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Show i WEEKLY REF' AL, FEBRUARY 23, 1978 Special Seminar For Singles Clinton Stake Sweetheart Ball Set On Saturday a A special interest seminar for all single adults over 25 years of age tn the Kaysvdle Region that is, Kaysville, Farmington and Centerville will be held on Saturday, Feb 25, at 10 00 a m in the Farmington Stake House, 600 South 200 East in Farmington The theme of the seminar is Let The Single The Clinton Utah LDS Stake will hold their Sweetheart Ball on Saturday evening from 8 Mull 11 30 p m at the Stake Center in Cbnton, 1448 West 1800 North, Clinton MUSIC FOR the evening will be by Kent McM, Hans band, and dress will be semi formal Light Shine PRESIDENT James Hansen will conduct the seminar and Dr Lowell Bennion will be the keynote speaker, as well as lead the discussions He will be assisted by Diane Dunford, a single adult who is leading a full and happy life, and Mary Squires, a divorcee and mother of six children, who has made a success of her life Dr Lowell Bennion is a graduate of the University of Utah, and received his doctorate in Sociology from the University of Strassbourg, France He was a former director of the LDS Institute of Religion at the University of Utah, and former professor of Sociology at the University MR AND MRS THOM ASS RUSHFORTH Receives LDS Mission Call I h and Mis Suvcnson Rushhmh of 2U 8 est 100 North, Kavscilh hive accepted a call to cme o 18 month LDS rmss on to Pi Missouri - InJtptmFte isitors Center A Mill f vi bfl.dk in s,Krament Meeting Si ui sv IS p m at tit eb 26 at kaysville F'rsi Waid I ji lade, 19 W est t er.tt r Str t R us L enter the M.s,. Mill r, h 1 4 stned as bishop lie Sixth ,edrs t W of the ud a i d for h I he served as Lr-- it t t mans 'or as a se liar j t riapacit.es " IW til t t flSI jS R t oi t f SI HI d a HOt l l f e I W,(S 1' lehtll pts"itm tjrsas Si t (d'idu.iit n I ving 1 n c tU tv! oi H gh She t a ght at ft r s ho S ! THEY are the p Dr or child en i Rusnfuith, Mexico Hunt glen h M 1 ts if IS mils City, Mexico Sandra Rushfortn and ant- - Rushforth, both of Provo ami Mrs T rankbn (Shaila) of the Sevi nt s i ( sident ihrnrum for Kaysville IDS Arne He also servid in niai , i 1 - ,iais i 6 lo Bishop Young 'I ,i(X d- Rt ti.e ir.ent less tt It sdt r of htr J bt ftiri Hit i.toL iht i , at nt c e leadt r iySVdle t m xsion pm n h - Six lake HE IS a high i r c j tanized 'h City onVar't nor to depart mg for ' m Sait t ri lets K and Mis o t t'lSi kaysville Mr tit thurch irganua wt !' 'tie as bet n Aai d an' stale Ke t f as il tor (1 1 1 s t t THEY it r m : ' 1 of tiu tit in Ihe various ( i f Jitr ign i, r five p H a honored at a program on ridiv evt i mg March 3 from special POgrams At each of the regular Sacrament Meetings on Feb 19 and 26 these leaders will be the speakers The chapel is located at 231 E 300 North, 1 and meetings bishopnes and church leaders who have served dur-mthis past 25 years wll be All g r i p m 6-- Clearfield vsb - TiiiiiimiMimiriftjMiiirtiiiiiraiiimTwniiiwiiiiiiirrr-mi''inifiT----f"srm- - STATE INSPECTIONS TUNE UP WITH WHEEL ALIGNMENT GENERAL CAR REPAIRS SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS LAWN MOWERS i SCRAPBOOK 152 North First West, Kaysville, Utah 37S-203- 5 in the Kaysville Region wed at 1 6e tL h it -- v j. aid Mutual Is Your I lb W The d THE PROJL ( some month, m T they chost u l wm s lid Sf h 15 1 f In commemoration of the IDS Primarys 100th An mversary, the Kaysville LDS stake is holding their quar- terly conference Feb 25 and 26 at the Stake Center at 555 North 100 East, Kaysville THL Saturday evening ses 7 00 their parents, also the Stake Presidency, Patriarchs, High Council, Stake Young Men and Young Women Committee members, Bishoprics, Ward oung Men and Young Women Committee members, Quorum and Class presiden lies, Seminary Officers and Teachers THE General session will be held on Sunday, Feb 26 with all members of the Stake to attend and visitors are serve as an oveiflow facility The First and 15th Wards are invited to attend confereni e in this facility THE MUSIC will be fur mshed by the Primary Cho.r There will be no Junior Sunday School held Parents are encouraged to bring all their to members family C onference President, Eldean Holliday ' r , -- t " e i i v f i both l id ,1 a - W nr 1 i .Neil by tb" beloved b niumin when he said A ben ve are in the serv ice of iur fellow beings ye are m V str. ue of your God lies was signed by Bishop rug e at the Deset et .no hours at the HP W" t )' sum! n 1, ipt ' a Wc st, C in He w li It Saturd u and Wayne Harris, membership Hume m Suli dht ( b (o bib depart Jit clerk Purdy np 1 ( 1 Jut executive secretary, Wilde, ward clerk, lowtll lalor and Kaysville Gerald t ity Councilman hdvsvu'e, h.s' lit-- ! .s f c LIMAN is a gieat example -- i i I 41 i IT S ' ,alE, as su pints -- mav be in s 1 95 S 7973 .Tnfj COUPE" '3'Nco9d."on-- 9 350f ',rol uStomsedan ' ,978NOXAC 9laSS and niav sulft t smuk. isihma dttui ks i nis d smoking is a pi i son il il cat rit s with it i esponsibilit v of n spi ii l the i ighls of iht nonsmokt 11 glil i UNI Blue Kitty Hawk who sulh i from allergies of di t st t auses and ot ht I notisnmkm s find llial tobacco smoke causes eve n rit.it ion n 'sal svniptoms. hcadatln md i oughing second hand Inhaling smoke increases the lit ait idle blood piessuie and levt of cai bon monoxide in Iht blood This is pat lit ulai Iv (langtious for those with neart amt respiiatorv cmidi I turns AN ADDFD note Snioxing unsafe in more wavs than one People are killed or in tured everv dav as a result of flies caused bv careless is smokers The safetv hazards of smoking are enormous, af non fecting many innocent smokers as well as smokers .1653 W ndrearsna--o- S4B32 , is really hw6590 loadd autma P DC ra(jal,es nd erstee ring rh much $5696 NO W Pwerf muc95 3Wrru..''M,nd radl it ,urS0 rnat'C i i t 9 retail t smoke NONSMOKERS s,eer,nS ... Facts You Should Km w pomts out ih H l j huv t !u to son doesn srnokci himst It to so1 eflec Is from t igart lies A nnnsmokei m tht com panv ot a smoku hit at hi , i smoke nun h e hut nmg t i of tin cigaietle as well as lit xli ili d 7,ron,a 1276 T0.ro row engne o5o one axle nl672 This $6540 SEDAN mne REkeBrcE CLASSIC S t pamphli J - 3 4 TRA'N tou NOW iTS CABM!LEAGE)- mg ion elev aim s and i est iur i is present spec lal prob'c n Studits show that m smokt filli d nxims the levt of i u t weve.l-VbEad- truck OVER THfc AG,OUSfflPEEc4TNTASTSA'';NDB,VER lash CONFIMD d mob SK EC! Smokt rs ha e a t ig Nun their habit smokers have a right to clean an Sometmies Hu si r i pursue airplanes, nu auto-eets'. hoose from Rights Too i ly';nn euv 1ntnmesand'",e , SOME indiv tduals ai lu are a I'm git lo tobai to smokt . R per Richins, first coun seior, Bob Roundy, second counselor, Earl Moyes waul UcrK, Jim Arbutkle, finano lei k and Ralph Provost as t xetuive secretary BISHOPRIC members be mg ieleased were Attorncv uarv Sargent as bishop larr Pulsipher, first coun stlor, kirt Carpenter, second counselor, Dave Kennison, 2nd 4ear . Nun linkers II a vi Some t f bishopric has beer Fruit He irs LD8 Ward Keith Uett was sustained as the new B shop To serve wuh him arc NEW Smoking j Dark Brown kais.d'e ' muck socialiun 376-004- 1 MENS AND LADIES i t I NEW SHIPMENT I - ista ned in the Lyman were President Whitesides 1! irry Duckworth, Shell Huff Gordon Peterson and Gerald Purdy Lath spotlighted the n any accomplishments of Lyman m different areas of his life Lymans family and ward members enjoyed this even mg with him and the program concluded with Lyman joining Bishop Lowell Taylor, Gerald Purdy and Kent Scadlock, Teachers president on stage for the special presentation of his This Is Your life" scrapbook and Stephen ess of the legal li m n , Ini maximum air pollution The Amern an Mi d cal 100 S. Fort Lane, ROpSrS i LEER SPECIAL speakers horn I Reg. 63.00 ru evening highligifrg s,iHiii n.emories and a.complish ments of his Ida I hey presented this bo v to Mr Blixid that night i (low heeled) - j i BOOTS, BRIMS, BRITCHES Reg. $78.00 J. , .1 st It nv 1 the t ity w hen l 'U Snowpiow ," n the d vw mow r i , -- Wing Tip Sun Tan Lance view i - st , k. FAMILY WESTERN WEAR ! i On U): u.s Anniversary Of LDS Primary (Rust Colored) A n'1 K O l I t n in 1 mation about Ivriin a d s, II u t a to kt ep t t t Mrs set ret I viran s - ' It f u ! Mary Ret d was Among manv olbt r au omplls td tin In ,s tom piled a sera, tan k i ' the Conference sessions np Bay Veal 10 - S gatht ring jlnHv bon monoxide ! 1 K.tvSV jr ,1.- - C , w l j d .1(1 trirg Ladies Tony Lama sHiic member Ward choir ' niam tears and constant rfti hm'ntss over the Rock .pc during the remodeling ! 'I i Blood Mac h 1 Ui. wo . Ill I S f quorum ui dt t P Dr Westv H V . it Ihi' , 'i j. Ochs an oj ;h . a serv k e to a sp.-- i.u their waid and if b Olekrato. Fort Lane Shopping Center -- - - dt vott d Ds I ! a presented tv ih Region preside I i i 1 seminar has b en arranged by June I Slavner, ( hairman of Kaysville Region and I ar Slake Special mington Initiests, and Richard Jones, high councilman in charge of S.nple Adults for Kaysville at M i vices development council He is married to Merle CoUon Bennion and is the father of f iur sons and one daughter Me is the author of books on religion, including "Husband And Wife," and "looking Towards Marriage A DELICIOUS roast beef dinner will be served at 12 (KJ niton, and this is all free of i barge to all single adults over twenty five years of age will 4 ; . The south building will E HEYVJ00D AUTO OLIHIO Phone 1 h. Mm L hrn o I Bishoprit Sustained In Fruit Heights Blood, center, receives a it'i ILshop Lowtll Tavlor Svtut hi adieu k teacher- The hook wu- - ji.iit of : Piu - (uii I lit homo n( LDKH b of the stake The stake members are urged to attend and en ov this evenings entertainrrem Non members are also au dially invited to join the duici , K welcome SUN-SCOP- V outstanding sweethearts activities will begin at siun, Feb p m and the theme, "Youth Programs and the Activation of Youlh" will be stressed Those invited to attend are all youth, ages 12 to 18 and This is an impottant wetk r members of the Clearfa Id lid Ward as they plan to ob e ne their Silver Jubilee with f ; 4 V , 25 jr m T'1i tion will be made to the ward bishops and their wives and V si He is presently executive director of community ser rlh, tht If l.a Hall, has sf rved Ru 'i During the intermission of the dance, special introduc 1 S of Utah Mr MAS 1 "NOW SM33 w TOOHOOJE |