Show NEX NEW recreation HALL many visitors from other wards attend dedicatory services dedicatory oen lc ices es of the new randolph recreation reo bation hall were held at li audolph ay nir jamming ning at 4 v P vival in the lilt mcw iian ha 14 11 r the direction tion or of 1116 holl 4 IS johnpoll John solL abeid a buntai chief ashton and a nd uio U io ii supervisor of salt lake tatt were special gueits tile te started at 1000 with rtha choir and congregation singing ili gladly Aleo alerting ting kindly greeting followed by the choir singing 1 I know that ily illy redeemer li lies es 1 ion was waa offered liy by wm win T rex the ward choir then song siang sweet IS is the ine work 11 IL hop L B johnson gave cave an a n addre dreo o of welcome we leome and also introduced the speakers among vhf ahm ni were thu the otake S ake presidency PreA doncy jamies james brun BroN NII jr J al pealie kind joseph I 1 williams of evanston Eva aston G willard peart chairman of the ward building committee was wag the tirs firs speaker s tp eaker he mid it was one of the happiest mo of his life lie ile the people of the ward and all ail others who had given their support ue ile gave the following report he said tho the daod had been eighteen months montha building bu dIding tte the recreation Reel mation hall ind and remodeling tibe the ward chapel at a total cost of as follows ca cash ih re boived from IA D S church the ward raided IU 5 as follows labor and material CM ia salvage of old opera haiim eash cash with an all additional adU Honal cost of for becking weck ing the old opera how howo o ind and a balance left on an old note of f ia OTOO 00 the me money ral raised by the ward was raised cd by labor cash and produce cattle etc which were sold and turned into cayli caal and by ward en ile he said their was waa not a family in ili the who had not donat d to the lie caw w hobold he it old of the spirit with the beope worked ked and help ed of how one couple had come to a ward benefit entertainment bringing with thonia a freem r of ice cream which fh thoy y contributed to the pirty party after ray pay ili ing their ticket there were many others of thia kind too to mention ile he aked th tho blessings of the lord the randolph ward goo ashton experienced ed contractor and builder spoke next ile he add it was a dw all had looked forward to a day of re rejoicing said how lie had bad enjoyed with me aih randolph people ire he paid alii lie he v the WIRO tw ale of Rin 11 adoph doph ward would be re rc far their aff rf nd A ahron efm of the ashton and evans evana contracting tand and building corporation po ration of salt lake city was the fc cheak haaker lr he alid that tou aud and brans had contracts and inbuilt wine oma of tile the ahne t of thy the church ibm ch buthe but he hid had uever worked a liner huer people w w had spen seu a better spir it thau than prevailed in hi the randolph landolph lUn dolph waid lie he said he had enjoyed the work and had admired the spirit in which the randolph andolph rt people had put pat over the work ile he said flie people of the ward deaett ed the praise his hia company had bad furnished the plans and we wa had biad furni hed the mau mall power ind and money lie he said aid he hope the loid lend would altis us IM and that we would always stand land on oil our own feet the choir then sting bang Rf Ro deemer doemer of israel joseph 1 I williams member 0 of f the stake fasth was the a next speaker ile he isaid lie he was vel deiy y happy to uv LH 1 at ac tile hie dedicatory ee ivice pia isid the peo pie af j the wad for fir their achievement L lie ile slad he marveled that they could boso doso do so much iu in so short abort time stud he aped uie the bos and girls of 01 the ithe ward waid wai d would tile the building buil diug and keep it looking as nice as it doe today lie he said he be hoped the ward would always alwart have itlie samo same iu in they briod to do said hy he hoped the building would always be used in the way the lord wanted it us used L albert E bowen junior member of the AlSt apostles les next he said he did not expect to see gee such a line building praised the people for their ef forti forta mada to creat such a fine building in ile he boine of the expert esperi eu encee 3 of liis his youth and of Ys his travel throughout the state said wb whenever enever you do a thing do it well praised the people for their spirit of building ile he sald aid a man iran willing to give and help would load lead a happler appier li li richer eller taller fuller life ile he said it dont matter what others think its what we think of ourselves if wb aro are licit doing the right thin thing we know it lie ile told of if the mi ini lions that are spent for far liquor and tobacco said tile building should be wera as ir a i place to come ind and rebuild oury elve ile he then Offered ed the dedi cabot adin oli thanked ill all who had bad yelped mike make th alii arvlee 9 a success tile ang lot Us ITs Rw ice den diction was offered by wn win bohr ii many viktors from woodruff laketown Lake town kemmerer ind and other nearby communities were p pres tt the chapel was mas almot it filled to capacity |