Show JUDGE GROSSCUPS MONOPOLY TALK Judgo Grosscup of tho United States Circuit court for the Seventh circuit comprising Illinois Indiana and Wisconsin Wis-consin is savage on the big corporations corpora-tions apparently classing all who organize or-ganize or manage them as swindlers who should be in the penitentiary He does not show a very comprehensive comprehen-sive knowledge of finance however when he attacks the vast deposits in savings banks as a bad symptom He evidently considers that the ten billions bil-lions of money in those banks lies In their vaults unused and is not put into the channels of trade But if i sOj how could the banks pay the depositors even the low rate of Interest which they do pay In fact the judge is badly off in this The vast sums of money In the savings banks and In the reserves of Insurance companies supply the funds for many an enormous financial deal and without them many a great enterprise enter-prise could not be launched Of course the managers of the savings banks are ptudent and exact plentiful security but the money under their charge Is used In the business of the country and whoever thinks It is not doesnt reason clearly Think for a moment of the gradual withdrawal of ten billions bil-lions of circulation from public use The very size of the sum should have proved to the Judge that his assumption assump-tion of the money being tied up In the bank vaults was wrong No such withdrawal with-drawal is in any way possible But when the Judge says he considers consid-ers the supervision of monopolies by the Government to be the only hope for the perpetuation of the American nature na-ture he was on the right side of the statement though perhaps unduly vehement ve-hement in phraseology For we believe be-lieve that the American nation will be perpetuated right along monopoly or no monopoly > supervision or no supervision supervi-sion by the Government But that this Governmental suspension is needed and Js the true protection of the people we have no doubt and Judge Grosscup who in his court has had to deal with the canned beef monopoly and has dehlt with it vigorously and right does well to direct public attention to the question |