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Show LEADER WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 23. 1978 AD EFFECTIVE FEB. 23-2- 5 4 S 2 item, Boneless Top Round Top Sirloin Hormel 69 $ Boast Boneless 12 oz. Pkg -- 0 Sfzzlers Boneless Top Round Premium 1 ALSO CELEBRATING MEW e Stealc FOR THE U Lb. lb. Sliced 0 Bologna AT THE G1MMEIL IAYT0IM 20 lb. bag Russet Potatoes Choice Navel SH 00 5" - Case Oranges Clip Top Carrots Yellow n. ALSO CELEBRATING AT THE zn 00 Onions FROZEN 50 South State wyracm Lb. DELICATESSEN & Mrs. Smiths 8 Inch 245 Mf. 500 S. Apple Pies Piflsbury -- 8 oz. Crescent q Bolls OFFER GOOD ONLY AT Cream O Weber Ml 1 Gallon 25 a Cream OWeber Yoptalt 0 Yogurt 15 oz. $ Spaghettios 11 oo 5 - Cam Carnation 59 Tuna Niblets 4s-- Com 20 oz. Duncan Hines Fudge Brownie Mix 43 oz. S3 Crisco Oil Duncan Hines Angel Food Twin Pack Pringles Fluffo - 3 lb. can Sd 39 Shortening Jit 18 oz. Peanut Butter -- i?2CNB yr - ziznhur GoufbrJ ITBM feC OGufcd Bbiumt,gs 74,ZVS 77 79 79c 77c Cake Mix t novF Case 99c 99c Cheerios 99c -- , 00 J 5M - pussupV VALUABLE COUPUKI 7, LAYTON TACO TIME CLEARFIELD TACO TIME BOUNTIFUL TACO TIME 392 No. Main 50 South State 245 W. 500 cmup'M This coupon entitles bearer to: 2 Beef Enchilada Superemes Offer Good Only At Leyton Taco Tima 392 Norm Mam Clearfield Taco Tima-5- 0 South State Bountiful Taco Time-24- 5 W 500 So This coupon entitles bearer to: 2 Beef Enchilada Superemes Offer Good Only At Layton Taco Time 392 North Main $1.49 Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time- 245 W 500 So OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1978 This coupon entitles bearer to: This coupon 2 Soft Flour Supremes Offer Good At $1.49 30,1978 This coupon entities bearer to: 4 Crisp Tacos $1.00 Offer Good Only At Layton Taco Time- 392 North Mam Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time- 245 W 500 So i S I OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1973 I IlMHIHHaMBMRaHHri This coupon entitles bearer to: 2 Taco Burgers $1.29 Good Offer Only As Layton Taco Tune - 50 South State Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time- 245 W 500 So g i I OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30. 1978 I ;BBBBRiaaiiaiaCiQ This coupon entities bearer to: 4 Crisp Tacos $1.00 Good OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1978 5 i 4 Crisp Tacos $1 .00 Good Only Offer At. Layton Taco Time 392 North Main Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time-24- 5 W 500 So OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1978 This coupon entitles bearer to: 2 Taco Burgers $1 .29 Offer Good Only At. Layton Taco Time 392 North Main Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time- 245 W 500 So This coupon -- OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30. 1978 entitles bearer to: Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time-24- 5 W 500 So -- $1.00 OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1978 2 Tostados $1.29 Offer Good Only At. At: -- Layton Taco Time 392 North Main -- OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30. 1978 -- This coupon entities bearer to: 2 Tostados $1.29 Offer Good Only Layton Taco Time 392 North Main Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time-24- 5 W 500 So This coupon entitles bearer to: Good Only At: Layton Taco Time 392 North Mam This coupon entitles bearer to: fl OFFER EXPIRES. APRIL 30, 1978 4 Crisp Bean Burritos Offer Offer Only At: Layton Taco Time- 392 North Mam Clearfield Taco Time- 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time- 245 W 500 So $1.49 Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time-24- 5 W 500 So OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL entities bearer to: Only Layton Taco Time 392 North Main -- -- OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1978 2 Soft Flour Supremes Offer Good At; Only Layton Taco Tana 392 North Mam Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time-24- 5 W 500 So $1.49 -- (9 -- Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Bountiful Taco Time-24- 5 W 500 So -- OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1978 0 0 n o o o 0 1 |