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Show At May 1 5 assembly Menlove, Mary Nielsen, Carla Sherwood, Cindi Tavlor, Diane Wilkey, and Julie Vright. 150 get 'J' awards Over 150 Juab High School students received Block J awards at the annual awards assembly held Tuesday, May 15. The awards are given to students who, in the judgement of the school administration, have exhibited outstanding accomplishment in academic, leadership, and activity areas. Award winners in the building Bruce Newton: vocational agriculture, Dave Nielsen: English, Jerrell White; physics, Wes awards for outstanding academic achiev ement physical education, girls physical education, Julie Juab Taylor: business, Shelia McPherson; history, David Steele: and were: Twelfth grade, Laurie Allred, High Marvin Ann McPherson, David Nielsen, Donna Nielson, Phil Painter, Randall Vickers, and Jan White Eleventh grade, Christensen, Blair Kay, Lorrie Kelsey, William Larson, Shelia clude Juab High School Schools Sterling Scholar candidates and those judged best in their departments. Also attending will be students placing in various state competitions, students listed on the school honor role for three quarters, and current and incoming student Higbee will during the speak gram. pro- Wright said students in attendance would in - Juab basketball and baseball instruction in the basic fundamentals of each sport. The fee for both weeks will be $8. Those wishing to attend say sponsors. Instruction in basketball will last from May June only one week will pay 1. will $5. Baseball instruction Grades eight and nine begin June 3 and end will attend from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. each day. Grades June 8. The basketball section six and seven will pracof the camp will be held tice from 10 a.m. to 11 in the high school gym. a.m. Grades four and five The baseball portion will will hold their activities be held at the city from 11 a.m. to noon. Inbaseball park. struction for those in Alan grades ten, 11, and 12 According to be from 7:30 to 9:30 will of one the camp Sperry, each coaches, participants night. Kirk Those QDI? receiving Julie Greenhalgh, Wright, Brenda Madsen, Pam Burton, and Ann McPherson. The best all around boys athlete was Randall Vickers. The best girls athlete was Brenda Madsen. Other certificate winners and the sports in which they participated were Randall Vickers, football; Phil Painter, basketball; d Christensen, vation winners essay were Gene Prisbrey, who received a $30 prize; Neilsen, who received a $20 prize; Tom Taylor, who received a $15 prize; and David Wilkey, who received a $10 prize. , George Morgan The Sons of the Revolution American George Morgan JSH student of the week. Award was given to Wes Greenhalgh. The Daughters of the Revolution American Award George Morgan 111, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan Jr. of Nephi, is the Juab High School Student of the Week. Morgan is a senior. He has been active in high school football, basketball, baseball, and track. He attended Boys State and is an Eagle Scout. was given to Janice Stuart. Menkes yens1 cheeking account even more useful. away. And soon, it can be your key to First Security Automated Teller Machines e HandiBanks for When was the last time you checkbook when you needed your forgot it? 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And if you are a Check Protection Plus card holder in good standing, you automatically qualify for this new service. e The First Security Banking card-- get yours for improved checking account Dare You awards were given to Margaret Brown and Wes Greenhalgh. The Jay Dailey Honor Award was given to David Nielsen. I The Times-New- N Nephi, Utah 3 All s N A A lit I iG C ty Ut ih banks members of FDIC. S' ' u' B irst Sf cu' ty Firs Set unty Fust Se' urtly Bank ol Oit'm N A Fust Serunly State Bank t Oqdt n Fust Security Stale Bank t KaysviMe F prst F B i k N , U B B A A 'St S. irsi Se t Help f 1a( urn Street if May 17, 1979 These units can be built to your specifications - if you t :: D(7D for leadership were Phil Painter, Wes track; George Morgan, baseball; and Bruce Kendall, wrestling. Water and soil conser- V. will receive camp will begin May 28, Garrett, awards Paula third-annu- through Travis Layne Basketball, baseball camp will start soon 28 Layne Debra Natalie Don Allred, Lisa Eyre, Mark Greenwood, Marcy Hanson, and Michael Peterson. Ninth grade, Gloree Allred, Vonda Allred, Greenhalgh, Chris Johnson, and Nathan Wright. banquet to honor students who have excelled during this school year will be held tomorrow. Dr. Kirk Wright, school principal, said Snow College President The receiving Christensen, Wright: art, Cindi Foote, Laurie McMahon, Friday banquet will honor )HS students A trades, Lu ne Christensen. Those grade, Tenth various departments of school are: drafting, Dave Wilkey; boys: Greenhalgh; Carolee McPherson, Nepttnn order now! Announcing the start of I Garrett Park only $39,900 i Condominiums! 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