OCR Text |
Show ft Utah 1 JTrl-Week- ly MeiroptUUa llttel AitItUs; Reporter Market malsh A obxkxewald, p bops. K-eport- . j r. Y a- ' S J Beck, Nebraska; Theodore Lee.' J i ' 'J TEAS. j Charles ftiUfaorue4 W R Story, Salt r.ak; V C Imperial fl ft xTeHave no traveling agent Offitt, Corinno, V. T. Martk 11. 1870. Day, Reporter: .23XTS Johnson and wifoHdlMotiri; John to CO toe t debt due thia4Pr. , 'APPLES. COTttX. " 78 ft t T Dorri. St. Louis; lUo choice TP ft... 9 file A,.334e Green Dried Tjt ft 17c HftJikina. RoAa.T.itk COAL. , S ; J ; Walton. OgI11 R Division Lake C.l., 90 ton.,.. 8UTTKB. den; Henry Stofferbftger. Jowa; C Speck, til f J '! e i H - , of aroARo. Pmabr Adana phfn( Aliaiiovri; James WO. Ao .....43Uc TaMd no ? Keg ft..., nae foffra 4 kt Horn and family, 'AYLconsin ; Ft Birdsey, z m ......l l t r t 4, ' BACON. ICO K i : i); Ionian a. 6e 1 oo State V Brown, 5 4 ILs. AMure itcoBWSt, , 4 ' I ' BSAHE STRUM.' 1 JK)CD,UT f ?!. Belcter'a Golden S gd,,;.,,'.,.,,,,. lOo California, white and pink flM Four Dollars ob to Sciva lexts. Sugar M. U erase p gaL..,. ..i,,,..,.,.,,-..,,,.,Expree. BOOTS tfc SHOES. ' 00 So, l: W M. v A. 3. AtiiOhc! EiprOiOtte An amusing incident recently took placo Men Brogans W do. , CANDLES. $21028 M w ' 78 ease. i 0. r boots JOOsMOO EtarV Boys ft .....33HC at or near the junction down the road, Men's heavy kip W caae BOCSD WEST. 42A54 00 SOAP. Miner , nailed.... 6&478 00 vbich U worth relstiug. A Mormon coun- Morrell k Rumsey's ft ft . . .... 25c Ko. 1 JWn,rr Express.'. French Up. heavy douple sola. 7284 00 K. m CastUoH 50c cldc F cilman mf, was favored with an Invitation to Express.. French calf, tap sole 7087 00 ij.o. 6.i. Freight,.,.. MATCHES. ,3 40r. h. Buffalo Fur lined, boots 64 Ueb'a In attend and TP conhis be 18C aball, . r Telegraph verdency Ladies calf, heavy dotiple aole, 7ft do. Ikm.34 fO poly. v... 4run Thursday' ..... .. . It a complimentary ticket. The Don ea tie 'do fine sewed shoes, 78 do do Katnrday's only. .,,,1X0 24($36 00 sidered BODA. ; JA8 CAiUhLUDiv RnpX S' COFFEE. JOHN 0UMNL AM'tiWiaupX appointed evening found klm with his Babbits,... ..JSC lk fava ... .43o TEA . ST A.N. tUWNE. Ora'ipnpt., POWDERS. three wires at the doer of the ball room, Preatoo k Mn-- Pa box.7 f Klo chol.-T7o 1 ....L,.33ie . aa . and be stopped to, present Lia invitation . Ordinary . ............t........ 26o DRIED FRUIT. Corinne Directory CHEESE. 30o bis wives passed In, he following, when Currents H ft Prune V ft .......26o States ft a. ...38c the B.8AtTv p?nfTo.n exclaimed. ? Hold on, Lack berries ft c, r. .........,....,,35o r L CANDLES, . . CAN .I RUIT. . oobuixk orricac. irtl want four dollars for that ticket. IUapberrlea, 500 Star per boi..., ........ n i The Saint $t 00 ft,., iprAnkb,BHLf ftehU. itorned: Indignantlyl around btclwi can,.. fO ana CBEAM TABTAB. ticket w agent., drew himself 75 pplea I lainter, operator, lip:. full '.height, and said. Pine 78 ft. 60c .. r .......................... omat4a. 50 s. ageut1' WoUooj, ir.... bapse j; Ktrawtwrriea.. an Alderman eFonr ....................... dollars. of this Im to CRACKERS. r awt AAtrusucirrs ; CO 8oda W ft I dont ertre if you Iyrd Chief (xanberrlea.., B city. . 54) U. Arn tne S. eWrviujr Moulin etage Butter 78 ft. BlackWrHee 60 Kir, in thero without , cant ACo. you go y Justice, 13c Water 78 n Fargo waits n7 .....j. BEANS. L CASED OOODS. paying- fJur dol Itif., fetor ted iTe nmsen-l- r Domeatte ! ft...'. exe Jatly fer Virginia .15c .,v. , hit at 5 kr.T y man at the door. Well, then, I guess CaiUorula white and pink juternmliatetf PlantatloQ Bittera ft case. .,$10 60 for Helena4 Plmn! City, Bedfaeket 900 , PArATOES. I, th,r day rdDrt-rIxdgeto not he ami didat,' except go in," ; TiftH lender-to- Ill 22 00 Angostura ' Warkfoot 1C 00 Boker'a BUTTER. near It, depot.; get hts thrre.witfs, rftnrulng home to Agrut. Office Bourbon Whiakey Cocktail................ 7 00 V la ft rolls.... ,60o vmwbm'cw' tf.lrobaph ; contemplate the q'tnr way the Gentiles Brandy CocktoU..... ............ .......... 9 00 raos. 11 00 . Old Tcm Oin, tne of .have balk. 7? Montana and corner. doeen....'. Office conducting common ,......40c lipeltiug Too ' BACON. , TUESDAY MOUNtNCK MARCH 15.1 -- 3 - 4 Market Report, y i . t S hia STAGE LINE. 1 - AMERICAN AUTHORESS, f . rnmmmmmmom d -- Tlie Groat IDAHO AUD OREGON WHOLESALE - i IL-JiB- Mrjr . - ,1 , .......til. hoifr . .? ,, 1 Whose popular storie. 'Alone, NemeM, Martem, eto., have placed her at the head of American authors, h been espedally engaged. and will in the future contribute to the -- , ,, i ! r- e 1 door-keep- .. i er 1 A t 1- djtet t81 . f .7. 1 , s j FEBIlUAItV, 1870, i ninstratlng life In that purely dommtlo delln. eetlve character which has marked her former entiproductions, and which carried her book more tled Alone to the extraordinary sal of I rn i udtp lOOiOOO I Frea and after AYSlit, the x T 1 This charming authoress will commence her . flret etory In I , - , 8T. LOUIS HOME JOURIIAL St 4 'I. u . . 4 ! .ill ll . 4 - 1 f - . v , , . l MAR IOW H A R LAND, i ! t i ,i:i t, 1 The publisher JOURNAL offer to , i Copies!! of the ST. LOUI3 HOME , ,, , . 7(A TA i'v ' , i . THE CHEAT SOUTH AND WEST, . DAILY LIRE OF COACHES 1 ... ... - i oji-mf- b Olijr.-Montan- a. the cheapest flret-cla-s literary paper la America. Baaed upon a aucceas scarcely equaled In any to bo similar field of literature, anddet-rmiue- d not an exodld by none, thry eollclt luapectiou, i f only of it well filled and , , r t - .i , ..,..,....,150 Artistlcaly Illustrated Pasos n, - , , J htxth M. V : ; ftlwenl Conway, manager,. F. liroau,;cLTf operator.- ... , cashier ami receiver, .vp h. (h-ttJL .Wild, Fiank Knight,' O. I'rstJ. ll. 'smu Kiint'er and P, Kearney, operator. ' , cio. fctuart, battery man and repairer. coni x are pour okmcr. Sixth; Montana at., between "Vi ft h and "4' George L Holt, Pot Master. Mdl arrive from the east Hnd south 4 2r p.,w. ; from the weal, 9.10 a. m.; ' l from tlij north. . 5Q a. w. nmV M"i1a clone for jpast Booth, R.30 ft. m ; for the went, 3.30, ji. m. ; for the ' . north, 4.30 p. nj. , , - " CLOSING or . DellA VEN & BUO., terra Tirnn sTacirr, liiilu. 4o 3 IfArch o'clock, P M. U. If ei, w. M. new, , 67, w. 4 4 ii i 5s. 7-- , , rrnt .. j . t lt XI Bond-oK. R. ricldi' R. B. Vuiuo 1acine Und Graut Road it IH4tflrt r) J V 1 j 10-W- a hitvi-r- , 10-- lt.7i 107 ion 'i ion; R37 a nn,' llo',' 19 U in?; 50 K .. 100 7-- Y(r IT crnLCy., I. Comp... lit. r.bt, t 108 V 108 8 R5 n n re plcaicil to cor net an ilem that apcved in cur local columns of the Pih In relation to our account of a c.l 'o. that occurcd near Promontory. We were nmhr aniUippn hrahion-othe ftcls of thcc ise; werhould lnvcstatfd that a gravel train ran into tbv no of tbe. freight,' dolpg coin para-tivrl- y bo d m ige. We know of no other divi'.ioo on the entire IctiKtbf tf tie rorul more free ofMCchtcnts than the Salt Lake, under the efficient uiunagem ut of Super-iutendcWe ConnKcTiO?. 4 -- f i - 4 CuU-orul- giuijsoiioff m Sevds, Fefds.-- J list received fresh aud warranted GaTdeu Swuds of every description and vaiiety, at Adams A Richmond's. ml2 3t of FurnitTin brsf fiuiility ure in the market can bo found at digit- Burg All tho leading Eastern and WVstern d lily and vckly news; pers ut Elliotts at half price...- - f f ; - COMMISSION M'mtana Street, - uii Morrell A Ramsay4 Premium Sob pant CreigLtonA MuuroV Sitiafaction guar- , tJtf unt'A i j J. W. Ixiher has the largest asHortmeut ti best quality of Furniture ever opened beL 1 Utah Territory. dt2 tf , The Criune Base Ball Club held a meeting Saturday evening last, and went into permanent organization by electing IV. W.! Hull, President; D. R. Shoit, Vice Preaidcnt; Frank Hnrlbut, Treasurer; 'E. M. WiUod, Secretary; J,Q. Ilarmb, Cp-tdt- i. From the very efficient list of offiand' cers members of the Clnb, wo aeo no cause why the boys nhoald not make the organization an Interesting success. t " i - A LARGE STOCK The beat aiwortment'of reading matter in Corinne can be found Elliots, aud viH be sold at oue-hal- f the funner price. If you want durable Furniture, go to A W. Lesher, as be (a a workman and his work in a substantial manner, puts !!tnt up dei-t- f above the Post office. . The Late Bronx. For several days past a severe snow storm has been visiting aa, and we understand through the vires and exchanges that It has been ei tensive giving the . poople of White Pine longer lease of sleighing, which hey. senato be enjoying extending its icy fingers far to the north and west, where toe visitation will be, fully appreciated O- - by miners. New goods St ElliottS. Elliott's, New books at Elliotts. latest publications at Elliotts, at vedooed prloea. . t cals at All the The Marble Front Clotlilnif : wce, corner of 4th and Montana streets, has the largest and Gents4 Furnishing o tbs mountains. best selected stock of Goods and Clothing -- d2-t- f Crushed Sugar at Ransoboff A Co. If you want cheap Furniture go to J Lesher, on Montana street de2tf v 4 1 f MM & SALISBURYS J3T . , .is. e cosuifxtn, r n ti 1 , 0 III:i32NA and ' i , j t STREET, ,r .. J CARRYING THE 1 ,i WELLS, JOHN -'- szixaiiAXtrs Court, Religion, and IIartm TBins D17D TIIK MIGHT AND A .TO WEST, MISE-1- 2 o It IKS OF MORMON ISA! . kelton, SJjL 300 4 00 4 00 78 EiST IMPORTANT TO BOTn SEXES! $2600 ton...... $40 00 case 78 .$10 50 MUSTARD. , 78 ft $9 50 8 50 c POTATOES. , , PUTTY, t ,.. 4. RICK. ft... 78 ft FARGO COS & f r f t Connect with . , , cams $8 00 1 - , trated Utah entitled There exists a fads delicacy and bride amounting almost to prudery, in regard to ccnaelting a physician in certain maladiee. The medh-a- l faculty recognise It, and are dumb. Those of the public afflicted acknowledge the truth of it, and suffer In silence. The province of this circular is to present the subject In it true light. Hundred of llvca are lost every year by disease which have been neglected or improperly treated. In lb e case of young men there seem, no apology, and yet In uuir case they attempt to cure themselves with vile nostrums, and in consequence shorten their lives, and pas the miserable remnant of existence with their Wood filled with the poison of a stifled, but not cured diacase, which must inevitably be transmitted to the third and fourth generations. With yonng women there seems some excuse, and yet their utmost socrcsy will not conoeal the facts. Any intelligent physician who waika these streets can recognize among Die ladles, by certain lnfaldble tokens known to him, aud of which the aufferers are often totally ignorant, the of whlt that ravage white. jread aoourge, the Any Intelligent out in his point walk lacorea of this and kludrod comdaily plaints. in both sexes, the existence of which they cannot Ignore. The educated sufferer knows the physician can detect this. The pby- ri. in cine cages out of ten, the afflicted lndivu. fail to consnit the man whom he knows is both of the and tlie means of cure. Knowing thatcomplaint health can be and who can restore It, they deliberatelyrestored, allow them selves to become mere wrecks of humanity, to transmit diseased constitution to thels forthcoming A tributary of Salmon River. , ack BT In every community there are vast numbers or yonng men afittoteO with seminal weakness, nocturnal emlsaiona. lassitude, debility, and the other atteudaut symptoms of secret disorder ana totally denndemt baiter stroying its victim, mentally and physically, sooner or later. The disease is end if not checked, dizziness. Joss progressive, of memory, no controllable procrastination In business, pains in the back, side and knees, yellowish drool from the mouth during sleep, and failure of all physics energy soon follow. From tfcie stage is a series of short step to an early grave, or the confinement of a lunatic asylum. Many of tneae voting men heve responded advertisement of Benevolent "Asso ctationa, or uoacrupulous quacks in distant cities, and after having been swindled of their money by one and another, have abandoned hope and pronounced themselves incurable. Dr. Stoddard practice on the 00 cure no pey principle, and propose to forfeit 61, 000 and all fees if h fails to cure any caae of seminal weakness where his treatment and directions are followed. He uaes no secret remedies none but vegetable medicines, and hie peculiar treatment must receive the endersemeat of all who Intelligently pursue 1L . , ,.24o ft. .....23o A 78 gum 78 case, X 50,000 copies already engaged. Send in your orders to this ofllce. He 24C ,.21o BATES OP STAGE FARE (cuaaascs) TIME. SYRUP. $2 00 1 AND 80 . $24 0 Imperial p A...78 Japanese 78 ft, TEAS. 4. ...... 11 It... . - Ookrag ft ft....Gunpowder 78 ft, ... TOBACCO!, Bemls k Abbott. Natural Leaf, 00(2 9 78 ft 00 6gS1 00 00 WVai74 1 50 $1 10Q1 90 1 15Vtl 25 ..70r$ftOo To Married Floe cut per lb.... 78 ft. ................ Ordinary grades . .S54tTOc Navy 78 lh. ...... gal................. WOOD. 7 Preatoa Jk 1 00 $9 9c 2d&w TEABT POWDERS. Manilla 78 doo.... $2 60 SUNDRIES. X 90e Bed Lead ft... 00 Shot B bag '.....$5 Greenfield starch V ft... 4.. 18c We intend to make this department of our paper a speciality, and shall revise it fronl day to day aa important changes oocnr. Pistes out of the city sending orders, can rely upon these figures aa being correct la the main. ............... ' GKOCEBIES, WINES, I.1QUOUS,: ; WW. LORirJHZR, DAUBER a IIAIRORE&SER, , j t vj r t Jfanlana Street, I Corinne, Utah. V . (of the best brands) TOBACCO, CIGARS and GLASSWARE. sep81nk i JOHN HAILEY rpriotor LDTJOn 1 LdIe. There are ladles who, from delicate constituoffspring, do sot wish to become mother. To such la offei 4 d a safe and sure remedy against conception. Bucceaa warranted la every case; guaranteed as containing no Ingredients In the least injurious to the feeblest temperament. Leuchorrbae, or Whites, positively and cured. Case of long standing, how-evaggravated, moat yield to thi remedy. - i Dftoddard hiUsoe infallible monthly pill tor reetor ng disordered or irregular pcI(WBU, aervanon. Price, $5 per box. t , These are no patent medtolae or other hum-bngbut carefully prepared compouods, from fiamulaa In use by the most diaUuguiabd and scientific phyoiciana In this country, and have "never been advertised before. " . i which ' m medicines warranted to give sa'lsfactlon Strictest oberrved. AU letter promptly answered.eecreey Call on or ad- - per-manfu- lly ZZOTJOD, er AdInli Wells, Fargo & Co.s, ' CORINNE, UTAH. two racais, rrrrfetrt U. P. R. n. EATING HOUSE, - tf r Wholesale and Batall 7 indigent circumstances, or an already nution, merous , cord.. t d 1 20 gal ; a .24c gal...... pi ( i". J. H. BEADLE. .' i -- 4- To Young Men. 40c $9 00 10 60 28o 1 t endanta. TERRITORY, 5 1FJT. BRYAN, AV.T., ELLSWORTH, Prop. tarWenn Meals ea arrival of ! 4 a. " ' Tralna. ' - i J i X j X)R. JTO DD sill,r t)lv ,; . , v - M i . 7 Tenth Street, fap stairs. Rooms No. Jkongiae and Fam ham , .a a hab. F. O. Glaaa Box 105. 13 aU J 1 ! J cog-nixa- AND THEIR , v 1 TIIE AMERICAN SAINTS BALT. , VICT0E CORDELLA, 23-1- m and Decline ana Truthfully Illus Graphically Work on in the ...........1512 Patent Imf hew Orleans .... Crushed. per Passenger Train both TIM HENDERSON, AGENT ' CORINNE. no!8 tf : Eldorado on Loon Creek, ' Its Itisc, Progress $8 00 , I t New i VTNXOAR. wsjs on the U. P. Railroad. , i ,12c SODA. Powdered Belcher's Leave Corinne daily for Virginia City, and on alternate days for Helena , Helena and Fort Benton. , ART. .350 ' ONIONS. , MOll 3ION ISM AS A FINE J.......$j,0050 ,,,2 .2 60 Field's steamed 78 can UcMurry k Co.'a best 78 can ft to the u V gat...OYSTERS. ft SEPARATING. ; 50c $12 5o 1 $ 00 10 00 9 00 1 78 SECURING, SEALING AND NAILS. SARDINES. , DANTES, Prop. U Max in. daily connectiov with MILL FEED. Belchers Golden 4 Bagar House 78 gal. Bor s t;zAXD inception to the present dsy JkgtKHHl SUOAR. & Reasonable Charges. j 11 tf 00 ' Morrell k Itamseya per box C hem leal Eraatlve. Castile. English...... AND , ' DO 25X770 fts - 78 100 , 10 78 BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS 9 ( 15(7 imported....... Babbits per OGDEN, U. T w $6 UQUORH, 7,box- ! ' - OF OREGON. PART 10c 6c Coal 78 eon of Sgah...... Linseed 78 gal........ Lard 78 gal Neat foot V 78 WHITE HOUSE, , v published ou Mormonlsm. EAST RN BAD! VS. ( j I .. 1 Tlie moat Impartial and best Anttientiratefr Work. evr '28o LARD. ft...... 7 t - t ft 78 $25(335 00 Carolina China 78 s frh ,mr Particular attention paid to Retail custom. Good' Stock, JVciv Conclics .,i () and Quick Time. f ! -- .....,$78 00 Flooring 78 foot............... Common Doors, each Bash V pair 78 POUT BENTON ! i - VinblMTIA CITY, : COUINNE, UTAH.beet former resideot of Utah and Editor of tbs R 1 PORTER, ,40 ,, HAMS. OIL. al- , North Sixth Street, Si. Louis. 00 SOAP. ARRET, . 421 .... $8 .3 qo Oriental Mining. (bct) per keg $! 50 Weateru sporting, per half keg. . . . 5 00 " Spurting lu case of 25 lb. cans, 10 6029 Meats, Always on band a variety of the Bitter, augor cured Hama, Bacon, etc. ae7-t- 8 60 7 00 POWBKB. TO :;$orim FOURTH 8TREET, fts OLAS8. 1 oung Hyson J 100 LUMBER. Extra 0 ILLUBBES, Proprietor. 4 A chronological history ef the "Won850 der of the nineteenth century from its 8 00 8S oetie-S- m (VI 25c ton 4a 0s covsu&co., EAT ...30o Englleh Durham A GESTS . WASTED ' A PUBLX8HEUH, AND 875 1 lortw tne, Sherry Warerooras an OtBce, No. RM Broadway, Manufactory, 187 k 189 Bowery, N ew York. (VI 15o 25e , Gin, Etijrm, . ready appended them. U4 i. 10s In every City and Town where we have not ' J. H. BEADLE, 'A,1 ,4 $4 75 box Telegraph, :o: . 78 WliUkey 78 got... Brandy...., Holland M - . MATCHES. str-un- . California 78 100 ft 8lt ha ke Common 7 ion ft buckwheat flour 78 By e flour . Com meal. Bran and Shorts, mixed, InlSCI the American Institute Fair of New Klein way 'a, Pork, after a bdudfutd trial Chickerlng'a and ti sny other Plsnoa, awarded tlie Patent Arl n the Ptmt Pretlum-Write for afihlavUa, Pamphlet, and drrnlar, and state lu what Paper you saw ibis advertise- i 25 2 75 1 i 30o Incaua STAGE & EXPRESS -- i ........ 41 50 it , SHEFFIELD & STONE, ' f , 180 .,14 00 4 50 nd Information to f 125 HAY. THE STANDARD PIANO. -- - 30 65c 800 85c 75c dox. Prime Canvaaaed i, MAIN 1 it Goods forwarded aaine day oriera are received, Wo dHtver GooJa free of charce In the city an at tho depot. nd8-t- Patent rull Iron Frame . , ortneentrstea ut ruosT of the Tuning Pins, that heretofore ilarnaKtug Iron (whk-- in other Pianos amt ) hurtfuily urroun a the Tuning Pina and efbutia" lnt the front edge of the Plank fectually resists tl a weuty tons' strata Potent Diaconat 8ustalnng Bar the lro Frame, neit to. and parallel with of part the stool strings U.NDKlt TIIK UVBltSlItUNU . . . BASS. t The AitnM Plsno la the CHKArKsT,- moat due requires Jew tuning able, lkaht and does not get oat yf order, it la - Pebsokal. Lee-M- . Blsjck, connected Indish affairs In Montana, arrived from the east on Saturday,' sod has been lopping io our .city, a few dsys.,He n north this , morning. . 8. Watson, late baggage master at tbU ; Cfiy for the C.P. B. R., is back again m trIP 4 looking as healthy and .pleasant u oauaL. v ' i1". , Lylt. U Stecial attention given to orders by mall. NEvraspim. ' rim ON better advantages e to -cah buyere than auy other Mi- House lu this vail.y, We can and do offer ss - Rg-8e- f 1 ft a , ....... ........ .1 ......... etal AroiTo, without it onaoiosa Patent Compoan 1 Wrat P ank which bolls He Ttmimr Pins, It si layers o UUTereutly, this Map!, u rain' running - -- - t. TERRITORY 6O0 1. Wheat 78 100 Oats 78 ft Barley (5 16 ratonr Rerre4 WoioAjra3X Brtctg t!)Poiih'.nt. bxtaiks the awretnesa of tlio old m iki mmI ohtaisa Ui aollUity of the XI DlcDt, 22o Peaches, Ralt iAke 78 th Ground Cherries 78 ft Peaches, pealed rears, pealed, V ft CONSTANTLY -- 4 1 25 ah IDAHO TERRITORY OEA1N. m.Eits rora suirLiriixti patetts. oonri-iCATra- 65c dries rnurr. - , HAND. - Just received IJoolhVaelect fresli Oysters, mid for sale liy the can at Goldbeight. 18o ..... ........... Quicksilver.. Quinlue 78 ounce.. Third & Fourth, be had send In Registered Letter. com n-W- e are also paying very targe mls.ioua to good, energetic Canvss.era. for specimen number and further 1 $1 33 best.... Poet-ofttc- e FLOUR. s i Aloes 80c. 78 R Alum R lb Arrow Boot Jam Balsam Copafva lUcarb bods Lug..... Borax refined....... or ggr Send money by Draft, Certified Chock,can Order, and where nous of these TIIEIR AND ...$11 25 DRUOS. 78 nr -- ton 78 .s 1 EGOS. AISIOM i MERCHANTS com Nwn, u. . t Bitter Creek THE AMERICAN SAINTS $7696o 7 00 id ts-t- o SingleofSubscribers, 10.00 Club Vive, Clubtter-u-of Ten and on extrn to 17.00 p of Club, g one extra, Club and of Twenty 30.00 to getter-u- p o t Club, THROUGH .,460 8 60 Gum Tragacanth Flake....,.,.,,.. Gum Opium IpBac Powder.......... Iodide Potassium .4. i LOOK AT THESE CLUB TERMS 1100 $9 00 9 60 COAL. , IIc h. A Peaches 78 case. Pine Apple T matoc Htrawbenies 78 case Cranberries Blackberries ' i , can rnuiT. Glue, common Gum Arabic AND R. R. 8 00 10 00 ........ Viutag.. Ounirhor Gum............. Cream 1 artar. pure White Gluo, best Seven well filled passenger cars going west Saturday eveniuq stopped nt our depot long enoegh, to permit quite, a large number of strangers and a few familiar faces to slight, The travel ou the great Central Pacific , Railroad is Increasing very rapidly, there being no further danger of snow blockades tbis season. Tobacco, Catawba Wine, Missouri SchloUam Svlutapps a Pnror i Pearl Crown Cigars, at Ranaohoff A Co Fob Salk. Idne of tbe celebrated Ation PiftnoH, Manners four simplifying patents; one of .the finest known to tlic trade.. Apply at this office.-- t 00 ft 100 " ut Campb'-ll- , Salt Lake. best. V Victor Cobdkllah. Finest California sugar cured Ilam and Oregon Breakfast Bacon at . ml tf, - VICTOR CO It DELLAS. MS 710 s V . Claret 280 Burgess', 78 100 lb 5 CO The latest BROOMS. Beyond the 75 0 edition of this world renowned book by Each, best.... TUBS. the latyt, Albert D. Richardson, i now out 5 piece, ........... , ..... ............. . 103 6 mid for sale by O. II. Elliott, solo' agent PAILS. for Utah. 78 piece $10125 s awsaBwewswwswfwwamen mwni ISexv lot of Furniture U18tf : just receivod at ilowe A Bqrgevs. ft OCo., , Adams A itiohmond are selling fresh f e egs and butter at thirty -- five centk. Cone m3-lWHOLESALE and see us. ing at Hf5 tMI dl8lf SmokLouisiana 4Pcrique 1U, Havuim Cigars m Hi just received at Hwe 1 iHbinu-bimber-- ft............. . FLOUR. State show that more than seventy ; Statistics tne children born in Rome of cent per are legitimate.- - Er. . ... Ncaily as bad as the Mormon portion o Utah. i no 'i 113 10W C2, H 2(1, 1870. S,' 113 of M, H. C M t' Pit ICES C'hlcugo Floor lug nml Furn-A- d but patronage which Ifa worth merits, not to the great Mlaalanippl YatTey alone, but wherever enterprise should deaerve success. Now la the time to subscribe and get up club. con-flue- To and from tho C P. .N and 4. elTly 0 |