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Show I LEADER WEEKLY REFLEX 0 LAYTON tPLEX New luxury J B R with carpet and drape, flreploce. olr all appliance conditioning, carport and itorage 195 00 Loxewood or J789S. r Beoutitul lorge almost new 3 oedroom house tor lease 2 bath, formal dining, flreploce, Kitchen bulitlns, double Insulated win aows. full walkout basement, cooler, patio, deck, double garage Fine neighborhood near HAFB $325 Coll or evenings R 3 370-843- DON'T MISS THISI Lovely 2 bedroom auplex in super Kovsvllle location Large family room, private patio, garden space, lots ot storage, carpeting. dropes, carport Call 701321 evenings or weekends R 38 one bedroom, stove & Duplex fridge, close HAFB 8 Freeport Center Available March 1, phone 3703700 DAViS NEWS JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 23, 1978 R EusLnosromarKnrehT Ideal location next to post office In Farmington, Utah Coll for Information R 24 " Mitt. " ' Nice starter home, Beautiful recreation building lots covered with pines and Quaking aspen located In the Uinta mountains With pressurized water and underground power. Coll Alton Fisher at Property Consultants Realty 3701285 or 370 2204 (home I. R 3 1J (21 0 j golf course Large double garage. 3 bathrooms, large family room with fireplace upstairs Finished basement with large rec. room downstairs, dishwasher, refrigerator, washer, dryer, freezer, pantry, large yard with trull trees ond large garden area. $350 00 per month, no pets, no smokers 3709304 R3 REAL ESTATE SALES $51,900 Very clean, appealing, yr home, convenient to Freeport Center, Hill Air Base, shopping, schools, 8 church 3 Scnaferte putk Now Caranuctiofi usnlrdonu1 town ft Call Ron Pearson - KAYSVILLE REALTY 376-120- 1 Cffice-37S-87- 37 REALTY North Mam, Kaysville OPEN HOUSE SAT. 3$ - FHA V A Contract 279 So West, Kaysville, $44,200 we BOUNTIFULbrushHILLS secluded looked at. For more info. Call Bob Reed at 292-869- 825-123- SUNSET cteem Home exceptsonotly 19o0 the ncorty Split fevei design Sunken rm tv Ail pcjtio Rms h tq pA,s fart far boa coi nspeetton or home Qua! ty tor St m the tow FHA 45 me- ond gorjge Far youi 6 6Jt s ond con Eldon or 295-941- 8 295-941- or 8 295-455- 5 and enjoy ths large ai1 brick rambler Four bedrooms, 3 baths, tirep.ace full finished basement double garage, plus a super yard see you II like at $53 900 00 NEW CONSTRUCTION IN GRAND OAKS ONLY TWO LEFT Yes, 4 out ot 6 SOLD. Dont losa out See those under construction and ask to see the plans lor detail. One two story 4 bedroom heme colonial, one 3 bedroom at! brick rambler; both with double garages and nice locations. Buy In time to make color choices. CALL 376-993- 7 376-481- 295-0S9- 6 3 2 ilffl DAVIS REALTY i 2130 So. Orch. Dr., Bountiful 292-044- - 2 And on a street IT'S MIGHTY NICE AT THIS PRICE where Iamiiie8 take pride m their homes This new colonial rambler with full basement otters a carpeted living room plus 3 carpeted bedrooms and hall Utility room on main floor with IV. baths, fireplace and double garage Only $54 400 00 "See to believe Yes every once in awhile we LET THE FtORSES RUN get "horse property this you must see" Almost an acre with horse barns and utility sneds pasture completely pressure irrigated Five bedroom ranch home with full 4 ' 1 (wf basement, fireplace, double garage nestled among large pines See you II love at $79 900 00 QUIETNESS Why listen to all that noise when you can 2Vz baths 2 enjoy relaxed quiet living in this 3 bedroom, story full basement home in King Clarion Hills, Kaysville See and listen to the beautiful quietness ot a large oak covered lot with a quality home Reduced to $79,900 00 wy ROY PROFESSIONAL $i?6 large rooms 8 country ki'chen Lovely home In perfect location near schools 8 shopping Fully eauipped fenced tor kids 8 pets, singles OK! United Rentals 39V 9627 LEGAL SERVICES R3 loveiy $47 500 00 MOVE IN NOW level-gre- 232-637- PRICED PROPERLY & older home spacious and attractive 3 bedroom, 2 baths clean and neat or rent out a 1 bedroom apartment and live in a spactous 2 bedroom unit with large kitchen and Now living room Your choice but it sure beats rent.ng'i lowered to $42 900 00 To this investment opLET US INTROOUCE YOU 1 acre of portunity in Kaysvme Oloer home on almost land ad to commercial zone Gome see lor lull cetails sory 362 So. Main, Bountiful EE SURE DEAL WITH SECURE Doth i l a priced speoai 2 comp 8or Pearson or BiU BfcOWN Tlwt m k,.hr bttghi an owervied a ea living 6, SECURE REALTY 4 6P n tofjr finished With ige beoutitul nth extra persona erf t in Topgrade home in the oak 3 5 summer the bedrooms, baths, 2 time, 2 car Cathedral garage ceilings, fireplaces. AC. Must sell by March 1st. All offers will be Lokeview Realty 290 2431 R3 Ban-gette- re tne irsstspendent brokers PRETTY, PRACTICAL KAYSVILLE 2700 sq ft Elegantly designed six month old Has unique large master bedroom with tour finished otter bedrooms three bathrooms family room, dining room, den, fruit room, mud room storage room Two car garage back yard fenced, front yard landscaped Extra cement tor parking and storage ot vehicles Daylight winarea dows in lower 100 need tost solel 4 bdrms. Pa baths, formal dining 8 family room Walking distance to schools 8 church Coll Don 2954754 or Margaret 2951079 main, cor oarage, present Washer and dryer negotiable CollorConnie Billsr 2960018 Paula 293 3169, Century 21 Grimshow tnc , Realtors 292 4488 Call called R3 1 bedroom, full basement rambler Fenced yard attached carport, walking distance to the eiementary school Call today only $41 900 00 A KAYSVILLE HOB HILL Professionally home with personality Occoraied tour months old Four bedrooms 3 bathrooms Main floor has family room dining room, utilities and bamroom Bund your own equ'ty by finishing the full base1800 sq ft ment and landscaping Two car garage finished Priced to sell Two 1 utilities baths, YOUR MONEY BUT WE CARE HOW YOU SPEND IT- We suggest you invest your hard earned money in this 5 on quiet EillEPiCWX 13a flreploce, all otters IT'S Browns Pak beauty overlooking Gieat Sait Lake When entering first view is oak stairway leading up to three conspacious bedrooms IV. baths mam floor otlers venient laundry room family room with study or libiary living room formal d.ning and spacious k tchen Located Fiogiam Opportunity Land Ghvatapmnni For neighborhood where child can still play fun games 3 bedrooms, with new ideas in real estate that make buying or selling simple and fast. BOUNTIFUL CAPE COD Uod l Compony ERA. We wHh centra! ar 4 oveisize master bedroom, basement doub'e ga age (nwroncE AcEtwtawng that beautifully landscaped Fourteen years old, clean, well kept. All brick. Will sell on contract TO right party. 376 1972 after 5p,tti, one sups mu XT R35-- - Lokeview Reaitv 2V0 2431. R3 UnoeiievaDte vew of city 4 bedrooms 3 baths completely finished loads ot storage formal oming good location tor Of SIMON SAT Take that slep remember all those tun times, wondertul 10 1 Program) Camrtdar AuMHotad Group 1 2431 R 3 EroNwng Ykjkj Tsomwi rtOHUNS remodeed Living room hasI woll Cathedral Ceilings ond completely rocked, 3 bdrmt, Hv baths, rec room, 2 breploces, 2 furnaces con be made Into a duplex Call Dole 293 1793, Rod 2 92 2724 or Jock 292 2615 barms, large kitchen woll room living appliances, w firepioce, full basement w heated double garage Coll Margaret 295- - 1079 or Don 295 454 Lokeview Reaitv EAST BENCH prodtcal bouvtd Dun Comv TO finished basement. Large 1371 North Moin, Far$56 700 Better than New! This mington home has lust been completely 3 MORE. GuvteiE 3$ $AT.-$U- X BILL BROWN OFFERS They have information on new financing money available m Utah p m R3 CLEARFIELD spacious 3 bedroom home in nice neighborhood Plush car pets, modern appliances, lovely yard Perfect for families United Rentals 3W9627 R3 370 4534 R3 We are about to start 'digging" in two new subdivisions Come in and let us show you our home plans or let us bid your plans Prices can range from $41,000 $60,000 R3 $165 In Clearfield, all utilities fur mshed, I bedroom apartment, fully eauipped kitchen, laundry room, storage, non drinkers, non smokers Call after 4 $215, Kaysville storter home, 4 bedrooms, 11 baths, $38,900, Ready to Start Your New Home? R3 For rent, 3 bedroom home, close to bose, schools, $190 mo Coll 773 7494 for oppt R3 R3 bedroom home 5jde In Loyton. 1175 sq ft. Partially OPEN HOUSE LAYTON 29(3 Fisher at Property Consultants Realty 3761285 or 362204 ) House tor Sole Kaysville, 10 minutes to HAFB. Within walking distance to school Many extras Beautifully landscaped. 70 0431. bedroom, 1 2 acres on Hill Field In Loyton Office has site plans available for office buildings ond also for mini office layout Zoned warehouse, C 1 Call Ruth Hatt 7738205 or Western Real Estate 766 1281 R3 One acre commercial zoned lots odiocent to Village Square Shopping Center In hoysville Call Alton Fisher ot Property Consul tarns Realty 3761265 or 376 2204 (home I R 3 Now leasing brand new professional office spaces Will built to suit tenant Three spaces with 360 sq ft available May lease all or part Call Alton (home 4 Kaysville. Cali Older home 4 Bedrm. bath, living, dining, 8, kitchen. Full basemen, car garoge Large8, back yard Dog run, root cellar apple trees $29, 500 00l Call otter 5pm. fftl in 370 4534. R3 Kaysville close In, three bedroom home, two baths, fireplace, carpets, drapes, walkout basement, no pets, air conditioned Lease 295 7900. R3 For rent, new 4 bedroom home In Fruit Heights near Davis County baths BILL BROWN REALTY North Main, Kaysville 1 (Wus Divorce UE17 4-PL- - (Uncontested) IflLTV 300 costs 300 COS'S EK Investment opportunity and tax shelter. First owner accelerated depreciation. Available. Luxury units in good Layton location. $85,000 CALL Gary Nelson 376-863- 5 LAKEWOOD INVESTMENT CO. AH real estate adin this vertised newspaper Is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It Illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or an Intention to make such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised Ip are this newspaper available on an equal opportunity basts. fl . . . Bankruptcy . . . - (Simple Individual) Corporations Gray Cliff Lodge, call Tim or REAL today, 376-21ESTATE 1 - ROY REALTY, 376-344- 3 or (LAYTON) 399-035- 5 No 359 costs 40 Available Upon Request Please Call For Appointment STEPHEN I. ODA '50 (f IN 4 Mel Larew 825-307- 1 NonneMoss 376-534- 4 376-166- 376-810- 1 - 376-934- 376-958- 8 376-830- 2 ROY you d like an extra kitchen tor canning and entertaining, this home is for you1 White brick 3 bedroom rambler in a nice Roy neighborhood Two fireplaces, automatic sprinkling system, automatic garage door opener, covered patio and fruit trees The large game room, in the basement has lots of recessed lighting and there is one Priced to sell last at full and 2'm baths tor convenience 773-820- 5 or $53 000 For your private showing call Ruth office 1 If ZONED FOR ANIMALS PARADISE HQIY1ES 1 Dennis Higley John McEntire iimuh'iMfiiiafii ROY REAL ESTATE LAYTON CONDO room, all central the setting for this 1600 sq ft A superb home built by LARCON truly gorgeous home with o spec toculor view Priced in the mid 70 s You must see this to believe the volue Coll Ron Pearson at BILL BROWN REALTY 376 1201 or 376 is 3 bedroom bungalow with garage, family room, bath covered patio, air and , sprinkling conditioning, ceilings VAFHA 42,500 KOZIER HILLS SOUTH WEBER built ins, conair 2 and 3 bedroom with double garage, bath and , 'h acre lot, and zoned for from FHAVA animals double ditioning, garage with electric All for opener. $67,300. 49,900 KAYSVILLE OAK FOREST 4 bedroom home has over 2100 sq It finished plus unfinished basement, highlighted by a Cathedral ceiling which covers the livingroom and formal dining room IHome also has kitchen eating area and separate family All located on the room level Other apmain pointments include 3 baths, fireplace with large double garage, 2 furnaces, and oak brush Call today $82,900 ask for Brent heat-o-lato- r, 0012 REAL ESTATE prisonJ OGDEN Brett Leslie BROWN REALTY North Main, Kaysville m 376-890- WESTWOOD 28,495 plus Lot 766-126- 3,000 sq ft. finished 4 bedroom, den, 3 baths, formal dining BOUNTIFUL 1 Johnnie Lozano . . . 2 Roy Stuart Bob Mitchell Dean Cook Jim Brough Ed Strom berg ....376-800376-582- 4 Jeanne Kearl New 3 bedroom, 1Y. bath, brown brick rambler nearing n completion Home has a full basement with roughed-ifireplace, finished fireplace in living room and an oversized 2 car garage Choose your own colors in floor Priced at $51,750 For coverings, lights and appliances or office W-3further details call Brian at 825-44- From No. Main Layton, Utah 8404 4 Phone 3 773-852- Xulkum. DmW k 0 Boise Cascade Homes 766-109- 2 Quality built 3 bedroom rambler on a 'a acre lot Floors ceiling, walls and windows designed to save you energy Featuring over 1330 square teet ot living space, full walkout basement, gas forced air heat, super master bedroom formal dmmg fireplace and more Won t last 392-235- 9 or office 6 long at $57 500 Call Don at UINTAH THE HILLS Bill money on energy bills: steel doors Seal magInsulated weather-tigh- t need for storm Eliminate shut. when netically ATTORNEYS AT LAW $44,500 - TERMSI Call Lou 825-888- 2 at or REAL ESTATE 1 - ROY REALTY 376-344- 3 or (LAYTON) 3994)355 No 004 328-358- 7 Wrap-aroun- scon W. HOLT Neighborhood A TO SEE' Priced at 3 Salt Lake City Heres how a Boise Cascade Home saves you windows in sliding aluminum Double-pan- e frames. Lock warmth in and cold out. d insulation. 3" in walls, 10" in ceilings even 6 below the floors1 Electric radiant heating system in ceilings. Economical, clean. Thermostats in every room. You dont waste money heating empty rooms fees For Other Legal Services 376-340- Howard Cloward Clair Crookston... 376-856- 9 Oumles Wilson ...3764603 doors. "OWNER ANXIOUS" This Layton home has It all Super clean 3 bedroom with full basement double garage & large lot Nice MUST ... A&ii T Office Consultations! 5 368 & .300 Individual Wills CGHD0 UVIKG Just $28 950 will put you in this well designed unit, with 3 bedrooms, spacious kitchen, main floor laundry, and all the conveniences ot living Call Dave, 766-05or REAL ESTATE 1 -ROY REALTY (LAYTON) 376-344- 3 No or 399-035- 5 area . 825-973- A Kaysville Ogden US' Business Incorporations (Partnerships) - 250 costs NOWS THE TIME... If you are interested in a nice oak covered building lot up Ogden Canyon by 497 No. Main, Kaysville EIIEEGY & MONEY 394-66- 65 621-602- Bill 8 Terry 376-953- 3 376-377392-551- 9 CO. CLEARFIELD 773-383- 7 Jack 399-102- 3 8 v SCHOSS Real Estate Co. YOUR FULL SERVICE REALTOR Ogden 394-168- FRUIT HEIGHTS Davis 867-504- 1 6 PRESTIGIOUS HOME This beautiful white brick executive home must be seen to be 3V2 believed Beautifully carpeted and draped, 4 bedrooms, baths plus striking fireplace in the large family room Deluxe kitchen features all builtnns including self cleaning oven and dishwasher Large game room, exciting balcony overlooks two car garage distinctively landscaped back yard Oversized with automatic opener Contemporary living in a prestigious area, $76 000 Call Ferrm Schoss at Schoss Real Estate Co Realty USA SHARP AND CLEAN You and your family will love this very clean 4 bedroom home Sliding oak doors at the entrance ot the paneled master bedroom, carpets and drapes throughout Beautiful area and clean efglass front cabinets highlight the dining and a two car park-mficient kitchen Vi basement, fenced yard area which doubles as a patio Value priced at just $29 500 Call Don Jenks at Schoss Real Estate Co Realty q Tt ivWtif Hi ifiiWrfurnW of Imagine 1 3 Acre ot solid scrub oak, a fantastic view the valley and a super 3 bedroom, 2 bath rambler nestled in the middle of it all Other features of this great home include Main Floor Family room, kitchen with all built-i- n appliances fireplace 2 car garage with a circular drive and lot and as soon as the a full basement Quiet lucky buyer chooses his own colors in floor coverings apin 30 days or pliances and etc Home can be completed or office $72,900 W-2less Call Sue 394-708- 9 USA Unique and spacious this outstanding 2580 square foot family home otters something tor everyone Any woman Micro-wav- e would love this fantastic kitchen with built-i- n pantry L shaped oven, beautiful cabinets, huge walk-i- n snack bar. informal dining area plus a large formal dining room Open beam ceiling in the living room enhances the unique fireplace Main floor tamily room with sliding glass doors open onto large private patio and '? acre oakbrush covered lot with creek Main floor laundry features a built-i- n desk and lots of cabinets and counter space Other features include 2 car garage full basement root cellar, central air conditioning circular drive All this and more Priced at $110 000 Shown by appointment only Call or office 9 Cheryl at 292-192- 7 FAIRFIELD FARMS You can still smell the newness in this beautiful brown brick rambler Over 1500 square feel of quality living space teatunng a super large master bedroom suite with its own private bath, huge living room with elegant fireplace nicely arranged kitchen with builtins 2 more bedrooms Full bathroom and full basement with roughed in fireplace All this plus a 2 car attached garage Ottered or office at $65 000 Call Bobbie at 292-133- 5 NICE 3 BEDROOM CLASSIFIED AD RATE INCREASE Effective March 1st Because of the increases in postage, labor and materials we will be raising our classified ad rate for the first time in three years. During this time we have also increased our circulation so that your ad now is being mailed into over 1 8,000 homes. $1 .75 minimum 20 words 8e for each word over 20 sttovfeS' mm This one s in tip top shape' Clean efficient kitchen, carpets tor the kids and a 2 car drapes covered patio, fenced yard for only garage tor you Quiet Ogden neighborhood, yours Co Realty $28 500 Call Mel Sowerby at Schoss Real Estate USA NICE LAYTON NEIGHBORHOOD CLINTON And in walking distance to Fort Lane Shopping Center This has 2 bedrooms upstairs, lovely livingroom, with formal dining room and modem kitchen with eating area Possible studio apartment in basement Beautiful landscaped and fenced yard with garden area and dog or office 3 run $42,900 Call Dale at 376-946- 4 RED BRICK has lots 3 bedroom brick rambler located in Happy Homes Subdivision 1080 square teet, large living room with nearly new carpet, 1 VJ baths, single car attached garage This home just needs your tender loving care See it today 376-548- 4 or office Asking $34 500 Call Frank Sanders at home features 3 bedrooms Nice quiet location, this carpets and drapes kitchen has built in stovein dishwasher the fenced and disposal The children will love playing back yard FHA or VA terms, just $38 900 Call Vern Schoss at Schoss Real Estate Co Realty USA of room' 4 bedrooms, hook-up- s and basement Fenced fireplace, carpets laundry in 6 ft cedar, the large back yard is safe for children and pets Good location close to shopping and bus Just $27 500 Call Don Jenks at Schoss Real Estate Co Realty USA 4 PLEX LOT Suitable as a commercial lot, measures 125 X 163, located on the corner of A Ave and Capitol Call Ferrm Schoss at Schoss Real Estate Co Realty USA This older two story home MOVING OUT OF STATE? Call toll free for relocation KAYSVILLE 5 REALTY WORLD assistance anywhere! Schoss Real EstateRealty WESTERN USA 825-151- 2 766-128- 1 |