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Show tiVENlhG iNisVb UESJSBIfl' ersry enuir, exoept BancUy. (ji:oUiC Q. CAXXOS, Editor. timt-.e- Scats Mi Tawals Streets. ropy on year,. etx mnnthi three months. r.a t. .... - " ftry? - or ALU KI!tDcJ OOK A3D J0 raiSTlSO. Vol. III. TLa DE3ESEI HEWS, W: i ' Nn 133 UEYIT U (SraciAl. to IKh thi DESERET NEWS. (rabuabed rrsry Wednesday.) TmsroinuTsUi-wEDaY- i -- USMth three mon THIS F01 " - tares months. """"""aeaeesaaaaaassaaaaaaaaaaaaafatatata ts THE WEEKLY II Oas Oopy one year,. U " Seni-Week- lj! gUNlahsd rrsry Tuesday and Saturday.) " tfwnUfa Region Rock DE8ERET HEWS, OnsOopy M 8ALT LAKE CITY, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1870 of the ssawasnasa TRUTH AND LIBERTY. 6saent Bos- h-, Apat sad J01 PkINTINQ OFFICl or Pwneer Paper BESEEIT EVENING NEW W. CANMON, 1HE NEWS BOOK ? 12 m . ii and Treasury Department, reduces the Garvin said when he took up the case. was case oi muruer, pure number of these agents, which to fifty-threseventy-twTHE JUVEIIILtlilSTRUCTOn persons, and and simple, and he brought evidence to Three thousand vagrant goats roam it. of The defense the anymore prove prohibits employment acknowledged owccia oi oavannau. on any pretence. They are to be em- the deed, but claimed insanity, and conCincinnati barbers now have to subAn lUtutrat'd Paper, ployed In the prevention and detection sequently irresponsibility. The prose- CULVER, PAGE & HOME, CONGRESSIONAL. mit to a breath luspectlon on the- part of of fraud, and have authority to examine cution said he merely wished to prove PUBUSHEO EYERT OTHER SITUR01Y, 123 A 130 LAKE the bosses, every morning. the books and accounts of the customs the prisoner's sanity. Graham said he STREET, dolto ten receive the of objected them collectors. Two BEX ATE. prosecution Introducing A French journalist says that all the T THJC a day, seventeen eight, sixteen six, men who would swear to anything to lars New of the Previsions Var Crown and Princesmil impresses, Queens, Army The Recorder and eighteen five. The necessary ex- hang the prisoner. DESEEET NEWS OFFICE, SALT LAKE CITY. ses of the old'world are Invalids. ions Item of Bnalnea. was it Manufacturers fair n be the will and that the of Jobbers thought proee-eutiodepartment. only pense paid by A Sacramento man who wants a posl-tlo- u be permitted to rebut the evl. Sherman, from the lluance commit Thp passage of this bill will effect a receo. q. on the bupreme Bench, has sent tee, In response to a resolution of in duction of thlrtyflve to forty thousand dence of the defense to prove Insanity, PAPJEUJt, CUM BOAA&D, EdlUrt d PuhlUher. he therefore ruled to admit it. Adthe President a cigar thirty-slstructlon on the subject, reported that dollars a year. inches DT.AX1X nOOKJSTAXIONERT the committee were unanimously of journed. long. Ex. . The an Is y advisable no suicide of the SIgour-nethat reported change on Major opinion Theodore Tilton is going to print ten In the untrue. distilled rate of BOOK taxation proves nilTOEKS VIRGINIA. STOCK, rhe Juvkkii.k Ltstktjctor is pabli&heil copies of the Independent on white spirits. Terrible for the special Intereat and benefit of the satin for the crowned heads of Europe. Casually. TOOLS AND MAClllimiT. Wilson, from the military committee, rialnf? Reneration. It Is the only paper . t dass-i- y Richmond. A large crowd assemMISSOURI. a substitute for the House u .wiu case eight acres of carpeting reported of the Kind published In the Territobled this morning in the upper portionto cover the floor of the hotel into army bill. The substitute directs the Affair. Municipal ry, and abould be patronised by the Suwhich the old Southern of New York President to reduce the number of en of the Capitol building, where family In the every The city council last Is about enteringTerritory. on its listed men to 25,000 before January 1st Ereme Court of Appeals was located, to 8t Louis. in helag reconstructed. It bond Increased of the the city A 113 DRETFTVO COXXPAWr. J FIFTH and the decision pn the mayoralty night, VOLUME, 1871, and autaorlzes him to honorably 7IV1 fW and Some of the Florida hotels have holes discharge officers who apply there for be case. At about eleven o'clock the floor tntinp f rm tftl (Wl fn in the floors. Instead of going to the fore next October, sucn oincers to re gave way beneath the dense weight, raised his salary from $2,000 to $4,000. Now fls thd Tim to Subscribe. expense of spittoons. ceive extra pay and allowances for two and precipitated the crowd to the floor The Radical central committee recommended s. the Dwight Durkee, present U radiant with the ray of years, one and a half years, or one year, below, which was the House of to the term of service. If is hard to ascertain the pre- incumbent, by appointment, for city It hope; yesterday is sombre with the according been over ten or not under rive sent extent of the injuries, so great Is the treasurer. The Democratic central shadow of experience. they have IT a DNOZlAVZX7aS recommended Daniel G. years. Ofllcers who have served thirty excitement, but some were killed and a committee A Richmond paper says: "Our Leg- years may be retired, and the limita large number severely iujurcd. Many Taylor for the same office. Both are Are the very best that can be found, and are lunstrauoos of islature Is an uncommon sober body, tion of the number on the retired list escaped the terrible fall by jumping in- wealthy and prominent citizens; the aud never driuks except when therlgors shall hereafter be three hundred. The to the windows when the floor gave Utter was Mayor some years since. eat Iaielelesita let Rlble IlUtory, of the weather render it necessary." officers of General and Lieut. General way. The wounded are now being atAaseleatt Tlie i History ef Istlena, shall be contlned to the present lnoum tended to. v! FOREIGN NEW. A Philadelphia lady, now er Hatlesis, Hselera Tke P. are TllsWry Later. II. killed the be No shall made residing bents. Among appointments In Parts, advertises that she will hold to Major Generals Generals Aylett, a distinguished lawyer; Dr. J. Ttaaels ef BCest af Kete, herself la readiness to accompany until the numberorofBrigadier officers of these B. Brock, reporter of the JZxaminer; m Hatare, GREAT BRITAIN. American laJies on their shopping ex- grades is reduced to three and six res Samuel Katon, clerk to Mayor Cahoon: Tax Ilaaits ef Birds aad Reptiles. Blamarek KeeeTered. cursions. Brewers of chief of the fire pectively. Vacancies occurring In the Captain W. A. Charles, P. N. are to be A. of staff Commercial bulletins Xondon. heads from Howard, department; It is said that the great Chinese philawyer; departments India Pale Ale, Stock Ales, Tbe HaSlta ef Asifasials. conVarzln officers Charles the rank Is announce and tilled Bismarck that merchant; Watson, Levy, wa Confucius Hugh having by divorced losopher after lis Reading Matter wlU eomprtse PORTER AND LAGKR DEER four years of married life, "that he pay of Colouel. The grade of regiment Hutchl nson, S. L. Webb, of this city, valescent and may be expected at BerCorner of Pearson and Plas BtreeU, is abolished. The gen and a brothrr of Gen. Schofleld; P. H. lin on the 18th. Istpertsst K reals la Uie History ef Paat might have more time for study and al commander Ages, deSenator of commander of erals the army, Black, colored, Maury, Jun., the performance of his public dutfe." avsvd iMtrartlre la form tlon on chiefs dZM-Po and is tan suDDoeed Roberts. stairs . of of what Plata the It and Wheal sr. Bayy. partments C. ZX. 20W11XT7O dt Co. One who was growing blind cheer-"- I departments shall, as soon as practica that twenty members of the State legisam eolue into the dark. ble, forward to tue Secretary or War, a lature are killed and wounded. The PAIBTTEBM. URAISKItS 4fc QUKTKRS fully said: UrnUtii, but I mean to see an i can before I get list of officers deemed unlit for the dis Judges of Appeals all escaped unhurt. Two doora Wct of IStn Ward Assembly there." It was brave In him not to let charge of their duty, and the Secretary Wells was badly Injured. fcrmcwlM smal lis af Mes and A'aUeas Rooms. of War shall convene a board of fifty also L. 8. Chandler, counsel for Cathe future shadow the present. MereMason and aavd Jas. CStelee On and officers for their examination. the hoon, Binrlar Proof Fire Judge A rew mornings since, two gentle- recommendation of this board the dith, counsel for Ellison. About two Seiljeels, men were accosted in the following President may wholly retire any officer hundred persons were hurt by the ac Warren Htuaey, Frank Palmer, ChaaXtDahlsr Lake Ltonrer. a eootooa and mil City. VlrtfntaClty. laelndlng terms a The so magniloquent with a year's pay. The cident. by greatest excitement pre professional reported AatktaatUe Blstorr will you admin- schedule of the pay of officers is the vails; hundreds of persons are in the uditar: RUSSET, DAHLEB & Co., Joaepla HnaUfa, ister the "ueauemen, balm of consolation to a de- same as that of .Logan's bill, except Capitol square weeping and walling as BANKERS and DKAL.KKS IN GOLD DUST. Wnlek mnst erer be a matter of an perl at re bilitated constitution?" and EICIIANUIC, Halt Lake City, U. that the total pay of a colonel is limit- the dead and dylnsr are brought from COINVirginia nterestao all LatUr-daSaints. City and llslena, Montana. to the building. Governor Walker escaped Warren lltuuey ed to four thousand, of a lleut.-co- l. "VICTOR" COMBINATION A LOCKS, Denver Co., and Bankers, Walter," said a fastidious centle- - thirty-si- x d74 tf hundred; of a major to three unhurt, though on the court room floor Central City, Colorado. man at a Nevada hotel, exhibiting a thousand. at the time. of centum the Ten per the aim or the Editor to make the It will be IsnrrBXTCTom Mioguiar loosing onjecl on tils soup current yearly pay of all officers shall a perfect cydopaxlla of Froxtta JtraurcuB A. HIS KB, uo you Know what be allowed for every term of five years, poon, YiLer, and amnaement. and Uastroettoa. lnaarsnatseaa, that Is?" "That, sir, looks like a mouse, but the total amount of such Increase for while children and specially hemd emd designed rind Is ortler. NEW YORK. aaayron mai AJttoruoy Counaolor, will be capable of imparting useful ana it sir. We often find them In the soup." must in no case exceed After an abaenoeof In three again forty per cent, Arcade Railroad BUI Passed General koraera 10 me ruouo ms years Europe, raluablM.- Information to "Children of a larger services. professional in Lee's growthCtrncx -A San Franciscan, speaking of the of the yearly pay. This is provided his 2d health railing; British troepe mot Lake City,stUtah. resldenoe, Bouth Street, Ball S Pule Mannfactnrera of the ssliilsalail S of longevity. The rations heretoorchestra In the Chinese theatre, says: view ta ota Americas sell ar . he It is ths present Intention to Issue the permtttea and DomeaUo OolXaetlona at fore allowed, with full forage and quara "I tell you that you can bet your last ters, water lama Me In r The to. Far tsoasd Cenaell oaeiu as now allowed. All conHALL'a patent 'OONOBETE' SAFES dollar that you never heard anything tinuedremain laatd trial. on list retired shall officers the like it; why, when that band strikes Which have stood the test of nineteen years seventy-fiv- e per cent, of the Albany. In the State Assembly yes- nloMLEY no USE, ECHO CITY up, it sounds like tea thousand wash-boile- receive without a single failure. r a IIC A NEW DRESS. was authoresolution re which of rank the terday, adopted, upon they . ml y U. P. IL Depot. Kear build- pay the aaaa tumbling off a or tne allowances and tired. The committee, Froo All pay the latest during la nzing juaiciary improvements Burglar ing onto a brick najtsarxa. ean alwars roOFKECTOJU men remain unchanged nntil Parent and Xh Work, Agent, School Teacher, aooommo- - Work. IncleMll ' Send in lPT?.li? hs 11 PUo of M.lnn tha Wlalatrir. on are '71. Officers active list the nMtl.f. wiUx first elaaa board br tna meal. dir. or asknowledged by an competent indges to be tat Children," loe no time--. your The Hudson (Wis.) Star gives an ac- - June ms conauct oi tne new x orK j uaiciary l"f most perfect safeguard against bo rgLara now vbcription immediately. Let u have nint of a surgical operation performed prohibited holding a civil office. conn cllon witu ihi Hniei. and the members of the bar. It is no die:( i"e committee .on said your nam for the flrti number ofvolume sxtsnt. Dr. Otis Hoyt, with the assistance Antnony, i.oui with ly was the resolution aa an that offered five. amendment.a of other physicians. Miss Ella Qray, prlntlng.re ported, to the Kris Railroad com"iVoi one of our Burglar JProoj It an instigation tSf T. A W. TAYLOR, some years at;o, had ber face and neck bill to regulate the pnblio printing. was and to a intended ha ever been robbed of a SINof books the catch Safe" discontinued pany, , publication Weal de East Temple burned by some boiling lard. The skin City, GLE DOLLAR by burglar or violenoe. documents. prominent lawyer of New York, whom became contracted around her throat, and official DRY QOODH, GROCERIES, Williams & Co. was directwith Burt resolution A charge they having given adopted Fitch, joint committee on education and counsel as to how he should oar or Call causing her mouth toopen, and It never ret send examine sad stock. a large And Oeneral Assortment oi Msrehaadise proceed la Circulars and prices. could be closed witnout diniculty. She ing the WHOLESALE DEALERS IK with the Erie Company, U31-remained in that condition over nine- labor and enquire into hs expediency his litigation oeen com of net tne aiter the retaineu the of Dy proceeds naving dividing teen years. lu the operation the throat Hall's Safe and Iock Co as counsel. W. F. AXDKOSOM, K. D- In front was entirely uncovered; all of sales of public lands among the several pany CIAPS,; 93 DEARBORN STREET, educational purposes, and of New York. Governor Woodford has the arteries, windpipe, nerves, etc., be- states for so of the and J?liysjlcin.n, editorship the Brooklyn Surtfoon providing by law that all resignedhe will ing completely exposed to view. Sixty-tw- o otherwise of STRAW GOODS, be succeeded Theo Union; States United the ILLINOIS. the by Offlee were may inches of at cuticle CHICAGO, taken people ISth Ward. Besldenee, square dore of a the (ULUyj of an have d3Sttf Tilton, Independent. acquiring opportunity away, a part of it taken from each BUOIllXXN GOODS.&o, The Arcade Railroad bill, which some shoulder, and placed on her throat, common school education. time since the the Senate, passed A joint resolution, extending the passed whero it was secured by stitches of silS3 emd S5 Lake Street, last night by such a vote that ver wire. The operation lasted over time of the withdrawal spirits from dis- Assembly IRON AMERICAN WORKS. it would be useless for the Governor to UTAH CEIIIflAL RAILROAD two hours. tillery warehouses came up to CHICAGO. Oar. or Wabaeb Areaaa. veto It. extend an amendment suggested Humane The English Royal A dispatch says it Is believed that Society the time a longer, making It two General has given its silver medal this year to years, and year Lee's health Is falling. He has a a tax of half imposing JONES & LAUGHLINS, Pioneer Lord Walter Carr, commander of the eent per gallon some Line of his southern Utah, An month. strength by objec- gained per & Go. men fell Hercule ironclad. One of his was made to the consideration of trip, but not enough to keep his friends aa A 44 River Street, 4e, overboard In the Tagus, and, striking tion from the bill on the ground that it would desponding. his head in the cnaius, was stunned. lead to discussion, I T A special says that at the Cabinet J-- t and It was laid CHICAGO, WW J Lord Carr, seeing that he could not be over. the propriety of alyesterday, meeting sCsnofactnxeU and Jobbers of Manufacturers of saved if he waited for a boat to be lo resolution relative to lowing the British troops to pass over Pomeroy's joint ered, sprang from the bulwark of the the conduct of the Spanish government our soil or through our waters to the ON AND JUTES ship a height of thirty feet Into the In the treatment of the captured insur- Red River country, for the purpose of was down the stream, and swam to the seaman, whom gents was indefinitely postponed. rebellion, fully putting he succeeded In holding above water A bill was passed providing for the discussed, MIS CH AWT, BIB, MATS and it .was unanimously for ten minutes of terrible endurance disposition, by the InterlorDepartment, agreed that this thing could not be per- MONDAY, Feb. 21, 1870, AID SHJCET IEOK, And Dealers la until the ship's boat reached them and of useless military reservations. mitted: every member of the Cabinet took up the commander and his man Nailt, Ship, Bolt and Railroad Bpikti A bill for the survey of a ship canal concurred In this view. Trama will leave dead. 7.10 to Lake Salt a last President at late hour Cltr nearly dally GOODS night and railroad across the Isthmus of Up And Manufacturers of ajn. and 3.10 p.m- - arrlrs at Ogdea BJS a.m. and Darien was referred to the committee Donnelly and otner prominent officers 53 A lady correspondent of the Ameri- on p.m.. leare Ogdsn City at 10.05 ajn. and 6 of the O'Nell faction of the Fenians BsOletUaa:, :PTT SH1FTIIG UO PITEIT TIRE, foreign relations. can AgriculturUt writes that for live arrive st Rait Lake City 12J1 p.m. and 8.15 In All at were Council House bill headquarters. the Trumbull reported water-lime sne has used And Dealers In for scour-iyears 27 & 29 RANDOLPH STREET. CHICAGO. of Repre- the staff were busy Inditing communl p.m. fixing the time of the election knives, forks, tin, and the like. to to their have cations to Congress. In addition to Lbs above an OAnillAOE HARDWAIth tLaaement, She says; "I have a box with a parti- sentatives and Delegates introduced 8. A. Bquler; a forces well in hand, and giving other Hamilton, of Nevada, O. r. Bane; Q. LOttman, tion and keep the lime in one part and were not obtainable letwhich instructions E P. Phelps. until July. 1875, the O. U. Morton, Bpeelsi. Wood Work for the cloths in the other. I wet a small bill to extend were or- ACCOnnODATIOIl Several officers the M. Richard press. by to issued Hoe; ters TRAM patent cloth a little and dip It In the lime, and dered to their commands last night. committee on patents. WaoiiACarrlacea after the articles are well washed and referred to the In the continuation of the McKarland on Ter cemmlttee from the McDonald, WILL RUN was wiped, I rub them until the spots are ritories, trial, nothing of startling Interest SPRINGS, AXLES, VISES. reported, with amendments, a- elicited. removed. Then I take a large, dry is general that the ON The HOEIE MUSEUH feeling oi to uitthe bill Territory iSUNOAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND Anvils, Blacksmiths' Bellows, organize tecloth, dip it In the lime, and rub th arIs business very becomlrjg insanity CTow bieel, usst ana prtng own, ticles until polished to suit me. Wipe hama, and to consolidate the Indian dious. remarked that of One thejurors IA1CD a Territorial nnder Carrlag Boil. Unit and, Waabers. tribe government. oil the dust from the knives and forks com SATURDAYS, He effect. bad a Ootl Chain, Coach Bcrewa. On motion of Stewart, the bill for tne It would tohave with a dry cloth, and they are ready to Bhoes. Nafls. Horse Uorae it a long and tedious sermon of enforcement of the Fifteenth Amend pared Malleable Irons, Stock and Dlea, put away." chief m wit. rt.H The tired. Learinr Ca which and ojden Lake Salt ana everybody a Tatmble Hkelns, Wagon Box atrap ment was made order, special 5 p.m. on which InU tre will entitle Gen. was a ness City, Hammond, stories Rasps, Files, the told bill. of General Among comes up next after the franking 8k eln Bolts, Bol iter Plates, believed that congestion of the toe 10 return on of s Mr who Thomas Is one of aa incident which ocooumo me aauxesseu on Tire iienaers. leave, Pratt, Teoyer irons. auu the same day and trtn lr.e. anl wUl stop by prisoner suffered, curred when he and hla chief of staff! on the power of the Senate to compen brain, with which the Tire Drills. jue. SALT XAXJi CITY, said all He dee J. cause of the was the Oen. Garfield, were inspecting the for- sate citizens in tne oouwi ior proper arranging with tne eoadnotor. at sny po'nl on text teat t case led er1ra tne lino to take on or let off passengers. peelel ai tifications of Chattanooga In 1863. They destroyed by the government auring the Indications in the prisoner's dVSca him to believe that he was insane when Passengers will please purchase their tickets heard about, ''Hello, mister! You! I the war. Half-a-blo-ck the tragedy was committed. The pres- at the offices, nay cents additional will be want to speak to you;" and Oeneral .East of the "Deseret ence of Richardson was very likely to eharzed when the fre Is collected on the Thomas found he was the person adcause temporary insanity of an acute train. dressed, by an uncouth, backwoods, Hewi" Offioe, I ILLINOIS. East Tennessee soldier. He stopped, degree. ror -all tn'ormaUan eta eamae Da In concerning examinaof Freight India tremble After recess, Hammond's and the dialogue which ensued was as the apply to or War emnarnssetl for tion was resumed, and at its close, the Seeretary follows: Sew spa effeete!. XX O. CALDER, defense rested the case, and the prosecu"Mister, I want to get a furlough." called and up "On what grounds do you want a furChicaoo. The Tribune Washing- tion began the rebuttal, T'skst ana fraignt Agent, Every Day, except Sunday, from 9 to 5. ton special says the trouble among the Horace Greeley, who testified to his aclough, my man?" '61. wife." Indians in Dakota Ilea almply In the quaintance with McFarland since "I want to go home and see my wife?" JOSEPH A. YOUNG, the story of his fact that the House last session, refused The prisoner told him How long since you aawyour CHILDBEI. !0c ID21SSJQI, 50c had SOFERXNTENDKNT. that there "Ever Since I enlisted, nigh on to to pass the appropriations and to carry trouble. He stated once EVERT SIZE and la any Jdeslred qnan- out the treaties. The Secretary of War not been a fair history of the case In the 4U-lthree months.". . , a history ttty, of good quality, aad a ' was at the Capitol urging early Tribune, and ha wrote outThe "Three months!" article he Indian which on bills, lie man. the said the Oeneral, Why. my good action says Greeley published. I haven't seen produced. troops. He which McFarland wrote was AT CHEAP BATES AS) CAM BS wife for three years." Is greatly embaraaaed aboutdoes JUST RECEIVED. my 3?.SX. not see Garvin asked the witness If the prison- The East Teonecsean stopped whittl- has not sow enough, and ISIPOStTSU. Itichardarof er referred to the shooting can possibly get along if the atoca: of WAOON TIUBEa, and ing for a moment; and stared, Incredul- howUhe Paoole 'VlaltlnaT fialt Ukt'dtr. anonld not Graham Ob TH MATKKlAi, r Import to this Cltr; Constantly consequence ann rinrln lhlr Interrlsw. new my reduced next fall.It In ously; at length he said: Kaws hand at DiaaaaT ai ths aOtore'estabLUbment to ths neglect matter. BtfCKiYand COMMON of tfZSeUkLtorrtnZ is possible that jected to the introduction OXOoe. see the calling finest , collection of Rocky Mountain BOB "Well, yon see, me and my wife ain't sf his representations RUNNER3 and We can BLKIOIW, aH.U3. be not BEJLSTS will ever e xhlbited, and redaction said and that testimony an that kind." rebutting who Stores be Portion sold wul and a thi proposed at small persons supply n Also a Cabinet of Porefrn snd DorueaUo was admlssable. He Stated that if use en nave for Tsrms, eanno pay terms Even Gen. ThomaV grlmneas was not made till the summer of 1S71. this on that delivery artlcla, tArether with a doi. CCCJOarriCi .nd BELICM. courtdarlaiJAB. ' OaaooUaaUoaof XATITK stXJfUBAXJS , falltoglTsaaUsracUcm.. proof against the laughter which he i The bill which passed the House, re- room had been brought In the was so JT. CX LITTLE, at the time public feeling left lt.i of tola Territory. t 4 Bar The farther importation of WHAPPUfO nararsl prodaeUons fode away to conceal, leaving the aston-he- d ducing and reorganising the special xoxcsr w. toitsto. SBsstw2S4Z PAPEB la nnnaciassary. aurtf " ' soldier without an answer. agent service of the Customs Bureau aroused, he would never have S o, CHICAGO TRADE. e, - x S S S -- To-morr- Dele-Rate- ow "iiii ; Kr-v- l. lj hs-OoTem- BALL'S PATENT or (T73-- M Pe-etr-y, 1 T-a- nd y Vaults andYnult -- Jnve-nlle- s, I FIFTH VOLUME rs live-stor- a T a m en-list- ed side-walk- ." DOVE-TAILE- D I BV. U FURS, HATS, Clement fltiai A--l American & Clair FURNISHING P-- -: n; sub-command- ers , &7uttri rwaENAGERIE! ex-Surge- on, , pal-caster- arls-oa- i CEASE to IMPORT NO:t7 Btlwanst Paper fT y ooU-natared- ly to-da- y, . -- j ad-inZL- Bleb-ardso- - "'-.- ' ' OPEN |