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Show I LEADER Mc.nc.A- - DAVlS NEWS JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 23, 1978 Frost tree refrigerator ofmost new. Ice maker attachment Sloe by side big copper tone real Inch G E Electric range 4 burner push button controls, oo tomatic Oven S25 00 Phone 40 36 30 04 Clean $349 7660257 R 3 S3 ulU. f ' 20000, 3764176 R3 Gentry Mobile Home, 12x4 NO RETURN TOO COMPLEX V E DO ANY STATE VERY CONVENIENT YOUR RETURN IS COMPUTER PRINTED FOR ACCl 'RACY D iwA4HtWlkJ FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL KEITH R. GOMM T.C.A. Manager 510 or 370-855- 2 025-- 1 Base station 23 Channel C B Like new used only 4 hours Has dig lal clock with timer alarm Swltchoble A N L Delta Tune still under warranty Cost new 190 00. over Now only 95 00 complete with base ontenna and coax code Phone R vor trailer, 3500 nearly new cost V.vS. 376 4J4 Ip R3 coo 14 ft 950 sell for Two Johnson snowmobiles goao condition witn covers one hot reverse must sell S 0L 00 each H deal Call 867 5255 oter t pm R34 Eass ouitor (tender ) $200,00 speaker $20a0a Beech Heaa 250,04 6 months old, 825 3904 R i FARhTAUCTION This Sat Peb 25 10 00 a mTYu? So 2nd E , Farmington, Utah Wagon, buggy, and wagon parts harness, barn wood, hand forged loois, much more, auction. Dove Rounxles Member Utah ond Na tional Association Phone 72 2011 colteeand donuts will be available nX' v Let your carpets and furniture shine hke the sun J 292 44J1 195 Dodge Cod GT, 5 speed air conditioning, steel belted tines, recilnlrtg bucket seats, excellent condition, 2.475 or best offer W I or N 3'id fun tors Centers Bountiful R 3 BEDROOM SET , student WILLEY FORD 0$o Mam, Bountltul 2924431 Toyota Corolla High mig 5V wood cond 971 LtO&Oa 376 14 R3 y2 Ford LTD Wagon Brown, i9i ajto oir ex tronsp WILLEY FORD 1 Hovl Sores 562 W I0CN , R3 Bountiful 8.0 Su Main Bountltul Dotson pickup, 4 mnes Just tuned up Asking $1,954 376 1384 R3 71 Chev pickup. Yi ton, VI 350, 15 376 4534 R3 Is vour child having reading or moth difficulties? We d like to use our experience ond skills to give him Individual help Pieose call Nadine 7660207 or Morcla 376 8812 R 3 Plano lessons, rherrywood subSo Kaysvtlle, phone division 36 3614 R 34 292 4431 970 Olds Cutiass Supreme 2 dr vinyl too olr conditioning steel ueited tires stereo 9100 or best otter 85 4 : 1 621 2 97 R3 y Plymouth Fury, Sports , sharp car U oupe Brown low mt ( Save 20 during February on upholstery cleaning Rudmon 8 H81 attractive 3 bedroom nome in Quiet area Recently Professional sewing done Weddings, tailoring, alterations tor men os well as women A children etc Call 3769947 R29 appliances, huge fenced void for Rentals kids petsl United Caprice Classic 4 door, loaded Special eauloment, radio power crakes ond steering Good r utmer vinyl too Original owne , service records ovallable Power or bool to pull your enough trailer 3769i0i R3 1: 650 Yamaha 1975hasonly 1500 excellent condition Must In school custom seat Also Coll 647 5255 otter 6pm miles sell $ R I Alterations, tailoring, protes Sional high fashion sewing Marie 376 0136. R 34 Ford . 6 ton with shell, $330 376 2498. 953 GMC a 1 R 3 Panel truck straight 6 Runs great $? eal cherry ic,4 R3 Ford pickup 42M miles at u Otic plus power s'ee great condition 34 0132 R 2 5 Let us film vour next office, o. house party, with sound-colo- r film, 600 foot reels, ot, vour wedding, groduanon, meetings, or vour family loved ones in action We will film almost anything So give us a try, vou will be glad vou aid Coil 7661394 otter 3 30 p m Jimmy Pineda film producer R4- 5- wrecking We boy ckd unwanted cars ond trucks Free Pick up "Yo, Holler - I'll Hauler' - Phon r : $goo 1 $goo s:e process on f.Lirs. ,:l Recommended fa trie by leii.irj manufacturers Ait work guarantee J by licensed Insured and factory trained specialist worth on any cleaning (over 20) Phone Our j wonts to buy duplex, triplex or toorplex In South Davis area on contract If interested Coll 2957301 or 290 0436 No agents please R3 rTfflinrn Custom dress making, olso alterations ond repairs Call Jess Luodgreen 77344J5R35 Attention do it yourself lends capers now is the time to get ready for spring planting 'Design Specialties" will design and draw a landscape plan to fit vaur specific needs Blueprinting and house plans also done Call 3?6354l or Clearfield Nursery care tor elderly lady In my home These people need com pamonsh.p goad food & no fnstl tutlon If Is dangerous to live alone You II like my home Coll 73 4108 R35 Will Custom dress making also iterations and tennlrs Coll Jean undureen 773 4jJ1 R I 4 babysitting In my home Any oge Coll 773 3639 R3 Will do Loving LDS mother would idle to tend your child P T, FT In my home Kaysvtlle Naps Plovroorn Playmates 3761697 R33 Will babysit In my home while you work days Preferably girl oge 35 Fruit Heights, 3760132 R 2 5 825-57C- Q "' vj (i&P) FOR ALL glass NEEDS fl Specialising m Insurance Claims AUTO GLASS WINDOWS KHRItCRS STORE FRONTS TABLE TCFS (i) MO PAR AUTO . TRUCK Gt ASS Wh it Ycr W i o red F t rtril by KKHPMtNY RlPlAClMlNU lei cl ORIGINAL life I LlrK M' IfflllBS I ! WHOLESALE ' LAYTON K 1 A Sturm ASCO Piaw tndows Obscure Vi & Gifs Window Glvg terrors Eliding Grass Windows & RUCCQ & Doors m l! Ror k y Mounto'n 799 or 792 4354 29? & 825-748- 4 173 CROSS ST uller Brush Company Contact 8254021 or 330756 R3-- t Planning Technician needed tor Davis County Planning Depart JCPenneyand tunlty ottered by the famous F ment Must have high school diploma, planning A graphics courses on the college lever desired Two years of lull time employment in graphics cor collection and togrophy,or data an equivalent com analysis of blnotlon education ona 768 00 Salary Mademoiselle present Ut room 214 R3 Golden In Bountiful Salary 2 65 hour One custodian approx 2 hours a day, one 5 hours Applications accepted through March 2nd Coll for op polntment 25 349 R 3 A General office clerk needed to the Heritage Center In Clear'leld Must have boslc knowledge of public relations, bookkeeping ond ability to operate standard office eauloment, type 40 wpn Salary $586 5629 Application wilt be accepted through March 2nd at the Courthouse In For mlngton, room 214 R3 iawfc Executive Mame Locoed on o one half acre lot m Kaysvtlle s most exclusive area Husbands If you con t chord h v luxury living don I let your wife ONLY YOULL KNOW s, the experts. Part time custodian for PICKUP Make a date to learn from Coll 8259741 B 3 it vau ore earning less than ,Cw per week, Investigate the opnor mlngton CLLAPFiLLO 123 CROSS ST SECURITY GUARD month Applications will be accepted through March 2nd at the Davis County Courthouse, For m DELIVERY PHONE US YOUR GLASS TROUBLES" 376-427- 1 f Excellent ouporfunlty for retired individual Full ond part time evening ond graveyard shirts Years Center 1 XAYSVILLE mm experience V PO UO j RETAIL aer CfT in 'ituiuhtev, feu- -. ROCK MUSIC Wont 0 real full tilt boogie roc k rt roll brmd for your next stomp private party concert oi anv u is yen r asion f hen I bond We have the sound gear 5, to br vou tot the best lights mg a reasonable price We ore musicians & will pi ofessioi clay onytm e anywhere Coll our Booking For e?Ek wood look shelves, Call 376 2498. RJ agent Your First Call THEYRE BIFOCALS You ve read all about it in Mademoiselle, now come see for yourself The team of experts JCPenry is bringing together wi give you fabulous sewing tips From fashion names like Burlington Klopman and Simplicity Knitting made easy with yarn, accessories and advice from Coats & Clark Everything you need plus ideas on how to do it see this custom kitchen, and main floor sewing room 0' 8 laundry or she II never be sobs bed again Come tor o private showing ot this 3 years young home Priced to sell at $110 000 Call Steve Gordon 295 6511 or Fred 297084? Real & World Shatter Associates R 2V2221 3 AVON Somettng That Realty , ,, Millions of people bnv Avi products all the time re get your own Territory ond tie eornlngs ore good inei eyed Fall R 4 36 3352 155 5 Uo 94 Sr AVON Progressive Power Lens 2 To buy or sell toll 3 63 355 514 or 394 562 P 3 4 TAX SHELTER vear old 4plex In Loylon B m 7 B R units with nnpny ex' us h stc v Good rental 8? not Management available Gary Nelson 36 8695 Inir. R3 Really Clear Vision at All Distances For Sole Knighton Optical will be opening lat3 Tuesday nights on a trial basis starting the 1st Tuesday in March They will be open with complete services available So visit Knighton Tuesday evening and avoid the Saturday rush Layton location only on might Optical LaytonCiearfleld 2179 N. 1700 Juet west UNIVERSITY MALL OREM, UTAH 0 825-162- 4 of Davis North Medical PROVOOREM 225-392- W.- - 1970 Oldsmoblle Cruiser Station Wagon Lightweight AOLITE Lens Comfort NOTICE Mademoiselle fashion Show lime: Bountiful Feb. 24 1:00-3:0- 0 No B.foca! Line No Slit Images Canttr OGDEN 958 Z5tk Strut Satli H. JNd'cil Ctti'il Beild'PB 333 8439 p.m. Visto G01 700 or reosoneir -condition offer Phone 368216 R 3 190 VW Bus 9 passenger nj engine rodiol tires exrri r condition $1800 00 or oes reosonoble offer Coll 825 S5 R 3 Monte Carlo Lanan looded, low ml -. 1978 Chev brown WILLfeY FORD 800 So Mam R Bountltul 292 44 3 Leaving on mission mus sell 191 C L Honda I75cc Scrambler runs greot low mileage new battery. Best offer, Coll 36435 ) ask tor Jeff R38- 1975 Volkswogon pass sun roof Bus red low iow rr economy 395 WILLEY FORD 1800 So Main R 3 Bountiful 292 44 families singles welcome Rentals 399 9627 R3 Unid ACREAGE!! contemporary country home In beautiful setting 175, Spacious bedrooms, appliances include washerdryer Fenced ocreoge kids pets horses OK1 United Rentals 3V9 9627 R LAYTON extra sharp 3 bedroom neor H A P B Deluxe appliances, huge fenced yard home pels Ok United Rentals 399va27 R 3 FURNISHED JCPenney Bountiful 2 bedroom apt neat FURNISHED bills polo' Clearfield deluxe opt Ideal locale Plush carpets, modern appliances many extras United Rentals 399 9627 R 3 S 75 FURNISHED SI 14 oil utilities paid Comforla bly furnished batchelor pod In Quiet locale near HAFB & Freeport Pets OK' United Ren tals 399 9627 R3 etiiWjB'C'J. era ik TAX CORPORATION OF AMERICA In-ho- tax service Computerized Accuracy Guaranteed Satisfaction Reasonable Fees Guaranteed Audit Assistance Guaranteed Confidentiality FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL YIAYIS JCKSflSOII 1 vibrator 'massoger, arm choirs desks, Nice yard, coroert borhood HAFB & Freeport Beautiful set tmg, S' SO complete' Umled Ren tens 399 9627 R3 OgHgff Private party Grinder - 4(1 OO, 2 tans 5.00 each trailer cor, single oxel eiectrk brakes 750 dll Co 36 4S44 R 3 Aluminum lodiier, one drawer ? SYRACUSE Bills Paid) Lovery 2 bedroom 4 plex apt In Delightful neigh R39 mg R3 :fA2COUPONJLl modern 3999627 R3 County, 835 2161 R 3 4 ' jlSuIllHl redecorated, 200. R3 74 SUNSET Carpet ond Upholstery Cleaning Phone 292 4121 R5F3 AuL. WiLLEY FORD 4) So Mum Bountltul 224431 t For sa'e Oval dining room table ond six chairs and matching china closet Call 376 4939 even 73 speed, radio, white spoked wheals, naw wide steel belted radian, comcer shell. 30 300 R3 Cul Qu only mm I9'6 AMC Pocer, rose, low miles, an like new, $2991 62 9 pcs large dresser, desk, etc Nice for choirs, lamps A 89 For Sole R 3 54333, 8 DESKS - 1r.(IStSSSti ison So Mam, Bountiful R Walnut hardwood desks 4 ft S5S.0U 5 ft 165. oa Hotel Sales 562 J 4991 WILLEY FORD 5696 horse drown form, equipment parts and accessories, horse collars, single ond double trees W red, auto, 1 Y r&r 2 bedrooms, swamp cooler skirted tip out living room, dish washer coll 376 2994 R3 W64 Wovoneer 600, 2 Chrysler for parts, auto Newport irons for 1965 Dodge, relaxer ctsor Make offers 7733734 R 3 Senicc YOU SAVE TIMF NO WAITING IN LINES OR OFFICES WE RE AVAILABLE TO YOU OVER 3 DECADES OF SERVICE OVER S3 TAX COUNSELORS iN THIS AREA TO SERVE UU jSfcolfc. R INCOME TAX PROFESSIONALS i .KSSkteafeSives Ogden 8252525 R3 for 8 foot bed Camper Shell Sliding front window, screened s de windows, storage cobmets construction. Guaranteed choice of 3 colors. Soil Lake insulated, excellent condition In Home Income Tax YEAR-ROUN- . 1977 Chev Comoro, air low miles, sporty TAX CORPORATION OF AMERICA . R Llttla Harvey Food Dehydrators buy at wholesale $1 10.0a Steel 1972 mm a Nomad Travel trailer, 3f pork model with 2 tip outs, many extras Asking 11 sKHX and take overpayments Call 766112a R3 T977 i - 773-442- 3 i |