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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSVXLLE, UTAH WAR PREPARATIONS Waste of Mothers Lives and Health Altogether Unnecessary by More women fifteen QuUm to con- nected with childbirth than from any disease except tuberculosis. Some 1 OOp mothers Jives are sacrificed yearly to ignorance and improper care. In connection vtith Buby Week, the Childrens bureau calls special attention to these facts, for three reasons : 1. The life and health of the mother are essential to the health and wellbeing of her children. 2. The majority of these mothers' lives could lie saved. 3. The number of dcnths among mothers la merely a TOughlridex of unmeasured imentablfe illness and suffering. Just Tin w adequate care for mothers NOT JTBITI LIFT YOUR CORNS. (5r quires sjieclul skill and training Many people do not seem to understand that In any case complication may arise which can be met safely by prompt and skillful scientific care, but which at the hands of an unskilled attendant will cost the life of mother oi child or both.. I doctor Meigs admits the dlfflcultle of muklng accessible to every mother In the United States these essential of maternity care, hut she suyo: When women and their husbands are com need of the need of such Cara, and w hen , ivumen- nd 4t, physl-- : dans will furnish It; medical colleges will pnulde better training for eotmirani ttrarrura l and ur-- ' see to It hat mothers ars will ban, ) . - -- di-tu- o .and alLwlth d Is to be assured depends, of course, on local conditions, but Dr. Qrace L. properly protected. The difficulties are perhaps greatest Meigs of the federal Childrens bu- In districts. The Children's bu reau, whose special report ou Ma- - reaurural has had letters from mothers who are 15, 25, 30 and even C5 miles from a physician, and for whom any trained nursing has been utterly Impossible, Other countries have been at work on this same problem, notably New Zeataken aboard the lulled States battleship Nebraska at the navy yard at Charlestown, Mass. Supplies land and Canada. From their experiAt the right, Cujt. Joe Kemp, ou duty at the yard. ence and from the experience of those American cities In which special maternity work is being developed. DocWITH SUBMARINE CHASERS ON HER DECK tor Meigs has drawn up the following suggestions for a unit of service to meet the needs of mothers In rural districts : The unit would provide a center for a rural nursing service with visiting nurses especially trained to recognize dangerous symptoms In expectant mothers. At such a center mothers would be able to obtain Information as to the proper care of themselves and iV-nr- r of their babies. If a suitable general L i . hospital Is too remote for use, the county center should include a cottage hospital for difficult maternity cases and for the care of normal f cases when It Is convenient for the f mother to leave her home for confinement In general, skilled attendance should be obtainable by' every woman Babys Bottles Reedy to Be Put Away In the7 county. f on lee. Little has been done as yet to show ternal Mortality was published re- women that much of the waste of h la unnecescently, believes that the first essen- mothers lives tial everywhere la a better understand- sary. Even less has been undertaken by communities to provide protection ing of what mothers need. Few women seem to realize, for ex- for motherhood. Many communities ample, that a mother needs special which have studied their typhoid and care before the baby comes. And yet tuberculosis death rates and have unthe principles of personal hygiene dertaken- costly - measures to reduce which have been worked out by mod- them have been heedless of the death ern science are of the utmost Import- rates among mothers. It Is not s ance in preventing complications for strange, therefore, that since 1900 the VT v. dEfc svv. MAitnssw s. t 9 the mother and Illness or weakness for typhoid rate for the country as a . , her baby. Further, the expectant whole has been cut in half, and the shows Ihe ltHllau JIner Adrlutico at Mew York, with submarine chasers'lafslied to her deek. The 'Photograph mother should be under the super- rate from tuberculosis has been mark- Adrlatico made an uncientful trip from Italy and no submarines were sighted. Two of the four chusers can be seen vision of a physician, and she should edly reduced, wlille the death rate in the picture, as can also the stern gun carried by the ship. have certain periodic examinations by from maternal causes has shown no which any symptoms of complications demonstrable decrease. But maternal may be discovered and treated while deaths are largely preventable, and TRENCH BECAME a canal dEVASTATED BY THE RETREATING GERMANS Baby Week should mark the beginning they are Bttll controllable. And the mother needs skilled at- of definite work for their prevention. Doctor Meigs report on Maternal tendance v hen her baby Is born. Doctor Meigs emphasizes the fact that a Mortality may be had free upon redifficult maternity case Is one of the quest, from the Childrens bureau, gravest surgical emergencies and re- - Washington, D. 0. twinge of soreness or irritation; nt even the slightest smarting, either when applyna freezone or afterwards. This drug doesnt eat up the corn or callus, but shrivels them so they loon en and come right out. li J Ih-Iu- t 1 t 'a aO 1i - ' without getting his sleeves and the front of his clothing wet A stool or hassock, or even a low box on which he may stand, will save much trouble. After the babys bign chair has been discarded the child should, be provided with a dining chair which is high enough to bring his elbows about on a level wUhJhgJqp of. the, table andLh. should bare a stool or a footrest. An Proper Furniture for the Children Prepared by Ch3W Bureau, U. Department ol Labor v S. Too many homes, even those where there Is no lack of means for the necessary margin of choice, are furnished without apparent regard for the needs or rights of children, and tn these It Is hardly possible for a child to find a place to play or use his own things without having to he continually warned egtflnst breaking or harming something. It is plainly not just to any child to surround hlua with furnishings designed entirely,, to accommodate grown-u- p people and ask him to reunless there Is somewhere them, spect u place in which he hns equal rights, -- and where the grown-up- s must pay equal resjiect to his possessions. For this reason there should always be some room, or at least a corner of the family living room, where the children "may keep their own things and use them In comfort The Ideal rooms for children contain only such furniture as they need for comfort or convenience, and this will be simple and easily kept clean. Washable painted walls, bare bardwood or tainted floors,, simple curtains and painted furniture are suitable. If wall paper Is used it should be inexpensive, t ' Considering H. C. L. "0 mamma, come here, called Maud, a whole lot of kittens are la our cat's basket" Our cat has got these kittens for herself," laughed mother. Hasnt she a nice family?' Well," said Maud, it Is all right to have a family, but I should think she would have them one at a time." and-healt- i , I It work; like a charm. For a few cents you can get rid of ev ery hard corn, soft corn or com between the toes, as wen as painful calluses on bottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never burns bites or Inflames. If your druggist hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to get a little bottle for you from his wholesale house. odv. is no humbug . i , OFF Thls new drug Is an ether com) .1(j discovered by a Cincinnati chern.- is called freezone, and now be obtained m try bottles as here sho.u t very little cost from i y drug store. Just ask f r freezone. Apply a dio; ,it two directly upon a t l t corn or callus and last the soreness dihiPt- rs Shortly you will fiud corn or callus so loose t., t you can lift it off, i on I physl-s4wf-an- calluses No humbug! Apply few drop then Just lift them away with fi.ngers.- - Bureau. U. S. Department of Labor forty-fiv- e yean of age die from conditions r,PAIN? AT CHARLESTOWN NAVY YARD 5 . j f - - friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, many deaths resulting from this cause. A bottle of Boschees Gertnaa.Syrup kept. In the house, and a few doses taken la time, will possibly prevent a severe Illness, a doctor's bill, and perhaps death. For fifty years this has been a very successful remedy for coughs, colds, throat or lung troubles. It induces a good nights sleep with easy expectoration in the morning. For sale by druggists In all parts of the civilized world, 25 and 75 cent bottles. Adr. Admirable Precaution. When I eat In public I always go where there is a free lunda" 1 Economy?" "No. I haven't an ear for music. I want to eat standing up, so as to be in properposltioil In case'someVody starts-Th- e Star Spangled Banner. " a ?it .v Kidney Medicine Judging from what purchaser ay of Br. lulmers Swamp-Loo- t it m a good staple medicine apparently well thought of by the public and fulfilling most of, if not all, the claim made lor it. I have been eleven year in this store and have never heard a conversation against Swamp-Roo- t. Very truly year, C. S. KENDALL, Druggist. J.V V V J ' Hamilton, Mont. frove What Swamp-Ro- ot Win Do For Tew Send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. V, for a sample size fettle. It will convince anyone. Yon will alo receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidney and blad der Whei writing, be sure and mention thi paper. Regular fifty-sen- t and ono-oollsue bottle for sale at ail dm tom. Adr. 7 Oct. 1 1 r As fust as the Germans are driven back from the territory they have been holding in northern Frnnce, French engineers are rushed in to reThis pair the devastation wrought by the Germans for military purposes. photograph of engineers at work In Noyon gives a vivid Idea of the unnecessary. hai oc w reakd on .the towns by the-- kaiser's retreating- forces. zrmr 4 rV - - - u. MEMORIAL TO MARY BAKER EDDY . , jk v- sttMfeaiaafateMMMwMttttl 1 Ideal CctforBaby. that ltcan infrequently renewed. All the moldings, door panels, window ordinary kitchen table or common i In our climate, with its sudden changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, It Is no wonder that our children, Druggist's Experience With a SO and door screens should be made with plain painted surf aces so that, jhej fan auoa1 be- reaHlycleane(i. Only the lightest curtains should be used, and they should not cover the windows, save when necessary to shut out the hot sun. The chairs, tables, beds, shelves, bookcases and all other ;Jis" necessary articles of furniture should be small and low, so that the children may find them corafostable and convenient. The continual effort to use tables and chairs which are too high, to get things that are out of reach, and to be under the necessity of trying to adapt the strength, size and Skill of children to the furniture of grown persons results In no little Irritation, some off which might he easily relieved. The washbowl In the I athroom la isualiy too high for a child to use Valued Household Remedy for Over Half a Century. A ing table with the legs sawed , hall off sew- about mill to the children at their work or play. It should be painted white and should rest firmly on the floor. Low chairs should also be provided. These may be pine kitchen chairs with the iVgs sawed off. Added to this,, there should be some 'shelves with drawer? where work and playthings can be kept within easy reach. Such an equipment, as this, in a sunny, cheerful room, with plenty of fresh' air, and warmed In winter to G8 degrees, will provide an amount of happiness to the child quits out of all proportion to the cost way- - affard-antoldeomfo- Happy heart and happy faces, . Happy play in grasy places. That Is how in ancient an Children yrew to hlnsrj; a- TioLwt Loi.s E t i js i - rm i Trench at Toutavert which Lite rains turned into a canal. A touch of the picturesque in the war ruins of northern France, The Miracle. Ml ricl k.,jof..modornJ4ui- raclcs can usually be explained," Raid Dr. Elliott Young Savage Jn an address before the Chicago Ethical Culture society. ItKhop Blancs son is a clergyman, and assists hls fathcr. Atduuerthe othef Vv firing tUcj ouiig man said ; On Broadway today an ojij beggar woiqan asked me for money. 1 said 1 had none with me. She begged me to JiHk and see, so 1 f tit in jny trousers pnket, and. io and iteliold, I found a r trill there. It wa a miracle. I gate it to the old beggar woman, of course. Yes, a real miracle!' The bishop put op his glasses, lie Stared long aud attenthelj at his son. Tlicu he s:1 id : 'Coiifi and it ! That's a pair of mj trouseis jeuve got on theie, hot ! lr xw fjr?' O'? 1916. ar Both to Be Congratulated. Ariadne Thank goodness, I didnt marry Percy. Hes so unreliable. g3 I 14, A Penelope IIow so? Ariadne Why, he Swore hed pine away and die If 1 refused him and new look at him 'Judge.' ' Pimple, boil, carbuncle, dry up and disappear with Doctor Pierce Golden Metrical Discovery. In tablets or liquid. Josh Snappy. I wonder why they advertise this as a snappy show. All there Is to it are some gwnl lookhp.g, chorus girl& fJtt Josiier Wb y,- - thejr call It snappy," you poor minnow, 'cause all you do Is , rubber. Ii X L f rik two-dolla- a meiuoriai to Mary linker iklt'y. foun.l.-- of Clirlstiau scietue. erected iu Mount Auburn cemetery at Cambridge, Mass., lias been turned o er to the Christian Science board of directors by Elbert S. Eat low of New York, who had charge of It? construction. It cost J150(K0, rootril-uelo CL.is-Scieutis; throughout the votid. Tin- - r n People who talk a great deal seldom find Dae to say anything. I f. as. I LiSVlSS - Kcrtse is fcr Tlrsi Eyes. 1 Red Evee Ere.-S- ore :5 Ir Iz. Himop !s FsTofite s for Kfr tbt tml fry tnd Kmart, z Z tr your Bri muub o 1 fanr loving eatg n my 5 M ytmr Iw h and witfa ikdiq s riE fc tHta rss esnenr sur if ru s So id u ion end Opucal More ur bj Jos'L 5 r Ait Iihim H Fm Sect S 6. ftumatuum tmiuHiMitnuriaitiuuMtiiiiif!uinmt(iiO for |