Show telegraphic american officers officer 3 espousing ule the cause of the deposed mexican president f the president people and the country 11 highly highly conant Con grat noted 1 1 glorious bitite way down south in georgia I 1 president grant with tile the bill A klell old tinse N rw to jonii tak jan 27 ThoUr ld atlanta special eang or of the iho at hallm election whon when the ballot closed norwood had bad 83 hill 81 smith 26 johnson 9 and wheeler 1 the leader of smiths forces changed ui his tow TOO from smith to hill aid ho he was followed ollo follo wod by thi the smith men until hill bad passed norwood wood then two ot of johnsons Johna ont men broke to hill and ho he turned votes the leader of 0 the torn four members came to hill and was followed loll owed ly by lis hta dusky colleagues then two men broke away irom from norwood and hill was van elected la all tho 8 u not ot a hoglo one to norwood ab bat t the ile stain poda vaa a for hill boodt voto veto remained tit at 85 and hall won noon ran up to tho the scene when ben the ballot was closed vas aa indescribable grown men wept ulio like children members niom bers rushed rashed to each others arni shata wont up oat to tho the coiling coaling and men laen jumped upon th tho Is tops of oc the desks tho the vast crowd in in t abo a corridor now caught tho the aholo ot of the vent capitol literally nog and trembled witta with app laou among tho e a was one naoto to blaino reading a out of the tb back window of the ho senate boo ben hill ia 1 coming io ia tho Is front dota door Aa Acol cather hiT to a 0 northern raper tho the I 1 people baat beaten lieuten tho the cinns once moro more said nud tho the sootuli another henry clar ciar to tho republic it 13 bior aw dispatches were sent to II if ill all seeking glory toot J jan an 27 allo tm ug tan 11 says ay iy several american b bare avo resolved to offer their servi cesto to iglesias at a hero here this afternoon ono one of their number was wai del alc tlc buted I 1 to wait upon iglesias Iglo siim and aad formally tender him their vicea this thia graduated at west polut nna and was iu in ilia regular army firmy han the war broka brok out and later wits ODO ct alio cavalry effi collconi cors of 0 the confederacy ho he will wall leave here bora immediately for or st louis loan where la bo bonos to meet the ex cx and his bia cabinet aud lay tile scheme boro before them they tsy say they can easily miso or men in louisiana and texias who dorald bo be table to 0 o sweep diaks forces before them the nion who ba baro vo resolved to embark in this ibis enter arizo provided iglesias will wait finical to it favorably are ar in earnest and have hato no doubt whatever of 0 their overto al success acco aa they aboy aro are determined at any rish rib to malo the vor aturo if f they co can malio mako their with wab the mexican a ex president I 1 tiran N yon lorg jau jan 27 tho haralds i JJ special says W ono of 0 the ibi southern So senators who on the hi president loday lo to day in tola tiou to appoint anc moltain raal 1 lis his state a 0 found him through informed on all t the he minor dalal and oe 1 I 1 of iho electoral bill gonet tn ami ado 0 allusion to 0 tho daou man G fat W ko lu the s ion which its PA pa lo be not ot lad had provoked eJ and salu only gato ato lis approval of the lail bill pt ut WB wag perfectly mati atis tied oded that la in the iho als craca of 0 a provision iu in the constitution for the vot Tot ethe present em enTe er ency geny from its unusual character some satisfactory method of aecha denu and dil disputes dis about the election arid this ra r absolutely ne ceary less lea it WM was dons whoever might bo be in SD angulated rated could not dot enter apon the discharge of his bia duties n ILL that lat efti choncy and add 0 which alo interests of the iho country would require during the next tour four years to do that he needed the oi of 0 all parties in the tha 0 of his ullo title it w baj necessary ilia chit the people should fe acl el perfectly Y ed he bo held the position justly in in order to set rot at test teat all discontent and opposition 10 lon of comma isale arvy TOILE jan 27 aba times timea wt hin gloa a special says ai the ha formation of tho the commission commisa ioa on tho the that probably tho the commission will corr avist ot of edmunds Ed mandi odd and morten harton there ia i 8 A strong deside to have morton on oil tho the commission and add it it la is quite ono one member of it way may bo be chosen who was antho on abo joint committee commit tco some are opposed rose 1 to including any member of that committee no doubt edmunds edmanda and desire hayos hayes stal aul adlove lim him to have been law tally fully clec elected tod though they have hato taken a rather curious method to convey tho the information rocc naw nsw jan 27 tho the herald abys baab ve wo congratulate cengr congress Con gresa 0 se on its WIK and statesmanlike action I 1 in a this great wo grant on lis his boblo from P party a P prejudices r c d 0 o aud and on tho the strong more moral 1 support ap pp ho bs citan to ahk bill ly by bis bis early LA ho would promptly bagu i IL it thus abating party opposition abid tr facilitating elg tho the passage of the bill wo N a cc congratulate A rat ulato the joint committee a nod u a especially concho Conk lirag ho its most illas ilius arious member oo on tho the successful result of ct tho ilia patriotic patri otio labor M a congratulate tho thi country on its relief from formidable danger and finally v vo a congratulate our respected follow citizens cit 16 izena zo als tilden and hayes on oil the ho certainly that the th title of the next president will till bo be acceptor accept od no as valid alid and that both brooches oi 0 coless congress mil n all co onerato with law him in measures for promoting tranquillity and tho the business interests of tho the coultry cou S 0 0 jan ag ai audgo mackay has bail granted a lua ina restraining bisto treasurer cardozo a and comptroller general dona dana from drawing any warron warrants ts or paying out funds from the beato banto treasury bundar tho the appropriation bill passed by the mackey couo I 1 ousa c at its lato into session eos aion alou ib tho 6 ground that that body was wo not the legal honio of representatives |