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Show FORT GBBaare I A delegation of Ule Tribal memliera boarded a Jet airliner In Salt Lake for Anchorage, Alaska Sunday, October 18 to attend the National Congress of American Indians convention. The theme for the Alaskan convention is "American Indians Irene Cuch, together for the Future", Tribal Business Committee, Is scheduled to participate in a panel discussion on Indian Treaty Rights. Gi rina Jenks, accompanied by her mother Lor-n- a, also made the trip. She Is being sponsored by the Ule Tribe to compete in the Miss NCAI contest. Other delegates attending this meeting are Trllial Business Committee members Clifford Duncan, Wilbur Cuch and Fred Conetah and Community presidents, Francis Mt. Lion, Linda Pawwlnnee, Edith Slreech, Bonnie Clanton and Phoebe Tom, They will return Sunday, October 25. Upward Bound students spent Saturday Octolier 17 at Wetier State College in Ogden for a workshop and to take In the Students were Lawrence Iwll game. Plnnecoose, Johnny Arrowchls, Melvin five-mem- Clara Sowsonicut, Cerl Willie, Sally Duncan, Sadlne Appawoo, Linda RidFloyd ley, Sandy Pike, James Reed. McCook drove the bus for this trip. Larry Kelly, a representative from the Uintah County Welfare Department in Vernal, sets up an office in the Bureau of Mian Affairs office building at Fort Duchesne on Thursday afternoon to meet with those who cannot make the trip to Murdock, Venal. The Fish and Game Department of the Ute Trllie is sponsoring a "Wide Antlers Spread" contest for local huncontestants have regiSeventy-si- x stered, Contest ends Octolier 27. A rifle will lie awarded the winner on this date. Robert Hicks, San Diego, Calif., reported for duty October 19 for the Ute Tribal Law and Order staff. He will work with Trllial Judge Henry Upchego in capacity of adult probation officer. Mr. Hicks was a Church Army Officer in the Episcopal Church and worked in the three churches in the Basin from June Mr. and Mrs. I9G8 to March 19C9. Hicks presently live in Roosevelt. have arrived Two Vista volunteers from the Denver training center to work on the U 10 Reservation. They are Andrew "Drew" Mattlson, New York, and Frank Vestey, Los Angeles. Chuck Emery, Program Officer for Utah, Vista Program, visited the U & O Reservation for three days. Mr. Emery is a Sioux Indian from Montana. Bill Egelunds parents are visiting him this week and are doing some hunting while in the area. Bill is the Vista in chcnrtfnrm services. Dee Wilcox Social Worker, is ill and is presently in the Uintah County hospital in Vernal. Archie Curley, Guidance Counselor, is In Phoenix this week attending an education conference. mQ at a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, Thursday night honoring her parents, Bill Nelson came from Salt lake and deer hunting with brothers, Henry and Max Nelson. Other weekend company at the Max Nelson home were Ina and A. D. Shaw and family from Granger. Cheri Womack and rhlldren, Ted Nelson from Clinton, Karen Brown and children from Helper. Miss Becky Hellon spent UEA days In Provo with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Arvln Bellon entertained went Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert from Provo. Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert left Friday morning for Louisville, Ky., to begin their two year LDS Mission for the Church. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Anderton received word of their small great granddaughter, Shelly McDonald falling off the table and breaking her arm. She Is the 10 month old daughter of Brent and Lana McDonald Salt Lake. LOCATED IN RANDLETT! 1.11 PlfOora Mn, la-Rn- y fellow Mimr Myton. Football practice for boys between the ages of six and twelve are being held after schools on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Fort Duchesne. The Fort Duchesne Community Is planning a turkey shoot Saturday October 31 at the community rifle range. The shoot will be open to both men and women. Coffee and donuts will lie sold. Friendship is open from 8:30 to 8:30 Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for Leif Erlandson and other Vista study. workers will be on hand to offer tutoring MTANDARI) Roosevelt, Utah Tliui winy, October 22, 1970 rcuvnviat cram ters. (farms. IJoda (farms eod of tlna MifetcrH 4-- week. poster winners 4-- H A cash prize will H Mli-hrH- be awarded to each The Walter B. Stoddard Farm in Randlett, Utah, is now offered for sale, with all improvements, plus 40 shares of water. of the winning posters. winners have been announced in the poster contest held in Duchesne Ten 4-- r RMrrdge which will hr Judged thin Mary Boender, extension agent, said that the posters were of excellent quality and showed much artistic ability and originality. Winners are Karen Thompson, Talma ge; Jeff Henderson, Neola; Mary Boren, Mont-we- l; Ronds Giles, Jewel Giles, Stephen Roberts, and Annie Roberts, Tabiona; Michelle Eldredge, Linda Garren and Clayton Garren, Roosevelt. Judging was done by E. N. McGehee and selected students from the Uintah Basin Area Vocational Center art class. They were Judged on the slogan, artistic approach and art and origination. County. Ibach aboard US8 McCloya Newport John R. FULL PRICE only S6,090! Navy Seaman Apprentice John R. Ibach, Jr., son at Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ibach Sr. of Duchesne, is serving aboard the ocean escort USS McCloy at .Newport, Call R. L . . . Jen A. Peterson, 393-458- 8 Ogden, Utah Phone News Items to 722-213- 1 I Lssrnsa J. 0Q(DGQG Robert F. Clyde QfehtrJ Dkbarls Dnrton 00000 KteEnMteaiB aai am w Dedicated to Represent your ' Interests and Defend your Rights on National, State and Local Levels! mm RERUBUI&AN Dr. Daniel 8. Danis U. S. Smut. U. RECOGNIZED AND RESPECTED: has served on the vital Public Land Law Commission, so important to Utah. He . He has always supported the individual's Right to Work, where his opponent has always voted against this freedom. He has consistently supported to keep America strong. as Administrative Assistant to Congressman Burton. He knows the ob and is ready to go to work upon election. HAS SERVED He has gained the respect of his colleagues. When he speaks lor Utah, they listen. CONSISTENT LEGISLATOR: 8. Representative legislation HIS EXPERIENCE as a director in the Republican National Committee has given him personal contact with the leadership In Washington. AS CHAIRMAN of the Utah Republican Party for four years, he haa traveled throughout the state. He knows Utah and is prepared to serve us well. ACTIVE IN church and civic affairs. has served six years in the House, four years in Ihe Sonalo: has served as House Minority Whip, and Senate Maiorily Whip: a member ol the nppropnaiions committee for 10 years: has a degreo in Political INCUMBENT, Science. LIFETIME RANCHER, whose interests extend beyond agriculture to include every phaso of business and labor. FEELS THAT GOVERNMENT musl bo confined to serve Ihe will ol ihe people, nol to become Ihoir dictator. Evil Perchril Joe Keaip Wilner (Dill) Marray REPAIR OR RECODEl nith i LOU COST We'll provide the money for any home lmprovementi...room additions, remodeling, repairs, etc. Ovr rotes are reasonable, . monthly payments suited to your budget. Come in and discuss your money needs ANY State Raprasantatlva VlMEI a DAM GF Proven Leader An Outstanding Legislator A Dedicated Public Servant A Truly Rural Repreeentativa A DANS YOUR MAN 4-Ya- Commissioner ar 2-Y- ear IS A PROVEN, energetic public servant, with many years of axperisnca m business, administration. civic, church and scouting activities! HAS SERVED IS AVAILABLE you well in the past1 IS INTERESTED in ALL problems of Duchesne County! IS INTERESTED in permanent out the County! I WILL roads APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE SUCCESSFUL OPERATOR ol Moon Laks Resort for 18 years. EXPERIENCED in dealing with County. State and Federal agencies. PARTICIPANT in Civic and Church alfaira, having served in numerous leadership positions. VITALLY INTERESTED in for Duchesne County. HAS WORKED m political allairs lor many years Forme", Duchesne County Republican Parly Chairman ACTIVE ACTIVE at all limes to serve you! County Asoeeoor Commissioner IN Civic and FAMILY MAN and WILL WORK Church allairs Rancher FULL TIME tor Ihe County conservative Progress throughIF ELECTED, I PLEDGE IMPARTIAL SERVICE TO ALL SECTIONS OF DUCHESNE COUNTY' EVFRYONE SHOULD TO HIS PAY ACCORDING ASSETS' Paid political advmiwmrnl |