Show uon ITIS ITI S AND AI AI Aros 01 iii 1 mr r cleft 1 D ioe gioi sell sorto JA it he T flame 31 mr r a becharo at R iho ba Indi tuto oil 00 reality friday list last on apostasy Apo A pottery stAry and s a moat malt hlo able effort dimpling a tha ihor bukh 1914 know olp of I 1 1 ban 0 of f ethun ff am A jn at utah anti anil with a alight to a tru suld graceful appreciation 0 bt I 1 ibo 0 O evix r 1 vance and ani tel logs of theme whom lio lie stoics with this take cle counter court cy tho the Morn ioni whether M X r mcleod is ia or is wit mil it alio float prominent int jc crude nitle holia fal duse distinction suction seek r with the mormon church cols el ed of tit of classical ry fj to SO I 1 t 1 aliu oliTa ecka and efforts of tile aar A late am me anong af whole I 1 bat liaf the 1 he libia NO ho far as I 1 know use uio tint first altai gestalt Geo who hw hall had the ali moral ces to publicly it d told file lliam remit permit me on their behalf to lo tender to mr r chair n of A his hij ym P Y adi dit ca N anu gt of j jini loc Z noil i to ex pro peaks I 1 tic hope ins elmr C chuc iu if tind 1 ity lie may L L the irlich thai position po a shill arll be b ax it rely ww with boj and lionor I 1 hero here are am a took luff ge 1 hantla willi other laulis who 1 livo ava min ested I 1 toward mryt As tell east aal laically a truly christian spirit az laical I 1 no er forgit but 1 I am not dealing now flow with aio or matters but with mill general adit 4 public an nd it at As a ftc fact that itilia Ao abial ial liao u thing only odly 0 P vr r kt t axt 11 i f 1 I adall fee annn the men melt it tho the CA eaino thy far dioro a glnn 1 I their r own X th b lic io lam M tio pulpit ada aal ti geons peons ft f faw Z lee alwn n at t all fanatics fools or stimulus J iut 1 CIA they degrood to faction mo anoro ca or lu less than I 1 by the ibe standard of truth amui and ore elvil by thor inamae late do I 1 ia la beard them by 1 dinki link elvit tic sour or plethoric burm who new in their ava v 4 had an beat a alcum or the klipst opportunity ty of ft a dollar into their locktu LI for out oft 0 any 0 nil or religions religion pr principle ineita M a act t of of imn u unfit to iho m my dy aoi and yet but for tho the exertions east craf ices of the apostates tho theta very tery mid man the ilia ali end and slander blanker them would been unable w 1 her I 1 it t of diotio to atme lire in ihla no wu it inquito S to t t shohe an nu absurd docial ant aad I 1 I should agno place to a and manly tan it ard of truo true work and n ind cold that those should stand m w arv to iest mousiest clam and public who ur the meet devotion lo vollon to the great grail principle ale 0 of f socia docial 1 P dorily art I 1 and d republican publican ro dij liberty abat will and t bless all and nm ol of there li Is ODO GOD point bo bolever weVer apen wine h I 1 aind I 1 bank all tar lor nhom I 1 p rest auto to edwit annul differ from mr hicls aill ludd it BB as ilia bin i 1 not md ODD ol at A abou an mid minds midd that status deem 1 with 0 ini e e kod and win there As no lie fear 0 of f being lo 10 I 1 to the that them there aa M my any mum tor for shame or my any and indication of bf info nonty illi ill the lack G of banns pescial joined the initialled Initial no callad led mormon mormant L church I 1 ion it I 1 I 1 liao jenno no DO moro mom apolsky to malo make for joining the mormon church ill than for joac king the writ chamb la in both I 1 the light wath tile die and today to day 1 thank god for mo loto and out of bleab in cali tp I 1 ilicito ato exar a mental moral mid growth and though ot other hen have bavo pained gained mantel freedom without ps theu through it tho the abool cit of fur thi he nock ca an early aud asia strong education them wine to bo be no way of anure ing local irom C abo he clusan of born through gli a painful religious caper anoe the of tho the of mormon Morino is an as aa best to me ino won noro madian tely mon mom broad slid mid Go gollino illk tile than ilia narrow it exclusive du atrill tho chorchi chor cli bill f from rom tho the of 9 my I 1 heart I 1 bod I 1 leave both and tu to OU accept no creed but wall lint of truth arka no baud bul bat of chanov shallow bh Altow hindai who have noor talo the trouble to the boar of their own onn batth lal but accept unquestionably links dog u imparity arild by anear role and and rendered blo by Y T I 1 antiquity may wonder at tile credulity and weak nocia of limits who embraced tho the gospel pel in taught by tile mention ealero but that wonder bodom phil tak alo biblo A ia its ill axa motif t nearly burly ditc 1 cummon waw lation a w ilia baat lukel of faith and toy any ordinary mormon Elt elder leal mail can to in into their own omi blimp lip the lunk world 01 counsel it uj is not my purpose mould permit to my here bat ant w owl familiar famili nr with mth the 31 will it later me vast alio 0 can g and do draw train from that M b kam tt baoas P io of till chelar even do down to alood god atonement mil polygamy M any other sect cle in divor of chrit r pc fihar al ir m cruce it wait fanatical belief tit tho the tile id fil the word of ilat malo ma lo me a momon Mor al araji a tanks vs view of it that hat mo to train irom all ill f land th the lint it principle his 0 I 1 the I 1 as to mo me el 1 aa alio PL bint elders were vero ili perfect accused accord R etith MIC the th new of clirina and his As af all ii honest man 1020 I 1 nu could lit nut not ilia iban atia timen use DOrc nilI ngaio kinder the units binam vi andover tile ali complacent alf if righteous way think I 1 know UAL tile preach 1 19 9 ot 1 tile iho latter day by bogut goadon WM wait acom lecorna pulled in early carly adji A by ceat of if spiritual power 1 I pirl mal ansa the beat bofo opponents of offer octor attempt to dclay inq now lint but with the P I 1 br istian charily tint that ad tho aaa manti attrib attribute uto all such buiji it I 1 oot ant todo tido of their own 11 cli chauna annil to ti tho aa As lovil duvil this question I 1 travo them to locado those tums vero rate not as many suppose alio lie batia bai of tile felt 0 pot of most monaco C rhay r 4 11 ain alm ilm dauw it or mon i alio subject who would beta tc gocr r latell Interest tl in it ft but they only led daod in an in tile alio convict y loo 0 n kilo ho cara ati anil those Pra to ty by the Lat battad tad kapit list wt M i ial bm c aliu all ath t liona bouer it lo be 10 l o ca cacia e belic iving aino gir gifts all emanated it w from bod ahby that god we would id oot 01 trivia 1 ami I also ly by thas alus adf to cr imely any doctrine doc liow how mt cirr er revolting to lo list if ar baj i e Drig haut loung 10 luj MAD many addias a III 10 tile e croad al giitl a a lily of liu church until m romi alti b leip ip A tf tl tainui inui doo donnot not depend on purity it of lam hr our belief lo 10 tho krcal cardinal doctrine drawn A fin alio NOR net on implicit to bi D will alka I 1 A b a ocra 1 anio file I 1 in b i the A moamoa me ln klefing that in ill following BrIgI nican I 1 wait vu following christ but when convinced that and juul if i 1 inwood I I 1 tho bay a or kept it so k tile alio former whether arn ID ny nearer to iho asfor for penult rio mo I 1 cherish a deeper fur for kud and mom carout de deot Notion loa to io this lio christ cifu and clit it spiral that loss beta been and u to lio 14 tho the street acal principle of our univ slid and al have love fur imd and approbation of tho the MAD who lived ito BO tar in adrance of ili hiir ao go aid it am ased himself fur for tile tho efow of bill h u I 1 could wallo no muro pat my sou soul ao lot into tile smut bond at kaaa oM 1 Iod Chark dank it 11 sets than bin I 1 gould could lod into uto use of oy to infancy duric I 1 have thallon tham lon lie iio to make my main for that I 1 ark only y to tied god aad it my a own bor dortho tho inar keld by i tel bards those who mum difford from or op ixil it my then als bisma visma biow I 1 I 1 long mg ablat abl apolos elcani today I 1 imo no to t ROC dor DO favors to mk it except each u 0 ODO 00 0 citi citizen a way lately anil and lion lionor ably I 1 Y of an cadar Ia daution to 10 it d the cl elora Uon or of financially I 1 0 1 6 lost and nj bell avor it at a pe tu u IQ 1 uil ft aruther 1 e r ia tho 0 ill abaga aad ut ad iu I 1 nho m w fur r alio llio RI 1 L talor rc W ji A V |