with the good help of various communities, erected and dedicated monuments on the Pony Express line at Henefer, Mountain Dell, Salt Lake, Point of the Mountain, Camp Williams, Camp Floyd, Faust and lhapah. One diffficult part of the trail a tough one for the Pony Rid. ers and stage drivers in earlier daysremained. Only scattered ranchers and miners inhabit the - hundred mile stretch. How to carry through the memorializa- tion plan there was a puzzling Leaders of National problem. Service of our Interior - Grazing Department with the boys of the OCC camps under the stimulating direction 4)f Dr. Stookey have helped to work out a splendid solution. TAKE FIRST STEP A first step towards reclaiming the trail across the desert was made seven years ago when a scouting troup was taken by George W. Middleton, Walter M. Stookey, John D. Giles and How-- ard R. Driggs out to the. Deep Creek country. There with the good help of Mr. and Mrs. John U. Hicks, to whom the Utah desert is an open book, the movement was launched to build a Monument on the site of the old lbapah home station. Ranch folk and miners of that region joined heartily in the enterprise and the memorial was soon dedicated with real western spirit. e Nineteen Thirty-fiv- e brought the Diamond Jubilee of the Pony a of that Expresswith fast mail from Sacramento to Saint Joseph. Missouri. No part of that nearly mile was enacted with more fidelity than was the stretch across Utah. Out on the desert with clock-likprecision, the young riders made their runs between the actual 'old station sites. One lad of fifteen did his clip of approximately twelve miles in forty-fivminutes. Acas an ofcompanying this H. ficial party were William Jackson and Major Arthur W. Proctor and Dr. W. M. Stookey. Accelerated interest in reclaiming the historic trail came with this commemoration. , ' .,.. , " ::' " ' d I - ,, .....,:.:: '' '' , ' e .' eserei News, Salt Lake City, Utah" ',. e , , - - -.. .. .. .. ...........,.. , '' :' :: ., ..., ss-Overland 11'4 ' -- , t Expre- , ' ,,, Assoelation 'lead Relates history "Of Alovèment ' " :" ' , , '' ..,,,,..,,,",:,,,...:.-,,,- ,) BY . ,,,,,.....,,,.:...:..,...,.,,,,,.,.0..,,..,::.,:-,,,.::-:.,-,,,,,,;,,:-..,,:;,,,::::,:;,,,,,:;,:,:- Is ,Recotinted -- , ., 1-- 4 , - , . ' s, , , Trail sri , '::--------'- ' ,, ill ' 1:- ' - , 'y, . . , , . . . ik; T . . . |