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Show I V i REFLEX WEEKLY DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. FEBRUARY 23. 1978 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION IN THE SECOND 1LD1CKL DISTRICT COL RT Of DAVIS COUNTY, STATT OF UTAH IN THE MATTFR OF THE ADOPTION OF TRISHA A A SMITH and JASON SMITH, M.nore Nonce is hereby given to Rex Smith, that you are herebv required to appear before the above entitled Court, before the Honoiabie K Thurnlev Swan, on February 2s, 19"S, at the hour ef 9 On o clock a m , thtn and there to show cause, if anv iu mav have whv the Peti tmn hr the above mentioned ddnp'.un sh mid not lie ed StOTT Published HOLT Attorney VA. in the Davis News Journal Tirst publication Feb I asi piblkatmn I eb 2, 1978 2d, 198 R 241 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF .PIBL1C HEARING To Amend the Zonipg Ordinance 4 Subdivision Ordinance take plate February 28, 1978, at 7 30 p m in East Layton City Hall, 1010 North Emerald Drive, for the purpose of specifying an expenditure of funds from the office of Revenue Sharing The public is invited to present oral and written comments at the hearing DEANE H. RIGBY City Recorder the requirements of this section are reduced by permit of the Board of Adjustment the following are the minimum requirements (1) The property cannot be reasonably subd.vided with a public street (2) Lot shall contain one (1) acre (3) Private Right of way shall be approved by the Planning Commission and recorded (4) Width of Right-o- f way (a) to 4 unit., 20 fret Cb ) 5 to 7 units 25 feet PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of a public hearing to (5) Building shall be a minimum of 70 feet from center line of Right-o- f way (6) Must meet requirement to an approved sewer arid wuLer system (7) The minimum side yards shall be the minimum side yards for the rone (8) Development Plan Development (a) Plan shall he drawn ai turately to scale on at 18 ' x 24 least paper and shall show (1) All existing struc lures the subject on property and adjoining lots (2) Proposed Private Right-o- f way (3) Lot divisions utilit.es (4) All NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate Published in The Weekly Reflex First publication Feb 16,198 Last publication March 2, 1978 (Easement shall be recorded) (9) Development Plan when approved shall be signed by Planning Commission and put on file in the Davis ( ounty Planning Office (10) County will not be to do any required maintenance on Private Right-o- f ways and will be so stated on plans and permits Amend Subdivision Ordinance Section of land shall cnrrplv with the following (a) Subdivision shall be submitted to the County Engineer for w.ll who review examine and analy ze the development, cop sidering the number of units per acre, the grade and other factors, and apply the formula as hereto attat hed and marked Exhibit A The proposed development will be disallowed if, based on the formula in I xhibit A, the run off IN THE MATTFR OF 3 HF STATE OF BFATRK F F 3FRRY, Deceased ROBERT I LOYD RAMS DELL hereby announces his of E the Estate of Beatrice Terry All persons having water generated claims against the above es late are required to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 22nd day of Mav 1978, or said claims shall be forever barred See 75 Utah Code Annotated (2) Pav to the count per cent of the f nr market value of or the real unimproved property be developed for the construction of outfall lines (b) Subdivider and ha'i r develojx r i nstruc t its own ir ter n i' system for co'li c 7 1 1978 ' P 5 and d m h h w stnbatre nf ITS 1 persons inUrtsicd w II htard For more spewNc incremation exhibits art All M East Lay'on Citv hereby gives public notice of a public meeting to be held March 22 1978. at 7 30 P M to present and discuss a proposed comprehensive master plan The meeting shall be held at Fast Layton City Hall, 1010 Drive Emerald North Elements of plan to be dis cussed include population density, traffic circulation systems, use and location of public land and future city development A copy of the proposed budget changes are available for public view in the office of the city recorder during the hours of 8 a m through 5 pm. Monday through Friday DEANE H. RIGBY City Recorder : Published in the Davis News Journal First publication Feb 23, 1978 Last publication March 16, 1978 0 m The Weekly Reflex on Feb 23, 198 R 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Air: Hansen, Joan Child, and Reth Thorson v c )' V i S ' r vvinposium for will be held he Dav is High iuro, 325 South t A Sil 'SH N8 F i BANK OF UTAH Personal Rep rtsentari ,t ah 5 W 2 pp urn hvd, N Cx I begin at will last t h a'ternoon .3 i t i urnrened i i Published m kan First publication r t h 21 Last pub a on Mare 19- available for examination in 'he Davis (ounty Planning ( ourtv nmmission fourth, iu'-Farmington ( I tah Bv action (ommission 9'H of Davis ( ountv 10, January RODNEY W. WALKER Davis (ounty Clerk in The Weekly Published Reflex First publication Feb 2 198 Last publication March 2, J .w h" if , tU re ) ' h use and not mix residential i here is such a need tn the reea for commercial land Following a lengthy discus-- . on, the council tabled the Bids Separate sealed BIDS far the construction of storm Sewer Project at Clearfield Utah, consisting of 870 f cf f of 18 pipe, 840 inch pipe, and 6 clean out matter and suggested the , roup study other alterna-- t ves for the development of P s land 1 h DAVE Leushther and Kim Anderson from the Davis ( ounty Housing Authority on low Cost housing met with t e council to ask approval of a cooperative agreement to boxes will be received by the Davis County Commission at the office of the County CU rk until 4 00 P M , (Standard and 1978, then publicly opened and read aloud at the Davis County Commission Meeting in the Meeting Chambers CONTRACT The be DOCUMENTS may examined at the following locations Countv Surveyor s Office, at Farmington, Utah and Templeton, Linke and Associates, 43 West 2950 remington had n w th rt g irds to hi a v hi g i , t nre 'mg with ex n t n n it , ntatives from or in ti into t w.'h the coun il So Jo i ih mad south of tin i pt i "ot ntal fartn and n h nghre ui m C noil III sets will st r, a i , u t i t 5 ret t I c lop housing on operly 1 Tt't I 1C r i i Y x U la l ie r mu . VI) o v i re 24 h in 7 e rst public citior, 1 yV t i -- b 21 , . last publication Wich , -- - k (Ol NOTICE OF PIELIC HEARING Pursuant to the prmisrei . hi Section 17 3526 ( I A 1rei as amended notice is hen bv gre en that on I hursda v i h NCiCWOMAN ili e r I) no : i it t Authority in lieu of taxes on the homes The council tabled the wih the Davis County Audi tor, Farmington, Utah and available at least f.ve days prior to the public hearing First publication Feb 3, 1978 Last publication March 3, Clerk-Audito- Published in The Weekly Rpflex on Feb 23, 1978 R 7 Published m the Davis County Clipper on Feb 24, 1978 C 24 ft m v P.EKiva Feds Davis County Commis sioners signed a contract with the Community Services Ad ministration (CSA) which $6,230 00 equipment) Environmental Health (new employee) $11 407 00 Nutrition Program (out reach program) $21,421 00 Funds for the above bud gets will come from new state Ail and federal funds interested persons mav ap pear and will be given an op portunity to be heard The proposed increases subject to the hearing will be on file , i March 2, 1978 at 11 0 a m the Board of Countv Commis sioners will meet in the Com mission Chambers, Farming ton, Utah for the purpose of increasing the following bud gets for the year 19"8 (new Council on Aging COMMISSIONERS Rodney W Walker r Davis County STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF DAVIS In the Davis precinct of said County percent rental revenue received by the Housing ( in tom mumty Action Program (CAP) to receive funding through the first quarter of will allow Davis County the year THE agreement calls for powet ste nip a r, A M Rad b It radi il i i r j K ,m r jr e , r gM fr r ' A ear bar fa! c seals Bids Will r oireii "ih Ddvis f( ui t ( i 'r vsi m ( haTher s ot Ml I asi S'a'e Street m Earn -- gt " U ldn n Mi 25 at b tr re tow -- 1 2, 19" Published I re Refiex F rest puhlit at Last public ai re r. a f - j Mar "2, , g y 9s8 19-- R 6 re ; ' ,u Publ ser! Clipper First public fit 19g I ast public atior V ,n j 3 ur H Ed- wards vilie His wife, Cynthia, is the Mr and Mrs H M MeGhnch of 254 S Fourth L The majors , Kaysville lather, Stephen E Webb, resides at 1490 E. Fourth, daughter of Reno n r t 'ibUL a Meacham presented proposed electric extension policy with regards to providing service to acces- sory build, ng of Adjuremtnt as he he would not be available but had recommended Vuior Daly or Don H ward be t on Board f It sidered, as they both had strved on the I'kii ng t THE council approved the policy subject to clai if u at lore that the city would pay material cost under certain conditions on the first 3X1 fee! an extension, with the cus tom paying the labor Anv of ie extension beyor.d this, customer would be required to pay both labor and material cost The council gave aprro.J for the building inspeitois to attend a short couree at the Utah Technical (ulkge, Orem, March 1 3 Board c mih il THE UHarii rnouslv appointed Mr Daly on motion by Copc ilman Purdv The mayor a'so recorn mended that an Ftonomtt Growth (ompiiii't he ap pointed, comprised f n mumty are interested, attitude of tax base, etc This wilt be discussed at the next mec ttng NAMES previously submitted for a tree committee were reviewed The name of Rick ( oil ns was also suggested as i an unofficial advisor or consultant, bt cause of his expertise in these matters After further discussion they moved to appoint Dee Page, Howard Cloward, Gerald members from ihe council Chamber of (.ommerce and civic clubs Their function Cuuld be to set k propertv and areas of at ( o' mod re on de ter mine if city ar com Councilman Howard was authorized to draft up guide lines for the duties of the Tree Committee An official at Sheppard AFB lex , has announced the will serve Hawaii Nielsen and Alan Blood Bon-nemo- rt rp THE COUNCIL authoireed Mrs Josephine Leavitt, ciu to attend the recorders convention at Si recorder George March 2 and 3 The council recommended approval of step raises due city employees THE COUNCIL also move d to refer the request for funds for League of Women Voters, to the Kaysville Civic As sociation to make Ure decision Mayor FI 'son rtpreikd that Glen Cundall had down his appun'ment turn--- to d tie Mdduaiion Airman Nathan J Harris from the U 8 Are at Hickam AFB, of 1 orces dental specialist course conducted bv fht An T raining ( unrerand AIRMAN Hams and Mrs James si 1(1 5 F ast 4'H1 re f i Mr Hire's 1 South of a ton 1 s'udied dtn'al a.'at in radiological let hn uue ESOatGP H&i i" g- ( -g 23 through April In addition, commissioners s'gned a contract which will provide $10,000 in funding for the weatherization M ltd By ROSLLYN KIRK natural disaster operation plan foi wnh the nuclear disaster plan has been developed and is awaiting f.nal approval by the Davis (ountv Commission A Davis County, which w.ll correlate JOHN ZIPPRO, emergency servicts coordinator, said the disaster plan will go hand in hand" with Ihe emergency nuclear attack plan But the finalizing of the project will also provide emergent y plans for such disasters as earthquakes (lash floods, high winds, snow storms chemical accidents, toxic and dangerous chemicals, landslides and fallen aircraft Mr Zippro pointed out that Davis ( ounty is susceptible to such disasters as chemical accidents involving toxic escape of chemicals due to the location of the 15 freeway and the county on both the Union Pacific and Rio Grande Railroads In addition, the placement of refineries in ihe county make this type of disaster 1 conceivable, he said THE possibility of fallen aircraft is also heightened since are routes are located over the countv, in addition to landing and lakeoff routes for Hill Are F orce Base be mg located here Davis CAP to receive S26,6t6 th NOTICE THIS program is new to the county and provides that on these rental units the city will receive 10 percent of the 25 8 DAVIS COUNTY Clipper need homes s the Davis County in 20 THE COUNCIL tabled the annexation request until such a time as they have the an nexation policy which they are working on, completed Walt Electric Supt x Rc f present time have who ""N ' sub-divid- i Published fre this rent supplement p rogram These units are to be scat tered throughout the city, and tiot in one area They stated they have a waiting list and at proposal on 100 acres of the Hess property contiguous to the Heslop property south of the city, with council members Mr. Bates stated that it was e their plan to approximately 60 acres initially and pointed out that this land would have Farmington pressure irrigation for outdoor sprinkling which would cut down on the amount of culinary water necessary to support the project cm-- Ma- - as! publicai.on 1 1 1 1 Rlionois University at y ani and ( ompletion of the course turned the individual credits towards an associate in applied through ( ollcge of science the degree Community the Air Force THE AIRMAN is a graduate SlEiixi! of 1977 Murray High discussed an annexation bt Puhlrehed in Davis (.re1 ( l.pper 1 rest puhiica'iop musician, School, Lackland AFB, Tex He also earned a M.B A degree in 1974 from Southern PAT Bates and Steve Hess n t iu refunded $10 00 of his depos t for each set returned in good condition within 20 days t f ttn bid opening Dated February 21, H 8 DAMS COUNTY single family proposal for further study iUi t 10 units in Kaysville area, to be rented to families who qualify families -- t a. re c v kt a! tv 3 htv a oi lion of ,r ' r , 1 reial devi ii pit a pi i i th pi f i i days of bid opi n., g and in good condition, will bt refunded his deposit for one sel of documents Any NON BIDDER, or BIDDER wiih aano and iMitii,1 purchase Uie Robert Sti o Hist r met w ith i in i'ini uss their ui , pi in on a rarejut t it hi 20 additional 1. re i $d(. k re n Ou g, J hi me i n ail mi for each set Any BIDDER submitting a reimplete bid on the pn jl t I" C iou i jiioi tli b t iy s i , t W.c-- such ; K GM n Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be ob tained at the office nf Templeton, Linke & As within f i 84115 upon returning r i i South, Sait Lake City, LUO sociates located at 40 2950 South, Salt Lake Utah upon payment of talented Smith, model and homemaker LSU Extension Glen Jensen Specialists (Family L ife ) and Marilyn Bonnie WSaJ tommercial and industrial herein announced Published I p AD Vi RTTSLMLNI 14, ill give conomist microwave oven demonstration I here will be a pitsen tation on wardrobe coordioa fe and Don Many family homemaking displavs wl! be t xb'bited all d re ! KEYNOTE speaker writ be V same area and feels the roperty should be kept for a I I ( E u Time) March light Homea w and Power 294-29- CLj -8 EOR through Officer Training Noyes (Home Management) will give presentations Utah ob7 2211, 295-239- nn nnf a , RefU x home i Imi 3 Ext numbers Phone 84025 773-780- 1857 r Utah Mi La a r E Star k Attorney for tli 2&C1 Washir g'un 06den, Utah tw school's cafeteria of $2 per person is important, his fee includes lunch. You should mail or bring your registration fee and name to the Davis County i xtenston Office by February 21 The address is 7 East State feet, Farmington, Utah Kav'ville i the through an rs i 4 M n the 24th day of May, 1978 m oret , r t i i a High School, Kaysville, received a B S degree in 1964 from Weber State College, Ogden, and was commissioned in 1385 economists r MAJOR, graduate of Davis 1 L Probate No 2"4J All persons having tia r s against the above estate urt required to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk ol the I ourt on or befuit said claims shall be barred THE Members of the Davis County Homemaxers Adwsorv Council, helping with plans for a Davis County Homemakers Symposium on March 4. are, to r Erma Smith, Centerville USU home economist, Dorothv lIOnlEFilAKEn F.1EET , Published in the Davis News Journal irst publication eb 16 19 8 Last publication Mari h 2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING five-mont- Published ex tereis the coefficient of two tenth's c ubic ft 1 per second of water pt r at re, unless the sub divider or deveif Const rur t ( ) tie i re It n' t l ponds or hasms to detain or temporarilv store (be storm and fiood waters ROBERT LLOYD RAMSDELL By his attorneys KING & KING By William H King 251 East 200 South Clearfield. Utah 84015 Telephone (8(11 ) 825 22('2 1 11 improvements Storm Sewers All Subdivisions NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate No. 2742 appointment as Executor 5 A R 3 F h THE Department of Defense school provides students with intensive education related to national and international security. Major Webb is being assigned to Langley AFB, Va., for duty as a staff planning officer with a unit of the Tactical Air Command C 26 Estate of Cl MONTE, Dec ea ed Nor- folk, Va. Published in Davis County Clipper on Feb 24 A R 4 ELEANOR O. BLONQL'IST 990 Bel Mar Drive Ogden, UT 84403 graduated from the Forces Staff College at 1 Published in the Davis News Journal First publication Feb 16, I98 Last publication Feb 23, 1978 of SYLVIA M DIXON, Deceased Probate No 2748 All persons having claims agamst the above estate are required to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 22nd day of May, 1978, or said claims shall be forever barred has Virginia, Reno, Nev., Armed Poundkeeper for Davis Precinct 17-2- 7 where U S. Air Force Mijor Michael S Webb, son of Mrs. Melvin A. Steward of 3295 S. NOAL EVANS Notice is hereby given, 14 pursuant to Section CCA 19o3, that on the 7th day March, 1978, at 2 30 p m in Room 108, Davis County Courthouse, Farmington, Utah, a public hearing will be held before the Board of County Commissioners to ascertain the interest in and determine the adv liability of Amend Zoning Ordinance Add 36-1Lot and Build. ng on Private Right-o- f Way Fxcept Sustained Superior Award I have in my possession the following described estray animals which if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at Davis Co Pound, in Fruit Heights precinct, on Friday, the 3rd day of March, 1978, at the hour of 12 00 a m One Jersey Bull Calf - no brand Picked up at 1100 West 530 So , West Btfl Time 11 50 a m Jan 25, 1978. Said estrays were taken up by me in sa.d precinct on the 25th day of January, 1978 program where homes of those who qualify for aid receive weatherstripping, storm windows and other repairs to conserve energy Carl Chappell, CAP director, said the Davis CAP has already received $19,000 from with the CSA to help weatherization of homes At present CAP receives money for weatherization from two separate sources, CSA and the Department of Energy Mr Chappell says he is hopeful that both contracts can be coordinated and the money be available from one source rk According to Mr Zippro, the county wide plan calls for the emergency ser wees office to coordinate plans, but each department of county government must write a detailed plan defining there dut.es during an emergency He said, for in stance, that the Davis County Sheriffs Office will still be responsible for law en forcement and would write a plan outlin mg there course of action during a natural disaster The same departmental plan would be required of the county road department, responsible for removing debris, and the planning office which would be charged with inspecting build ings which could be damaged IN ALL cases the department heads would be responsible for carrying out the emergency plan required in that depart ment The ultimate responsibility for coordinating the effort would be with Davis County Commissioners who would command rescue efforts from the emer fiuaifif flfiraua! gency center whit h would be set up in the basement of the Davis County Library Mr Zippro, as emergency services wxirdinator, would assist in the coordination effort He said all department heads, in addition to Davis County School Dis irict Administrators, would report to the operations center to coordinate rescue I here emergency telephone lines coor- dinate rescue operations through the wT.ergency communications system THE NATL RAL disaster operation plan includes lists of telephone numbers and addresses of all firemen, law enforcement officers, and public officials Requirements of the Public Disaster Relief Act require that the county must wxirdinate the effort through the federal ..gpntv and provide a liaison service with cities Mr Zippro said, "Each city is responsible for there own problems " The county must deal with countywide natural disasters If the scope of the emergency goes beyond the county, the state and fmallv the federal government steps in to coordinate rescue operations ACCORDING to Mr Zippro, the natural disaster operation plans will coordinate with communications equipment already available in the center In connection with ihe nuclear warning system, Mr. Zippro said another simulated attack warning is planned for March 8 The warning for ten state division is sent out from Colorado Springs, the headquarters for NORAD That warning is relayed to the Utah Highway Patrol Office in Ogden and then to the two communications centers in Davis County the emergency headquarters and the Davis County Sheriff's Office FROM THOSE centers the alert warning is fanned out to the communities through radio and telephone. Mr Zippro said the plan for this warning system is to have Governor Scott Matheson speak over the Emergency Broadcast System as a part of the exercise. Last year a similar emergent y alert was sounded and a critique showed that 17 minutes were required to alert the county. Mr Zippro said a similar critique is planned for the March warning test. , 1 |