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Show ; , f t NEWS JOURNAL AvIS LBHUARY 23 1978 F Kaysville Births their third Welcoming child, a son are Mr and Mrs Is all Bennett The 8 lb 11 oz lad arrived on Feb 15, 1978 at the Davis North Medical C enter in Layton At home to welcome a little brother are Wayne and Katie The mother is the former Jclene Hmtie of Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs Waynard Bennett, Kaysville and Mr, and Mrs. Glen Hintze of Salt Lake City are the grandparents Its a daughter for Mr and Mrs Ivan Lincoln of 89 West 270 South, Kaysville The new miss was born on Feb 11, 1978 at the Lakeview Hospital m Bi untiful and weighed 8 lb 7 oz and they have chosen Amy for her name At home is a little sister Stephanie Blythe The mother is tne former Luann Armga of Twin Falls, Idaho Mr and Mrs Larry Armga of Jerome, Idaho and Mrs Margaret Lincoln of Twin Falls, Idaho are the grandparents Mr and Mrs Doug Justen-se- n announce the birth of their first child A baby daughter named Jennifer Dean was born on Friday, at the Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful She weighed in at 8 lb 9 oz The new mother will be remembered as the former Laurie Feb 10, 1978 Hohman of South Weber It is the first grandchild for Mr and Mrs Larry Justen-seof Kaysville The other grandparents are Mr and Mrs Virgil Hohman of Lay-ton n CRIDDLH MILS LARKY H Hie great grandparents are Mr and Mrs Kirtiey Tucker n of Kaysville, Mrs Nora of Bountiful, Mrs Exchange Vows Dinette Gioherg and 4 (. I arry nddle Here married I tb in the Salt lake IDS mple Groberg mi option was held at the t, lion A wedding breakfast e hi Li in their honor at the d Hame in Bountiful he bride is the daughter of t w H and Mi Richard Mrs of Bountiful THE t ride gioom is he von of Mr andi Mrs Howard I C . Jus-tense- riddle of Syracuse Matron of honor was Don nelie Taggart, bridesmaids, F ves, Diant Marilyn Sommers Margie Parish, J anna Grobei g Pamela GroIeigand I am (in, In rg 80tli Date Temple Helen May 11, Mr I uvi I J i L indsav has LINDSAY i i, , ( great grandchildren Mr Lindsav ha- n that gfts be oi mi o - i , 1 INDsX'l Saturday, Feb Oi ii 1 I 25 Daw indady will be honored at special open house from 2 8 m in celebration of his 8mh rtbdav dnniveisaiy The len bouse will be hld at Mr lodsav '2 S s Angel home daughters Street, Kaysville MR. LINDSAY was born on I ib 25, 1898 in Heber City, lah He married Helen Me si n v 1 indsay on April 3, 425 m the Salt Lake LDS , n so d Vee Carlisle Will Speak Mrs lone Sandall was hos tess to the ALonas Club at her home Tuesday afternoon Members cf the Kays ( reek Camp of Daughters of Pioneers met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Pearl Higgs Mrs Betty Guymon and Mrs Ruth Schick were assisting The lesson was given by Mrs Phoebe Weaver rnd Mrs Ruth Rouecbe read a history Mrs Mary Talbot was hos tess to members of the Fine A ns Club at her home Tuesday evening Mrs Birchell was cohostess The book i eview was given by Mrs I eola Kuby She reviewed the life of Elizabeth Taylor called Whos Who, written by hos-tes'-- Brenda Maddox Mrs Ella Dee McGlinch To BPW entertained the Kaysville iterary Club at her home Wednesday evening Mrs Jane Green was cohostess 1 Mis Vt e Cai the featured spi 'Krr id! 1 hi tm Lakevu w Buooa and Professional Women's ( lub monthly dinner nit rung to be held at the Roy f lhursday, MRS. L tks odgt at 7 p n 1 in tb li arl isie, vice president of Ltaiv Collins Bank and Trust ( nmpmy n charge of the ton' irrei s r vices centei , will speak on The Single W iman in Todai s J of) W r Id ' Ac t vf ( a t Laylon review was given by Mrs Beth Miller Eight members of the Kaysville Art Club traveled to Bountiful last week to visit the Alvin Gittms Art Exhibit at the Bountiful Art Gallery They also viewed a film of the artist which was produced by The book Claudia Sizemore and presented at the Davis University of Utah Center in Bountiful Mrs Jerry Crowley of Riverside, Calif has returned home after visiting the Lavton home of her mother, Mrs Asahel Stevenson Mrs Crowley traveled to Layton to be here during the illness of her sister Recently, Grant and Mary Hemer of Roy entertained members of the Stoker family at a winter dinner and social Those who attended the family reunion included Mr and Mrs Hemer of Rcy, Mrs Sylvia Smith, Mrs Ida Page and Mis Del.Ia Fhnt of lay-toMrs Bertha Harris and Goldtn Stoker of Logan Mr and Mrs Wen Lhurpood of Sunset and Mr and Mrs 1 is Graves of Ogden Mrs Vera Merreii was tmong the luncheon guessed the daughters of Mis The Ellison lawrence one heon was held Tues , 'an Laura, Robert, Jason and Mary Mrs Jacobsen will be remembered as the former Mari'yn Dean of Midway The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Lima Jacobsen of Heber City and Clarence Dean of Midway The is Austin J. Kelly Its a son for Mr and Mrs Wilhs D Bassett of 485 Fast 100 North, Kaysville, who was born on Jan 30, 1978 at the Davis North Medical Center weighing 6 lb 10 oz He will be named Denny and is their second child At home to welcome a new home are a sister Michelle and two brothers, Ryan and Chet The mother wdl be remembered as the former Kathy Austin The grandparents are Mi and Mrs H Glen Austin of Kaysville and Mr and Mrs 1 Cheyenne, Wyo op gather together T slNAN WILLIAMS Sweetheart u Mu Chapter of Beta 'a Phi has chosen as their i er Swet thesrt for 1378 i v t i c ifliams Susan and W 1 o band, Roy, reside in r avion along with their t dauTters F 1 M SAN . i joined Beta S.gma and hs been very 1978 i chapter activities presently serving as fidirman of the Rcmbuij, a vt in v i g.u Hi i v program for daughters tu Sigma Phis and is a the scrapbook to r of F 1 a ilk Rotanans s uit r annual Valentine meal 1 dinner party on i j ' vita v evening at the Di High School ( dfeteria i wc i Ann s wt re Valentine dinner pngam The music was iMti ci ln i hi Davis High no i h' music d part men I HI k oi ii d The Clearfield Syrai cm of La let hi League will hold its regular!, scheduled meeting on Thur'-day- , March 2, at 7 30 p m at the home of Lots Bair THIS will be the first meu mg of the current series and is entitled Advantages of Area group Breastfeeding Subsequent meetings will be held the first Thursday of each month All mothers interested n breastfeeding are urged still living m I Patty L cl spent to - - v K a ! - I staying wih ' Dixon (R N ) Mr and Mi t s i i ,Ui on her birth e annua! Davis Kappa ili Gamma County at the Bountiful Elks t lun immed.ately after LAST years quu u, ( harlene Gref nwell, mad a special presentdi ion uj on relinquishing ht r i rown tuft new queen " of Dt a via will heat Ror art director foi 2 at their h LTV , C Hanoi n xt mu i ny on lhursday, Man h 2 Mr ( lav ton will scuss iht object, The Ar M i be held at the Today home of Mrs Barbara John son at 1154 Mdlbrook Wav, Bountiful, the program is inder the dm 1 ion of the i M.fessnma A'fairs commit ns Inn k ppa f laytc n, C tiii ! f Basin meived (am! for this i umpleled proe Hi ' in i hid They a itovi rnmc i due to the drought 'au the Holly hoc k Jr and Mrs Asahel Stevenson traveled to North halt Lake to visit with the Rolierts daughter, Susan Miss lamre c lark was the guest of honor at a sutpnsi bndal shown given lor he fn her girl friends The shower was held Feb 5 Saturday, a group of g,i G who graduated from I avion 4 gh School the same yeas pit i at the home of Mr and Mis f rank H Gibbons The girls meet one e each month t iiov visiting and to Seam c aft or to enjoy a special It sson or program T hose w r attended the Saturday sot mi Ann ui luded Wmegai lav lor, Tanya Yates Gai i, Gavle Ann (jibbcms Nix, ( indy Cali Thomas, Bonmt i ord leldmg, Dianne Jolene Brown, Janei (utiei, Katie L olkman, Judy Nalder Prall, Jackie Naldei f ve I at rasae, Adams ( arlsruh join Johnson Fry, Snellie Whitman Bowman mu 1 mnette Kmnard Dav Andrea Daley, the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Daley celebrated her ninth in ti t i f i rod 'ok ,h, b ' ( !mc of G I ay ton tee Assisting her are Mrs Dorothy Bingham and Mrs Afta Stevens to i was i "8 I Mr and Mrs Allan J Kite of 2421 West 1700 South, Syracuse are parents of a baby daughter that arrived Thursday, Ftb 9, 1978 at the McKay-De- e Hospital m Og den The little miss weighed b lb II oz and will be named Haley She is the first Over 29 Yrs. Expert? rst e Or. Steam Cleaning SpccLi!;! e vi They have a four year old son Adam Mrs Kite is the former Rentmei'-te- r of Paula Syracuse The grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Rentmeister of Syracuse and Mrs Florence Kite of Clearfield y j r WHS . Dsvis County's Largest Corpst & Furniture for ZerutT or ask PHONE operator 773-500- 0 FREE ESTIMATES vsb attend Babies are welcome Prospective mothers are also invited and anyone desiring information or help is wel come For further information concerning the meetings please call Diane Palmer or Kay Durrant 825-468- 4 Layton Births ebruary husbands guest night on Saturday evening, eb 18 at the Clytie Adams Studio in Kaysville 1 AUTO GLASS SPECIALISTS 503 GOOD USED WINDSHIELDS HOUSE GLASS Stom Doors " Picture Windows Thermo Wirdows Pdbo Doors Screers FAST INSURANCE CLAIM SERVICE GUARANTEED AGAINST LEAKAGE JSLriL Quality Glass Star Wars provided the theme for the evening and ail members and partners were m costume On Feb 5, 1978, Michael Dan and CharRee orenzen became the parents of a babv boy The child will be named Mitchell Abbott Thomas He weighed 7 lb 12 oz Greeting the new member of the famiiv 1 The Swiss Boy VACUUM tune up or overhaul oft reg price With this coupon good till Feb 28 members Committee included Clytie Adams, chairman, Lois Holliday, Mrs Pearl Evans entertained the Oakleaf Camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers at her home Wednesday evening Mrs Leola Prig more was cohostess The les son was given by Mrs Beulah Rotary Meets BERNINA members and guests attended the Layton Rotary meeting on Wednes day, Feb 16 at the Chateau Inventory Sale Days! Bushnell Guests were Mrs Virginia Bowden and Mrs Lois Lewis, officers from the North Central Davts County Camp Mrs Muriel Larson was hostess to the Kaysville Bridge Club at her home on Friday Mrs Elovee Borski entertained the Sunflower Camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers at her home on Thursday Mrs Doraine Hales was cohostess and the lesson was also given by Mrs Hales Ro The Kaysvtlle-Layto- n Twenty-eigh- t Center in Layton Dr Wavne Felix, president conducted WAYNE Winegar and Ban Flint from the Weber Basin District Conservancy presented the program with a slide presentation and brief ing of the new pump and water line running from Willard Bay to the Weber Basin Canal to provide addi tional water for the District It was a very interesting and informative presentation np 13) ono m3 O at home were two sisters, Jotelin and Lynsey Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Lorenzen of I resno, Calif , and Mr and Mrs Don Thomas Jr of Og den dmg Marie Taylor, Marion Storey and Irene Olsen on any parts not listed in this ad with this coupon good til Feb 28 DQarDQ33 limited quantities 0 , y Uz . daughter and second child OTHER imjiortant business will include introduction of a slate of new officers for the next biennium, according to Mrs Beatrice ( arroll, chairman of nominations commit- - i Syracuse Births I Of , 1 ,ru gar and U i flint Irani ihc W ebei Basin Water Distrii t gave a briefing and showed slide- of the m w project of piping water fr m Willard Bay t i tm W m r W Way in llrar SpuaLur f nursday 825-2M- 1 ' i c , Roberts comm.tu-Se was crowned queen at a special cocktn.l party given in her Liner, Feb 18 at tie home of Mr and Mrs Kenneth OI sen, East Layton, prior to the HOW AFD loopiam ( ha I i La Leche IVill Meet DS Si n Wednesday even ng, Mr Paul Roberts, Paul ,y f np 1 Mrs Potter bi other, Pau end Mrs vaysville Rotary 1 hostesses the Barnes the lesson Council Sweetheart Ball held 1 -- t inp of the Daughters of I (ah Pioneers met at the home of Mrs I eona Johnson Mis Bessie Sttmpson gave ( Min' tary Anns met at the Print ake City at Shop in Salt Ariow Press Square ir Friday afternoon for ihei monthly luncheon meeting The guest speaker was Major Gar Elison of Kaysville Mrs Alice Fampton hos'ed the Kaysville Art Club at ht home Monday afternoon Mrs Winona Frost and Mrs lone Grange were assisting t i i J tei, 64, ot Fair i a Wednesday, Ecu Davis Ncrth Had a. c L Mrs Potter w as be i o ( ton, a daughter Lawrence and Ada SanJai! She ie p I much of her life, gr a from Davis H ph S day 4V Spencer Hovey of Layton The great grandparents are Mrs Grant Hovey, Logan, Howard G Austin, ehi, and Mrs Charles Mot se of j II at the home of Mrs Bonnie Rue Barlow Although Mis f llison passed awav several years ago, her daughters still ' At t I 1 of Midway playmate is a sister Casey Mrs Bassett was the former Bonnie Coliard of Layton The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leo Coliard and Mr and Mrs Clyde Hill, all of Layton Mr and Mrs Sainut I Wilkinson of Salt Lake City are the great grandparents A very special Valentine package was delivered to Mr and Mrs Sam Hovey of 1G9 South Larkin Lane, with the arrival of a baby daughter bom to them on Ftb 14, 1978 at the Hill Air Force Base Hospital She weighed 7 lb 11 oz and will be named Melissa Jane ' i enjoyed roiiet sk s and a slumber pa Mrs Maisey su 7t 773-4- s birthday with party Several g' By DON ETA M. GATHERUM and Mrs Walter Jones of Kavsvilie and Mr and Mrs Redgmald Burnett of London, England The great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Lewis Elton Jones of Mencopa, Ariz Dr and Mrs Robert J Jacobsen of 3u6 South Mountain Road, Fruit Heights are welcoming their sixth child into their home, a little son born on Jan 30, 1978 at the Davis North Medical Center in Lav ton He weighed in at 6 lb 10 oz and will be named Justin Todd At home are Kristina, Kaysville Clubs St n Robert I Lindsiv, Grover g Mich , and tw daugi n i s, Mrs Arthur C. h a e ) Jt n sen, Ogden and Mrs H Arthur (T velyn) iohnson Kav-vilHe has ISgrandr loldren ird 14 UWSON ngland The grandparents are Mr 1972 employed at the Hebt i C My Exchange, Clearfield Na Base, Htll Air Force Base end has been retired since 1364 He has worked in the Salt Lake Temple for fat years ,mt tht Ogden Temple fm tw uacc since his ret in no nt MR Dean Norberg, Salt Lake ( lty, and Mrs Cora Hohman, Idaho Great great grandmother is Mrs Florence Bnnghurst of Cottonwood The new addition makes a live generation in the family Happy over the arrival of their first child are Mr and Mrs Steven Allen Jones of 5J0 West Center Street, Kaysville I he 6 lb 13 oz lad arrived on f eb 1, 1978 at the Davis North Medical Center and will be named Kurt Lewis The mother is the former Teresa Burnett of London, Nevv-- QSiiGtli Q22ii (JEM' 20 a, Mod. 830 Mod 900 i hfo eai The Swiss Boy 305 N. 200 . Bountiful Phone 295 - 8175 A sc |