Show AND THE GERMANS few peo tva 0 outside of 0 paris had bad any idea of cf the extent to t which minister ter Wash Wab burno liburne aided anil and protected germans germana during the recent 1 rench french and german war from a statement recently made by him it bo be sided aided thirty thousand germ germans a to amre paris sod and return to their nat native evil country alter after tho the decree of the 1 rench french go government ern driving nil all german residents out ot of the city lie protect protected cd throe three thou thousand and destitute germans who had remained in the city during durio the perils rd and privations of the siege more than Is he bo interposed and and rescued from a violent death more than a hundred germans who were arrested ai spies pies by tho the communist A record such euch as ail this entities air lr burne to the gratitude pati luda not only ot of tho the german race but bat of all humane men and it is D 1 so sant to learn that prince panco his has warmly warmly acknowledged the sert vertices ices of tho fearless Amorie aa iv I 1 r times |