Show The Emery County VOL IRON TOWH AND COUNTY NOTES The local telephone atatioa waa tbia week removed from the drug at ora to H ’Mr hia daughter Jiw Land brought Ottoarn’a furniture atom P from Scnnyaide Braodon onr Dick For a bad taata in the mouth take Monday for a nail here Chamberlain’ 8tomach and Liver Tab n of Price Andrew spent Mrs Florence kta For ula by all dealero in patent the rarJy tart uf the meek nailing ailh medicinal Prteraoo her mother Mra John Prof George CIuBlett here on Friday Mra and for Provo and Salt Lake Cily Christensen morning Andrew Mm Andrew Johnnren came over from Sun' where ho will inveetigate a couple of offered him cn Sntday Icr a visit with ole bue-ayai- tivea in thia city j chy pay an exhorbitant price for a machine when you can get a floe baa Caatledale pur of sewing Sry mccr 01en of business saloon the thaard WjattjRoval— as goodas any-- for a little money left here on Wednes j and on easy terms Ottoarn’a and at an Emery Brj day to amume charge of the busineaaa gupeHotendent Seth Allen Bd Hie family will join him them in a few wfDt Thursday to davu bring over hia brother Benjamin Allen school An i raw Mil ler a shsep herder in the the new principal of the Emery Maoti broke of Jdftn Seek of ML Pleasant brought employ of James Hogan hie arm yesterday below the shoulder tbe first installment of his live stock ovWhile driving a bunch of sheep through er to Caatledale Thursday cooaisting of Straight canyon ea route for the lower about XS00 head of young Ramboiiintte desert the mule he was riding fell io sheep such s manner aa to causa the accident Mr and Mm O A Farnham brought Miller cams to town and Dr Winters reload of mekwa over from Woodaide on a duced the fracture Monday and quickly disponed of them Samuel Hill a former well know" hero They report their section in e and highly resrectrd citizen of th flourishing condition and expect soon to v 1 town of Huntirgtoo and Emery be the hub of the oil field couaty died last week at Barns John I Evans of thia city left ThursWyoming Mr Hill was a brother of morning for Lou Wayne county Mis Wn Howard of Huntington and day on Wednesday the 24 th he exwhere wan Mra Moaiah Bebunin of Perron and to join the ranks of tha Benedict pects a son of tho late Bishop Hill of tha Seer bride-elec- t The kMkn Jennie Ham age ond ward ft Salt Lake City of Richard Morgan Mr e President E & Loverny of the Utah Morgan who baa been employed at Beekeepers' association says that Utah accompanied Mr Evans south honey scored higher at the National Bee The bride and groom will make Caatlo-ala their home keepers' meeting io Denver than any other represented at the meeting and it waa further shown that Utah produces A COAL SQUABBLE tbs greatest yield In speaking of Utah delegates making a good showing there It ie rumored that in tha coo teat case be mentions Andrew Nelaon of Perron of Strange and Stevens vs Davis et al find before the United States Land office in Because if the dropping of the tongue belt Lake tha eontest was decided in As the of the buckboard to which they were at- favor of Strange and Steven tached a team belonging to Peter matter involves some of tha coal land io Frandaea and driven by Chris Hendrick-e- Ivie creek whereon th Utah Fnel comran away Monday and one of the pany expects to establish it new coal home a valuable animal waa quite se- camp the case is of more then uaual imveral)' eut on on of its foreleg sending portance RobL Forrester waa the agent it off tha working list the remainder of for Mr Davis io the matter the year Ooe of th driver's leg was Tha case will bn carried up to tho Inbruiredtoo but bo ie able to work again terior department at Washington Th decision if urfavorablo there may result Peter Fraodaen returned to town io a change of the route of tbs Castle Wednesday morning in response to a Valley road and may cause it to enter menage stating that two of hia children Emery county through Ouiwh-nm-pawars sick Ha waa then on tha road to canyon iostead of Ivie creek This course if adopted would still shorten thu route Kaona City with lira carloads of wethers between Caatledale end Saline Ae far which added to tboaa shipped by hia as coal land i concerned them k little brothers George and Hi rum made a choice for there ia probably more via eonsignmant of eleven carloads The Water Hollow and Quitch am pah than via Ivie creek brothers went forward with tbs Mr Fraodaeo reports the marDESERT LAKE RESERVOIR CO ket first class ha having no trouble to ' stock at 2150 per head ditjree of hia $ Suo-nyeid- d o h ship-men- L Mnat Pay H H Ovlstt f 20 and through 6aasa Damaging Hia Laad 1 Fred Simona of Price pessed town Thursday from Boulder Garfield ! couaty with a email bunch of cows and f calve which be wee taking nnrth for his Castle Gate dairy Out of 00 head of rows turned nut on Boulder mountain lest spring Mr Simons was compelled f to leave about 40 head with Bp at Emery to be fed six weeks before they can be driven north Mr Sim one says that tha sheep have eaten up the country down south and that his cattle are poorer now than when turned n ut i The decron in the matter of H H v tha Desert Lake Reservoir k Irrigation Co was Died last week with the countv clerk The matter was beard ia the district court by Judge Johnson at th March term who then took it un-dadvisement pending an inspection of the ground alleged to bars been damaged by th defendant's ditch Mr Oviatt sued to recover 9XN damages ' and restrain the irrigation company from allowing its waters to overflow bis land Tbs decree gives him but 120 damages The Castladale public school opened assesses half of tha court's coat against Monday with a fair attendance of pupils him each party to pay their own witness Tha trustee and some of tho parents fees Tbs defendants an restrained and were present nd an impromptu pro enjoined from flooding plaintiff’s knd by The two higher dr-- reaeo: of insufficient gram was enjoyed capacity of tbeir partmenta are now located in the school - ' Jitchea to carry water through plain house while the primary department tiff's knd Tha plaintiff U also restrained k enndu Hed in the Social hall Princi-- l from collecting aud discharging mineral Ham Williams and Min Thor Johnwater into the Irrigation company's son of tho primary department both bn ditch through said knd by mcana of ing muaicallv educated are making mu trenches or drains dug and connected aieona of tha feature of tha school e ith lb compant'a ditch but the is a conjoint senion every morning tiff not to bs deprived of hi right to k of Uw (feiartapnlfle nl following - have tho natural draiiugn of walr devotional sxereises come a short time j fpunj irrigating or cultivating said lands devoted to musk Ov-ia- tt rr Brink-erhof- pUin-Thrr- lhri flow Co Our WANT FURNACES into mid ditch friends knock lint tint'e lit a iiinn'it door duine now knocks at vuiir feet Mid her is ‘HarKaiiM!'1 ‘'HMrHins!” Do you know that we lmve rl ine-Htti- re May Be Erected Emery (Scanty tt foreheap FacL Oil company's Tha New Yurk-Utawell hasjreached a depth of MX) feet a ml drilling progre- - undvr muwt favorable cinuMtinwi At a jrpth of 341 fret in drilling through a four foot stratum of mndrock quite a strong flow of gas was struck neartv enough to furnish fuel fur firing tho bailer and forge fire The camp fore coosiete of aix mao who ara comfortably housed in a cabin and two tents with lumbar sides and flooring Th capacity of th big stand ard rig k over 3uu0 free Th locality of th well k now koown as Camp Oswagm and k about 10 milra south of Mound station on tha Rio Grand Western railroad and about l'y miles southwest of There k no wire or board Big Springs frocM arouod th camp to "dead line" tho public everybody being welcome to come nod observe what k being don and what the drilk ara tapping Manager Alex Hilktrum extend an invitation to tha whole world to visit tbs camp and observe what k being done Halt Lake City coal dealers look to the opening of th Emenr county coal knd aa a means to reduce the retail iricn of coal ia that ciy Haiti coal k now arl Wallace Kimberly who k at tha head ling there for f 10 par ton lump coal for of a syndicate which ha secured an op- 13k nut coal for 2473 and alack coal for tion upon 4o0u0 acres of coal lands in 21 Om dealer eays: "Salt Lakera will Emery county has gone to the field for never bars cheaper coal until the vast the purpose of taking out samples of the coal fields hero in Utah am opened op coal says the Salt Lake Ereaing Tele“At present ail our fuel except tha angram thracite or bard coal ia produced from Twenty too will b mined and shipped boom mines mostly in Carbon county to Pittsburg where it will bn converted but th demand and the supply are so into coke and its weight power tested related that tha prices are rather high Mr Kimberly's brother in connection b hope of locsl cosl consumers with a number of other capitalists has Iks in the deposits of Emery county an option on valuable iron land in Iron There I know from personal experience county and it k believed that thkoptkn k a field 23 miles iquare with Hunting win aho ue taken up and that if the ton as th center which coukl b opertha coal proposition fulfills the expecta- ated at a cost sufficiently low to reduce tions furnace will ba built at Green ! tha pric of conl oo the market hen River where water k abundant The from 2100 to 21 JO per ton Kimberlys are already figuring upon the "It k only a question of a year or o outfit in purchase of water rights along Th McWhorUr-Uastingeighteen months I believe until the creek where the coal knd are beds of fuel will bn above Sunny aide ha opened the only re- Whitmore canyon quisite being a abort extension of the reached a depth uf S30 feet At 310 feet ANOTHER COAL LAND SALE Kta Grande Western from ita trunk line soother small fltw of oil waa struck into the coal belt Aa coon as this k They expect to tap th jugular oil vein 7U0 fret and noma Chasi M Owen of Salt Lake City thk float 1 see no reason why tho wic of at a depth of about week sold to tha Utah Fuel company 9GU coal in thu city should not fall a tha Interesting news k looked fur from that acres of patented coal knd in Hunting-to- supply will then be almost double what locality in tha very near future canvon It was only a short lima it k now A Hahn whoihad the contract for since that Mr Owen obtained thk knd "Tha building of tha Moffat road from from tho state which include portico Denver to Salt Laks will also have a hauling the machinery and riging Io tha tho Grand Vkw company k of sections H 14 13 and IQ all in towngood effect on the local market as it will point ship 14 south rang 6 east The coosid-eratio- unquestionably touch these undeveloped to put down its first wall at tha head of in the dead k given as 21- - Thus coal fields" Range valley reports aver thing now on tha ground them and drilling will comthe Utah Fuel Co fKk Grande railroad) Hunmence aa soon as tho machinery k in in k rapidly increasing its holding VAN 8URENJS SAFE tington canyon thk making tho third place which will be early next week s Thk company has a block of coal knd purchased io that viplant and Collecting a Finn Lot of Birds after it work swift do to 10010 Look as new a thk expects cinity though year la Lovn With the Work coal camp would aoon be opened up that Marta Word waa received in Caatledale way It k reported that R M Pope k workThursday morning of tho death of Mra THE Y M MEETS Alice Lareea wife of Parley Larsen at ing two of the amalier sired riga an hk Mash No particuUra accompanied the ground over in tha Book Cliffs in the Pel message Mrs Lanen was well known in Green river fields H k following out Good Program Rendered loured by Flee Reception thk city where aho lived for several tha idea of shallow welk and will ba heard from within tha next few weeks Tho Y M M L convention was held years She was tha daughter of Mra H at Huntington Sunday Sept 14th J Shippi On th 4lh lost Mm Lareeg The Salt Evening Telegram k th only There were present at tho smbmos all of gars birth to a son who appear quite daily newspaper of metropolitan tbs etake authorities and at the roll rail healthy Oscar Lanen and Mm Sarah published within 3U0 miles of pattern hero Leamastor on left Friday morning the following ward were represented: It k independent has Utah1 capital to attend the funeral Huntington Cleveknd Lawrenc Casfull Aasockted Preua newt every evthe Cheater Van Burro tha young Onego-vilt- e tled le Orangeville Perron and Sunny a continued story has a womember of tha Brigham Young ening print aide Tho different subject assigned man’s page sporting page mining and Ihtofflxrsin tho different wank wrre Academy expedition who remained in market page and a splendid supplement then treated upon as follows: "The the province of Colombia Siuth Amerexevery Saturday It will b sent by ica when tha expedition was abandoned Grading of the Aauociatioo” by L P Oil month cento a fur Drop mail press or "Joint sewioas” by Peter Johnsuo and about whom a greaj deal of uneasi- a'poatal for asm pie copy Halt LakeJCity been ness for some baa felt has time "The Mutual Improvement Fund" by Co Salt Lake City beio heard from at last and k safe and Telegram Publishing A G Jswkes Jr "Th Improvemert Itevkw: Era" by Frank Killian Th subjects well Last week bis parents Mr and Says tho Salt Lake Mining influenA Van Buren reMm and of Cook C a Frank Orangeville prominent were goes over thoroughly and many who obstacle were removed by the expkna-give- ceived a letter from him dated Augusts tial ciliion of Green Rivar Utah informs the ami were heart succeeded their In was tha burnings recently city After each speaker bad for concluded question on the subject dis- with joy It had been five months since Mining Review toat tha oil outlook beever uow than word received been from bad a him section that (ia brighter cussed were naked and answered very fore and they bad begun to fear that ha before and that more work k now tho aalkfactonly to the meeting ‘Ie The afternoon session convened at 3 had succumbed to sickness or foul play order of tho day with oil men with Oil Oil With tb letter state other cams Mr Chester' Cook four City Wil-krtalk” o’clock There was prevent Prof Switch Dona one of the general aids of the registered lettem that were returned company operating near Draert has its drill hole down to tho depth of M 1 A who during the session jgavs from the dead letter toffies at Washingwhich all of contained ton 1 remittances Jit) feet with cxcelkot indications to advancement many instructions for the in bin labors or go on tha bit being in aa altered lime of mutual improvement work Tho fol- to help tha young maa bring him bom to his relatives and formation At 1200 feat a small oil bearlowing subjects were spoken upon by friend These tetters had been sent to ing strata waa encountered At tha preswe ass re “Cl whom to thee they aligned Medellen Colombia the former postof-fic- ent work baa bare suspended at the well Work” by D C Woodward "The Manof young Van Bursa The of tha California-Uteaddress although water Darmoo "The Secretary" ual" by O J called for them however-becaus- e oil nnd gas k flowing over th lop Mr bad not latter bv J Fleming Wakefield "Miamonary bn aoms tima ago wrote and Cook being of tha opinion that if ork work” by Prof Willard Done The new postoffies addrmw Thk let- bad bean continued lb company would Utter also dwelt for some length on sub- gavo a ter ncter reached it destination hence have had a producing wail by this time ject he thought moat important and while hie bilk still continued to aeod Ia other sections there k wore acCtvilr occasion for th Decennary mail matter to hk old address Van and aspeciallyk thk tb care in Hinbad Stake I’rea Reuben G Miller add reus- kirn Cincinnati-UteBums inquired and awaited mail at an- valley where th ed the convention and expressed pleascompany k installing a rig not far disure in seeing so many of tho officers and other postoffice other iolerestod in improvement work Chester informs hk parents that his tant from thi welk of tha San Rafael Along tho Green river preaenL U aho complimented thorn health waa never better and that tha Oil company who bed handled the several subjects so only sickness b ha axperknoed on the nut far from the Book Cliff E Ralph fittingly cave of malaria fever suf- of Duluth Minnesota who fur year baa Stake Pro of the Y M M I A Joe trip k a slight months ag Ue k ia low been associated with tbs Rockafclkrs soma fered six addressed E Johnson the convention saying he was very pleased to are ao with hk work that of securing tha flo- and who has had year of experience in many preHeot and Io witness th euece ret collection of bird ever obtained for tha Pennsylvania oil Helds will begin Ho gave good instruc- tha United Htalea The of the meeting great Uiuveraily within tha next three mouth tion to the convention of Pennsylvania located io Philadelphia standard with a After the convention a nice wwial area M written him and is rig with hydraulic at anxioua that very had and refreshment were served under he should secure a collection tut them a tacbmenL It kaLvi expected that J X tbs direction of tha Y M M 1 well ha to name his own pries for th Young of Lna Angeles will soon begin presidency consisting of ice cream cake work 1' operation with a hydraulic rig sis mites lemoned ami water and luukmelooa Mr Van Buren left Provo with tha exof Green River Mr Cook slates and many other delicious things A genintention be east uine jolly tima a a participated in A pedition in April l'Jli tho there k no driiibt but that thu Kan that Ha writes three to remain year nice Mile programme was remtered al mg to remain in Col- Rafael company ha plenlv nf oil which ter which tb crowd dispersed to their that he ia very anxiouswork untd the ex- can ho marketed at any time that the ombia at bis present home with satisfactory feeling m ready to uncap its wells cum piration of th tbrss year in This County cnt irgome In Ami Kiijiply your waul full Hue uf Stoves flanges Beaters TIN (iRANITE axd QUEEN’S WARE PAINTS OIL axd (I LASS UOKFIN FIXTURES of AH Kinda For the Emery stage Line Wa ara here to atey and will giva tha neat — "ttiiua poauibk between Prion and Emery Tha fora k aa follouur Price to BuntiDKtan 21 23 Price to Farrou 21 90 “ “ Caatledale “ Emery 1751 m " " Orangeville 2 500 Pairs of Shoes tii dime out at nny old prii'et Come in nnd jet it do the air for Toe or ¥1 You jny tlie freight iet Such nip were never offered before nny where Now here are more: Next week we will sell you Outing Flannels for the muhII miiu of Nc s) nnd IfHr ju-- )urd I (live you heard of our Boys 3plcce Suits III I the Ute-- t thiuif out —('out I’mit Hud Yet Miid ntiitfini in $2 to 22‘t jirice fimn oulv er suit liCHiitir etertone tif them mid o cheH A hundred other luirguiiis for ou to look at -we r 0j Special attentioa will ba giveo traveling man dreiriiig to trauract buaineso io the several towns ou tha lina thus saving tha axpsaaa of liverv rigs Let ua kaow whan you want to catch tha craning train for Holt Luke City Wall gat you than in time S REPUBLICAN COX & SNOW t'-- i fflonngcr QrnrjviH M WILLIAMS Manager MEE7WC COUNTY KPUBUCU ffUICHH A republican county conrenbou k hereby called to meet ou Saturday 8pt 27 at 10 a m sharp io Social hall Castled !e Utah for th purpoa of electing even delegate to attend tha republican senatorial convention to ha held at Price Utah ou Mooday SepL 29th and to transact other bHainan that may properly coma before said convention Thu aavarat precincts ara entitled to delegate to such convention on thu Vaa-- k of ooa da legate for every fifty votes n or major part thereof cast for eong in l9on as follows: CO-DHT- Tba republican of IfcaTwaMJl 8m-toridistrict ara harahy called to meat atPyica Utah Saptamtor St 1201 at e'ekek p ul ia eoavootku far the a of nominating 1 candidate tor atate senator from tha Twelfth Senatorial 4k- trict 00m posad af tba aonatkaafOnmi Baa Juan Uintah Emery awl Ghadoa aad to transact such atbar al t pur-pun- ay properly rear-ma- rastledale I'levrland )twn Lake Kaierr Ferro 11 tinwn River By order of Tha aavaml eonntka of ttani dktaiet aa antitkd to th fallowing mamialaiMi I Cnvboo A Uintah 2J Emery 7 Grand I Han Juan L I Tha couaty ra requested to soil v for th purpose of miectlng dalagitan tm thk convuntion By order of too roam lluntlnglen S S I Lawrence - t Mulaa- 1 I t Oraagevllle WotaUldeJ 3 Hasso W (Tana Chairman Joh Cl Lsmou Secretary A torial commit tea Ceitsln Cora for Dysentery ond Diarrhoea 'Homo years ago 1 waa on of a party that iotomkd making t long bicyck trip" Albany Bradsays F L Taylor of N ford county Pn "I waa taken suddenly with diarrhoea and waa about to giro up the trip whan editor Ward of tha Laceyvilla Messenger nnggeatad that 1 taka a dose of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1 purchased a bottk aud look two duaeu on before utarting and ooa wkik on tha route 1 made tba trip aucoraMfully and never felt aov ill effwCL Again last summer 1 wa almost completely run down with an attack of dysentery 1 bought a bottle of this same remedy end this time no dose cured me" Hold by nil dealers la patent medicine For that w k: Asrnvs J FOB BALI Two town lota In Cmtkdak eentrufly located on Main imnikii by a flna growth of poplar trass good wstey tills tagalhor with all Improvamantar oonatsUag of d wading honva wages shed born atabte nod other oothnnaaa 73 bearing fruit traaa baaldaa ahrub-ber- strut— ale Aho toii acres of good forming knd under Blue Cut annul with uuffickst water to irrigate alt had gurennndnd by a good anhetaalkl win faaoa For further partienkra avhluaa Boa No 1 Caatledale Utah Lean Lank and Hungry Feeling YOU SHOULD VISIT THE Gasto Dale flleat (Darket SEEUY W HANSON Props & handle all Good Kinds of Fresh Meats Special low rate am delivering meat to outside poia'a giveo by the Stage Lina i He conitih up lik a flower and retir-elfrom tha race busted His friends All him with false hopes and atmosphere Ueswelleth like a toad and thinkelb th earth biv'n He siuileth on all man kind and sloppeth over with humor He kiawth th children and acatterelh Lia microbes among innocent babire H privately ebaweth a dove when ha meat-nta preacher and aa ha cnavervelb in the leeward with him he slendi-tand curbelh hi breath as with a strong Ho goeth homo late at night to bit hk deary wife with a beery breath ami h Ha riveth np before lime and hiketh forth vitbout breakfast saying "1 go to sea a man" Tb desri beat lieth in wait and pullelh his leg to a queen's lasts H “nailath a Ik" hut before election ha runneth short nf nails He lilierally to tlie church he aubscrib eth a good sum Io the baud cuntribut ath a good sum to the poor who barn wo burned h erndelb a small thither he yield-thither aud a large with hi aiilMtance apparent alec-ntup Alter the elnitiun he prill back of the liaiu aud ku'kvlh hiino lf end tear-ntIn hair and calkt'i Lmrelf a lint teudsiq fool cold feoL giv-el- h k-- g k-- g v SftQUi - 1 RUA b great HURRAH first-clas- e All urdent appreciated P OTTOSEN H whs d trade ttolicitrd lur or Minall n Ov-M- We carry a FuPDiture Carpets Itiooleam! Huo-tingto- h p IOIL MATTERS COAL THE CANDIDATE f line Damk tlie wortliv S- - CHEAPER Salt Lake City Folks Leok Coal land a nd other location notice can bo had at The Rufiwa office Ml Picssant I XiM Emma Buocr Fred NichMia aanL smiling with her -- SEPTEMBER 20 1902 CASTLE DALE UTAH SATURDAY 3 Something Useful Tlmtjoii will alwuyu !u"t iiowr The Andersen House Mrs Knthlnka Aidants PraprletrcM find In (mmlort rliiMmi (lie rt toil fitting tip to Public the Accomodation the KiM tliy ih-n uiir of new in Kiit Now tlurp’n no Iktovauieot Hampk Ruoauu Fiaat Cwiuuerckl Headquarters hMu Utah tlmt l we lo ns n many Feed stable in cuinactloo ckaa in every That’ liK'iiiist our ehof are all i L'ht ami arc - UTAH' CASTLE DALE "2"t Wt liavp cent tlip)i)t r than pNcwIoti A MaOnvasr Caakie juiir to our tK‘k jiM ahhil li'(F) J M Wnmorva lresliX Rkcmbn (1 Maiau Vko FteshknL Our stM-- of m rvirfiihlo CLOTHING h foinpli-t- ami we offer mmiic reat I'araiu in thi line This is the timo voii tmtsl OUTING e have tt pretty etH-UTAH WWeVwfWVW ami urn them from to V clieiijier it Examine tinr entire Capital yard than uiiyoiif el-- s Banking in AM Its Branches Mtoek fliid priees No om euli lliulee us Mttcn1 school 11 Rc0pened SHOES n of for M-- nt-l- - it 11 k The First National Bank c OF PRICE flannels: $50000 you tha highnat cash prirwa for llitea l'elts W'uul and (Jaas Appleman’s Big Bargain Store 0 Miller Georg Whitnaure E Healachl Reuben Whitniiw end L (X lloflmnan K w haiiue lr 0 on riu i al cities of the United Ml ites Auconota of Bsel aobcUed Aww 0 lOdsUilNK-Msfcton- t with imm Firms Ht'kmer eid UtfkMrvslivv U4'kiiij bIKKClOKH J M f Rsm-bmc- TT |