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Show UTAH DAILY page eight. UNION i LOCAL BRIEFS TEA pepper Schil- Ysur giacar miiflM yaw Masy if yos das'i like that the liabilities are about $1,200 and that the assets are about the same. The principal creditors are J. F. Carver, Edgar Jones, Scowcroft Sons company and one or two others. What Is Lifsf In the last analysis nobody knows, but we know that it Is under strict that law even slightly, Irregular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Constipation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pilla this. It's gentle, quickly yet thorough. Only 25c at Jesse Driver's drug store. - 8MOKE A BETTER NICKEL CD GAR THAN YOU HAVE BEEN USED TO UPMANNS "BABY BO QUET." GIVE OUT. Extremely 8ueceptible to Extremes of Keat and Cold. Mainsprings are much like people. They are as susceptible to extremes of best and cold as human beings, and will succumb Just as easily to extreme frost or sunstroke as man. TeRe uncertain pieces of mechanism are supposed to be adjusted to meet the various degrees of temperature. but when the changes are great and come suddenly there Is nothing that can prevent them from snapping. Many are made in Switzerland of the very finest quality of steel, absolutely flawless. Te mainspring Is the first mechan- ism that sc -- "umbs to the test If It curvlves. nothing need be feared. Mainsprings are, however, about the only part of a watch that a Jeweler cannot successfully diagnose. They can guarantee any of the numberless little wheels or pivots that go to make up the anatony of a watch, but - not the mainspring. said: "The police of Chicago should know by this time that they must not Interfere with the newspaper reporters in the proper discharge of their duties. The policeman' who cannot distinguish between the rights of a newspaper re' porter at work and those of an idle person Is hardly competent. I should say that such a policeman should not be Intrusted with the discriminating task of guarding a plant on strike." Chief O'Neil said: "If the policemen do not know they should know that a newspaper repor ter Is a public servant and that when he la In the pursuit of his employment he must be so regarded. The newspaper reporter must not be regarded as a trespasser by the police when he Is In the legitimate work of g. As to this particular case I can not pass Judgment at this particular time. Inspector Rhea hna reported this case to me and I hare it now under advisement." news-gatherin- SUES TO RECOVER DAMAGES George W. Lashus Brings Action Against Chinamen for the Death Of a Hors. in which George Francisco. 0STE0PATHISTS The men were arrested, planntlona. bundled into a patrol wagon and taken to the station. As soon as the inspector found who they were they were released, and the policeman wan reprimanded. Mayor Harrison and Chief of Police O'Neill criticised the action of the po severely. Mayor Harrison action W. Lashus sued two Chlnnmen. La Sing and Hop Ring, to recover $210 ng dam ages for the death of hls horse, which was killed about a month ago In n col llsion with the Chinamen's wagon came up before Judge Howell In the municipal court this morning, but wns continued until tomorrow morning. Attorney M. D. Lcasengcr appeared for the plaintiff and Judge Maloney for the defendants. THE "UPMANN QUALITY" IN EVERY BABY BOUQUET ALL HAVANA 5c. CIGAR. The holders of the following nutn bers are entitled to $5 coupons books ns the result of our weekly drawings 4889. 4918 10.108. OGDEN and 8TEAM LAUNDRY, 437 Twenty-fift- h street. As the Season Advances We are well prepared to supply all your wants in this line. Our t0i-largest and most complete in the city. We carry the celebrated "Muma Florence makes in a variety of sizes for Men, Women and k Respect Shown Them By the Higher Authorities in Chicsgo. An For Warm Underwear AT At a meeting of the Union Pacific railroad held at Salt Lake yesterday the following were elected directors: Thomas T. Eckert, Henry C. Frick, George J. Gould, Charles A. Peabody. Winslow S. Pierce, William O. Rockefeller, Henry Rogers, James Stillman. Oliver Ames, E. H. Harriman, Marvin Hughitt, James H. Hyde, Otto II. Kahn, Jacob H. Schlff, Joseph F Smith. Those who claim to know say that the Gould interests have eight representatives on the directorate and the Harriman interests seven. This compilation looks extremely feasible when one considers that Rockefeller and Gould have been closely allied in Union Pacific affairs for some time. Should this diagnosis prove to be cor' rect the Ogden gateway will be open' ed immediately and Mr. Stubbs will at once Inaugurate an entirely new policy In relation to traffic, these questions being the ones on which Gould has made his complaints. It would also mean a complete change in the policy of the road, but It is not likely the management effected.' Gould has always had a heavy in terest In Union Pacific. At one time the family absolutely controlled it, so it would be no- great step to again secure control. The fact that Gould has been worsted at all Harriman gate' ways and that the former Southern Pacific policy has been applied to the whole Harriman system, Is really the cause of Gould organising the Western Pacific. Whether the presence of eight directors friendly to him in the Union Pacific board will mean the abandonment of the Western Pacific plans remains to be seen. Some say that it will be at once abandoned, but others say that It is still necessary for Gould to have bis own line to San The rights of newspaper reporters CHILDRENS CLAS8 are respected by the higher authorities In physical culture, directed by Mrs. in Chicago, nays the Western Pub Waite, meets Wednesdays at 4 p. m. Usher. An officious policeman arrestand Saturdays at 2 p. m. Terms, $5. ed three newspapermen who were Adult classes Mondays and Fridays standing In a doorway opposite the street. Address 726 Twenty-thir- d Kellogg plant, where there is a strike. The scribes were waiting to secure Cragun Bros, pay cash for all kinds some information from a party who of fruit and produce 147 Twenty had promised to meet them there. The policeman became very surly and unthird street reasonable, and would listen to no ex GROCERS QUIT BUSINESS. who Mortensen A Lund, grocers, at 2207 have been doing business Washington avenue, went out of business yesterday, turning all their assets over to their creditors. Willard Scow-cro- ft was chosen by those having claims against the firm to act as trustee and close out the business for the It is said benefit of all concerned. WIN OUT. Hoys Union Suits 50 cents This is an excellent number for the price, extra heavy fleece lined, natural color, union suit, in sizes from 20 to 34. Very special . Uecnuse we know how to do done here will tell you so. There is only one way to have a watch repaired, and that Is thoroughly, by mechanical and practical workmen. If it is done this way you won't be running hack every day or so to have it started again. mr prices are no higher than those of less competent workmen. j. s. lewis a co. WATCH INSPECTORS. I 9 i r 0 UC Little Girls We have about 1500 dolls pink and blue knit undervests, which we are going to give away Friday afternoon to each little girl bringing her dollie. Come and get one. Remember Friday cAftemoon, October 14 th, is the date. W. H. WRIGHT & SONS CO. IH tftatyia j If you do not register this year you cannot vote. The datea on which you can register are Tuesday, October October 12th; Wednesday, 11th; Tuesday, October 18th; Tuesday, November 1st; Wednesday, November 2d. The names of the registry agents of each district and the location of their offices is as follows: First Cora M. Foster, 3369 Washington avenue. State Supreme Court Decided in Their Favor Yesterday. The supreme court yesterday heard arguments in the case of the state of t, Utah against A. P. Hibbs, the charged with practising medThe name UTAHNA Is a familiar one icine without a certificate from the and will shortly become much more state board of medical examiners. In the Salt Lake court Dr. Hibbs was so, as Mr. Charles A, Bass will, In a found guilty and was fined a nominal Second Lillie L Olsen, 180 West few days, have a delightful sum. The case was then appealed to street. the district court and was decided in Thirty-fircigar of that name on the market favor of the defendant It was held by Third Alice Collins 2988 Plngree who heard the that avenue. case, Morse, Judge the defendant does not practise medt Fourth H. H. Holbrook, 2668 Wall cine and surgery and hence should not avenue. be required to take the examination Fifth W. G. Child, 835 Twenty-sixt- h before the state board. In order, to street mRke a test case and settle the stand Sixth John Conllsk, 274 Twenty-thirstreet. Ing of osteopathlsts in this state, the state appealed to the supreme court, Seventh William L. Russell, 185 An opinion has now been handed down Twenty-fourt- h street dismissing the case, holding that the Eighth C. D. Tyree, 162 Twenty-fircourt has no Jurisdiction. street. Ninth James Wadman, 2130 Sherburne avenue. MATRIROinAL MARKET. f R. Tenth Amanda Chase, avenue. Washington Are Hurrying Uo to Enter Connubia Eleventh James Harrop, Bliss. Washington avenue. There has bene a great Impetus in Twelfth Niels Anderson, the matrimonial market during the Washington avenue. past twnety-fou- r hours, no less than Thirteenth Mary E. Oakey, 1586 seven marriage licenses being Issued Washington avenue. by the county clerk. Just what is the 2069 Fourteenth Jaseph Baxter, We are selling meat at reduced prices and only HANDLE THE cause of the impetus is difficult to BEST,Douglas avenue. Try us and bs convinced. Fresh fish and oysters; fresh conjecture, but some Joker has sug' Fifteenth C. W. Hestmark, butter and eggs, always on h and. gested the cold weather. The follow Twenty-secon- d street TWENTY-FIFT834 PHONE 8TREET. Ing are the contracting partlea: Rich Sixteenth Lou S. Fleshner, ard Lee Taylor. 24, and Mias Eldorado Adams avenue. Myrtle Lyon. 22. both of Ogden: ClarSeventeenth Walter Richey, ence Richardson of Plain ICty, 21, and Madison avenue. , Mlaa Louie 22, of the same Hendershot, Eighteenth Eleanor place: Travelli W. Lane, 29. McKees 805 Twenty-fourt- h street port. Pa., and Miss Alice E. Richey, Kfc Nineteenth I.lllle E. Wolhaupter, By Carrier, One Month, 60c. 29. of Ogden: Wililnm Doyle, 20. and 2204 By Mail, One Monti, avenue. Quincy Miss Edith Clarlsae, 20, both of Og' Twentieth Henrietta Keopp, 2368 den: Richard Rogers, 28, of Salt Lake, avenue. Tyler and Mr. Lily Rogers, 28, of South Blanche B. Harris, Twenty-firWeber: Cornelius J. Yander Akker, 25. 811 Twenty-fift- h street. and Miss MIrnen Lindsay, 22. of Og Twenty-secon- d Mary . den. 2686 Barlow avenue. osteo-pathis- high-gra- de st d. st ytafyna (Itatyna LOOK OUT! ZSSEAK - H THE JOURNAL Raw-son- st AT THE HOTELS. Following are the out of town arriv vals at the Broom and Reed hotels: The Broom H. Snow. San Francis co: C. Richardson, Denver; A. A. Ly tie, Chicago: E. Andrews. Hudson, Mich.: C. Badger. Lakeside: George Taysuin. D. Irish. Salt Lake: J. Pet eron. Montello; Carl Anderson, Rock Island. III.: W. Dunning. Idaho Falls: J. A. Davis and wife. Blackfoot W. Oramner. The Reed It. T. Sullivan. San Francisco: C. W. McFerron, Louis vllle: M. D. Comstock. Philadelphia James Charles. Chicago; M. D. Lem merman. Denver; J. B. Harvey. Chi cago; Thomas J. Anderson, rhiladel phla: W. n. Iiuttler, Omaha; F. H Sherwood. Denver; J. Dunn.Bloomlng-to- n. 111.: Charles Kemper. Boston: A, D. Lesser. New York: H E. Field Denver: A. K. Newcomb, Chicago o. H. Chirk. Chicago: M. Keller. St. Louis. a Ra-nb- tl AA Telephones 'PtJU Let Us Repair It that Day.... it, and anyone who has had work ie Prices Satisfactory to All Chapin, C. A. 447 Hlnchcliffe, Adams avenue. Harriet J. Jackson, 8024 Adams avenui. Following are the registry agents in the county: Burch Creek J. Alonzo Stephens. Eden P. R. Shupe. Farr West Charles C. Smith. Harrlsvllle W. H. Cowles. Huntsville No. 1 Jens Nielson. Huntsville No. 2 Diana Smith. Hooper Xo.Jl Dlnntha Munsee. Hooper No. 2 Emma Child. Kanesvllle James H. Fielding. Marriott James D. Allen. Liberty William C. Penrod. North Ogden A. A. Kofoed. Plnin City No. 1 Thomas England. Plain City No. 2 Orson C. RayTwenty-fift- h mond. Pleasant View John E. Maycock. Randall William A. Montgomery. Riverdnle Sanford Bingham. Roy II. C. White. Slatervllle John Cowan. Uintah David Byrne. Warren A. C. Stewart. West Weber No. 1 Richard Green-wel- A GENTLEMAN'S CLEAR BOUQUET." A Hard Proposition MADE EASY By using modern methods and appliances Dr. Johnson lEe Dentist , l. 5c. CIGAR: HAVANA "BABY 'S The show at Utahna Park this week undoubtedly the best bill In the Hty. In fact it is the best ever seen at the popular prices, ns every act is a feature in tself. Admission ten Is cents. If you need any DENTAL WORK it will ba to your y,, work done an call on Dr. Johnson. Nothing but first-clas- s most reasonable prices. Every operation at PAINLE GUARANTEED. and acianca can make it, and rs.ults fully a ii otntf "d The VERY BEST GOLD CROWNS and filling yERY consistent wi fillings at as low a pries as can ba don BEST WORK. Dr. Johnson, ta Absolutely u.uER.E.?7.ITTLE CIGAR FOR So "BABY BOUQUET." i Overcomes the Most. Difficult Cases of Tooth Troubles West Weber No. 2 llyrum Jenkins. Wilson John M. Brown. BUSINESS ths Office for Particulars. WHATS THE CIRCULATION? THAT'S THE VITAL POINT! Ask F. L. street. 2824 for Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company W1 Twenty-thir- d Twenty-fift- h Twenty-fourt- h VMJU RESIDENCES C 7 Cfl'Telephonesfor ....When Your Watch Stops: ( Road. RIGHTS OF REPORTERS The 12, 1904. Increasing Demand Report Has It That Gould Has Gained Control of Transcontinental at her husband's predicament. Theres pepper enough. WHY MAINSPRINGS OCTOBER PACIFIC IMPORTANT MEETING HELD SALT LAKE YESTERDAY. well-kno- .- WEDNESDAY, ELECTS DIRECTORS W. J. Wnuda of Salt Lake visited Ogden last night. j. i. Leary was u from Salt Lake yesterday. ADMIRE SENTENCED TO horse THOMAS AND A HALF YEARS. II. W. Dunn, the TWO dealer of Wheatland. Col., is in town. r. O. I. Chamberlain, a popular knight of the grip. I In town for a Idaho Shsriff Arrests His Predecessor in Office Matters in District few days. Court. Mrs. F.lwood aMtson and Mrs. I. I Reynolds of this elty spent yesterday at the capital. Thomas Admire, found guilty of Prayer meeting at the First Methodist church at 7:30 this evening. Miss grand larceny, was sentenced to two Lois Smith will lead. years and six months in the penitenSheriff Bailey took Janies Wilson to tiary by Judge Rolapp this morning. Salt Lake yesterday to serve a three Admire, together with two other men, years sentence in the state peniten- stole a large quantity of goods from tiary. of Last & Thomas. the premises K. Der F. Wagner. A. Wagner and The case of Marlon Winslow against Lehats constitute a party of German last off in who Ogden tourists Reulren Winslow wns then placed on stopped night. trial. The suit was for the recovery John Meyers, traveling salesman for of a horse and $25 damages for its Scowcrnft & Sons company, leaves tounlawful retention or for $75, the valday for an extended business trip ue of the animal. A Jury was Impanthrough southern Utah. eled and the evidence heard and in G. H. Mitchell. Associated Press op- about ten minutes the Jury returned erator, who has been stationed in Og- a verdict In favor of the plaintiff, toden since January leaves tomorrow gether with costs of suit. Joseph Chex morning for Han Francisco. and Henderson and Macmillan were A siiecial train of the Ranta Fe the respective attorneys for the parsystem passed through Ogden last ties. The arraignment of Mrs. L. G. Mcnight and went west over the Southern Pacific on account of a washout yes- Kinney has been postponed from Satterday. urday until Monday, October 17th. Gus Leinstrom, a native of Sweden, William F. Crltchlow, city Jailer, returned from Salt Lake yesterday, was admitted to citixenship. where he attended conference and the state fair and visited friends ror a WANTED IN IDAHO. week. Peter Steara, sheriff at Blackfoot, Mr. slid Mrs. B. F. Livingston will Ida., arrived In Ogden hist night havfor east. the leave Friday morning ing In custody hls predecessor in ofThey will visit 8t. Louis, Chicago, fice, who Is wanted in the Idaho town Milwaukee, St. Paul and points of In- for emhexxlement. It is alleged that terest in Dakota. while the hitter was In office he emMiss Alice F. Richey of this city bezzled $4,000 and absconded. Stears. and Travelli W. Lane of McKeesport, who was then deputy sheriff, filled out Pa, were today united In the bonds the unexplred term as sheriff and at Rev. J. K. Carver of the fall election was elected sheriff. of matrimony. this city iierformed the ceremony. The former sheriff was arrested in Florida and is now being taken back to stand trial. The sheriff and his prisoner came to town very quietly and registered at the Reed. The priswhite one Theres only oner's wife is understood to be living mill in the world, of In Ogden and is prostrated with grief law. Abuse pain results. JOURNAL, : SENT OVER ROAD the sort that grinds ling's Best. STATE OF 'S Painless Dentist Extracting. |