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Show :L THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAI . Local News Randolph Garage - . i We have all kinds of caseings, , 33 for $i3.plus war tax, and others 30 3 inner tubes, $2.85 We have I Dodge and four second hand Ford cars, which we will sell at a bargain ; Also gas, oil and assessories of all kinds Dr. Byron Rees of Salt Lake - Commissioners meet Monday, City will arrive in Randolph f or a few days cu Sept. IQ. Anyone September 8.wishing medical attention, tonsil FOR SALE One dozen young or snrgical operations leave word with Mrs. Mary .Reere at Ranpigs. Inquire of PercyRex. dolph. Dr. Rees just returned from been Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rex of Eva- New York where he has nston were .Randolph visitors on attending school. ntlitfe (Himfedtotterg - Sunday. We a! ways carry a full linQlof Home Delight Bread, Ice Cream Also the '- - . & Confections. Utah Made. Candies. Henry Hanker of Trenton, Ut Peter McKinnon and J.F.Baer of Lewiston, Idaho, are visiting in Ogden this week. came to Randolph this week. -- fresh from Ogden Baking Company. : ,i .We especially recommend them. Mr. and Mrs. V Vloe Jackson has accepted a posA.G. Rex has been quite ill this Rich the. ition as clerk in County week. Furniture store. . Miss Ruby McKinnon Harold Brough returned Saturday from Altamont, Wyo. Pead. and Mr. Stanley Nebtkerleft Tuesday for Idaho Falls to visit with Mrs. Ira Miss Glenn of Salt Lake City is the guest of Mrt tpid Mrs. Roy Our line of Haying machine Extras is complete. For Deering, Moline and McCormack machines. -- j : homo Snowball & Spencer, Mgrs We NOTICE - Lindsay. FOR SALE .. By Parcel Post. 501b. box Elberta FOR SALE Young' pigs. of Arch McKinnon .FULL' MARKET PRICES PAID FOR . Hides, Furs, pelts, wool, Junlr, Scrap Iron, metal , Rubbers , bones and rags. r. Peaches $2.65, e ' post paid.. 45 lb. box Fall and Winter Absolutely Reliable. Give us a Trial, , Ap- Mi. and Mrs. Josh Eldredge and ples, the best, $2.25 postpaid. have Send your orders at , once with McKinnon Mrs Emett gone to Mapleton, Idaho,' for an Money Order. Reference: First National Bank of Loga n, Utah , extended visit. -Farm to Kitchen MoMiss Ruby Calder of Garden Millville, Utah. of her is the sister, guest City MMrs. Lawerence Muir. After spending a week with Mr, Hay Rakes twine Mr. and Mrs. Abei- Tyson and and Mrs. Sam Rex, M r. and Mrs. H.J. Christinsen left for their children of Logan are the guests home in Salt Lake City. machin-er- y of Mrs. Sarah A. McKinnon this week. Mrs. Newcombe of Evanston and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray and Mrs. JEIamilon of Ogden are the children motored to Preston, Idaho guests of their son and brother, Wednesday to visit with Mr. . and Wilson Newcombe, this week. " Evanston, Wyoming, , stock the Deering Rakes, J enkins Stackers, also have wers and Hay in- - and oline Push Rakes , Moline Moline and Milwaukee binders & jr dirg - - If you need anything in the line, see us first Prices right Mrs. James Tate. Spencer Bros. & Co. ace , ' Utah vMuile Summer Heat Dispensers. Carbonated "Beverages. Fruit Beverages. . A good line of Ladies and Gents Toilet Articles." , Kodak supplies and finish imr O : T Kathertne McKinnon arrived home Thursday evening after Miss IceCream, Guaranteed the Best LOST Out of a round-u- p wagon of the Uinta Lands grazing Qo. spending about eighteen months between Randolph and- - Wimmers over seas as a Red Cross Nurse. ranch, 4 5 lb. cans of Shillings . t" . Candies v and ' vV Made- - - - t in the Confections.. - State..: ' With a good variety of hot stuff during the winter. coffee, one side of salt bacon and IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Finder please notify Spencer Bros, and Co; THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT for you to .bear-- in ..mind: .The banks puid in capital its surplus Miss Elgie Pearce le't Wednes- OF THE STATE OE UTAH , and its Board of Directors: With day for a short visit with her sis- IN AND FOR THE COUNTY ample, capit il a.n d Iargevcash. surP OF RICH, x ter, "June, in Ogden, after which plus, plus a responsible directorate she will leave for Samaria, Idaho, you- are safe in entrusting your PROBATE & GUARDIAN SHI P she will teach s chool where funds to such an institution. Otir NOTICE. ; bank has a higlf reputation.,. You Now is the time to protect again- - For further information consult the gain prestige by dealing here. st blackleg. ! am the authorized Comity Clerk or respective signers ' thereof. ageut for Parke Davis & Co. Blackleg vaccine aggression, new Raadolpn, Utah. NOTICE TO CREDITORS stock j'ust in. See Ad in other Wat V. Cashier., G. ton, j part of paper.: Estate of Elizabeth Frazier, - Wm. Jacjbjoa. Geo. Larson, will present claims E. Spence Hatch, with John Kennedy, Joseph jOluf .vouchers to Woodthe at undersigntd Directors. and ohnson Weston, ' Rit3L-,W. A, Peter J Joseph Little Nellie Newcombe ofEva ruff, Rich County, Utah on or bifoie Three Essentials 2 10 lb. pails of lard. inxlealing with a commercial bank r ' -- A full line of Building Materials Bank of Randolph, Evanston Lumber Co. " - Deceased-Creditor- s nstonis the guest of her uncle, Nov. 7th., 1919. btandard Timber Co , Owners. . Stephen V. Frazier. Administrator of the Estate of Eliza- -0 belli Frazier, deceased. Mr. and Mrs., Sidney Findlay Date of first publication Sept. 6, 19IP. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Fackrell and Fled R. Morgan, Attorney for Admin-isira'o- r. Wilson Newcombe. Biggest Reduction". ' . casings ever offered hi 30x3 stimulate the September' trade we will sell from Sept.. 0th, to 13th, inclusive. 3ox To 3$ . casings list , 500CT price $21. mile guarantee 15-- ? a , ' for $18. saving of $3. i . s Come in and let .us tell you more about this wonderful casing also carry tubes, inner shoes, monkey grip weed chains, oils, dry cells, Ford springs and various other assessories. We We sell for less Jncobsnn Miss Hazel Jones motored to ssil, Wyo, Monday, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. RusseP Findlay. Fo- Mr. and Mrs, V. R. Gallentine and daughter, Twilla, G ladys and 15 Kenneth each on- Mpir, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mr and Mrs. Joe Kennedy and Miss Letha Hatch motored to Brigham City to atteud the Peach Day celebration. s Mrs. Victor Jackson and children and Mr. Orin Grant of Coke-vill- plenty of Binding twine at lowest price. PROMPT RELIEF for the try two or three stomach, add-distress- ed Our new Fall Goods are begin- .. IlHIQIDS after meals, tongue ning to arrive. dissolved on the keep yonr stomach the new sweet try aid to digestion. 0 MADE BY SCOTT ds Remember we carry Goodyear and Racine Tires for all size carsv TRUSTWORTHY the two best tires on the market. . 19-- 7 Taken in moderate doses, right through the warmer months, e, after meals, Wyo., were Randolph visitors on Saturday and Sunday, and Mrs. Geo. Smith and family returned home Sunday from Duchesne.' Miss Amanda Bowden returned with them to spend the Mr. Still Have & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION and Mrs Don M cKitmon and Stewart McKinnon have gone to Cache Valley fora few days. Mr, winter. . e i 5end us your Mail orders. Our Truck makes trips to Evanston alvmost daily. 1 J ' furnishes nourishment of particular value to the anemic or - those underweight. Keep up Trust Scotts your strength. Emulsion to help you do it 8cott&Bownc. Bloomfield. N.J. r. Rich 19-- 3 1 CO. Furniture Co. |