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Show "U' -IDAHO TECH . , . BAmpiGHT Pocatello Five Has Made Enviable Record to Date If ths Idaho Tech bxaketbatl five Is only half as good as the record which they have hung up so for this season, the University of I'tnh basketeers are In for one cr the hardest scrambles that they have had this yer. The focaieilo aggregation has engaged In twelve bottles bot-tles to date, coming out on the long end of the score In eleven of their contests. The onlv defrst chalked up against the Technicians during the year wns registered regis-tered by Ricks Normal academy five at Hesburg. Huw.ver, the Tech five retrieved re-trieved their losses yeeterday by trimming trim-ming this same aggregation, H to 2. Following This gams they boarded the train for "alt Ik.. Ths Tech Tigers have been training hard for this game, aa they realise that they havs a chance to maks a reputation for themselves if they make a creditable showing against the more experienced baaketeera at ths Crimson Institution. "O" FIVB INTACT. Coach Tommy Fitsnatrick haa been working the same fivs together that started the Aggie game. Floyd Romney ; ta stationed at forward In Captain Wright's place, ami ths change haa worked wonders for ths team. Ora did not seem to get going this year like in past seasons, hsviug lost his usual accurate ac-curate eye for the basket. With Desn at the other forward position with the other two forwards, this deiiartment la well taken car of. The guard positions will be filled bv either Mac Pwan snd Harrta or Mhkey Oswald and Harrts. Swan has Just recently returned, sfter being confined to a sickbed, and he Is again rounding into form. Oswald has been filling Swan's position in the most satiefactory manner, and It Is a question whether or not the Crimson mentor will shift his lineup again this year, after the excellent showing the men msde In Io-gan Io-gan Isst (Saturday night. Earl Ferguson st center has been holding his own with his opponents this year, and he looks like a fixture at that position. GOOD RIUMa. As a preliminary to the baskstball gme. several boxing matches have been ranged, Mik Lalton, boxing Instructor Instruc-tor at the Institution, promises te have eome classy men mstched up for this evening's entertal n ment. 1 |