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Show page Throe L. i editorial S. INSTITUTE D. OF 7 set, program unaware up of the in connection 9 Institutes You students who are existence might find among, that would interest you. some program consists of: 1. Formal courses in The . which are conducted religion, college courses, and for given. which college credit is . social 2. formal A program, which includes formal and Delta Sigma, a national social fraternity-s- rority sponsored by the Church. 3. Devotional' programs, which include vesper services and sacred programs. BIG HnND CAFE fireside chats, counseling program. All college students are invited to consult with the Institute director on any problems, personal or otherwise, on which they fool need of guidance. It is a real opportunity for Dixie students to have such a program It is hoped that th.ao.pno r tun i t y D' available. t a kc ad van tngc-of- L. Clifford TH3 RiiCSFTIIX! DHIEITTS sponsored by the Faculty Aomen s club yesterday was cons id- crcd successful in every rospcct. Students, teachers and patrons enjoyed tho affair, at is... Dixie.. hold-annuall- . ' IE GIRLS TAKE SECOND VOLLEY BALL Lis ha Eontlcys ites made it two Dixio- - straight in the girls volley ball intramurals, when they Ruth lawcctt's featod dc-wh- ich squad this week. Barbara acKullins -- team' Lc-holid- ays . mullin-Bciba- ra vD . AITpVLBAIB.RAND former in LLOYD Dixie-- armed 'have .''been" campus '.tho-'- . A VISITOR TicLulliji M HERE at the campus last Saturday was Dr Vasco' Tanner. Some of students may recall visitors 'this week, Lloyd j.hiri psB a "former teacher is a; son .of' Earl ;J.' Bleak, of biology. forces,, SUITABLE SCHOOL ' .. now Standing of the Teams: more cf us Benson, .a-; former staff member, of Salt Lake from Zion City,' .writes conYt that 'she get along .Ilona Stirlings charges, Next-weeks schedule is without the old school pa- ' da .follows : per. "I. guess my "education Tuesday: hisha Ecrtley- -' will 'havo to wait until" Barbara . I Icmullin; Chcrr.ill Adams.. after the war, she .writes' I'cllullin-LcVo- n Alico Young- sure-mis"Wednesday: "I .Dixie, though, Toll-Stirling: Phoebo everyone hollo for jicnc Fawcett. h Hannig-Feutmo.' Helen intends to visit Thursday: Lisha Bentlc3r Dixie. before tho Christmas. -- LeVon Adams; Chcrrill Helen dents' Lanager was victorious over tho one' captained by LcVcn Young Adams, and Alice and her R.., girls defeated BEESON NR ITES BLEAK", II, Leach D D ; from the o A E2LXM STREET so- Lambda will, THE ACROSS in- parties, dances, luncheons, and many other cial affairs. These activities are carried on by the 4. p.m. for this year. their activities like a.m. to of Religion Dixie college has sn interesting and educational with - the ! i RELIGION IS ASSET TO DIXIE Institute The L. D. S. Open Daily SKIRTS V - SV.EATERS BLOUSES and JACKETS 'A k'A u DRESS SHOP |