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Show I CLIPPER, LEADER I WEEKLY RCFL EX " DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, SUNSET NFWS FEBRUARY " ETlTDCSD 1978 23-2- 4 Onen: Daily i r- - '' T ..iEXSSSf r Jum5iSt& K Sunday 10-- 7 Sale Ends unday, Feb. 26 4 (Dfo) J SAYELLE YAEU Our Reg. 1.07. Orion rylic in solids, 32-o- z 4-- H? HIT SHIRTS Our Reg. 1.97. Dry roasted peanuts for a yum- . or Shop at oil Ht Our Reg. 77. K Our 3 48 pkg of 3 Men Ime the comfort ear of Save on oag of popular Fritos for a A nasty, crisp treat Save at K mart 12-o- z snack No my Po CwimcMiMi Pom 1H -- ha M Wf DOYSDfJILOil PEANUTS ombres Machine washable Save Ou Li u IVa-LE- S. ac- ly J1 9-- 10 sugar mart Art, ul 3 88 Our 3 28 white cotton tee s and buefs Pkg of 3 Save. " iFnftrED PICTURES m. Gc" 'i , .rwco) P MUSIC SELECTION Special group. Save on hit stereo LP s, tapes and cassettes Top recording artists. ELECTFJC ALAlif.i CLCSX Our Reg. 6.67. Dependable Westclox model with Dialite drowse a'arm.and second hand Beautifully framed and decorative wall pictures in a large as sortment of subjects including stiit life sea scape, landscape and more ready-to-han- d Short sleeve casual shirts tor boys of easy-carBanlon knit Youri choice of several colors Collection includes placket and crew style e ,Njvr.Ney'- 5 Wt' CilSICE CP WASTE CiSS Our Reg. 3.97. t 40 and Our Reg. 91. Our spray enamel for indoor or out door use Shop et K mart 44-q- swing-top- , fast-dryin- t 48-q- 51 STYBOCUPS plastic lift-to- p bins Choice of colors Shop now For hoi or cold drinks. Buy today g S KOwEB ClTiTA':i SET Our Reg. 3.47. Attractive plastic shower curtain in nch shades with z p For OOC te? 12 hooks. color-coordinat- A Z37 Stnppable scrubbable watl cover' Jt V CA ,f 4-F- ing m ble roll , nmsm Soft and warm booties in a wide color range Sized to fit all 4 pair to a pack ft Our 20x26 Standard Size IZZlllt iW 3 ch Polyester F;iaT0Ui;s ' Snap-e- x Fiber Pillow or binder albums have 5 magnetic pages Scenic covers Our Reg 4 97 Washable fade-resista- wall O Crn Reg. Li 2-8- 8 J nn cases Our and cases Reg. 1 tin 67 fWJ 0 wsip 1-- le. tape Cassette MIRROR peanut clusters and bridge mix in convenient bags All made with real chocolate with Brach s fresh occasions1 Bjy today and save1 caddy holds 15 8 track tapes caddy holds 12 Durable plastic cx:::utes Peanuts Gift wrapping for all 197 DOOR Reg. 9.97 Polystyrene frame with walnut look. ness Shatter-proo- f. 16x56 inches. Our Rug 3 97 $mmiu 747 c 1W7 immri gum j ) 3PU!!TS Our Reg. 68c Ea. Large assortment of healthy beautiful house plants They II grow to be great room accents 35 wing span. Five easily as- sembled durable plastic foam parts and decorative trim oiHLonEirs mzmii b:bc Wj Superior gumball machine com bank. Contains 200 gum-ballComplete lock and key s. 13 FI. Oz. rnutmi viTRmrts v i SJti S3 Latex one Wall Swie coat Paint Va Beautiful 5 smew) 78) P0USH i. j REMOVER Kmart Out z FLEX HAIR RET Non-aeros- FI 100 K mart VITAMINS Reg or iron fci LATEX WALL PAINT SZ97 Gal. latex Washable, stays Premium one-cobeautiful for years White and colors SATIN SHEEN PAIHT Our Reg 3888 Our Reg 15 fluid Nat Sturdy chest of pine Easy to assemble and finish 14x24x41 STORAGE BEHCH Charming seat of pine Easy to finish yourself 16x34x23 1 84 White and colors ounces Mrt assemb'e liiMariiHHfii wm g 33 AfiTIOUIuG KITS r Base coat and Reg. 3 93 coat glaze Many colors DERR0L0H Our Reg. 29 M Lusterous latex enamel paint for years of beauty Scrubbable While and colors SPRAY ENAMEL CHEST Latex gloss for indoor and outdoor use mZ 87 ENAMEL 2. (WDYMj ORAL B 40 BRUSH Adult toothbrush w BABY POWDER So soft M z K mart11 BABY OIL Saveonl6o2 W FI |