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Show SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS Woman's World Kathleen Norris Says: Slarl Out the New Year Right Uaiton J aCi Worry Versus Planning By Making Yourself Allracliv rrta J'ia ietj Rtt SviutIriU. WNII shoulders, or if you prefer, use ribbon straps and edge with tiny lace. Fftlurti, Si yards. Send aa aSSlilsaol twaalv-Uv- a (tola fas yaar ears of laa Pall aai Wlalar laaao of FASHION. Spatially SralcatS laaplaao. aaav la aiaka aitlsa. farai fiaaka. frit trarkaUas Slrtatiaoa. fraSS aallara orlatad canto. laoMs Iks Soak. Plica catch il THENinyou tha mirror and laying, aa I wai and taka your-i- n II 20." took out lady hand. Or, If you ahrug off about your clothes aomethlng gulng "Tha fash-ton- s excuse, flimsy tha rth are for mo thli aeaaon . ha fruthful to youraelf at leait and admit that youre Juit being Uzy. Ko woman, with aU the modem aide to make her attractive, need ftei that ahe haa loot her youth and charm. True, ahe may have added a few yeara, but with those new kind of yeara she gains a beauty, a poise and maturity that her la even more attractive than 20a. And as beauty of the early isnt it a bit silly to (nr think that designers would neglect any type of woman? No, leti face the facts. Somehow er other, you've Just let yourself ilip, and what you really need is to attire yourself in the latest, and I defy you to find at least half a dozen styles that you can't wear. Sometimes it doea take a bit of ' looking to find Juat what were but when you do find it, . after, wear It, and you'll enjoy the compliment!. ean women ask, No longer Which Is better, to be dressed becomingly, or to be dressed in tha height of fashion? There may once have been a reason for this sad plea but now we have so many editions of each trend that if you try, you can find one which will be flattering especially for you. And dont shy away from adding a few imaginative touches which will enhance the style for you. ij-- id .TJU S'-1- ! rgg MffH, afttfa road Wiet, font. , Nci ut Ms ive4 10W Mh ! )HEf went m sss kwh M g Hoods Are Pretty aa Well aa Practical For instance, take the hood. According to Chicago Fashion Industries, it is extremely popular, especially with tha young crowd. It makes a lot of sense to wear it an cold days, and chances are you've been tempted to have one. If your features are tiny and you have a good profile, or if you have a long, lean face with high cheekbones, the tailored version of the hood will do the most for you. But dont discard the hood idea if you don't fit in the above category. Let's say that your features aren't quite as perfect as you've wished. You're the kind who likes to wear soft hats with perhaps a fluff of hair to break the severity cf the hat. In its usual form the hood is not for you, but suppose you try a knitted, loose snood that gives you look and provides the covered-u- p the necessary softness. You might even try bangs or a soft fluff of curls to decorate the forehead. Or, if you don't wear bangs, you might arrange a wave or push down the pompsdour for a similar look. Follow tha Fashions, Find Own Version A good way to illustrate this is to watch women who are buying their clothes. I've seen many a woman turn down tall, a V" necked dress which was otherwise perfect for her. Had she spent a little time thinking about It. she could have used a froth of attractive ruffles at the neck, or even a clever dickey effect which could have done a neat job of concealing, and made a lovely garment for her. bony-cheste- d I SEWING CIBCXE PATTERN DEPT. . ChicsfO f, IlL Enclose ZS cents ia aoins for each MS South Weils BL pattern desired. Pattern " Torch in Iland of Vulcan Statue Warns Motorists A new method of reminding mo- 1002 (See recipes below) Holiday Bullet The holidays bring with them a spirit of good cheer and friendliness that we want to take advantage of the opportunity to entertain our friends. It's so easy to ask people over to see the tree, or stop in for fruit cake that every homemaker should be prepared to set a table worthy of the spirit of the season. By being prepared, we mean in way, of the good The princess silhouette aa Trigere course, with the woolen introduces it in sheer Hack stueked pantry haa a flanged seaming far skirt and of full good neckline. Tiny gold buttons, the sigthings ready to nature of the designer, are linked. set on the table at a moment's notice, cookie jars If you tend to run large in the full of brimming avoid don't consistently hips, their gay. sweet dresses which have some hip intersnacks, and the est. Look for dresses with a side interest or that such other draping with a baked ham and salad breaks the hip line and actually ready makings. gives you a nicer look than tha It's easy to serve buffet style if absolutely straight skirt. have lots of small tallies for you for that Don't ever discard or, to sit down to and cat l?ien people' matter, buy a dress without invescan go to the buffet which they tigating the hemline and what it the way cun be a buffet or a does, or can do for you. lotting by table-a- nd serve themselves the hem down, or perhaps lifting large of'.en as they like. With food such It as little as a half sn inch can as as Ive outlined, you'll be surpiised Improve your appearance a hundred how often they can come bark. per oor.L It all depends upon your should be as pretty as Your table height and the size of your legs. a picture w ith a white or Ivory damWhat about sleeves? Well, here ask cloth. The centerpiece, loo. ean you have all kinds to choose from. out the holiday mood. Use For thin or heavy arms, you'd do carry Christmas greenery ahut.dantly, and best to avoid extremes. Follow naif you have branches from the trie, tural lines end skip the types use them with carnations, some artior the bare arm look. ficial snow balls snd possibly a snow If you have a tall, slim figure, man as illustrated above. look for dramatic peplums to cut Now. here's the way we prepare your height You are the girls, too. the food: who can wear wide belts with interBaked Ham, esting decorative detail. Double-- ' Scrub ham thoroughly before breasted suits are very flattering, On the other hand, if you are cooking. Ilncc on a rack in shallow Bake 25 minutes slim, but short look to the short pan, skin side up. boleros with high cut waistlines, per pound in a slow (300 degrees) oven. Remove ham ti hour before it princess lines or pinafore effects. is finished baking. Icel off the rind and score fut. Spread with a desired glaze and insert a whole clove in cer.ti r of each scored section. ReTricks turn ham to oven for remaining half Scarves are a happy pirk-uhour. for many an old dress. Wear Here's a list of coatings and them as interest underneath the dress to add a touch of gay print glazed mixtures that may be used fur ham. or color to the costume, or simply sling them over skirt or dress 1. 1 cup crushed pineapple mixed neckline and tie in back. with 1 cup sugar. Don't stop there though, for a 2. Strained with mixed honey scarf can add hip interest if it chopped maraschino cherries. is wrapped around you and . 1 i up of strained honey mixed tied in a perky bow. Or, wear with 1 rup cherry juire. it around your head, but experi4. Juice of 2 oranges mixed with M ment with effects first enp pincapplr Juice, !i rnp sugar There's a variety of ways to and ! rup white earn syrup. wear the peplum. Use it in 9. Apricot puree whieh ia made by dramatic and contrasting colors rooking 2 rups of aprieota In 2'4 if you want to point up interest cups of water snd then rubbing at a tiny waistline. Tie them like through a sieve. Sweeten with it aprons, pleat them dramatically eup corn syrup or sugar. or use an effect If Picture Salad Plate. you want to subtract Inches, use Place crisp lettuce cups on salad peplum colors that match the p!;.te. In the center of the jlate basic dress and use smooth-fit- place a tomato ted effects. by rose, Dickies bsve innumerable po--1 cutl.r.g tomato Since the area tentialilies. V which the dicky covers is small, j into section and then pulling out the color can be Intense but it "petals" to make should be chosen for extreme a I riite. Around to you. compliment ' the rose, place ' VyCA If you're slender snd of an curls.athletic nature, use chiiied aspara- i.vcL vestees. If youre more the fluffy gus tips, snd type, use short boleros that butslicedhardco'ikid interest and sleeve have ton, oil or sour cream have a perky starchy look about ' eggs. Serve with dressing. them. HOLIDAY Bl'FFET. Baked Ham with Pineapple Garnish Honeyed Sweet Potatoes Assorted Bread Salad: Tomatoes, Asparagus, Egg, Lettuce Relishei: Mustard, Fickles. Olives, Celery Assorted Mints Fruit Cake Beverage Recipei given. ' Hard-Cooke- ' refrigerator too-fu- ll Tart French Dressing. (Makes ft eup) tablespoons sugar 1 Iraxpooa paprika 1 teaspoon dry mustard it teaspoon sail 't teaspoon white pepper S cup ualad ail 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 2 tablespoon Irmon Juice Combine dry ingredients. Add oil gradually, beating constantly. Add vinegar and lemon juice and beat or shake thoroughly. Chill thoroughly. Omit sugar if more tart dressing is desired. li Sour Cream Drrusing. cup sour cream 'i rup vinrgar or lemon Julra 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoon sugar l)asb of rayrnne pepper is to 1 teaspoon grated onion Combine ail ingredients In order given. Beat until stiff and chill thoroughly. This dressing is especially good for green salads. If desired, a fruit plate may be made with fruits. Use crisp lettuce cups with sliced red 1 apples, cinna i grapes left in and clusters, CRndied fruit for garnish Or, if a molded aalad is prrfeired, use ground cranberries with a gelatin base and garnish with grcriix and grapes, orange and Imaginative lem- on slices. p If you're not having one of the mellowed and aged fruit cakes this season, try one of the light kind. These do not have to be aged to be good in flavor, and yet they will give you that holiday cake dessert that everyone likes so well. Serve the cake in thin slices. White Fruit Cuke. !i rup butter or substitute 11 rupn uiflrd rake flour 4 teaspoon soda 2 lablrx poors lemon Juire rgg whiten, beaten utiff cups powdered augur i eup randied chrrriru (i eup candied pineapple rup blanched pistachio Beta rup bleached raisins li Cream butler thoroughly, gradually add flour and soda. S:ft sugar into . beaten For the ynirccr rt the waistline end aide hells have j r ii inir; p s wide appeal. Fashions to kp"p you warm have style. ton. N t ie the s:i.:ir' 1 li.-of f ro.i'.i t .V'.-i.- i c brugy appear, tree. ai d atct) f .i the color interest, treotn e:;t Leing used qj.t extensively. T ':H i I' fr toe .. r - m-- It) ,.. .... r. I Vf i e iIifroM f e,..ir hi (O ) ill"" i combine i There are several ways cf defrost- A'nher j i K ; i r way et ro in 1r tn j f Oldest Jet Organization The Army and Navy Union, was founded in 1888 and has 15,000 members, ia the oldest existing organization In the United Statca for veterans of any war. arhich But she couldn't wipe aU the doorknobs, windows, blankets, seats, she couldn't wipe the cook's hands snd the waiter's coat and those might have been hosteirlei for aeven sepUIIions of germs on every inch. Possibly her own protected trio were merrily spreading measles or scarlet fever among the other passenger!. What she needed to do was stop worrying. Find a Way Ont For worrying, substitute planning If things are really at such a pitch that you can't do anything but rock your head In your frantic hands and say "This can't go on! I won't aland it. It's too much! then substitute planning. Think the thing out coolly. Say to yourself, "I sm a human being and life Is short. Why am I wasting It worrying?" You will immediately aee that you are fretting over something that Is not your business, or something that concerns the opinion or criticism of your neighbors and is merely s matter of your own silly pride, or that you can change so. Ihe is shia 4 r.ifcA7r fajita ,!iil Worry r- - taylhiag. Stays fresh .on your pantry shelf The Advertisements Mean a Saving to You Keep Posted on Values by Reading the Ads ; "The solution to my own despair and anxiety was right over my head, but it look me muiithi to find it," y Los Angeles writes a woman. "It consisted of putting (cw bathrooms and partitions in our house, on a government loan. Dad and 1 moved up to four glorious attic rooms, long the possesRents from five sion of servants downstairs apartments total 8340 a month. Doctors and nurses bills are paid. Dad Is a young man again, and I feel like a young woman, chil-dren married, no more big house troubles, and no worrits!" Whatever it Is, worry doesn't help. m f a7& 1 Planning y pain-relievi- device e truck. It has y fur gently warming, toothing, Rub in contains speedy relief from cold discomfort! Ben-Caup to 2 Vi times more of those famous ingredients known to every doctor methyl salicylate and menthol -t- han five other widely offered rub-inthe original Baurae Insist on genuine Ben-GaAnalgcsique. It acts fast ! Bcn-Gn- does. of by which train- valuable In crews tiuin uml pack to ti..r,s and in crial.itt'g keep in tn'icli with ctign.rmen and cor. t tol Cornell bv menus of a shoulder sling, the unit weighs 29 pound. prov'-- tow-er- mi td ig it in making h iiil Qeit Colds, Bronchitis Malty-ricpiping hot Raisin Bibs made with Fleischmann's Fait Dry Yasstl IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-u- se it to help you turn out delicious broads at a moment's nolle. Stays trash fur weeks on your pantry shelf raody for quick action. Dissolve according to diractiono than uoo os fresh yeast. At your grocers. Ri-b- of will Hike CREOMULSION for Coughs, RAISIN BUNS men report unusual circnri. stances and rairy on conversations witli control towers, is now in use on the IeiidiyJvarn railroad on l.Oafi miles leave tt e rtilure un'il Ckeomdaton relieves promptly bo eauso U goes right to tha a w of tbe trouble to help loom and expat laden phlegm, and aid natura gum to soothe ami heel raw, tender, tat flamed branchial mucous membranes. Tall your druggist to sell yon bottle of Greomulskm with tbe understanding you must like the wey it quickly allays the cough or you ere to have your money back. Smpy ecous wa'kie-talki- hours. Bronchitis ep step-by-st- RAILROAD WALK IK TAI.KIK a Tbe "Carryphone," sort ing qmck frozen birds which have been eviscerated. The hrd may be :!uerd in a pan o'.der running to 2 viaier. This will take from f r.t'i-- fr. '.h-j- run-tras- t - and Rrlc.itrd bv Western Newspaper Uniua. LYNX SAYS: If Ynu Serve Fowl for the ITnlidays H-t- i rnrn-krs who want io f.jwl f: r the h'lid.iy d.ur.i-- Fl.ru.ld r preparation and l in irird. (Juitk to ; e time in ay he whiles tered pan for 1 hour at 325 degrees. The top may be decorated with randied, gland fruit, if desired. Or the cake may be aerved with a sauce such as bard sauce or a hot plum pudding type of sauce if you want mote of a dessert. Serve only small pierr as rake is rirh. . keep these ti;f egg witli first mixture. Add lemon Juire, fruits ar.d nuts, cut fine snd sprinkled with flour. Stir well ar.d butbake in a waxed paper-line- d to carrot Fashion Forecast The front button, princes style variation is still nice fashion for the dressy coal. You can be cl ver with accessories w:lh this basic coal. Trimming ti.kcs a back scat on evening clothes. lhey'rc perhaps even mere so thsn before, but the interest is In matcml snd lines rather than "things added" to the costume. pears, ni o n Stop worrying about little Jerry's yet. They may indeed be troublesome; it may be that he won't ever have quite normal sight But In that he'll only be like some seven per cent of the world's men and women who have gone straight head, not bothering themselves or anyone else about it. Stop worrying about darling Marjorie, who is going to have a third baby, when she and Rod really cant fford one. Help her ail you can of coursa. Go into her house and else upon the nearest job, dampening clothes and ironing them, straightening the playroom, taking the baby for his diphtheria shots snd so on. Be the unpaid, almost unnoticed servant in her house. But don't criticize her and don't criUcize Rod. Ten year gu swiftly, and when you see her In 1857, with her trio or quartette of sons snd daughters about her, you'll know why she isnt worrying now. Stop worrying bout Henry's business and stop asking him worrying question about it. That anxious attitude Is Infinitely distressful to a Instead of fluttering tired man. about him with "But if Joe Coates gets your Job, Henry, what will you do? Can't you go to Mr. Potter? Why dont you Just frankly talk to Phil Miller, darling? We simply can't take a rut now. Don't tell Nancy, poor durling, counting on coming out this winter" Be Cheerful, Helpful. Instead of that sort of thing, give Henry a cup of hot consomme, lead him to hit big chair, tell him a piece of good news, and while you are lei- -' surely sipping your own consomme say dreamily, 1 was thinking dear, that If things go on this way at the office It'd be rather fun tn move to Dad'e old place. We could fix It up. Do you realize how that would cut down our expenses? Nancy? Why, there are a thousand fascinating jobs that child rould take in a book store, or with the radio people, or in Miss Johnson's kindergarten, and it'd be a lot betier for her than all this keeping up with the Babcock girls." Hill would show that youre not worrying, snd you would have the supreme pleasure of seeing the worry drop from Henry's tired eyes, too. Stop worrying about germs. You re running chanos with germs every time you step out of your door, and often when you don't, and so are the children Sometimes they skip unhealthy anerr.ir bodies and Millight on the strong and well lions of times we get them arid cast them off. Tiredness invites them, so does fear. To gargle the surface off your throat membranes, hold soaked cotton over your nose, Siam windows shut, remove your shoes before entering the house is to put yourself into great shape for Infections. I saw quite a young mother In a Pullman dining ear the other day. carefully wiping the knives, forks and spoons the darlings were going to use at lunch, and I saw the darlings' uneasy eyes as she did How To Relieve well-tailor- By KATHLEEN NORRIS worrying about that girl of yours STOP doesnt seem to be like the other pretty girls, who doesnt make friends, who has grown too tall, who has such abrupt manners. She'll wake up some day and turn out to be a real person, not like you, perhaps, but attractive and likable and useful nonetheless. Entertain Your Friends at a Bullet . and there Slip and Panlie SIMPLE, alip A and pantie aet (or the more mature figure. Delightfully easy to make juat three pattern pieces, Illustrated sew chart gives Instruction. Make built-u- p "I SCJ Abrading, dear, thdt it things go PH ibii srey a tha efiirt, it'd h Jsra to mors to Dads sU pin . We con Id fut it ap. rather j Accent with your lipstick yon are! traffic accident, the light will glow red instead of its normal green. 36-5- 2 i p. torists to drive carefully ia an eleo-tritorch that is being installed in the upraised hand of the giant statue of Vulcan in Birmingham, Ala. For 24 hours after a fatal c ' Very efteu you haven't Uia time But you tn change your make-ucan refrrsh your skin and get a fresh glow! Wrap aa ira cube la a bit of damp cotton. Sprinkle this with skin freshenrr or toilet water. Rub over throat and face. Press the perfumed ire cube over the closed eyelids. Press cosmetic tissue ever throat and face, then pat sn facs powder. Brush off exerss. A little S. No. SOOf comas In ftxce IS. 4, 46. 48, SO and 5Z. Sizo 38. slip, panties, ilk yards id 35 or Pattern 40, 42, yourself look- - Tm not a for Walron gento :A 1 3 s. y, |